Segoli's in Australia
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2013 - Jan-Feb; Tasmania; Mar-Apr; May (Hinchinbrook);Jun; Jul-Aug; Sep; Oct; Nov-Dec
2014 - Jan (Thailand); Feb; Mar; Apr; May; Jun; Jul; Aug
Click here for the new Segolis in Israel
In June Safta Yael (Michal's mum) came for a visit
Before meeting her at the airport we united with Michal who had gone for several days to work on mosquitoes in Cairns
Zoe was very upset when Michal went to the toilet just after landing
Zoe with the flight attendant |
We spent the first day around Brisbane at the botanical garden, along the river, in the museum and in the zoo.
First encounter between Yael and a Koala |
Zoe is checking out the museum collections and Ma'ayan getting electrified at the science museum |
Then we went to Fraser Island- one of the largest sand islands in the world. To get to the island we took a ferry and rented a 4x4 vehicle for driving on the beach and sandy roads.
We stayed in a beautiful holiday apartment just near the beach |
The moon and its reflection from our lounge. |
We spent three days hiking in the forest (one of few in the world to grow on sand) and along the beach
Near a sunken ship that was carried to the shore 60 years ago |
Having fun in the sand dunes |
After the visit to the island we spent several days in the Gold Coast, south of Brisbane, which is famous for its beautiful beaches and for the adventure parks. We-meaning the kids- chose Sea World and Movie World
Encounter with super heroes and fighting aliens
Finally we went to two national parks near Brisbane: Springbrook and Lamington.
These parks are famous with thick rainfrests similar to those from the dinosaur ages |
Of course it was rainy and we spent some of the time in the hut snuggling with Safta and doing a 500 pieces puzzle
"Best of all" lookout hiding behind the fog |
Giant earth worm that emerged from the ground after the rain |
Moran's creek and Moran's Falls
Climbing to a canopy lookout
After the trip Yael came for a week to Townsville
Making schnitzel with Maayan |
She even looked after the kids while we were celebrating our 10th anniversary on a diving safari in the Great Barrier Reef (next update)
Goodbye Safta! See you in December! |