Slowly, so far very slowly, I'm going through album after album of old photos from pre-digital days.

In addition to the pictures on this page there are pictures on other pages of this site

Slowly I'm beginning to organise them in some kind of logical order.
(Note: Some of the pictures are digital)

Doreen and Eitan
Eitan's Family Pictures
Levy Cousins
Glazer Family Pictures
Shapiro/Goldberg Pictures
Levy/Hirshovitz Pictures
Nochomovicz/Nickel Pictures
Schank Drui Pictures
Gordon/Glazer Pictures
Matz Pictures

Group Pictures and Family Reunions

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1947 - Class 1 at Jewish pre-primary school

Primary school

Back row: l to r: Keith Gild, Mervyn Kaplan, Mrs Cotterel, Anthony Levy, John Moshal
Middle row: Melvyn Geshen, Stephen Hackner
Front row: Max Stange, Les Abro, Josh Oshry, Brian Kahn, Naomi Hertz, Michael Kaye, Ivan Orelowitz, Joel Ingel

Photo colourized by My Heritage

1957 - School Photo 1957
Class 6A Durban High School
My last year of school at Durban High School. I am in the back row, last on the right.

16 December 1964

Doreen on a camel in Sinai
Moran scanned this photo of Doreen on a camel in Sinai, and sent it to us in time for Passover 2015. Approriate as the haggadah recounts the 40 year wandering by Moses and the Children of Israel  in the desert. They should have taken Doreen as a guide.
on a camel in Sinai

In December 1994 we celebrated our 30th Anniversary when I was working at Coral World in St Thomas, in the US Virgin Islands.  Our children and my sister  Fern decided to surprise Doreen by visiting us. I kept the secret with difficulty, and as can be seen from the above pictures Doreen had no idea that they were coming. Doreen and I had the "last laugh" -  we planned a surprise flight (see picture) and weekend to Virgin Gorda, in the British Virgin Islands. (In those days the Baths, a rock formation on the island, was largely unknown. Today it is a major tourist attraction - see a short clip on You Tube.)
For another picture - of Vered and Aviv - click here. 
Also, I think the picture below was taken then.

1994 in Virgin Uslands>

F A M I L Y    P I C T U R E S


17/9/1904  -  21/10/1977
The Levy family about 1917
Levy family 1917Annie, Joe, Hayman, Olga holding Eric, Fannie, Ethel

- - - - -

The four Levy brothers, taken at Jonathan Levy's barmitzvah in 1968
4 Levy brothers
l-r, also in descending order of age: Hayman, Joe, Eric, Abe

- - - - -

Young Eric Levy
young Eric
 Sheenagh and Charles sent me this picture of Charles' father, Eric, my uncle. The family resemblance (not apparent in pictures of older Eric) to me, and (Doreen says) our grandchild Itamar is striking.

Ethel WilliamMy aunt Ethel (Levy) William

Joe and EthelJoe and Ethel

Two family pictures
Family with Miriamsome levy descendants
(left) Winnie (Edelstein) Levy, Joe Levy, my father Hayman, Shirley Levy Kansky, Miriam Levy, Ethel Solomon Levy
(right) Some Levy cousins: Charles with Andrew, me, uncle Abe, Jonathan, Wendy Kansky, Katherine

at Nathan wedding
Fern, Hayman, me and Doreen at the wedding of Susan Levy (daughter of Sam and Maisie) and Michael Nathan in London in 1970

My father and mother, Hayman and Queenie, with Menahem Begin in Durban. Hayman was an active member of the Zionist Revisionist Movement, the forerunner of the Herut political party in Israel which became the dominant partner of the Likud, the party in power in Israel.  Doreen's father was also a Revisionist supporter.
See also a picture of my aunt Dora Shapiro at Beni Begin's barmitzvah.
Doreen and I have not followed the family tradition - we are supporters of the Meretz Party which is diametrically opposed to the Likud Party.
Menahem Begin10

- - - - -
Hayman with grandson Aviv, about 1968
Hayman with Aviv

Read item in "Hasholom", the monthly newsletter of the Durban Jewish community (about 1948).

Read obituary in the "Jewish Herald" one of the two Jewish newspapers in South Africa.


charlescecilefour cousinsfernmiriamsharon
Top row: Charles, Cecile Cotton
Middle row: Jonathan, Eitan, Shirley Kansky, David, Fern
Bottom row: Miriam (2nd from right), Sharon Leibowitz
Bruce Levy died in 1943, 1 year old.

See also
Joe, Maisie, Ethel, Hayman and Sam Levy
Visit to Cottons about 1997

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Levy/Hershovitz     Matz        Goldberg


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GERTIE (NICKEL) GLAZER 1/11/1914 - 31/5/1983
MORRIS GLAZER 1904 - 16/1/1973

Itzik Ber and Feige blum
GlazersMaurice and Gertie

Itzik Ber and Faige Blum Glezer (c. 1900)  --  Gertie, Louise, Maurice, Doreen  --  probably on the occasion of Maurice and Gertie's engagement

Click for picture of Glezer family in Vilna 1927

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  Gordon/Glasser      Nochimovitz/Nickel    Schank


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Postcards from Zelig Goldberg to Isaac Shapiro 1915 - 1917

Zelig Goldberg
Zelig Goldberg
Isaac ShapiroRhoda Goldberg Shapiro
Isaac and Rhodda (Goldberg) Shapiro

Miriam and Elhanan
Miriam and Elchanan Goldberg

Dora and Beginback of photo
My Aunt Dora Shapiro was a strong supporter of the Zionist Revisionist Party, the forerunner of the Herut political party, later the Likud. She is pictured (on the right) with Israel Prime Minister Menahem Begin on the occasion of the barmitzvah of Beni Begin (later a Minister in the Israel Government.).
See also a picture of my parents with Menahem Begin.

Shulamit Goldberg, sister of Sarah Olkinitski, who after surviving the Death March died  at the end of the Holocaust
Click to read a letter written to Dora in South Africa in 1939 by her cousin Shulamit Goldberg in Lithuania.

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Morris Levy family
The children of Morris (Moshe Leib) Levy and Ester Bloch

back: Philip, Isaac(Jack), Alfred, Betty
front: Sarah (Chloe), Jesse, Rachel (Ray)

The photo was probably taken before 1908 when the 8th child, Charles, was born.
<Married names: Chloe Bernstein, Ray Lizerbrun, Betty Gurland>
Click here for a picture incuding Sam Levy (son of Avraham Haim (Hyman) Levy)

Click here for a picture of the Cotton family (Raymond and Cecile Levy Cotton)


Pinhas AaronPinhas AaronPinhas Aaron
Portraits of Pinhas Aaron Nochomovicz and wife Mushe and a picture of Pinhas Aaron

Barnett NickelRay-Barnet-Sarah-FayBarnet Nickel
Barnett Nickel and family

  LEFT: Barnett Nickel (left), wife Rosa (right), daughters Fay and Ray (back), Sarah (front)
CENTRE: Ray, Barnet, Sarah,,Fay
RIGHT: Barnet

AAron Nickel
Aaron Nickel and Family

Laura, Julius, Gertie
Laura and Julius Nickel, Gertie Nickel Glazer

The Bacher Branch
Taken in 2001 in Joannesburg on our "Round the World" trip.

Gertie Glazer (rt) and her sister Rosie Bacher (nee Nickel)
Gertie and Rosie10


Lital Kasorla, Lior and Neta Bortenstein, Ziva Bortenstein, Rachel Karlsblad, Yaakov Bortenstein, Eitan Levy, Doreen Levy, Zehava Karlsblad, Zvike Karlsblad, Yaffa Loew, Asaf Karlsblad, Tiina and Heini Drui  (Dvir Kasorla took the picture)

Yaakov and Ziva Bortenstein organized a family dinner to welcome Heini and Tiina Drui (from Estonia, on the extreme right) on their short visit to Israel. Nearly all the Drui branch of the Schank family attended the delicious and most enjoyable occasion.

(Some stills from the home movie filmed at Zvike Karlsblad's barmitzvah in 1967)
l-r: Melly Braverman, Louise (Glazer) Braverman, Doreen, me, in front Gertie (Nickel) Glazer
Yaffa (Bortenstein) Loew dancing with brother Yaakov Bortenstein
Rachel Karlsblad and Rochelle (Bortenstein) Kirschner dancing
Karlsblad-usYaffa-YaakovRochelle Kirschner

Rachel Karlsblad singing, Chana Drui with Rochelle
Karlsblad-RachelChana Drui
Click here for a picture of the Karlsblad family at Zvike's barmitzvah

Click here for a picture of the Drue family in Estonia in the late 1930's


Gordon family in Vilna
The Glasser/Gordon/Glazer family in Vilna, Lithuania 1929
For details of the picture including relationships, click here.

Itzi berMotelFeige Blume
Itzi-Ber and Feige-Blum Glazer with son Mottel

Glassers Bulawayo
Hayman and  Doreen, Vered, Aviv and Moran with Betsy Glasser and children Mark and Vanessa in Bulawayo


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Link to Family Tree
The Matz family in Utah: Sidney and Esther Matz, Ruth McCrimmon, me and Berenice Engleberg

Rebecca, Rachel, Leah and Louis with grandmother Berenice Engleberg.

This document was written by “their old father” Yeshayahu Abraham Matz in honour of his son Aaron Michael Matz and his wife Devorah Gittel, and grandchildren Tzvia Miriam and Meir (or Meyer) Lewenson on the occasion of the marriage of Tzvia and Meir.
wedding mazal tov

It is headed by the traditional Jewish wedding greeting “Kol Sasson vkol Simcha Kol Chatan vkol Kalah” and contains “rhymes by the father of the family to his grandchildren in the shade of the Chupa”. There are various blessings and “mazal tovs” to the new couple. The left side of the document is in Yiddish, and the right side in Hebrew. The Hebrew is poetic and the lettering is in Torah style and not in the normal way of written Hebrew. (I would not be surprised if the original was written on some kind of parchment.). Between the Yiddish and Hebrew sides is written  “Made and completed on the day that has the “doubled ki tov” (=Tuesday),  R-H Sivan (=1st Sivan) Tarpah (=1921) in Darbinai in honour of the marriage of my grandchild Tzvia Miriam to Meir Lewenson which will be in “mazal tov” in Africa.”

Some of the South African Matzes
Matz some family

l-r Sam Brunow, Leah Rosenberg (Sam's sister), Rebecca 'Bex' Coopersmith Matz, Ethel 'Bubbles' Matz Brunow, Ike Rosenberg, Abraham 'Bootjie Matz', Lily Newman Matz, Ben Matz, Frank Bernstein

Matz siblings
Children of Aaron Matz and Dora Rollnick
Sheena, Ethel (Bubbles), Abraham (Bootjie), Celia, Ray, Regina, Bem

Hurwitz wedding
My sister Fern, aged about 6, was the flowergirl at the wedding of our father's cousin Louis Hurwitz to Avigail Woolfson in 1948. Louis' mother was Rebecca (Becky) Matz Hurwitz. The bridesmaid on the left is Louis' sister Ellen. Click to see a picture of the family at the wedding.

The Klotnick family 2021
Klotnick familty 2021
The Klotnicks at the barmitzvah of  Zac Sklar 2021

Jaiden; Shelly; Danya; Jonathan; Raphael; Dvorah;  Aharon; Ian; Tali; Ephrahim; Zac Sklar;
Jonathan Sklar; Beryl; Joel; Melanie Sklar; Sarina Or, Jemma Sklar; Mark Or; Yoav Or, Yalli Or; Alma Or

See page 2 of the Matz Family Tree Family tree.


RV trip with Vered and Aviv
About 20 years ago, while they were still studying in New York at Columbia, daughter Vered and son-in-law Aviv joined Doreen and me for about a week on our RV trip in California and Oregon.

In 1995 Doreen and I went on a long RV (motorhome) trip in Western USA -Utah, Colorado, South Dakota, Idaho, Wyoming. We visited many of the canyons and parks the West is famous for. We also met for the first time some  family.


Matz familyUtah, the Matz family: Sidney and Esther, Ruth McCrimmon, me and Berenice Engleberg

We lived and ate in the motorhome (and even sewed!), and parked in campgrounds.

We visited many of the canyons and parks the West is famous for ......
yellowstoneA bison in Yellowstone Park
..... and hiked, ......
resting in Hermitage Park wyomingStopping for a break, rest and picnic lunch in Heritage Park in Wyoming.
.....climbed, ....
climbing in the snow

....... bicycled, ......
McCay ParkAt the Wyoming - Idaho border

......  and fished.  I didn't have too much luck with fishing but one one occasion I was lucky to catch a meal-sized  trout in the Wind River (Wyoming). 
fishingtrout for dinner


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1010with Keren in Cuba
When I was working in the Bahamas about 20 years ago, Doreen and I would sometimes go to Cuba.for the weekend. Often when we had visitors they would join us. On this occasion daughter Vered and Aviv joined us together with Vered's long-time friend Keren. (Click for a picture of Vered and Keren skiing).

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Levy/Hershovitz    Matz    Gordon/Glasser      Nochimovitz/Nickel    Schank


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OLD PHOTOS (pre-2000)

Click on description to access
The Ogdens - Archie and Ella
Family with Miriam
Bobbe Mary
Yeina, Stanley, Sue, Bridget Glasser
Kimberley Synagogue
Hayman with his 3 sisters - about 1908

Charles and Sheenagh wedding - 1974
Cycling in Wyoming/Ohio - about 1995
Doreen and children in the Eilat mountains - about 1976
The Reijzers
Doreen and Eitan's wedding - 1964
Three generations of Ron family
Aviv and Limor's wedding
Hammerhead shark - c 1970
Henna - Aviv and Limor  - 1998
Signing the Ketuba Anthony and Doreen - 1964
Some wedding pictures - Anthony and Doreen - 1964
Aviv and Limor wedding - 1998
Doreen and Eitan - Kyoto Japan - late 1970's
Doreen Tennis Dress- Durban Jewish Club
Eitan's Diving Logs
The Bahamas Tower - then and now
Doreen - Fisherwoman
Maurice-Gertie Marriage Certificate
Hayman ansd Queenie Marriage Certificate
Doreen and Eitan Engagement dinner
Moran - collage
Postcards - Zelig to Isaac
Glazer Family abt 1960
Like Father Like Son - The Levys and Rabbis
Achie Ogden with guitar - then and now
Doreen and Eleanor
Myra Simon and Morris Kahn on bicycles
Jonathan Levy Barmitzvah 1967
Doreen and Anthony Wedding 1964
Aviv and Limor Wedding 1998
Habonim Camp Onrus 1961
Some RV pictures
Aviv and Vered - kids
Fern and Anthony on steps - 191 Musgrave Road
Sinai trip 1990
The Glazer Family c. 1945
Smile for the Camera - first 4 grandchildren
57 Year ago (Wedding EL+DL)
Local Talent Scores in Int'l Tennis
Haim Isaac Shapiro
Bobbe Mary with Louise and Julius
(Hayman) Levy Siblings
Port Elizabeth Bnot Zion c. 1930
Doreen with Colin Gorfil - Durban beach abt 1961
Vered, Aviv, Moran in St Martin 1980's
Hayman and Queenie Levy wedding 1930
The Karlsblad family at Zvike's barmitzvah in 1967
Joe, Maisy,Ethel,Hayman and Sam Levy
Isaac Shapiro
School Year is finished  1950's
A visit to the Cottons in SA
A visit to Lesotho about 1997
Aviv off to school about 1972
Moran snappling about 1986
Fern is flower girl at Hurwitz wedding - 1948
Aviv catches a mahi-mahi - 1980's
Barmitzvah of Jonathan Levy 1967
Sailing on Blue Dawn 1994
Dome 63 - Levy President
Vered, Aviv, Moran - unusual pictures
Solomon and Ethel Levy - artifacts
Solomon and Ethel Levy
Itze Ber and Feige Blum Glezer
Avram and Riva Bortenstein
Doreen's Bungy Jump - before-during-after
Doreen's Bungy Jump 2001 - during
Gertie Nickel Glazer
First four grandchildren
1998 - Cindy Berman
Collage of child eitan
1981 - Vered, Aviv and Moran at Aviv's BM
 Police Gym in Nassau, Bahamas
1988 - Family Friday night meal in Eilat
1958 - Mohawk haircuts
1991 - Tsunami damage in Nassau
Dec 2003 - Itamar contemplates newborn cousin Maayan
abt 1985 - Some of the Bortenstein family, including Avram
1940+ - Hayman, Anthony, Rose
1948 - Hayman, Queenie, Fern
1963 - The Levy and Edelstein Families at Charles' barmitzvah
1983 - Vered enlists
1998 - Aviv and Limor chinna
1997 - Lunch in the forest
1995 - Vered and Aviv
1964 Wedding photo
2001 - At Club Daintree in Australia
1994 - Vered and Aviv at 3rd Family Reunion Virgin Gorda
2001 - A visit to the Himba in Namibia
1980's - Carnival in the USVI
A day sail with Vered and the Habermans.
abt 1974 - On the beach with Hayman and Gertie
1994-6 - Aviv on motorbike at Key West
abt 1940? - Roddeh Shapiro
1966 - Doreen with 3 month old Vered
abt 1950 - Eitan and Fern with mother Queenie on Durban beach
abt 1980 - Doreen and Moran looking at an aquarium
abt 1970 - Denise, Aviv, Vered and us at the Kinneret
195? - The Loudrena (Gertie, Doreen, Louise)
19?? - Gertie Glazer (100th anniversary of birth)

1930's ? - Hayman Levy yahrzeit
about 1937  -  Morris and Gertie Glazer
1957 - The Levys at David Levy's barmitzvah
1960 - Doreen and her mother and sister visit family in New York.

1995 - Our RV in a narrow tunnel in Black Hills, South Dakota.
1995 -Catching a trout in the Wind River (Wyoming). 
1990 - Aviv at the Blue Mountain in Sinai

See also: Family Reunion and other pictures on "Our Family" page

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