To Rael, our beloved son and brother,
excited we
were for you just over two months ago when you were suddenly called in
for a
double transplant – we had just about given up hope of it ever
happening. How
thrilled we all were for you at the thought of the new way of life
awaiting you
once you recovered – a life without diabetes and its awful side
effects. And
you did seem to be recovering amazingly quickly– you were even allowed
to come
home after about 10 days. But from then on, one by one, things just
seemed to
go wrong. Funnily enough the transplants were fine, but it was your
poor state of health that was causing all the problems. Every few days
it was
something else – they pricked you, they poked you, they operated on
you, and
there were days that you begged us just to let you go – you said you
couldn't take it anymore. Even when you couldn’t speak, your pleading
eyes said
it for you. Every time they had to operate the doctors always gave you
hope of pulling through, and each time you amazed them by coming
through. Even
on the day you died, the head of the department told us that your
situation was
critical, but he also said that each time you have managed to recover,
perhaps this time would be the same – but it wasn't to be, and your
battered body just couldn't take it any longer and everything
collapsed. You
looked so peaceful when they turned the last switch off, as if you were
and so our darling Rael, at least now you are being allowed to rest in
peace. We all love you
so much.
Rest in peace our darling Rael.
It is
to think of Rael as no longer.
Rael always crazy about fishing. Rael on a camping trip with us to the Kinneret, when a huge storm broke out with waves lashing the shore and rain flooding our bungalows. In the first light of morning we bundled up the sleeping children into the car and wondered where we should go – Rael insistent that we go fishing.
the last
period when he lived in Eilat with Aviv and Limor,
He always dreamt that he would regain his health sufficiently to return to Eilat, where he was happiest.
Rael with his friend Yoni going on a 3 week grand tour of
Rael, such a
gentle soul, served in Shaked in the army, and was in
And then he took ill. He thought he could successfully breeze through it, like all the other hardships he had overcome. But this one was for real, to stay. As his illness grew progressively more acute, he became more limited in what he could do. But he always had that sad smile on his face, was always happy to be surrounded by family.
But none of this can explain how much we all loved Rael. He was son to Louise and Melly, sister to Denise and Yahel, but he was very much part of our family, part of our experiences and memories. No longer the boisterous little boy of our earliest memories, his quietness, often masking pain and weakness, had a tremendous strength.Rael
is no longer
physically with us, but his presence, our many memories of him and our
love for
him will continue always.
We are all gathered here to say goodbye to Rael again. I know he wouldn't have wanted us to be sad, so I would like this to be a time of good memories.
Rael, on the Sunday afternoon that he was born. It was as
though he didn't want to be born – perhaps knowing what awaited him.
Twice I
went into the hospital and twice they sent me home. On the 3rd try,
granny, in
her best sergeant major voice said: they are not letting her go home
till this
baby is born – and born he was. Not a good looking baby – looking
like Winston Churchill, and giving no sign of the good looking boy and
man he
was to grow into.
Rael growing up in
Coming on aliya – Getting dressed for the long plane trip, Rael insisting on wearing his suit (why he had a suit I cannot imagine) and long white socks, which he kept pulling up over his trousers up to his knees.
Coming to
Rael going fishing with Grandpa in Eilat – was this the beginning of his lifelong love of fishing and Eilat.
Rael's happy days spent at the farm with Yaffa's family. Going to sleep at night with his clothes on top of his pyjamas, so that he wouldn't waste time getting dressed in the morning when he went with Avraham to collect the eggs.
Rael on a sleep out in a friend's back yard – getting the parents to call us in the middle of the night. He was scared – he heard wolves howling. How we laughed – yet only a few years ago I heard that at that time there were in fact hyenas roaming around.
Rael preparing for the army – running around the back
diving over boxes – preparation for being accepted into a fighting
unit. How
handsome he looked on his first day home in his uniform.
After the army, despite his dyslexia, working his
way up in
Burger Ranch and Burger King, ending up working and living in
Rael, after the Burger King collapsed, without any formal training and just using his knowledge and skills learned at work, advising people on restaurant and kitchen renovations.
Rael's love of cooking. Loving to barbeque and try out new dishes learned from the cooking channel . Even towards the end when he was so weak, I would come home at lunch time to find him in the kitchen and his first words were – mom, are you hungry, I've just made this or that..
Rael's love of Eilat: I believe that throughout his last months it was the thought of eventually being able to go back and live there that kept him going. This was his dream – but a dream that was not to be.
Rael, wherever you are now, this is how I want to think of you – in an Eilat heaven, sitting peacefully by the water with your fishing rod, just enjoying the tranquility of your surroundings and all the bad times long gone. We all love and miss you.
Rael was a part of my life since I remember myself. Being 2 years younger than Rael, he was just always there. We usually met on weekends and vacations, and our joint childhood memories are filled with sunshine and happiness. Growing up, Rael and I were very close and I saw in him the older brother that I think many girls would like to have… Handsome, outgoing, fun and a true charmer, I could talk to him about everything, and we followed each other's lives with long detailed stories. Rael had a kind heart and I loved being with him. When I was a teenager, working as a babysitter to earn money and would come to Tel Aviv from Eilat with my girlfriends, he would come visit, always charm my friends, and was also always very generous with money, giving me extra cash to spend on my vacation in the big city.
And then during my military service, Rael and Louis, working together at Burger Ranch, were an inseparable part of my life, hanging out together, going out and mainly just having fun. Rael had a Doberman dog which I was scared of. I remember one time on the beach when I became so scared I climbed on top of the kids' playground, and stayed on the top for what seemed like forever, begging a laughing Rael to take his dog. Or the first time I cooked dinner for Rael and Louis, working on it for days, and I thought it came out great, yet noticed they ate very little; under pressure they admitted they were so sure it would be a disaster that they had dinner at Burger Ranch before coming to me for dinner…
the years our relationship continued to evolve into a beautiful and
friendship. When Rael was in LA, when we
were living in the
I miss you Rael!
Rael, today is one
year, almost to the hour, since you passed away, and even
now I still can't
conceive of you as being dead. It's still as if you are just away
even though I saw you lying there when they turned off your life
support system
– you just looked so peaceful as if you were fast asleep.
Yet so many things remind me of you – coming
home and seeing your empty room, passing the coffee shop where you
liked to
stop for coffee in the mornings when I took you to the hospital,
passing your
hairdresser on our corner, seeing the young girl who came to the flat
to shave
you and give you a haircut the day before you went back to the
hospital, never
to come home again, always wanting to share with you funny stories that
having no one to open all those impossible child-proof bottles.
Whenever one reads
obituaries in the paper about young people who died, they always seem
glorify them – how wonderful, clever, successful and well loved by
they were. Unfortunately you led a troubled life – even as a young boy
seemed to walk a narrow line and we were never sure if, as an adult,
you would
overstep that line. You told me at your barmitzvah that you saw
yourself with a
double handicap– you were both dyslexic and had parents who were
divorced. Yet
despite everything, you had some inner strength, later
rose to top managerial positions and,
without any formal training, found that you had a talent for designing
restaurants and kitchens. I believe that until you got sick you enjoyed
despite all your problems. We cannot deny the pain, hurt and
that you caused lots of us, friends and family, and yet, despite
everything, we
all couldn't but help love you so much. Despite all your faults, you
were a
kind and caring person, always ready to go out of your way to help
anyone if
you could. They say that God takes and God gives. He took you away, but
he gave
Daddy, Denise and I this wonderful grandchild, Rafael, born to Yahel
and Donny.
How you have loved this amazing child. It was just comforting for all
of us to
know that at least you knew about the pregnancy when you were in
hospital. However,
your death was very difficult for Yahel because she was never able to
visit you
in the intensive care department because of her pregnancy. We at least
closure – seeing you at the end, but Yahel didn't, and wasn't able to
I know that your
last years were not pleasant ones for you – not having control over
your own
body, having to depend on me for so many things. And yet, you never
anything for granted – if you needed anything extra it was always "mom,
you have the strength to do this….. or that". Your last days in the
hospital were very difficult and you went through so much, and so many
you pleaded with us to just let you go. But then, sadly enough, just a
few days
before you died, you managed to whisper to me that now you wanted to
because of the family. I like to believe that the presence of all the
and friends around you during those last days gave you some sort of
extra strength
that somehow revived your will to live – but by then it was too late.
Denise and I went back to the hospital to thank the staff, Igor told me
one seldom sees such a wonderful support system as you had. Although
they face
death constantly, everyone at the department, from the cleaners to the
were so sad when you died. Now all your family and friends are gathered
here to
be with you. You are always in our minds, Rael, and we all love you
I've been thinking of the pain Louise feels, and a sentence from a book I recently read came to mind: (from The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society)
So here's wishing to small moments of happiness in all our lives!
On Rael's 15th yahrzeit:
Rael lived with us for about two years. So symbolic that today
Valentine's Day (Tu B'av) the date of his death is marked.
May his memory be blessed."