Segoli's in Australia
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2013 - Jan-Feb; Tasmania; Mar-Apr; May (Hinchinbrook);Jun; Jul-Aug; Sep; Oct; Nov-Dec
2014 - Jan (Thailand); Feb; Mar; Apr; May; Jun; Jul; Aug
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Australians take their vacations very seriously.
Not only is it customary not to work in the holidays – you are not allowed to work. They locked our building.
Since Moran's experiment requires him to go to his field site after each rainfall - Moran received a special approval to work if it rains.
Luckily, it didn't rain in the field site and we took a long Christmas vacation without any work.
Our big trip was to Atherton Tablelands near Cairns. We slept in a cabin and explored the area which is full of rainforests, Eucalyptus forests, rivers and waterfalls.
We alternated among short hikes, long hikes, animal viewing, swimming and other local attractions.
In the rainforest
On a boardwalk at the height of the trees
Aborigine activities – Lotem learns to throw a boomerang and Maayan demonstrates edible traditional plants
On a cable-car that crosses the ridge
Australian Butterfly Sanctuary
Feeding rock Wallabies
Lotem sailing on an army duck (a vehicle that can be driven on land or sailed in the water) |
Zoe wanted to eat everything – including the Forest Dragon
Moran and Zoe taking an afternoon nap
Moran and the local fauna |
Two weeks before our big trip we went camping over the weekend in Paluma, about 1.5 hours north of Townsville
We slept near a lake that is surrounded by rainforests. We did a few short hikes and swam in the rivers
Typical Australian dinner: BBQ and bottle
Lighting the campfire
Sleeping in our tent
Zoe was the first one to wake up and explore the area
Zoe loved the lookouts
We all enjoyed the water |
Maayan climbing a strangler fig
We celebrated Hanukkah at home with the local Jewish community. We had a Rabbi from Melbourne who came with his wife to celebrate Hanukkah with us. |
We also celebrated Maayan's 9th birthday with a Hanukkiah cake
Maayan went with Moran to his field site to get prepared for the rainy season.
He got to ride in a fire truck filled with water and to see an Emu family