UPDATED 22nd February 2025
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The site is not a blog, but rather a means for sharing family information such as family news, births, deaths, activities, pictures, achievements. The site relies on input from family members. It is updated weekly usually on Saturday night.

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1st March 2025

michal's book

Proud congratulations to daughter-in-law Mikhal Segoli on the publication of the book she compiled and edited. To get an idea of the depth of the subjects covered you should open the publisher's page and from there view the table of contents.


  • The Segolis sans granddaughter Lotem and the Rons sans granddaughter Danielle joined us for a Friday night dinner. Moran bought some flowers and Zoe showed her talent for arranging the flowers.

  • Happy Birthday this week to:   1 - Amy Stern  2- Annette Levy, Tina Gordon  3 - Giles De Millon  4 - Jane Glasser,   5 - Avichai Skoczylas  6 - Toni Hock , Mila Lazarus, Heather Shub  7- Amber Leibowitz   8 - Ezra Bortz
  • Happy Anniversary this week to: 2 - Russell and Sharon Glasser
Click for all Birthdays and Anniversaries for March


Link to This Year's Miscellaneous Events and Pictures

  • March Birthdays:  (not sure how and if you're related? Then go to the family trees section):: 1 - Amy Stern  2- Annette Levy, Tina Gordon  3 - Giles De Millon  4 - Jane Glasser,   5 - Avichai Skoczylas  6 - Toni Hock , Mila Lazarus, Heather Shub  7- Amber Leibowitz 8 - Ezra Bortz  9 - Cheryl Tal , Clooney Levin   10 - Vered Shavit, Dan Bortenstein, Adam Marks, Robin Horwitz  11 - Jacques Bloede, Ariel Bloede, Eitan Forman  14 - Steven Neiman  15 - Shirley Kansky , Hannah Gilbert  , Abby Emanuel 17 - Ofra Ohanna , Daniel Nathan, Russel Gordon   18 - Brigitte Bloede, Yehuda Bolel, Alice Gullotta, Zvi Karsblad   19 - Andrew Hock, Adrienne Shivers   20 - Melanie Sklar, Noah Kagan , Moriah Pashas, Tamar Tabak, David Bloede  21 - Aviv Ron    22 - Daniel Hock  23 -  Stewart Aronson, Logan Thompson-MacLeod   24 - Nitzan Partok  25 - Pia Murad  26 - Assaf Nickel  27 - Ashlee Glasser, Itamar Gordon, Ofek Golomb    28 - Abigail Cigler, Yarden Levy, Eric Cotton, Denise Braverman ,  29 -Yoel Geffen,  Joe Leibowitz   30 - Alan Klotnick , Gabriel Bloede, Morris Gordon   31 -  Deryn Klein
  • March Anniversaries   2 - Russell and Sharon Glasser   16 - Leora and Aharon Stefansky 18 - Shelley and Jonathan Klotnick , Yael and Noam Deul  19 - Jennifer and Bruce Brod   19 - Debra and Barak Hochstadter   20 - Lauren and Saul Berkowitz   21 - Susan and Alan Hock, Triin and Jannus Joss    22 - Tamar and Raphael Cotton  23 - Lorraine and Vernon Galp  24 - Tamar and Ari Taback   27 - Buna and Mula Friedman  28 - Racheli and Avi Gilad    31 - Alana and Saville Stern

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    Doreen and Eitan
    Doreen is a qualified tourist guide, licensed by the Israel Ministry of Tourism     
    Click here to see her CV

    Eitan is an accredited World Bridge Federation Tournament Director and is a member of the World Bridge Laws Commission.

    Contact details:   

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