Berenice Engleberg is 90!
Caryn Klaff and Katrina community work
Chloe Lauren MacMillan, born October 22, 2005
Cale Klaff's 1st birthday, October 21, 2005
October 2005 Visit to the Klaffs in USA
Denise Braverman climbs Mount Kachkar
Doreen's visit to Viv and Frankie Klaff
Welcome to this world, Sarah Alexis Glogauer, Aug
17, 2005
Danielle Glasser's 13th birthday
Jackie Kahn 1930 - 2005
Idit Heiman and Aviram Mizrahi - July 2005
European Open Bridge Championships, Tenerife,
Canary Islands, June/July 2005
Melanie Klotnick and Jonathan Sklar 's wedding
launching of the Antares May 2005
Independence Day 2005 in Eilat
The family artists
Hans and Lotti Reijzer's visit to Israel.
David Fridman 1933-2005
Lauren Matz and Saul Berkowitz
Purim 2005
Happy Birthday, Morris
Welome to this world, Yali Aryeh Klotnick 22/2/2005
At Bet Yannai beach
Maurizio's fritelle di riso di Carnevale
Congratulations to the Leibowitz family on the
of Daniel to Donna
Mark and Sue Glasser in Australia
Gardening in Hofit
Yona is back, safe and sound.
December 2005: Celebrating
Berenice Engleberg's 90th birthday in Colorado. (see also This Week's Picture archives)
With all the family, and with grandchildren Rebecca, Rachel, Leah and

2005 - Caryn Klaff from
New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

We had some fascinating emails from Caryn Klaff
describing her impressions of her work in New Orleans as a Community
Involvement Coordinator following the devastating hurricane, Katrina.
(Caryn works for the Environmental Protection Agency in
Washington.DC.). Here are some random extracts from her emails:
".... The pre-storm population of New Orleans neared
500,000. The current population is nearer to 50,000. About
70% of
the city is not habitable. What this means is that businesses are
open. Some are closed due to damage, some because they can’t find
to staff them.
pulled off of the main road into a neighborhood, only to find our way
on several side streets by homes relocated by the storm to the middle
of the
street. We saw one woman outside her house cleaning. She
smiled and
waved to us, but showed no interest in idle chatter with
strangers. I
just can’t imagine standing there among such total devastation, trying
to make
sense of what used to be my home. I suppose it might be her way
<>.....The condition of the city is indescribable. There
are homes that have simply lost their roofs, and there are homes where
all that
is left is the roof. The waterline is left on the trees, the
and anything else that is tall enough to have been partially
We spent most of the day in some pretty run down areas that now hardly
habitable. I
don’t mean to belabor the point, but we saw homes perched upon
vehicles, homes
with only roofs showing, empty lots with only a trace of a once
foundation. Utter chaos.
......All of the homes are marked with spray paint. .... with an X with
different symbols in each of the triangles created by the
crossbars. I
found out later that left marking meant the number of dead found in the
I'm glad I didn't know that at the time.
....... It
is a very strange existence I am living. It is a world in which
of clear hand sanitizer sit on everyone's desk like staplers. The
reality of it
all hit me when I took my boots at about 13 hours of my work day when I
returned from the field and was wandering around my desk space in my
Someone said to me, uh, do you realize that this place was recently
under a
foot of water? It hit home. Nothing is clean. I
looked at the
tiny cut on my finger that I nicked yesterday cutting an apple and
about the two people in the hospital with staph infections and
proceeded over
to the medical trailer, where they wrapped me up. Every time I
touch my
face or scratch my eye, I wonder what I'm further exposing myself to."

Chloe Lauren
MacMillan, born October 22, 2005

Congratulations to Jen and Paul MacMillan on the birth of daughter
Chloe Lauren, in Cambridge, Massachusets on October 22. Congratulations
also to grandparents Cindy and Ken Berman on the birth of their first
Cindy is the "original" keeper of the family tree, and much of my
comes from her; so adding a generation to Cindy's section of the
Hershovitz/Levy tree was extra special..
More pictures of Chloe in Jen and Paul's photo album here.
Cale Klaff's 1st birthday, October 21, 2005

Click HERE for more pictues of Cale.
October 2005 Visit to the Klaffs in USA
I spent the week of 15-22 October visiting Viv and Frankie Klaff
in Maryland, USA. Viv had just finished his first round of chemo- and
and was about to start a new round of chemotherapy..
Also visiting the Klaffs was another ex-Durbanite and ex-Habonimite,
Dave Rothschild, seen here with Viv, Frankie and me at an Indian
I haven't seen Dave for about 40 years and it was good meeting again
recalling past experiences. He is now a professional photographer and
he'll send some of his pictures for this page!

I also spent a few hours with good friends Steve and Nina Schafer at
beautiful house in Kennett Square, and we caught up on the latest on
respective families. Next time in Israel, Nina!
August 2005: Denise Braverman spent 10 days hiking
the challenging Kachkar trek in Turkey, where she climbed to the summit
of Mount Kackar. Well done, Denise!
August 2005: Doreen's visit to Viv and
Klaff, in Maryland, USA. Here she is with Viv and Frankie, and with
and Alex and Tali and Cale.
Welcome to this world, Sarah Alexis Glogauer, Aug
17, 2005

Sarah Glogauer, age 2 hours
Mazeltov to Shaun and Melissa Glogauer on the birth of Sarah Alexis
on August 17. Congratulations to brothers Jakob and Gabriel, and to
Isaac and Eileen (nee Nickel) on their first granddaughter. See the Nochimovicz/Nickel
family tree .
Dani Glasser's 13th birthday.
Glasser with brother Mikie and Dad Mark
Jackie Kahn 1930 - 2005
Jackie Kahn passed away on August 1. Our relationship with the Kahn
is a close and warm one. We are friends and neighbors, we have gone on
trips with them (China, Galapagos), babysat for them and been babysat
them, we have worked for them and with them, been entertained by them,
enjoyed their yacht - in short, we are almost family. The close
crosses generation levels. Jackie's passing has affected us all, and
left a void that will not be easy to fill.
The marriage of Idit Heiman and Aviram Mizrahi 11
July 2005

June - July 2005 European Open Bridge
Tenerife, Canary Islands

The view from the balcony of my hotel; and monitoring a hand played
by World Champion Jeff Meckstoth (red shirt) against the Popilovs from
Israel, in the mixed pairs competition.
I'm a certified international bridge judge (or tournament director,
TD, as it's called in bridge.) and have judged at a number of
championships. (see
TDs: me, Pierre Collaros, Maurizio di Sacco, Rui Marques
This year the European Open Championships were at Tenerife in the
Islands. Hotel and playing conditions were excellent and the tournament
was a great success. The Israelis didn't do as well as was hoped, but
did come away with three bronze medals.
The hot subject at the Championships were the allegations against the
pair Lanzarotti/Buratti, who were disqualified from the teams
Read the NY
Times report about the incident.
June 16, 2005: Melanie Klotnick and Jonathan
Congratulations to the Klotnicks on Melanie's marriage to Jonathan
Sklar, in Johannesburg, South Africa.

4 generations were at the wedding -
Parents and
Great grandmother:

Mark, Melanie and
Beryl and Joel with Raphael, Aharon and
...... and sisters-in-law - Sarina, Melanie and Talya

May 2005: Independence Day in Eilat

Together with the rest of Eilat and half of Israel, we spent the
at the beach. Our advantage was that we were with Andrew and Orly
and family. Andrew's dingy was much appreciated, as was the young
old skipper, Ben.
We forwent the traditional "mangal" (barbecue) in favour of a delicious
meal prepared by Rael Braverman.
May 2005: The family artists
drawing of granny Doreen
drawing of Denise de niece (with titties!)
drawing of a... of a.... of a....., well a drawing.
April 2005: Hans and Lotti Reijzer's visit
We have been close friends with Hans and Lotti for 40 years, ever since
we learnt Hebrew together on Ulpan Ben Yehuda in 1965. We both settled
in Netanya after Ulpan (Hans and I were busy playing bridge when Vered
was busy being born) and even though Hans and Lotti returned to Holland
we have maintained our close relationship and have visited each other
Holland and Israel fairly regularly over the years. Our children also
friends and see each other from time to time. So we are delighted that
they are with now for the Passover week.
April 5, 2005
Today David Fridman, passed away. David was the recognized
on Red Sea fish (and even had a fish
named after him, the beautiful purple Pseudochromis
fridmani).. He was my friend and colleague for over 30 years. For
years we shared the same office at Coral World Eilat when I was manager
and he was curator. He played an important role in my life and will be
sorely missed. Doreen and I flew to Eilat for the funeral, and shared
memories with the hundreds of friends who came to pay their last
Our sympathy goes out to Ariella, sons Ariel, Rafi and Gabi, and all
Fridman clan.
Thanks to Howard Rosenstein for the picture. He has established a site
in David's memory, with pictures and recollections and tributes.
March 2005: Lauren Matz and Saul Berkowitz

MazalTov to Lauren Matz and Saul Berkowitz on their marriage on March
2005 in Hout Bay, Cape, South Africa. May your lives be full of
and health.
Congratulations too to parents Leon and Jennifer Matz, and brother
Gavin Matz.
March 2005: Purim celebrations

March 5, 2005
Good friends Morris and Jackie Kahn celebrated Morris's birthday with
and friends at their home in Bet Yannai.It was a lovely event,
catered, and it was wonderful seeing so many old friends again.
February 22, 2005: Welome to this world, Yali Aryeh

Welcome, Yali Aryeh Klotnick, born February 22 in Israel. Mazal tov
to new parents, Mark and Sarina, and to the Klotnick family: Great
Milly, Grandparents Joel and Beryl, brother and sister-in-law Ian and
and sister Melanie. Mazal tov also to grandmother Irene Lapidot.
February 19, 2005. At Bet Yannai beach

l-r: Shachar, Oron, Doreen, Vered, Moshe, Orit, Danielle, Aviv, Lior
A khamsin (hot, dry desert wind) changed Friday and
from cold, rainy winter days into temporary lovely summer ones. Vered,
Aviv and family took the opportunity (together with hordes of others)
going to the beach, and had a seaside lunch there with Aviv's sister,
and family.
February 2005
The 39th International Bridge Festival is taking place in Tel Aviv.
The chief director of the festival is Maurizio di Sacco, chief
director of Italy, a colleague, friend, and Malmo
cycling companion. Maurizio and some local directors came over for
dinner on Friday night, and in addition to Doreen's delicious
Maurizio prepared traditional fritelle di riso di Carnevale for
January 22, 2005. Congratulations to the Leibowitz
family on the marriage of Daniel to Donna

The Leibowitzes: from left to right
Winnie Levy, Natalie, Sharon, Daniel and Donna, Joe, Joshua and Tash
see also Winnie's Week.
Mark and Sue Glasser in Australia

We are happy that Mark and Sue Glasser always keep us up to date on
what is happening with them. Son Mikey (10) won the bronze medal at the
Taekwondo national championships, and also plays basketball for Maccabi
and this year (for the third year in a row) won the award for the most
valuable player for his team. Daughter Dani (12) was the Head
at her Primary school. She also plays netball for Maccabi and she won
award for the most valuable player for her team. We're proud of you,
January 2005 - Gardening in Hofit

We both thoroughly enjoy our little vegetable garden. In winter we
grow lettuces - about 7 different varieties - under plastic. They are
we don't use any pesticides and use compost we have made ourselves. We
have a big container that collects rain water from the roof (see this
picture in This Week's Picture archives), and in the periods
the rains we use this water.
January 2005 - Welome back, Yona, safe and sound.
Happy to be back. By showing courage and determination Yona was one of
the handful of survivors of the death train in the Sri Lanka tsunami
You can read the moving story of her survival here.
See also This Week's Pictures archives.