UPDATED 20th July 2024
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The site is not a blog, but rather a means for sharing family information such as family news, births, deaths, activities, pictures, achievements. The site relies on input from family members. It is updated weekly usually on Saturday night.

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20th July 2024
sare ribs
Doreen is writing a vegan recipe book ?!?!

We arrived back from Wroclaw Poland early this morning after the Bridge Championships. A few nights ago we went out for dinner to a restaurant named "Whiskey in a Jar." Normally Doreen orders a vegetarian or fish meal (see example here) but to my surprise Doreen ordered what I often order: spare ribs. She thoroughly enjoyed them and found them delicious. Don't panic - the next night she returned to 'normal'.

  • No visit to Wroclaw is complete without searching for and then looking at the Wroclaw Dwarfs.
  • One of the main reasons I enjoy being at the various bridge championships is the opportunity to meet old friends from different countries whom we have known and worked with for many many years, and to meet new friends also from all over the world. See some pictures here .
  • Daughter Vered Ron has returned from a trip to USA where she had the opportunity to again meet up with Caryn Sangupta, the daughter of Frankie and my late cousin Vivian Klaff. (see Goldberg family tree).

  • Happy Birthday this week to:     20 -  Daniel Klotnick, Rossie Geffen, Suzanne Lazarus,   21 - Arie Bortz,  22 -  Adam Tal , Rachelle Smith,   23 - Joel Feinstein,  Dean Bacher  24 - Shari Levy, 25 - Gavriel Bolel,  26 -  Raymond Cotton,  27 - Edward Levy, Madison Brod
  • Happy Anniversary this week to:     21 - Julia and Steven Taylor,  22 - Jenna and Yonatan Carno
Click for all Birthdays and Anniversaries for  July


Link to This Year's Miscellaneous Events and Pictures

  • .July Birthdays: (not sure how and if you're related? Then go to the family trees section) Happy birthdays to 1 - Rebecca Mynarski , Roderick McCrimmon, 2 -  Selwyn Bolel 4 - Samuel Herr , Isabel Siegel, 5 - Jacob Emanuel, Mor Oppenheim,  6 - Shari Beckman, Dov Bolel  7 - Heini Drue Margalit Sadeh, Tamir Klaff, Louise Bortz, James A. Lewenson,  8 - Adam Amit, Yonatan Amit , Jemma Sklar,  9 - Ruth Korbel, Maurice Levy, Galit (Schang), 10 -  Daniel Feinstein, Steven Bacher, Lauren Berkowitz , 11 -  Jenna Carno  12 - Tyron Neiman, 13 -  Candice Pauwen, Jennifer Levy,  14 - Eileen Glogauer, Petronille Bloede,  15 - Tamara Klein, Glenda Cleaver 16 -  Isaac (Issy) Kirsh, Rhona Neiman,  17 -   Shira Forman , 19 -  Dion Levin, Keren Stern, Yoav Shavit,  20 -  Daniel Klotnick, Rossie Geffen, Suzanne Lazarus,   21 - Arie Bortz,  22 -  Adam Tal , Rachelle Smith,   23 - Joel Feinstein,  Dean Bacher  24 - Shari Levy, 25 - Gavriel Bolel,  26 -  Raymond Cotton,  27 - Edward Levy, Madison Brod,  28 -  Leora Cigler,  Kelly Miller  29 - Limor Sadeh Levy, Leora Perlman,  31 - Melanie Bold, Ronni (Schang)

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    Doreen and Eitan
    Doreen is a qualified tourist guide, licensed by the Israel Ministry of Tourism     
    Click here to see her CV

    Eitan is an accredited World Bridge Federation Tournament Director and is a member of the Bridge Laws Commission.

    Contact details:   

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