UPDATED 11th January 2025
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The site is not a blog, but rather a means for sharing family information such as family news, births, deaths, activities, pictures, achievements. The site relies on input from family members. It is updated weekly usually on Saturday night.

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11th  January 2025


Yesterday we celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary at a catered brunch for family and friends. The food was beautifully presented and delicious. More importantly the atmosphere was festive and truly wonderful. Towards the end of the party we distributed copies of Doreen's cookbook "Memories for the Future".
Family and friends are very important to us, and it was heartwarming to see and feel so much love.. Our grandchildren were wonderful and enjoyed themselves - not only did they help but they also interacted with our guests. After the celebration they presented games they had made based on the family. More on this next week.
Of course hundreds of pictures were taken by our son-in law Aviv Ron, our official photographer, and I have chosen just a few representing our family and friends.


  • Happy Birthday this week to:   11 -  Mushe Kirsh, Orianna Royle, 12 -   Avraham Segoli , Daniel Kirsh, Sarah Cleaver, 13 – Calum Mason,  14 - Asaf Karlsbad, Maayan Shavit, 15 -  Shaun Glogauer, Dylan Thiele,  16 - Nadav Bortenstein, 17 -  Itay Gur, Ryan Smith, 18 -  Marion Cohen, Rachel Moskowitz , Joel Bortz, Jeremy Bacher,
  • Happy Anniversary this week to:  12 - Jacqueline and Kevin Lampert, 15 - Loren and Robin Hodes
Click for all Birthdays and Anniversaries for January


Link to This Year's Miscellaneous Events and Pictures

  • January Birthdays:  1- Giorgio Tarazza, Katherine Galp, 2 - Elaine Bacher, Ayala Poupko,  3 - Daniella Collins,  4 - Sarah Leshem, Tanya Wood  5 - Candis Herr, Natalie Smith, Yaniv Arad, Raphael Cotton,  6- Peter Royle, 7 - Julie Stern,  8 - Kimberly Silverman,  9 - Dayna Mynarski , Michael Haberman, 11 -  Mushe Kirsh, Orianna Royle), 12 -   Avraham Segoli , Daniel Kirsh, Sarah Cleaver, 13 – Calum Mason,  14 - Asaf Karlsbad, Maayan Shavit, 15 -  Shaun Glogauer, Dylan Thiele,  16 - Nadav Bortenstein, 17 -  Itay Gur, Ryan Smith, 18 -  Marion Cohen, Rachel Moskowitz , Joel Bortz, Jeremy Bacher, 19 - Julien Bloede, Glenda Gordon, David Meyerov, 20 - Yuval Partuk, Lucille Melamed, Jaidan Klotnick,   21 - Susan Nathan, Joanne Schwartz, 22 - Shelly Friedman,23 -  Yoav Gilad ,  Ethelene Galgut, Wendy Glasser, Daniella Melamed; 25 -   Nina Leizerowitz, Michal Glasser, 28 - Ilay Levy, Merle Lewenson, 29 -   Rafael Braverman Dvir,  Mandy Gordon,  Alex Hock, Vivien Glasser,   30 -  Moran Segoli , Aharon Klotnick, 31 -  Eitan Haberman , Shai Geffen
  • January Anniversaries: 12 - Jacqueline and Kevin Lampert, 15 - Loren and Robin Hodes, 22 -   Donna and Daniel Leibowitz  , 24 - Glenda and Ivan Gordon, 30 -  Karen and Craig Cleaver


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    Doreen and Eitan
    Doreen is a qualified tourist guide, licensed by the Israel Ministry of Tourism     
    Click here to see her CV

    Eitan is an accredited World Bridge Federation Tournament Director and is a member of the World Bridge Laws Commission.

    Contact details:   

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