Segolis in Israel
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Segolis in Israel
2015 - Jan-Feb ;Mar-Apr ;May-June ;Iceland ;Jul-Aug ;Sep-Oct
2016 - Jan-Feb ; Mar-Apr ; Jul-Galapagos ; Aug ; 2017 - Aug Dolomites ;
2018 - Aug Madagascar - part 1 ; part 2 ; Italy Apr ; Aug Mongolia
In August we-Moran and Michal- went for a week to Iceland. It started with a firm decision not to travel abroad this year (saving money for a trip to Madagascar). Then we went into slight panic when August approached and we did not have clear plans. Finally, we made a quick decision during a drive that perhaps we could go somewhere after all, and how about going on a trek, and a search in the phone for best hikes in Europe. We booked the flight the next day to ensure we did not get a chance to change our minds
Our destination was a four days trail starting from Landmannalaugar (impossible to pronounce- same as all other Icelandic names). Looking briefly on pics in the internet we had already realized that the scenery is nothing like anything we've seen before. It is all volcanic with dramatic contrasts between the black and red rocks, the green/yellowish vegetation and the white glaciers
The trail is open for a month and a half every year because during the rest of the year weather is too bad. From the first day we realized that even in mid-season the weather could be impossible. It was raining during the bus ride from the airport to the city of Reykjavik and hailing during the bus drive to the beginning of the trail
The largest church in Iceland |
We went on a short (but beautiful) hike in the stormy weather
Thereafter we warmed up for a few hours at the hot springs near the hut- a perfect activity (except for the part of running between the hut and the springs)
Our old equipment did not stand the harsh conditions and we had to buy two water proof raincoats at the small hut store. Not the cheapest buy!
We spent the next day at the hot spring hoping for the weather to improve but by noon it was clear that the trail that goes up to a high saddle will not be opened soon. Instead we took a bus to the next hut around the mountain.
From there, everything went smoothly. We hiked for few days from hut to hut enjoying the outstanding scenery and the summer flowering
We crossed plains
walked on cliff edges
crossed rivers
climbed peaks
walking on glaciers
We were impressed by the diversity of views and volcanic forms
We enjoyed the flowers
The weather improved gradually and we were very excited when the sun first came out.
At the end of the trail we took a bus back to town and enjoyed a six course gourmet Islandic meal at a restaurant. Like the scenery, the food was excellent and exceptional |
On the way back we stopped in Brussels and enjoyed (each one in his own way) the summer city festival
and an excellent exhibition at the Magritte museum
We came back with bags full of Belgian chocolate to make it up for everyone that was left behind…