We flew from Israel to
London where we overnighted. Walking to our favorite restaurant in
Chinatown we
stopped by a new Chinese restaurant that was packed and decided we
should eat
out of our comfort zone. Big mistake. We’ll rectify it on our way back!
Next morning we took a cab to
Southampton to board P&O
Oriana. It is a mid-size ship with 1,880 passengers and 760
crew. Our luggage was immediately whipped away to later
re-appear in our
cabin. We arrived earlier than advised, but received
a disc and told to wait until our
was called. A few minutes later we began the smooth and speedy
procedures of
registering, boarding and receiving all information.
Food is served in The
Conservatory throughout the day and until well past midnight.
Norovirus: we had
never heard of this virus but it seems it is the scourge of sailing
vomiting and diarrhea. To prevent this
we had to wash our hands with Purell an anti-viral and anti-bacterial
gel before entering all areas that serve food. If
going for a second helping, clean plates and cutlery had to be taken
each time.
it didn't prevent us from stuffing ourselves at each sitting!
The cabin was comfortable, much more spacious
than expected with a window onto an aft deck. I loved the pampering of a clean room with
fresh towels twice a day. The crew was most friendly and helpful; the
of the food staff is from Indian, Catholics from Goa who speak
English. The last
sentence causes me to smile. Many
years ago while Eitan was directing a bridge tournament in Jesolo in
Italy I
saw an advert for Shakespeare’s Much Ado about Nothing. With great
I bought a ticket and arrived at the open air theatre. When the play
started I
found out that the company was from India and their original language
was Urdu. The subtitles in Italian didn't help much!
Each day we were instructed on how to dress for dinner – casual on
shore days and black tie when at sea.
There are four large dining areas
and we chose to have dinner at a second seating at 8.30pm. When we
downfor our first dinner the other four people at the table didn’t
greet us. Finding the
most unfriendly we asked to change tables. The second table diners were
more friendly people but they disappeared after two nights to earlier
flexible dining. We could have changed tables not to be alone but we
liked our
waiter Maures too much and found it quite a relief not to have to make
conversation the whole time. We see that it would be nice to make the
with friends.
There are many bars, a
library and a casino. There are also a
variety of live shows, dancing, lectures, gym, Pilates, yoga, a beauty
cinema and shops. Theoretically one can board a ship and not spend
penny as all food and entertainment is provided. When the boat docks,
shuttles are provided into town and one can go ashore
wander around the towns where we stop.
The ship, however, does its best to squeeze as much money as
possible from
passengers, in the nicest way. Besides
our designated dining area there are two other restaurants which have a
charge and they are well worthwhile. There are specials if you buy a
package, bottled water or a coffee package. The duty free shops are
advertising some special when at sea. The gym is free but Pilates and
cost, and of course there is a special on that too. My best special was
the daily
cocktail. Sitting in the Tiffany lounge under a huge art deco ceiling
reminiscent of the Titanic was so civilized and adult.
On our first day at
sea I joined a Pilates class. At 2.00pm we played bridge. That evening
it was a
black tie event with drinks preceding the meal while after dinner we
choose to
see a movie Hidden Figures. We came to relax but were busy all the
first stop was
Belfast. We took a taxi to the Titanic
Exhibition. Well worth the visit. It began with a fascinating overview
of the
wealth of Belfast in the early 20th century, based on hemp,
Tweed, ropes, whisky, machinery and ship building. It was in Belfast
where the
Titanic, the largest ship built up to then was built. It was designed
as a ship that could not sink, but human
error and misjudgment overcame
that, causing the
ship to crash into a huge iceberg at full speed. The tragedy,
hugely shaped by the last Titanic movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate
grips our imagination even today.
Then off to Callanish, standing stones laid out in a cross with an ancient burial site in the middle. The stones, aligned with the moon and stars, are thought to have helped Neolithic farmers gauge the seasons. They date back 5000 years. We went mainly as a tribute to our two grandsons, Maayan and Itamar who insisted we visit Stonehenge when we took them to London last year.
The houses
look very
flimsy and we were told they had to be of concrete with light roofs
because of
the many earthquakes they suffer. Geothermal
vents heat their houses and water system. Cold water is free.
We stopped by a
large lake, quite beautiful with its reflection of hills in the still
waters where trout have been introduced. Then
on to
geothermal park Seltun with bubbling mud and sulphurous smells.
Then a long drive to the Viking museum. The
Viking landed in Iceland and later proceeded to northern America some
500 years
before Columbus discovered it for Europe.
lunch and a rest we took a shuttle into town. Harpa, the huge theatre
and music
venue is a striking and unusual building. It is made up of glass
hexagonals –
excellent lighting for winter when they get only about 4 hours of light
a day while
the vacuum inside the glass hexagons provides excellent insulation.
walked into town and had coffee but it
started to rain so we returned by shuttle to the ship. I
returned to town to see a stunning sculpture
Sun Voyager and walked back to
the ship passing the house where Gorbachev and Reagan met in 1986
the end of the Cold War. Hmmm with rhetoric between America and N
heating up it may need to be used again. A nice hour-long walk brought
me back
to the ship.
Sailing through the night we arrived at
Isafjordur and
needed a tender to go ashore.
Our first stop on the tour was at
where we were treated to a glass of sparkling water straight from the
stream. Blueberries are
coming into season and I picked them growing on low bushes by the
stream. They
were still small, but tasty.
We were concerned how people reacted to a period with no sun.
Iceland in winter gets about 4 hours of light a day but the sun never
rises above the horizon. Our guide said she takes massive doses of
vitamin C and D and has special lamps so that she wakes up to sunlight
and goes to sleep with the 'sun' setting. When the sun does rise above
the horizon they have a huge pancake festival
Our next stop was at
the Maritime Museum in one of Iceland’s oldest houses.
Our excellent
invited us to taste some of Iceland’s specialty foods – biltong-like
dried cod
(tasty) and small cubes of fermented shark (an acquired taste if you
are an Icelander). The latter was a surprise but it
seems that
these icy waters are home to the blind, deep water Greenland shark. The
sharks used
to be
caught and gutted, keeping only the liver for oil, but today they
ferment the
meat and eat it as a traditional food. It still tasted of ammonia. Of interest in the museum were the Cod Wars
1952-1976. The rich fishing grounds around Iceland’s seas were
depleted by countries, particularly Britain, coming to harvest the
especially cod. The wars started when Iceland placed a 4-mile fishing
foreign ships. Reaction was swift and Britain banned the import of
fish. Gradually Iceland extended its fishing jurisdiction to 12, 50 and
200 nautical miles. British navy and tugboats and even aircraft were
brought to
enforce British fishing in these rich waters until Iceland devised a
cutter, severing the trawlers' catches. Eventually an agreement was
reached in 1976 whereby British
could fish within the 200-mile limit. Six months later the British
peacefully pulled out of Iceland’s fishing grounds.
Today most countries have a 200-mile fishing
limit for foreign ships.
At Osvor
by the sea
we visited
a recreated fishing station from the 1800's. Many houses in Iceland
have grass
growing on their roofs to help insulate the houses. A fisherman was
dressed in
traditional oilskins – sheep’s skins soaked in fish oil, so slippery
that they
had to have a rope tied around their waists in case they slipped
overboard. They had unusual gloves, no
division for fingers but with two thumbs knitted on either side of the
hand so
that when the one side was worn out because of rowing and hauling in
fishing lines they could just turn the glove around and use the other
In the beginning the fish were
cleaned and filleted and placed in airy wooden structures where they
would dry (stock fish).
Later they found that if they salted the fish it would dry quicker.
Osvor had a
hut for tools, another for sleeping and salting the fish and another
Cod here is eaten fresh but salted and exported as bacahlau to
Portugal, South America and the Caribbean. The dried heads are exported
Nigeria, but no-one could tell us what they do with them there.
That night the ship
had to change course to come around and enter a new fjord, so for 1 ½
hours we
were sailing within the Arctic Circle. The sway of the boat was
different and
all the passengers leaving the night’s entertainment looked as if they
drunk as they tottered along the corridors. It was hard to go to sleep
and we
thought how lucky we were that up until then the sea was very calm. You
know it
is rough when paper packets are strategically placed throughout the
ship for seasick passangers.
Out final stop in
Iceland was at Akureyri.
Jafet Olafsson, a fellow member of the European Bridge Executive
met us
at the port and showed us around for the day. Although he and Hildur
live in Reykjavik
they have a summer home in Husavik about 80 kilometres from Akureyri.
figured that he had travelled some 400 kilometres that day showing us
The river and falls
are not fed by springs but rather by melting snow.
Our next stop was at
Namafjall Hverir, a geothermal area similar to what we saw at Stornoway
with numerous fumaroles billowing smoke.
The Blue Lagoon is a favorite excursion from
but we saw a smaller one and were surprised that the water is really
blue and the small waves formed by the windy weather were blue.
Near Jafet’s summer
home in Husavik we visited an old farmhouse which obviously belonged to
farmers and was very big, if cold
talking it occurred to me that Jafet
actually had
Viking blood flowing through his veins.
lunch he showed
us the fishing lodge that the family owns and took us to the river
catch and release salmon from the banks of the river as it is too deep
swift to stand in it. Jafet then drove us
80 kilometres back to the dock.
Always on the
for unusual products, back at the port I bought shark face cream, with
liver oil. Well sharks have been around for millions of years and I’ve
seen a wrinkled shark so I thought I would try it. There
was also a delightful family
of fluffy polar bears. The last live polar bear to be seen in the
area was in 1960 and unfortunately it was
Icebergs don’t reach Iceland any more; the glaciers are receding and
snow is now
intermittent in winter.
a day at sea we arrived
at Klaksvik, one of the Faroe Islands.The Islands have their own
land, flag, currency, and parliament but belong to Denmark, which
its foreign policy. However, in sports, Faroe has its own national
Eitan chose to go
independently ashore and take pictures, I took a shore excursion to
Cliffs. There are 18 Faroe Islands and only one is
uninhabited. The
population is just over 50,000 people with many more sheep. The
wealth of
the islands is pelagic fishing for herring and mackerel and very
salmon farming. Because of the sea temperature and currents and I
suspect lack
of overcrowding there is not a problem with parasites like sea lice as
Norway. To get to the nearby island of Streymoy where we were to catch
our boat
ride we drove through a 5-kilometre tunnel that goes under the
sea! The
islands here were also formed out of volcanic or basalt rock but they
are much
older than those formed in Iceland. The result is that there is much
weathering; the rock has broken down into a rich soil and there are
bushes and some flowers, but no trees.
a 1 ½ hour drive we boarded
the boat, which thankfully had a very nice toilet. It was freezing cold
afraid of being sea sick; I chose to sit up on deck. We reached the
cliffs which rise almost vertically from the sea.
there is a slope covered with grass there are sheep grazing. It is
to learn that the sheep don’t slip down the steep slope and fall into
water. They remain outside all winter (except those that are rounded up
by dogs
for slaughter) and can find shelter in special refuges built for them.
we reached the bird cliffs we
had to put on hard hats in case of falling rocks. The 600 meter
high cliffs are very weathered and form beautiful
columns and grottoes covered with bird guano.
small grass covered ledges are the Atlantic Puffins’ nesting grounds.
We learnt
to identify puffins by the rapid beat of their short wings. This
enables them
to swim underwater as well. They looked much smaller than the cute
puffin toys that are sold in souvenir shops.
also saw razorbills,
fulmars and guillemots that come here to breed and feed on the
waters and
passed salmon
nets in
the sea and liked the way the salmon were jumping in the water. It
was an exhilarating trip and well worth the long drive there
evening I enjoyed a private
Pilate’s class as none of the other people turned up. While
enjoying our
delicious dinner we watched as waiter after waiter came out of the
doors of the kitchen carrying trays laden with dishes. I wanted
to see
their kitchen and was delighted when told
that there was a select tour of the kitchen going to take place and it
was possible to join. I registered
weather had been cold and even
raining most of the day, but just before we left Klaksvik the sun came
out and
there was
a great band playing by the swimming pool with people all around on the
decks. It was coffee (Eitan), cocktail (me) and dance time and was
great fun.
following morning we arrived at
Kirkwall in the Orkney Isles, part of Scotland. It is an archipelago
made up of
70 islands; they are formed from sandstone when the land was under the
millions of years ago. Farming, mainly cattle farming of Angus beef is
main source of income. In the morning we caught the shuttle into town
walked around. The most striking difference was that the buildings were
more massive and made from stone and had a dull colour, unlike the
houses on
the previous islands we visited where they were brightly painted. You
know that you are in
when you hear this on arriving in town -
were some fine shops displaying woolen clothes and attractive jewelry
tearooms. We found a tearoom that served scones (delicious) and
also had
Wi-Fi so we could catch up on family events by downloading pictures
sent to us on WhatsApp. From another bakery I bought a date and ginger
for my tea and it proved to be as delicious as it looked!
returned to the ship for an early
lunch and then disembarked to join our afternoon tour Orkney’s
Wonders. What can I say? The tour fulfilled its promise and we were
by the stories of our most eloquent guide, Chris. Our first stop was at
Ring of Brodgar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It
consisted of a ring of 63 tall standing stones surrounded by a henge
dating back to 2800-2500 BCE. Today only 27 stones remain. The stones
are in four
groupings, each group formed by stones from a different area. Since
there are
no trees it remains a mystery as to how Neolithic man transported these
over water and up to the site. The implements used to cut the trench
out of the
rock were from flint (imported) and antler bones. There are no burials
the ring, but there are burial mounds nearby. In common with the many
stone circles archaeologists are not sure of the significance of the
The way the suns’ rays hit far mountains may signal the solstices.
Since the
stones come from different sites it suggests a great deal of
cooperation. It is
thought to be a ritual and religious site. We walked around quite
enchanted by
the place.
we walked over to
Skaill House, an impressive stone mansion first built over 500 years
ago by the
Bishop of the area. The dining room was set with a beautiful
dinner service that Queen Mary had dined upon when visiting. But more
impressive was
the simpler and more colorful crockery in the display case. It seems
that after
Captain Cook was murdered in Hawaii in 1779 his crew was not paid for
months. When they arrived at the Orkney Islands the crew sold off the
to recuperate loss of wages.
we returned to the ship, on the
aft deck there was a British festival with Pimm’s No. 1 being served
little British flags and lots of English songs including Rule Britannia
and God
Save the Queen.The overwhelming majority of passengers were from
Britain and the entertainement crew expressed British pride and
and lots
of fun.
made our way to Trinity College to see the
exhibition of The Book of Kells. We had never heard of it although it
advertised as the world’s most famous medieval manuscript. It is a 1200
old book of the Gospels written in Latin on vellum (treated calfskin).
beautiful writing is interspaced with richly decorated and breathtaking
Earlier books are also on display including a small pocket Gospel.
While the
large books were placed in a cathedral for display, the pocket Gospels
unique to this period and are portable.
also visited Trinity’s Library the Long Room. It is a
copyright library meaning that all books printed in Ireland are housed
there as
well as some 200,000 ancient books in a single hall. The two-storied
stunning It also houses an ancient harp, the Brian Boru harp,
believed to
have belonged to the King of Ireland. It dates back to about the 14th
century and is a model for the coat of arms of Ireland.
we walked through the beautiful grounds an
enormous, a truly enormous tree caught our attention. A friend of Paul
Maureen, who is a tour guide, was passing and explained that it is a
maple tree from Canada.
this time we needed to refresh ourselves with
tea and scones at a fashionable café.
then made our way to the National Museum of
Ireland to see Bog Men. These are Iron Age bodies that have been
preserved or rather pickled in bogs. Bogs lack oxygen and are acidic
means the body parts have not decomposed and they are naturally
mummified. In
addition, the peat stains the skin brown.
bog bodies on display have skin that looks
like leather. It is believed that they were ritually sacrificed to
place their
bodies at the tribal boundaries of the kingdoms. The latest
suggest that these bodies were sacrificed at the start of the reign of
a new
king as a symbol of his authority. Bog bodies have been found in peat
throughout Northern Europe.
interesting displays at the museum were of
Bronze Age gold ornaments and a raft, carved out of an exceptionally
were delighted to take a picture by the statue of Molly Malone. We both
know the 19th century song (which is Dublin's unofficial anthem) about
the fishmonger Sweet Molly Malone in Dublin Fair City who wheeled her wheel-barrow, Through streets
broad and narrow, Crying, "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh!".
Although she is a
fictional character 13 June is proclaimed as Molly Malone Day. In churches I’ve seen bronze statues of
saints whose hands or feet shine brightly because of the thousands of
people who
touch them. Note where Molly shines!
After a delicious lunch we drove to the Malahide Castle, but it was late and although we could walk around the lovely gardens we couldn’t enter the castle itself. Paul and Maureen drove us back to the ship, happy and tired after an exceptional day with good friends.
our last day at sea I signed up for a tour of
the kitchen. We knew that the galley had to be amazingly efficient to
get out
so many meals quickly and prepared to order. If you ordered your meat
medium-rare that’s
how it arrived.
The tour started with champagne and canapes. The huge
is situated between the two main dining rooms with elevators going up
to the
other dining rooms and restaurants. The numbers are impressive. Every
day the
kitchen staff prepares 7,000 meals for passengers and crew. All food is
aboard at Southampton and has to be ordered at least two and a half
months in
advance. This includes tons (literally) of meat, fish and game and
fruit and
vegetables. The wine cellar stocks some 60,000 bottles of wine and
The numbers are mind numbing.