Segoli's in Australia
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2013 - Jan-Feb; Tasmania; Mar-Apr; May (Hinchinbrook);Jun; Jul-Aug; Sep; Oct; Nov-Dec
2014 - Jan (Thailand); Feb; Mar; Apr; May; Jun; Jul; Aug
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Last trip in Australia- continued
After three weeks in the outback we approached the shoreline. As we got closer to the cities of Adelaide and then Melbourne, the traffic got thicker, gas prices dropped, rainfall increased and, most importantly, the coffee improved. As usual we moved from one national park to another, camping or staying in cabins
We started in the Flinder’s - an impressive mountain range with geological features similar to the craters in south Israel
In Mt. Remarkable we went on a very wet hike in a narrow canyon
Next stop was Kangaroo Island with stunning beaches and lots of Wildlife due to the isolation from the mainland
One of two marsupials that lay eggs |
We continued to Coorong with sand dunes and lagoons along the Southern Ocean
In Naracoote Caves we toured the caves where bones of extinct animals from before humans arrived to Australia (around 50,000 year ago) have been found. Most of the animals did not actually live in the cave but fell in through cracks and holes
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