Segoli's in Australia
Click here for previous Segoli's in the USA
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2013 - Jan-Feb; Tasmania; Mar-Apr; May (Hinchinbrook);Jun; Jul-Aug; Sep; Oct; Nov-Dec
2014 - Jan (Thailand); Feb; Mar; Apr; May; Jun; Jul; Aug
Click here for the new Segolis in Israel
Last trip in Australia and return to Israel
After 6 weeks of travel (See previous months), we continued our trip visiting the Grampians, a mountain range not far from Melbourne
Due to the weather we stayed in a comfortable hut and even spoilt ourselves in a Jacuzzi
The kids enjoyed feeding the parrots, hopping with the kangaroos and playing in the snow
When the weather cleared up we went on day hikes along the cliffs and in the canyons
We continued to the Great Ocean Road, famous with its dramatic seashores. We observed the views from every possible angle: from touristic lookouts, hiking along the cliffs, going down to the shore and even from a helicopter
We spent the last days packing, shopping, organizing and hanging-out in Melbourne
Saying goodbye to Family: Marc, Sue, Mike and Danny |
The flight was relatively easy. Surprisingly no one was sick and the kids got some sleep. Still after 30 hours of travel, we were exhausted and grateful to fall into the arms of our loved ones
We spent a joyful week with family and friends
Father-kids camping in Ackziv Beach
We went to our house in Midreshet Ben Gurion (Sde-Boker)
It’s good to be home!
Next month Michal is starting a position in the department of ecology in Sde Boker.
Moran is continuing his project in Australia and will fly there few times a year
We promise to continue traveling, exploring and updating you on a regular basis