The Israel Under 21 Bridge Team
closing ceremony of the Youth Competitions took place this evening
and together with the European Bridge League President Yves Aubrey I
presented the medals
to the winners.
The Israel Under 21 team won the bronze medal in their category, and of
course I was particularly happy to present their medals. The Under 16
and Under 26 teams did reasonably well but were not in the placing. The
Israel U21 team will now represent Europe in the World Under 21
Championships to be held in Italy next year.
(Click for group picture of the
This was the first time in years that I was not Chief Tournament
director, but there was a surprise for me. I was presented with a
special plaque for my years of service to the EBL and for serving for
so many years as Chief Tournament Director of the Youth Competitions. (
see picture here.).
- Tomorrow I return to Israel after a month in Tromso in the Arctic
Circle. I have enjoyed it here but will be happy to get away from the
midnight sun and again experience going to sleep in the dark.
- Doreen has written an account of our 5 day trip to the
islands near Tromso during the break between the Open and Youth
Championships. Her report, with pictures can be accessed here.
- Previous pictures of our stay in Norway can be seen in the Archives and Miscellaneous sections of this site.
- Moran has posted the latest Segoli family monthly update. Read in Hebrew and in English.
July 18, 2015

Doreen enjoys the beautiful scenery of
European Open Bridge Championships in Tromso finished at the beginning
of the week, and we rented a car and spent 5 lovely days touring some
of the islands in the vicinty:Kvaloya, Senja and Andoya. The weather
was kind to us, the views were astounding and it was a very relaxing
Doreen is preparing an account of our trip which I hope will be on the
site next week, together with some pictures (chosen from the 300 or so
taken during the week!).
In the meantime, here is a short
of a sperm whale starting its dive in the sea off Andenes in Andoya.
Doreen returned to Israel yesterday and I remain in
Tromso for
the European Youth Team Championships which start today.
Pictures of our 5 day trip in the area will be posted next week.
Previous pictures of our stay in Norway can be seen in the Archives and Miscellaneous sections of this site.
Moran has posted the latest Segoli
family monthly update. Read in Hebrew and in English.
July 11, 2015

With the Kanskys in Tromso
a lucky coincidence my cousin Shirley Kansky and most of her family
took a ship cruise that stopped for the day in Tromso. Shirley not only
brought her family, she also brought the first day of bright sunshine
that was not freezing cold. While the rest of the family went
sightseeing we enjoyed the sun, Shirley, Nathan and I chatting, and
Doreen showing the local sites to Wendy and Ziva.
We are still in Tromso, Norway, for
European Open Bridge Championships. Doreen has visited all the
attractions, and yesterday visited the Botanical Gardens. Last
night there was a staff party
at which we were all given woollen hats to remind us of the cold in the
Arctic Circle at Tromso. (Pictures here.).
Today is the last day of the Championships and tomorrow
Doreen and I will hire a car and tour the area for 5 days.
Moran has posted the latest Segoli
family monthly update. Read in Hebrew and in English.
July 4, 2015

Another Outstanding Pupil
to granddaughter Ilai Levy on receiving a Certificate of Excellence
from her school principal "on your volunteering and involvement and
your contribution to the pleasant atmosphere in your class and
school" recognizing her serious and responsible
attitude towards her studies.
Keep up the good work, Ilai!
We are still in Tromso, Norway,a city in the Arctic
Circle, for
European Open Bridge Championships. Although it's the middle of summer
it's cold. We're still fascinated by the midnight sun and find
ourselves going to bed very much later than normal. We've had midnight
excursions, and a midnight bridge competition. Click here for some pictures.
One of the highlights was seeing the Europa, the ship we sailed on for
our honeymoon, docking right in front of our hotel. (Picture and more here.)
Cick for a picture of a
lovely work by Lotem sculpted using plasticine, marbles and cotton
June 27, 2015

Our Outstanding Pupil
to granddaughter Amit Levy on receiving a Certificate of Excellence
from her school principal recognizing her serious and responsible
attitude towards her studies.
We're all proud of you Amit. Keep up the good work!
We are in Tromso, Norway,a city in the Arctic Circle, for
European Open Bridge Championships. I am an official at the
Championships and also will be attending meetings of the European
Bridge League Executive Committee.
As Tromso is in the Arctic Circle we
witnessed the phenomenon of
the "midnight sun". Basically the sun never sets and there is light 24
hours a day. Basically the sun never sets and there is light 24
hours a day. Click here for a picture
taken from our hotel room at midnight.
As reported last week, daughter in law Mikhal Segoli is in the
USA taking part in a conference. She added a few days to enjoy the
surroundings (see picture)
June 20, 2015
Celebrating three birthdays
is a busy month for our immediate family - three birthdays: Doreen on
the 11th, son Aviv's on the 21st and daughter Vered's on the 28th (
and many more relatives' birthdays). This
year Moran
decided to have a joint birthday party. He invited us all to his house
in Sde Boqer to spend the weekend. The joint birthday idea was a
surprise, although Doreen was told that it was for Aviv's
birthday and she prepared 2 birthday cakes to be decorated by the
children. After a delicious lunch (
a la
cooking lesson in Thailand) prepared by Moran, the kids were taken
another room where they prepared for the birthday surprise. A lovely
surprise and a lovely weekend.
As noted above, we spent the weekend in Sde Boqer. On
Moran and Aviv took the children on a walk to the desert waterhole at Gev Yamin, on
Friday morning the children decorated the
birthday cakes and then went to the pool, Vered and her girls
joined us for a delicious lunch and then we had the surprise birthday party.
Click here for Doreen's recipe for
the delicious (and moist) chocolate cakes ahe baked
Son-in-law Aviv Ron is overseas on a business trip; and daughter
in law Mikhal Segoli is in USA attending a conference.
Daughter Vered has returned from her yacht trip in the Greek
Isles - she says it was "amazing."
The next update will come from Tromso in Norway where Doreen and
I will be visiting on the occasion of the European Open Bridge
June 13, 2015

Amit and Ilai Levy Go Snuba Divimg
Amit and Ilai had their first taste of underwater diving when Dad Aviv
took them underwater to experience Snuba diving (air is provided via
tubing from the surface, not in air bottles on their backs.) Brother
Itamar is no stranger to diving - he had his first lesson nearly five
years ago (
see picture.)
Mazal tov to Ben and Lee Tal on the birth of their first
son, this week. And mazaltov to new grandmother Cheryl Tal and new
great-grandparents Shirley and Nathan Kansky. (see Matz and Hershovitz/Levy
family trees.)
Daughter Vered is busy getting her International Skipper Licence
and is sailing in the Greek Islands. Pictures
Granddaughter Amit was not well this week and was in hospital for
a couple of days with a high fever. She has fully recovered.
I am no longer president of the Israel Bridge Federation. After 3
terms totalling 6 years I did not stand for re-election. I congratulate
the new president Modi Kenigsberg and wish him luck in his new role.
June 6, 2015

Vegetables from Saba Eitan's Garden
six youngest grandchildren spent this weekend with us. Itamar, Amit and
Ilai flew from Eilat on Thursday evening, and Doreen took them to visit
the Atlit Heritage site on Friday morning. (
see pictures and Doreen's account.)
Moran and Mikhal, with Maayan, Lotem and Zoe, joined us on Friday
afternoon. Doreen and I put on a short "show" for the children where
Doreen complained that there were no vegetables for a dinner salad. Of
course I suggested picking vegetables from my garden, and off the
children went to pick them. (see picture above, and also more pictures
on the pages of
Zoe and on the
Miscellaneous pages.)
On Saturday we visited the Tzippori National Park where the highlight
was crawling through the ancient water viaduct
(see pictures.)
A great, though short, weekend finished with a tasty meal of
traditional middle-east food in a local restaurant.
During the week we visited Eddie Nemenoff and Yael
Eddie was the Habonim shaliach in
Durban when Doreen and I were dating against her parents' wishes, and
Eddie was a go-between for us. He was also a friend and we shared a
common love for bridge. We hadn't seen him or Yael since his 80th birthday 6 years ago. At the Habonim reunion last month
we heard that Eddie was ill and we visited him. (see pictures.)
Congratulations to Lital and Dvir Kasula on the birth of their
3rd child, a brother Shai for Yonatan and Sa'ar. Mazeltov too to
grandparents Yaakov and Ziva Bortenstein. (see
Schank family tree.)
Daughter Vered is sailing in the Greek Island as part of her
requirements for her Skipper licence.
Click for list of June birthdays
May 30, 2015

A special treat - Stuffed Camel
(without the camel!)
camel is evidently a very special feast for special occasions,
especially among the Beduin and in Saudi Arabia. This afternoon we were
invited to a stuffed camel feast, but without the camel, due to its
cost and a special sensitivity about killing camels. Our feast
consisted of a sheep, stuffed with a lamb, stuffed with chickens,
stuffed with zuccini and stuffed vine leaves and various other things,
all roasted for 10 hours over a fire. (see picture above.). The feast
was given by Nof Atamna (a doctor of Microbiology and winner of
the Master Chef Competition on Israel TV) in honour of Dalia Lamdani.
It was delicious and not even the 50 hungry people there could finish
all the food.
For background, description and pictures of this event see
Doreen's Column.
We were happy to again meet up with Jose and David Keyson
Naphtali at dinner at the home of the Rons. (see picture here). The Keysons live in
Netherlands and they and their children are close friends with Vered
and Aviv and their children. This is carrying on a 'tradition',
for Jose's parents, Hans and Lottie Reijzer have been our close
friends for over 50 years ever since we first met on a Hebrew ulpan. We see easch other fairly
regularly, in Israel or in the Netherlands, or on holiday together. (see here for example)
We returned from our Shavuot trip to Eilat (see last week's Picture of the
Week) and there are more
pictures on the pages of the children, including a video of Zoe swimming.
Son Moran Segoli is back from Australia where he put the
finishing touches to his project and work there, sister/in law Louise
Braverman is back from an enjoyable tour in China, and Daughter Vered
Ron is back from a business trip to Germany. To counter the arrivals,
son-in-law Aviv Ron is off to France for a week.
Moran has posted the
latest update of the Segoli activities - click to read in Hebrew or in English.
Click for list of May
and June birthdays and
May 23, 2015

Maayan, Lotem, Amit, Zoe and Itamar
enjoy a visit to Timna.
are in Eilat after having picked up our Sde Boqer grandchildren and
driving to Eilat to enjoy the long weekend of the
Shavuot holiday together with our
Eilat grandchildren and Mikhal, Aviv and Limor. Friday night we enjoyed
a barbecue on the beach near Coral World, slept there,
and then went
the next morning to the Levys for breakfast. A visit to the historical
Timna site was the morning activity. We will stay here until
Click here for some pictures.
I was saddened to hear of the passing of Jeanne (Gurland)
in England this week. (see Hershovitz/Levy
family tree). Although she
was older than I, I remember her visits to our family in Durban. I
visited her in her flat in Surrey about 12 years ago and we enjoyed
reminiscing about old times. Condolences to her children Richard
Kottler and Debora Sarfaty and to her grandchildren.
Moran is due back this week from Australia where he put the
finishing touches to his project and work there. He enjoyed a visit to
our relatives Claude and Ros Hakim in
Sydney, (see see
Nochomovicz/Nickel family tree) and back in Townsville went on a 2
day motorbike tour in the area.
We spent a few days
in Sde Boqer earlier in the week babysitting the Segoli chioldren and
looking for our dog Flopsy who was lost for about 15 hours (see notice we put up) until found by
the Security patrol miles from the house. The poor dog - 15 years old
- is almost completely deaf and partially blind but still enjoys
running and exploring like a puppy.
Son Aviv received a
call from the Nature Reserves Authority about a turtle in distress. He
managed to rescue the turtle, remove the hook from its neck, and
return it to the sea. Pictures here.
Danielle, doing her military duty in the Air Force, is moonlighting as
a poster girl! Well, not quite, but she appeared on the Shavuot holiday
greeting posted on the facebook of the Air Force.
15 year old
granddaughter Lior received her ID card, so
I suppose she is now officially an adult.
Moran has posted the
latest update of the Segoli activities - click to read in Hebrew or in English.
May 16, 2015
A Last Supper
l-r: Dave Rothschild, Joan Weisman, Frankie Klaff, Doreen,
Louise and Colin Kessel, me
Frankie and Dave were the
third set of guests who came for the Habonim Reunion
(see Archives) and stayed
with us. We enjoyed having all of them, their company, friendship,
reminiscences. Frankie of course is special - she is not only a close
long-time friend, but also a relative (Frankie was
married to my cousin, the late
Vivian Klaff).
Dave is also a long-time friend, not only from our Habonim days, but we
also were colleagues teaching at the Sharona School in Durban in our
final student years. Joining us for dinner on Thursday were Colin and
Louise Kessel with whom we have a close relationship, and Frankie's
friend Joan Weisman who now lives in Netanya.
This morning
farewell to our last "Reunion" guests. When a friend remarked to
Doreen that it looked like she was running a B&B, she replied it
was more like running an hotel - half board. As soon as the last guests
left we travelled to Sde Boqer to babysit Maayan, Lotem and Zoe Segoli.
We will be here till Tuesday.
Son Moran Segoli is
in Australia finishing his project and work there. On the way he spent
some days in Thailand, and from all accounts had a wonderful time
there. He did a cooking class and we look forwarad to his preparing us
Pad Thai on his return. (see picture)
We wish a speedy
recovery to Rachel Karlsblad.( see Schank
family tree.)
We are proud of our
granddaughter Ilai,
8 years old, who flew by herself from Eilat to Tel Aviv and
it thoroughly.(see picture.)
And also proud of
our oldest granddaughter, Danielle, who prepared a special birthday
cake for a friend with a vegan diet. (see
Moran has posted the
latest update of the Segoli activities - click to read in Hebrew or in English.
May 9, 2015

Ex-Durbanites at the "Sixties" Habonim
On Thursday and Friday we went
to a reunion of 1960's members of the Habonim youth movement. Most of
the two hundred people there live in Israel but there were also many
who now live in other countries. The event was impeccably organized by
ex-Habonimites who live on Kibbutz Tzora. The event was a resounding
success and the experience of meeting old friends, some of whom we
haven't seen for 50 years, was amazing.
There were 31 participants who had belonged to the Habonim movement in
Durban and it was extra-special seeing again the people who had played
such important roles in our youth.
There are more pictures here.
Prior to the
at Tzora we were delighted to
attend an "intimate" dinner at the house of Louise
and Colin Kessel for friends who had come from overseas for the
reunion. There were about 30 people at the dinner and it was an
exceptional evening. We brought a melktert
that Doreen has prepared - see
the recipe here.
Aura (nee Bilchik) and Hilton Greenberg, from Canada, whom we see
fairly regularly, were in Israel for the Habonim reunion and stayed
with us for a few days. As always it was wonderful being with them. (see a picture of a previous visit).
Another Durban friend that we see fairly regularly, Eleanor (nee
Gamsy) Pines, came from South Africa for the reunion, and is staying
with us for a few days. (see also a
visit with Eleanor in SA, and something Doreen wrote a few years ago about
Later in the week Frankie (nee Silberman) Klaff and Dave
Rothschild will be with us. They are more than friends. Frankie was
married to my cousin, the late Vivian Klaff,
and among the joy and
celebration of the reunion, the memory of Viv , the devoted Habonimite,
was a sad reminder of the passing years.
Louise Braverman,. Doreen's sister is on a tour of China.
May 2, 2015
Doreen in front of the Marsaba
Doreen joined our niece Denise Braverman
and Shai and daughter Vered and Aviv on a jeep tour to the Judean
Desert. They visited Nebi Musa (Moses' burial place according to Moslem
tradition) and the dramatic Marsaba Monastery founded in the year 483.
(More pictures and description soon.)
We extend heartfelt condolences to Lucille Melamed on the
untimely death of Graham her husband. We wish "long life" to their
children Melodie Nathan and Max Melamed and to his 5 grandchildren. May
have no more sorrow.(see Nochimovitz/Nickel
family tree).
It was my 75th birthday a few days ago. Daughter Vered and Aviv joined Doreen and me at a
new restaurant near us for a very tasty meal.
We were very happy to welcome long-time friend from our Durban
days, Mike Belman and his wife Lorna. Levia Passwell joined us for
dinner at home. (see picture.) We
last saw the Belmans about 7 years ago when they visited Israel (see picture.) Mike and Lorna are here
for the ex-South African Reunion at Kibbutz Tzora next weekend. We
will see many many old aquaintances and some will be staying with us.
Stay tuned to this site!
Every now and then Doreen gets together with some ex-Eilati girl
friends for a brunch. Some of them met again this week. See picture. (Click for a picture of a previous meeting)
Melly Braverman, our ex-brother in law, sent us a picture of his children Tamara and Adam on
a visit to Eilat from England. Denise "de niece" the eldest daughter of
Melly and Louise, Doreen's sister, joined them.
April 25, 2015
Aviv Levy celebrates Independence Day
Our son Aviv appearing in underwater
shots of celebrations has become almost a tradion on Israel TV.
Yom Haatzmaut this year
was no exception and a short video of Aviv holding the Israel
flag, including scenes of passing sharks, was part of the Indepence Day
For two previous underwater celebrations, click for the
underwater seder and for the
underwater ballot box.
We returned a few days ago from a 6 day
visit to Prague
where I
had to arrange for a bridge event in Prague next February. Doreen
me and you can read some of her impressions in her Column.
Granddaughter Lior Ron returned home from
her visit in New Jersey with her school delegation. Some pictures here.
Israel's 67 Independence Day celebrations were this week (see
picture above) and we celebrated it quietly with a barbecue with
daughter Vered and family. Vered and Aviv went to pick up Danielle at the base where she is
serving and we were happy that she could join us.
Daughter in law Limor sent us some most interesting and historical pictures of coupons issued
by the first grocery shop in Eilat, which was owned by her grandparents.
Grandaughter Zoe Segoli celebrated
her 3rd birthday yesterday and we joined the Segoli clan at their house
for the party.
Andrew Levy (Matz and Levy/Hershovitz
trees) is one of the founders and organizers of the Umuzi Photo Club,
a youth activism
organization that works in Johannesburg's (S. Africa) under-resourced
communities. Read some details
in the Archives. Thanks to his father, my cousin Charles, for
sending us this link to a most interesting and informative interview with Andrew on
a South African TV programme. Worth viewing!
April 18, 2015
Lior with her Certificate of Excellence
Grandaughter Lior Ron learns
Communication and Advertising at school. Earlier this week we went to
an exhibition of the works of the students. We were most
impressed by the printed displays as well as by the video clips they
had prepared. Lior is posing in front of one of her posters with the
Certificate of Excellence for her work. There is a
picture on her page of another poster designed
and prepared by Lior.
Congratulations, Lior, from your proud grandparents!
I had to arrange for a bridge event in Prague, and Doreen
me and we are spending 6 days here. After the meeting today I went with
Doreen to the city centre and of course couldn't resist a delicious Czech sausage.
Granddaughter Lior Ron (see also above) is in New Jersey, USA
with a delegation from her school to visit families in New Jersey. Some pictures here.
And also overseas is our daughter-in-law Mikhal Segoli. She is
visiting Paris for a week with Yael her mother and her sisters. (see pictures)
We enjoyed having Raphael
Cotton (Levy and Matz family trees) stay with us for
a couple of days on his visit to
Israel from South Africa.
There is a lovely picture of
the three Eilat Levy grandchildren getting ready to return to
school after the Passover vacation.
Daughter Vered Ron and Aviv celebrated their wedding anniversary
this week. See picture.
April 11, 2015

Itamar celebrates his 12th birthday
The Eilat Levys rermained after the
seder, and on
Saturday we celebrated grandson Itamar's 12th birthday. Parents Aviv
and Limor went back to work in Eilat and the three children, Itamar,
Amit and Ilai, stayed on with us with a few days.
See another picture on Itamar's page.
Graham Melamed (Nocimovich
family tree) had a stroke and is in
hospital. Our thoughts are with Lucille and the Melamed/Nickel
family as we hope for a speedy recovery.
We're very happy to hear that Aunt Winnie (Levy and Matz
family trees) is back home after a
spell in hospital. We spoke to her and she is recovering well.
Raphael Cotton (Levy and Matz family trees) is on a visit to
Israel from South Africa.
I've added a video of
Doreen, Danielle and Lior singing Who
Knows One at our seder last
The week-long Passsover holiday is a great opportunity for family
meetings with our children and grandchildren. Most of us were together
for the seder, then the Eilat |Levys
stayed with us (see above), the Segolis joined us for Friday night
dinner, and on Saturday we joined Vered and Aviv and the Segolis at a
fish restaurant at the Herzliya Marina (see
Read and see the
pictures in the Segoli bi-monthly update in Hebrew and in English.
April 4, 2015
Who Knows One - אחד מי יודע
This year we hosted the
Passover Seder at our home in Netanya and managed to squash in 20
people. It was a most enjoyable seder with enough tradition and more
than enough food. The highlight was the rendering of
Ehad Mi Yodea by Doreen, Dani and
Lior. (see
video). We finished
the seder in style singing passover songs and Israeli
hits from now and long ago.
More pictures on the
2015 Events page.
- Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Aunt Winnie Levy in
Johannesburg, who was hospitalized this week for an anaemia problem.
- Moran scanned an old photo of
Doreen on a camel in Sinai, which is approriate for Passover as
the haggadah recounts the 40
year wandering by Moses and the Children of Israel in the desert.
- Read and see the
pictures in the Segoli bi-monthly update in Hebrew and in English.

The European Bridge League
am writing this from Lausanne, Switzerland where I have been at a
of the EBL Executive at the Maison du Sport International. This is one
of the three regular committee meetings held each year. The Committee
chairmen reported on the work of their committees, some important
matters were discussed and some decisions made. I return home tomorrow
- While I was in Lausanne Doreen guided a two day tour and then
went to Eilat for a couple of days.
- There was a terrific news
article (in Hebrew, with pictures) featuring son Aviv in this
week's Yediot Eilat and Mynet titled "The
Eilatis who jump into the pool with sharks".
- The Segolis grandchildren's school organized a fair to raise
money for Holocaust victims, as part of their observance of "Good Deeds
Day". Lotem sold drawings she had done (click
here) , amd Maayan sold coffee and bread he had baked (click here). The children were very
excited about the project and started preparing days in advance.
- Granddaughter Lior continues with her Scout activities and took a group on a hiking trip.
- Moran found and scanned some old photos he had found, including
one of Doreen's Mother Gertie
and her sister Rosie..
- Read and see the
pictures in the Segoli bi-monthly update in Hebrew and in English.
March 21, 2015

Emptying the ballot box before
counting the votes
and I spent most of this week's election day chairing local
election committees at two polling stations. Our job was to see that
the voting and counting was done according to protocol. Neither of us
experienced anything untoward.
Both of us were very disappointed with the final results of the
elections, and are worried about our leaders' committment to democracy
and peace.
- We had three very
pleasant social activities this past week honoring old friends The
first was an exhibition and Study Day at Haifa University in honor of
Dalia Lamdani. (See details and picture
- The second was the
celebration of Morris Kahn's 85th birthday. The event was lavish and
most enjoyable. First of all it was an opportunity to see old friends.
Secondly, hearing about Morris's achievements and philanthropy is
always uplifting; and thirdly 25 young potential and successful
entrepeneurs from South Africa were in Israel as part of a project
meeting and discussing with Israeli counterparts, and Morris, one of
the sponsors of the project, had invited them to his party. It was
interesting and an eye-opening talking with them. The other sponsor of
the Project is Jonathan Beare, an aquaintance from long ago in our home
town of Durban South Africa.
- Doreen: the third
social activity was for women only. Our long time friend Malka Lev
celebrated her 80th birthday with a sumptious luncheon, speeches and a
performance of
Chekov stories
by Limor Yitzhak. Here too meeting old-time friends who have dispersed
was uplifting.
- Read and see the
pictures in the Segoli bi-monthly update in Hebrew and in English.
March 14, 2015

Doreen contemplating the winning
spent the first half of the week at the Dead Sea at the annual
Bridge Festival there. I directed the competitions and for a change
Doreen decided to play. In the first evening competition, a
simultaneous event played by over 1000 pairs all over Israel, she did
very well and came 3rd in the Dead Sea heat and 241 overall, and
earned her first two National Master Points. Well done!
- After the Dead Sea Bridge
Festival, we went to Eilat to visit the Aviv Levys, and to celebrate
the barmitzvah of Itai
Nickel, son of Doreen's cousin Warren. (see Nochimovicz/Nickel
family tree.). Click here for
- The latest issue of the Ben Gurion University magazine has
interesting and complimentary article about daughter-in-law Mikhal
Segoli. You can read the
article (in Hebrew) by clicking here. We're proud of you, Mikhal.
- The Israel General
Elections will take place this coming Tuesday,
and although I don't think there's much chance, I hope we get a new
Prime Minister. Doreen and I will be manning (peopling?) a polling
booth on behalf of the Meretz
March 7, 2015

It's Purim again!
The Festival of Purim is here again -
with fancy dress costumes, parties and generally having fun. Above are
our grandchildren and a ferocious cousin lion (and one adult) dressed
up. Try and identify them!
For previous years' Purim pictures click here.
- Daughter and son-in-law Vered and Aviv Ron took a short break and
went skiing with lucky daughter Lior. Click
here for
a picture, and here for a picture on
Lior's page.
- While parents and sister were enjoying the snow, Danielle took
advanbtage of a short break from the army and visited cousins Gali and
Amit Nickel, who live near her base. See
- Next week I'll be at the Dead Sea for the Dead Sea Bridge
Festival, then we go to Eilat to celebrate the barmitzvah of Itai
Nickel. (see Nochimovicz/Nickel
family tree.)
February 28, 2015
Lotem Segoli next to her book project
Doreen and I spent an enjoyable morning
yesterday at granddaughter Lotem Segoli's school, visiting the Book
Project exhibition. All third graders were asked to chose a hero from a
book they had read and prepare a display on the book and its
hero. Lotem chose the book Thea Stilton's The Legend of the Fire Flowers
because "my favourite books are Roald Dahl books but I don't have any
at home, so I chose my 2nd favourite books, the books on the Thea
are more pictures on Lotem's page.
- Son Moran Segoli returned today from a highly enjoyable short
holiday in the Italian
snow with long-time friend Ran Kagan. See pictures.
- Daughter Vered Ron was in Minneapolis this week on a business
trip. The temperature was -21 degrees and at least she enjoyed walking
on the frozen lake and watching people fishing through holes in the
ice. See pictures here.
- I was busy most of the week at the Tel Aviv Annual Bridge
Festival, which was very successful.
- Roslyn Hakim sent us a picture
of herself and husband Claude at the temple in the jungle of Angkor
Wat, Cambodia. The trip is to celebrate Ros's "big 0" birthday. Mazal
Tov! (see Nochimovitz/Nickel family
February 21, 2015

Grandchildren Lotem, Ilai, Maayan,
Zoe, Amit and Itamar (with Mikhal) go horse riding.
morning the Segolis and Levys went horse riding and absolutely loved
it. See also Itamar's page. This
was part of our "grandchildren weekend" - click
here for some pictures. The Segolis came from Sde Boqer,
the Levys from Eilat and the Rons from Raanana and we had a full house
of 8 grandchildren together with 4 children and their spouses for
Friday night dinner. Other pictures on Itamar's page and also here.
See more on the grandchildren below.
For Doreen it has been a baby-sitting week. From Sunday to
Wednesday she was in Sde Boqer looking after the Segoli children. On
Wednesday Ilai Levy came to Tel Aviv for a doctor's appointment,
accompanied by daddy Aviv and siblings Itamar and Amit. Aviv went back
on Thursday morning and left the kids in the care of Granny Doreen, who
took them to the Beer Sheva Museum. Then on Friday, the 5 Segolis
arrived and enjoyed, at least for them, lunch at MacDonalds. As
noted above the Rons joined us for dinner. Saturday morning early Moran
left, and Mikhal and the 8 kids remained. So Doreen baby-sat from
Sunday to Saturday. She's our nomination for "baby-sitting Granny of
the Year". Click
here for some pictures.
Son in law Aviv Ron, Vice-President for Strategy and Business
Development at Kramer Electronics, attended the annual ISE (Integrated
Systems Europe) Tradeshow in Amsterdam. Click on http://youtu.be/AyrkADUDywA for
his remarks on the success of his company at the Show.
Son Moran left this morning for a short holiday in the Italian
snow with long-time friend Ran Kagan. Holidays with Ran are quite
common - see for example here in the
Daughter Vered leaves tonight for a business trip to the
The Annual Tel Aviv Bridge Festival has started and I will be
fairly busy there for the week.
February 14, 2015

Is this why Lior wants to visit
New Jersey - for the yummy milk shakes?
Congratulations to granddaughter Lior
Ron on being among the pupils chosen to represent her school on a nine
day visit to New Jersey this coming April. Every year her school sends
some pupils to New Jersey, to interact with the Jewish Community there
who helped fund the
school in Israel. The pupils will stay in private homes and will
get to know the community and help with the celebrations of Israel
Independence Day.
Lior lived in New Jersey for 3 years, from ages 2 to 5, when her
parents Aviv and Vered were working there, so she was particularly
excited to be chosen for the trip.
To bring back some of her memories, on her page
there are some more pictures taken when she lived in New Jersey.
- Happy Valentine Day to all our relatives and friends.
- Last week I wrote that spring is in sight and that I was planting
and organising our small garden. I am writing this with the wind
howling outside, heavy rain falling and a sharp drop in temperature.
Next week I will probably write that I have had to replant.
February 7, 2015

Charles and Sheenagh Levy - 40 years
Charles and Sheenagh Levy ( Matz
and Hershovitz family trees) celebrated
their 40th wedding anniversary at
a party organised by their children Katherine and Andrew. Charles and I
are cousins but the relationship between Charles and Sheenagh and
Doreen and I goes beyond familial; we are very good friends too.
Although they live far away in South Africa we make opportunities to
meet and see each other and always enjoy our time together. Doreen and
I were unable to go to South Africa for their anniversary celebration,
and Joel and Beryl Klotnick - relatives on the Matz side of the family and also good
friends - represented the Israel relatives. Mazal tov, Charles and
Sheenagh. We hope to be with you on your 50th.
Click here for a picture of Charles
and me enjoying each others company.
- I'm back from Spain where I organised a very successful workshop
for bridge judges (tournament directors.)
- Winter is coming to an end and spring is in sight so Doreen and I
spent some time this week organising our small
garden, cleaning up and planting new vegetables.
- That spring will soon be here can be seen from this lovely picture of the Segolis in a
poppy field.
February 7, 2015

Explaining a difficult bridge law
past 4 days I have been in Alicante in Spain organising a European
Bridge League workshop for bridge tournament directors (judges). There
are 50 participants of varying standards from 15 European countries.
All of them will benefit greatly from the course, and a few of them
will be eligible to take part in a further course for international
While I was in Alicante, Doreen was in Eilat with Aviv and Limor
and the grandchildren, and they celebrated Ilai's 8th
See picture.
January 24, 2015

In a few days time I will be travelling to Alicante in Spain for
5 days to be in charge of a workshop for European bridge tournament
January 17,

Eitan (Anthony) aged 5 months
I'm still going patiently through the
vast collection of old photos, and decided to post a picture of me this
week. I've finally got up the courage to throw many away, expecially of
people I don't recognize! If nothing else, the photos bring back many
- Best wishes to Dave Rothschild, Frankie Klaff's husband (see Goldberg
family tree) for speedy recovery from his pacemaker implant.
Get well soon, Dave, so you can go on another trip like the trip
to the Grand Canyon a couple of years ago. (see
- The Segoli update for November-December is posted. Click to see
and read in Hebrew or in English
January 10, 2015

launching of the Loudrena
The Glazer Girls - Doreen, Louise, Gertie
of the attractions in Durban for visiting friends of the Glazers was a
fishing trip on the "Loudrena". (Of course Doreen and Louise were the
main attractions!). Doreen's father had a fishing motor boat built to
his specifications and many enjoyable hours were spent on the boat
catching fish and generally having a good time, although the fairly
frequent rough seas sometimes led to less happy time on the boat.
January 3,

Enjoying the Kinneret at Ein Gev about 1970
Denise de niece, Aviv, Doreen,
Vered, me.
picture from our photo albumns. In the early 1970's we used to
regularly spend enjoyable weekends camping or "bungaloing" at the Kinneret (Lake Gallilee), fishing,
swimming, and just generally having a good time.
- We wish all our relatives and friends a happy new year.
- This afternoon we visited the most interesting photograph
exhibition of Haim Lev. Haim and Malka Lev are long-time friends from
our original days in Hofit and we see them regularly. Haim is a keen
photographer and goes around the Emek Hefer area on his bicycle taking
pictures. Click for a picture of the
Levs and us at his exhibition.
- Apart from that, we started off the year quietly - nothing
special to report, good
or bad.
- Some pictures have been added
of grandson Maayan's birthday celebration at Superland.