More pictures
She was more succesful at making doughnuts, which
I understand were delicious. Welcome to the League of Family Cooks!
2022 -
Zoe at Summer Camp.
Zoe is having a great time at summer camp at the Jerusalem Zoo. Among
activities she fed a giraffe and hugged (?) a snake.

June 2022-
Zoe, ever
inventful, had a Gender Revelation Party to celebrate the birth of
chinchilla Misty. She made chocolate cake pops with the colour in the
middle revealing Misty's sex. Guess the colour!

preparing a cheeese cake for
under Granny's gentle supervision.
It was delicious.
April 2022 -
Zoe's birthday on the plane
Zoe's 11th birthday fell while she and her parents were on the plane
from the USA to Israel, but she still got her birthday cake!
February 2022
Zoe has a new fluffy rabbit, Lannie
January 2022 -
A hike
to Gev Zarchan
The Segolis took advantage of the temporary break in the rainy
weather to go hiking to the Gev Zarchan area. Apart from the desert
scenery there is a 'gev', a water hole, in the rock base that
with water in the rainy season.
Zoe enjoyed 'exercing' on the rocks.
Click for another picture, showing the

- Dinner at Granny and Saba Eitan, celebrating Maayan's 18th birthday.
Lighting Shabbat candles, and preparing chocolate coated strawberries.

See also here.
October 2021 -
Family Reunion
The Castle, Kerem Maharal
More pictures:
27th Reunion page, and the pages of
October 2021
- at
the Negev Zoo
here for a picture and a short video clip of Zoe practicing
parkour, and another picture of Zoe at the petting zoo.
2021 -
jumping into the water
Zoe decided that her pets need some VIA (Very
Impotant Animals) special
attention. So her rabbits, hampsters, guinea pig and chinchillas
received a "spa" treatment: a tasty dish of their favourite fruit and
vegetables, brushing, massages and haircuts.
Here is the plate of fruit and
vegetables prepared for the animals
August 2021 -
a morning at the pool.
August 2021 - Glass blowing
The Segolis spent a weekend with us and the highlight was a glass
blowing workshop.

More pictures of the glass blowing on the pages of
Lotem and
July 2021
Zoe joined Saba Eitan and Granny for a
meal at the Japanika Restaurant
Zoe preparing and feeding the animals during her shift at her school's
petting zoo.
July 2021
Zoe and Granny prepare a tasty apple pie.
2021 - Switzerland vacation
The Segolis enjoyed a short vacation in Switzerland.
Mikhal, Zoe and especially Lotem love to draw and show much talent.
So apart from relaxation, enjoyment and "getting away from it all" the
purpose of the trip was to give them the opportunity to experience and
depict new sights and make new friends.
More pictures of their vacation are in the
Week's Picture Archives, on
Miscellaneous page, and on
Lotem's page

Zoe and
Lotem have 2 new chinchillas (
picture here)
May 2021
- Zoe enjoys a water slide at Kadesh
Click here
April 2021
- Zoe's 9th birthday.
Zoe took a long time to think before making a wish and blowing out the
candles on the Vegan Chocolate cake
recipe). Hope it was a good one.

March 2021 -
Family visit to Eilat
Zoe and cousins enjoying themstlves at a family meeting in Eilat.
See more pictures on the
page and the
Events page.
Purim 2021
Zoe gets in to the spirit of the fight against Covid with an
appropriate Purim costume.
February 2021
- Zoe sliding in the snow with her
snowman friend
This year the higher areas of the Negev desert
had snow and the Segolis were happy to take advantage of the snow
in their "backyard" and enjoy the desert snow on the Amasa Hill
(הר עמשא) part of the Hebron Hills in the northern Negev.
2020 - Zoe the acrobat
Zoe loves doing somersaults and other acrobatic movements. A friend
made a video of about 2 minutes of some of her acrobatic exercises
showing how supple she is.
here to see the video
2020 - 26th Family Reunion - 56th
Anniversary Granny and Saba Eitan
On 16/12 we celebrated the 56th Anniversary of Granny Doreen and Saba
Eitan, together with the 26th Levy Family Reunion. There are more
pictures on the
Events page, on
This Weeks Picture Archives,
and on the pages of
Ilai .
We also went sand surfing on a high sand dune. Click on the picture
below to see a short video.
Zoe also took cousin Ilai to see the Petting Corner (Pinat Chai) that
she helps to take care of.
October 2020 - Halloween
Happy halloween for our USA family. The
Segolis lived in America for some time and the children remember
Halloween. For children Halloween is fancy dress, carving pumpkins and
"trick or treat". We don't get those large 'carveable' pumpins in
Israel, but granddaughter Zoe found that an apple, though smaller, is a
convenient substitute.
And while on the subject of Halloween,
the Ron family also lived in USA for a time,
and on one of the visits there, just before Halloween, Saba Eitan and
Granny took
granddaughter Danielle to the zoo where she could choose her own
pumpkin. It was not the most successful venture but all's well that
ends well.
Read about it here.
Lotem's 15th
We made a quick return drive to Midreshet Sde Boqer to
celebrate granddaughter Lotem's 15th birthday. We ate Maayan's
delicious red velvet birthday cake covered with icing sugar with
Doreen's help, had a lovely meal and drove home again.
Pictures here.
We took Joanie with us and she was rather too much interested in
Segolis guinea pig (Moses), hamster (Peaches) and rabbit (Ash).
Evidently it was also Ash's birthday.

Happy Birthday also to Ash
See more pictures on the pages of
Lotem and
miscellaneous events.
2020 - Outings and picnics during
In this era of lockdowns and restricted movement, living in
Midreshet Sde Boqer in the Negev Desert has its perks. While us city
dwellers are confined to our built up areas, the Segolis and some
friends can go to the nearby wide-open spaces without any fear of
contracting or spreading the Corona virus. Moran sent us some pictures
their extended desert picnics and outings.

There are more pictures of the Segoli picnics on the
Miscellaneous page and on the
pages of
Maayan, and
Lotem .
July 2020
- Zoe shows Joanie how to sleep.
As can be seen in the
picture below this one
, our dog Joanie prefers snuggling with Zoe to sleeping alone in
her bed. Zoe shows her how it's supposed to be done.
2020 - Sleepover (with Joanie) at Granny and Saba
April 2020 -
Zoe's 8th birthday
Zoe celebrated her 8th birthday
on Zoom - 3 times - with her friends, with the Segoli family and with
the Levy family!
She also used Kahoot, an online quiz game where she set questions
relating to herself.
Good fun!

got a guinea pig for a
present, and is also looking after a bunny during the corona period.

March 2020
- Zoe has homework
All schools were cancelled because of the coronavirus emergency and
teachers maintained online contact with their pupils. Zoe, in 2nd
grade, also got homework:
I was surprised and happy to get a phone call from Zoe:
Zoe: Hello Saba, how are you?
Me: I'm fine. Thank you for calling. How are you?
Z0e: I'm also fine. I'm in Eilat.
M: Are you having a good time, also with Oreo?
Zoe: Yes, he's a big dog.
Me: Are you enjoying being with your cousins Ilai and Amit?
Zoe: Yes, I'm helping Amit with her homework.
Me: That's nice. Do you also have homework?
Zoe: Yes, I'm doing my homework now. I have to phone and ask Saba how
is feeling.
March 2020 -
Getting to know Oreo
March 2020
- Wall climbing at "Monkeys" in Netanya

Joanie seems delighted to be able to spend a few days with Zoe.
January 2020 -
The Segolis ski and glide
The Segolis enjoyed their skiing holiday in Romania. While
there Zoe enjoyed the skiing.
Pictures on the pages of of Lotem,
and Maayan (and also here).
2019 - A visit to the Yarden Park

Click for more pictures.
July-August 2019 - Segoli family trip to
and Moscow
See more pictures of the trip to Mongolia on the
Miscellaneous page, and on the pages
Maayan and
Lotem .
July 2019 -
All her cousins are divers, so Zoe is
starting by learning how to snorkel.
Cherries on

For another
Shavuot picture,
see here.
Reunion in Italy at the Villa Prato al Sole
April 2019
For more pictures of the reunion
2019 - Lotem and Zoe dance the
Friends dance.
Zoe's school report card -
her first school report card
2018 - SCHOOL!!
Zoe starts school and seems delighted - welcome to Kita Aleph, grade 1
2018: Helping at the Reniala Lemur
Rescue Center.
On their trip to Madagascar, the Segolis voluntered to help at the
Lemur Rescue Center.
Read Moran's
brief description,
See pictures of the children working at the center on the pages of
Maayan, and
Lotem .
Zoe preparing vegetables for the lemurs and helping clean their area.

August 2018 -
The Segolis visit Madagascar II
The Segolis are having a great time on their visit to Madagascar.
Maayan went diving, Zoe ate chocolate
Lotem went swimming. As can be
by clicking here, life
there is not easy especially for Moran.

Zoe couldn't resist tasting chocolate/cocoa directly from
the tree
August 2018
- The Segolis visit Madagascar
The Segolis are continuing their trip to Madagascar and seem to having
a fabulous time. It looks like a perfect place for the nature-loving
Segolis. See picture
here and on
the pages of
Maayan, and
Lotem .

Wild-life photographer Zoe keeps busy and snaps a local
June 2018 -
The Segoli Pyramid
Lotem and Maayan
Mikhal and Moran

Zoe starts school in September. At the end of kindergarten they had a
Letters in Honey ceremony, an old Moroccan tradition. Cookies in the
shape of letters of the (Hebrew) alphabet are on a tray. Here Zoe is
about to pick out the cookies spelling her name and then will dip it in
honey and eat it.
May you have a great school year Zoe!
May 2018
The success of Israel's Netta winning the the Eurovision Song Contest
was big news in Israel and she gave a special open air performance in
Rabin Square in Tel Aviv attended by thousands including
Lotem and Zoe.
The girls were in ecstacy, Zoe all the time saying "I can't beleieve
I'm seeing the real Netta!"
May 2018
The Eilat Levys have a new cat so when we visited them we decided to
leave our dog Joanie in
Sde Boqer with the Segolis, especially with Zoe. Zoe and Joanie adore
each other and Zoe took her dog-sitting duties seriously.
April 2018
Zoe turned six this month and she celebrated with the
Segolis in Mevaseret, with the
Levys in Eilat , in Sde Boqer at home
and in kindergarten (below), and also
Saba Eitan - a joint celebration in Netanya.
That's the way to celebrate a
birthday birthweek
2018 - Zoe enjoys a piggyback ride on
cousin Itamar. For another picture of Zoe going for a "piggyback" ride
- in completely different circumstances -
2018 - Purim
Click here for a picture in fancy
dress costume.
2018 - Zoe comes home after a
party at kindergarten
Zoe was excited for a week about the pyjama party (and the new pyjamas
Doreen bought her) at her kindergarten.
2018 - 23rd Levy Family Reunion
There are pictures of Zoe and all the family
2018 - Zoe tries gymnastics
2017 -
2017 - The Segolis trek the Dolomites
More pictures
here, and on the
pages of
Maayan and
Lotem, and in the
Week's Picture archives.
June 2017 - A
little snake to play with
Our grandchildren's attiitude towards animals always amazes me, both
for their "likes" and "dislikes".
There was another example this week:
son Moran found a small snake and brought it home.
As you can see from
the delighted look, Zoe was thrilled to entertain the little snake.
2017 - The grandchildren go horseriding.
Zoe wanted to go riding on her 5th birthday and was delighted to be
upgraded from pony to horse. She couldn't stop smiling.

See more pictures on the
page, and on the pages of
Lotem and
2017 birthdays
Our immediate family has 3 April birthdays: Itamar Levy - April 4, Zoe
Segoli - April 24, me - April 27. This year we celebrated at daughter
Vered's house where there was a near full house of children
and grandchildren. What made the event extra special was that grandson
Maayan, aged 13, cooked the delicious meal. The theme was Indian
cuisine and he prepared samosas, butter chicken curry and naan bread.

Zoe blowing out her candles on the cake that she and Ilai
More pictures on the pages of
Zoe, and on the
Miscellaneous page.
2017: Zoe visits the Netanya Luna Park
Siblings Maayan and Lotem flew to Paris, Aunt and cousins Rons flew to
America, Saba Eitan has just returned from flying to Cyprus, so Zoe can
fly to Kiryat Hasharon in Netanya
Siblings Maayan and Lotem flew to Paris,
Grandparents Segoli also flew to Paris,
Aunt, uncle and cousin Rons flew to
Saba Eitan has just returned from flying to Cyprus,
so Zoe wants to fly to Kiryat Hasharon in Netanya
Of course overbooking could lead to
trouble, so it's better to go by horse or by train
2017 - Maayan's
For more pictures see the
page and also the pages of
2016 - Chanuka
Click here for some Chanuka pictures.
October 2016 - Lotem's 11th birthday
Granny Doreen baked a tasty chocolate cake for Lotem's birthday and
Zoe decorated it beautifully.

See also Lotem's page
October 2016 -
Bicycle riding
Congratulations to Zoe on learning how to ride a bicycle by

August 2016 -
Flopsy and Zoe
Flopsy's best is sleeping in Zoe's children's bed which, even
she has outgrown it, is still suitable for Zoe to keep Flopsy company.
August 2016 - A
visit to Sky Jump with Granny

Zoe enjoying a visit to Sky Jump.
See also here.
July 2016 - A visit to the Galapagos Islands.
A highlight of any
visit to
these islands is seeing the giant tortoises that gave the islands their
On our visit to the Galapagos in the 1980's we were fortunate to see
"Lonesome George", the last of his sub-species (he died in 2012) and
scratch his neck. Touching the tortoises is now forbidden, and Zoe
found an alternative. But she wasn't sure what to make of the strange
looking Galapagos Iguana.

There are more
pictures of the
Segolis in the Galapogos on the pages of Lotem and Maayan, and on the 2016 Events page, and in the 2016 archives
July 2016 Zoe finds a new friend

The Segolis are in the Galapagos and Zoe saw a sea lion sleeping
on the sidewalk.
June 2016: In a restaurant in USA after a long
transatlantic flight from Israel

The Segolis flew from Israel to USA to start their holiday in
the USA
West Coast before going to the Galapagos Islands.
On arrival in the
USA Moran and Mikhal decided to keep the children awake as long as
possible to overcome jet lag.
They went to a restaurant, Zoe was
exhausted and wanted to sleep, but didn't want to give up on the
tempting french fries.
So she lay down on the bench and .....
May 2016 - Zoe breaks her arm
Granddaughter Zoe Segoli fell and broke her arm
Get better quickly Zoe!
We were reminded that her big sister Lotem
broke her arm just before she was due to fly to South Africa with us a
few years ago.But there's no problem with her arm now -
click to see a painting she made a few days
Zoe prepared a picture for Saba Eitan
princess riding on a platypus and on a seal.
April 2016 - Zoe's 4th birthday

Zoe's birthday fell during the
holidays and we celebrated it after the
seder in Sde Boqer.
April 2016 - At Itamar's barmitzvah

A lovely picture of Zoe taken by Aviv Ron
March 2016 - Adloyada in Sde Boqer
the festival of parades and fancy dress, is here again, and
the traditional adloyada (parade)
festivites took place at Midreshet Sde Boqer,
where the Segolis live. Click for a picture of Maayan at
the celebration.

2015 - celebrating Channuka.

channuka pictures
2015 - Facepainting - see a
picture of Zoe and sister Lotem with beautiful facepainting at
cousin Rotem's birthday party..
November 2015 - Getting to know Twitter

See some more
pictures here, and here, and on the pages of Itamar, Ilai,
Maayan, Lotem,and
Lior, and a video here.
October 2015
Rosh Hashanah

For some pictures of the grandchildren on
Rosh Hashanah see the pages
August 2015 - Zoe's first haircut
Granddaughter Zoe needed a haircut (her first) but was too
Doreen took her and big sister Lotem to the hairdresser where
Lotem had her haircut,
but that didn't molify Zoe. So I took her to my barber where she also
refused. On the barber's advice I had my hair cut while Zoe watched,
then the barber told her he would cut her hair also only if she sat on
grandpa's lap. So up she climbed and sat quietly as she had her first
haircut, and received a certificate with a lock of her hair to prove
August 2015 - A visit to Technoda
Our Segoli grandchildren enjoy a visit to the Technoda Science museum
and Planetarium. Click for
pictures of
Maayan and
Lotem at the museum. Zoe took part in
a children's science activity and enjoed taking pictures with an
old-style camera. She alsdo learnt how a close a circuit and make a
light go on.

August 2015 - Decorating Flopsy

When the Segolis came back from their Iceland trip they spent
the weekend with us.
The Ron's dog Tuli was also with us, and having two dogs to' look
after' was heaven for granddaughter Zoe.
She enjoyed decorating Flopsy and hoping he might fly by tying a
balloon to his collar..
August 2015 - some activities with Granny and Saba
More pictures on the
Miscellaneous pages and on the pages
Lotem, and
June 2015 - Decorating birthday cakes for Aunt Vered
and Uncle Aviv

There are more pictures on the pages of
Ilai; and
activities page.

Room for ice cream? Saba
Eitan checks for empty spaces in Zoe's tummy.
June 2015 - A visit to the Tzippori National Park

There are more pictures on the
pages of the children
and also on the
Activities page.
June 2015
- Picking vegetables in Saba
Eitan's garden.

There are more pictures on the pages of
and on also on the
Miscellaneous and
Archives pages.)
2015 - Shavuot
holiday - a long weekend in Eilat
Click on
Zoe swimming video for a short
video .
swimming, I'm swimming

Zoe and sister Lotem enjoy being hatched!
For more pictures of the
Shavuot weekend
in Eilat see also the year's
page and the pages of
April 2015 -
3rd birthday

Sorry, no picture of the cake and candles. This is the best I can do!
While looking after Flopsy, Zoe accidentally hurt his ear. She
apologised, and kissed it better. I'm sure he forgave her,
especially when she read him a story..
October 2014

Pancakes with chocolate sauce are delicious!
2014 -
Taking Tuli for a walk
While the Rons are touring Slovenia and Croatia, Zoe is looking after
their dog Tuli. She takes her job seriously. Moran reports that one
night she was very tired and falling asleep, but she remembered that
she hadn't yet taken Tuli for a walk. She was too tired to walk, so
a suitable solution was found!
- brushing Flopsy's teeth
and picking olives with Granny Doreen.
Last week there was a picture of babysitter
Levy looking after Zoe, and making sure to brush her teerth. We
thought that Flopsy was babysitting Zoe, but Zoe thought otherwise -
here she is helping Granny Doreen brush Flopsy'ds teeth.
The area is full of olive trees, and
and Zoe picked olives which Doreen will pickle. Hopefully there'll
be a recipe out of this for the nearly defunct Family Recipe page.
August 2014
Looking after Flopsy

Doreen, Flopsy and I went to Sde Boqer to help the Segolis get
organised for their return to their house in Sde Boqer.
Doreen and I
helped where we could.
Flopsy's job was to keep Zoe occupied. Zoe's
job was to look after Flopsy, including making sure that he ate his
August 2014 -

Although Zoe had a little trouble relating to all the new family
crowding her at the airport, she did immediately attach herself to Tuli
and Flopsy and she thinks Israel is wonderful - the land of dogs.
A dejected Zoe

On the Segolis trip to the south of Australia: A dejected Zoe
contemplates the disadvantages of being young and small as her older
climb the high branches of the trees.
A visit to the
Billabong Animal Reserve in Townsville

Zoe pats a wombat.
See also the pages of
Maayan and
The Red Centre
- continued
Enjoying pancakes at the
campground, and looking at a thorny devil by the side of the road.

and enjoying patting a
real live camel.
more pictures click here, and
also see the pages of Lotem and Maayan.
April 2014
The Red Centre of Australia
with Saba Eitan and Granny Doreen

There are two ways of hiking - the easy way with Daddy carrying me, and
the hard way (the Leki stick doesn't help much.)
For more pictures click here, and also see the pages
of Maayan and Lotem .
March 2014 -
Zoe and
the neighbours' dogs

One of Zoe's favourites it to pat the neighbours' dogs through the
fence. It seems like the dogs like it too - when they hear our car pull
up in the driveway in the afternoon they rush to the fence to wait for
Zoe to get out and pet them.
March 2014 -
preparing Muffins with Granny Doreen

See also the pages of
Maayan and
Lotem .
March 2014
Click here to see
purim pictures of Zoe and
the rest of the family.
- and
here for a picture of
Maayan, Lotem and Zoe in a foam bath together.
2014 -
visit to Thailand
On the way back from Israel to Australia the Segolis
stopped over in Thailand and had a wonderful time. You can read a
little about it and see some fantastic pictures on the Segoli site
in Hebrew
in English.
December 2013 - With
Saba (where is he?) and Maayan in Netanya
Zoe: "There's a better view from up here - even if Maayan
had to run to hold me in case I fell"
2013 - A visit to the Jerusalem
Biblical Zoo
I spent a most enjoyable day at the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo with
the family. Aviv Levy and Itamar, Amit and Ilai came up from Eilat and
joined Moran and Mikhal Segoli and Maayan , Lotem and Zoe. Mikhal's
mother, Yael Segoli, also joined us with three cousins from the Segoli
side, Rotem, Ido and Amit (children of Mikhal's sister Naama and Moshik
Yaniv). All the children got on extremely well and had a wonderful
time. Vered Ron,
who was working in Jerusalem, joined us for a short time. The zoo
is large, well-organized and has many interesting animals.
feeding nectar to the parrots.
There are
more pictures on the activities
page, and on the pages of Amit and Ilai and on the Archives page.
December 2013
- 19th Family Reunion
celebrated the Segoli visit to Israel with a family reunion at the
desert resort of Ein Gedi, and also welcomed Zoe to the family.
climbed Massada, went on
a tour of the Dead Sea Salt Works, hiked in Nahal David, and most
important of all had a
great time together.

On the way to Ein Gedi Zoe stopped to take a ride on a horse. She also
walked to the top of Massada, with some help of course from Abba
Moran and Ima Mikhal, but she managed the snacks on her own.
More pictures of our Ein Gedi weekend are on the pages of
Lotem, and the
Miscelleaneous Activities page.
December 2013
At Auntie Vered's house with family and fluffy Tuli

Zoe loves animals, especially a nice fluffy dog like
Auntie Vered's Tuli.
June 2013 - A
trip to
Lamington National Park and Fraser Island

More pictures
here and on the pages of
Maayan and
February 2013 - Zoe takes her
walk, alone, almost.