Chanuka 2016
During the last week of the year we celebrated Chanuka,
the Festival of
Lights. We took part in some of the nightly lighting of candles
(1 to 8 depending on the day) and the singing of Chanuka songs.
Here are some pictures from our, Vered's and Moran's home, and from the
now traditional ceremony at the home of Shuli and Eitan Haberman.
See also the
picture on the
previous week's post.
2016 - Activities with some grandchildren
Our three Eilat grandchildren, Itamar, Amit and Ilai and
Lotem Segoli joined us for three days during the Chanuka vacation.
Doreen prepared a program for them, a visit to the Florentine Circus,
Getting ready for a trip to the Florentine Circus
A long drive to the Hermon to see the snow and to realize a
dream for the Eilat grandchildren (
This Week's Picture),
and the new Harry Potter spin-off movie "Fantastic Beasts
and Where to Find Them".
2016 - Renewing contact with Susan Nathan
We were happy to have second cousin Susan Nathan
(see Levy/Hershovitz family tree)
as a weekend guest . Although she lives in Israel we have not seen
each other for many many years and it was very pleasant catching up on
family matters. Susan has not been to Caesaria and Doreen took her
there to visit.
2016: With Louise's school friend
Doreen with sister Louise Braverman and Anita Etzman, Louise's school
friend from Barnato High School in Johannesburg, on a visit to Sarona.

2016: The Rons in Paris
Vered and Aviv ron spent a few days enjoying Paris

2016: With Judy Rand
The Eilat Festival provided us with an opportunity
of meeting
Judy Rand
whom we have not seen for some time. Judy was presenting the prizes to
the winners of the special Rand Cup Competition in memory of her late
husband Nissan who had contributed so much to Israel and European

2016: Aviv sails from Greece to Israel and joins us in time for dinner
on Friday night.

2016: View from our hotel in Eilat
We spent the last 4 days in Eilat where I was a
Tournament Director at the Red Sea
Bridge Festival. It
is always enjoyable - a mixture of family, work and meeting old
both from Israel and overseas. This year we spent a couple of nights at
a hotel near the Festival venue and enjoyed the rest and the

2016 - Doreen in Paris
While I was away in Zagreb for bridge business, Doreen spent 6 days in
Paris with 3 friends, Livia, Yael and Ora. Our
daughter Vered joined them for a few days.
Vered and Doreen
Levia and Doreen
2016 - Flooding in Eilat
At the end of October the first rains came to Israel. They were quite
heavy but in Eilat the amount of rain was exceptional - in a few
hours 150% of the usual yearly amount
of rain fell! Eilat was flooded - the roads to, from amd in the
town were closed, as was the airport. In addition to the rains there
was unusual lightnimg and a taxi was hit directly by lightning.
Son Aviv sent us there two pictures.

During Sukkot, the Eilat
Levys celebrated traditionally, and built a sukkah where they ate their meals.

2016 - Our vegetable plot
In addition to our garden at home, we continue to enjoy
our municipal vegetable
plot. (see
Picture of Week
Archives, and a
previous picture.)We have
eaten corn, peppers, beans, Chinese cabbage and tomatoes
grown there by us. The allotment area is also a social activity area
where residents, especially those with young children, get together.
2016 - Doreen and a ray

We spent a couple
of days in Eilat and once again
enjoyed a visit to Coral World, where Doreen was
fascinated by the rays.
2016 - The Rons visit Costa Rica
Vered, Aviv and Lior Ron are on a visit
to Costa Rica and report having a wonderful time enjoying the views,
hikes and wildlife. They will be back at the end of the week.
2016 -
Hashanah at Midreshet Sde Boqer
Thw whole family - all 16 of us plus two dogs Flopsy and Tuli, and one
bird, Twitter, celebrated the Jewish New Year 5777.

Twitter, in particular, entered into the spirit of the New Year (lots
of food!) by sharing a bite with me.
The Shofar blowing contest has by tradition become
part of our festivities, and as usual Lior was the clear winner, even
blowing a sort of duet with Dad Aviv.
(See pictures of Itamar and Lotem trying to compete)

Moran took us to visit one of the Agricultural Research and Development
centres where he works, and we all found it most interesting. (click for a previous visit by Doreen)

Click to see pictures of our two oldest beautiful granddaughters, Danielle and Lior.
September 2016 - Our visit to America continued -
part 3
From Minneapolis we flew to Philadelphia and stayed with
Nina Schafer.
We met Nina and her late husband Steve when we lived in the Virgin
Islands, and have been close friends ever since. Nina, a poet, is on a
crusade to distribute 12,000 poems a year (never her own) to
unsuspecting members of society. I (Doreen) was looking forward to
standing on a streetcorner with her and handing out poems but she has
perfected her routine and surprisingly people were most receptive to
receiving a poem printed on a coloured piece of paper.

Nina reading one of her poems
We spent a few days with Frankie Klaff and David
Rothschild. Frankie, one of Doreen's closest friends was married to my
late cousin Vivian (see Goldberg family
tree), and Dave is a dear friend from our Durban Habonim days. Our
stay was filled with memories and laughter and food.
Me, Doreen, Dave Rothschild, Frankie Klaff enjoying
a meal .
Frankie lent us her car and we drove to Washington, where we stayed
with Zach, Nina's son.
We saw the important Washington sites, including the Capitol. For us it
was the closing of a circle. Standing on a
ridge in New Jersey in 2001 we had watched in
horror as the second tower fell in the 9/11 terrorist attack.
Fifteen years later on this visit to New York we were moved to visit
the memorials at ground zero and we completed the circle of homage
when we saw the Capitol which was most
probably the destination of the failed fourth plane to be hijacked on
that fateful day.
We also took the bus tour, visited
the American Indian Museum and the Holocaust Museum. Meaning to visit
another Smithsonian museum, we were unable to leave
the Holocaust Museum; we had to stop to read one more story, one more
panel, see one more video....
2016 - Continuing our American
visit. - part 2
From New York we flew to Toronto, Canada and stayed with the Glogauers.
(see Archives)
ileen (Nickel) Glougauer and
Doreen are cousins and spent many holidays together when Eileen came up
Johannesburg to Durban during the school holidays.
Three of their sons
and families came over for dinner. We have seldom felt so welcome,
embraced by their loving family. Two days of non-stop talking wasn't
enough to catch up on years of family doings.
We spent a lovely day with them at the
Niagara Falls.
Doreen: Meeting ex-Durbanites
was a cause for celebration and much reminiscing. Anthony and Mervyn
Kaplan (seated in photo on right) were together in the same class from
kindergarten through high school. One of the hilarious anecdotes
recounted was that Anthony who was very naughty at school tested his PT
teacher's patience to the utmost. At the beginning of each PT lesson he
would bark "Levy! Into the horse!" and he would spend the lesson inside
the wooden contraption with the pupils vaulting over him.
Doreen, Hilton and Aura
Greenberg, Terry Kaplan, Evelyn (Landecker) Binder, me, Mervyn Kaplan

In Toronto we also stayed with Aura (nee Bilchik) and Hilton Greenberg.
have been close friends for many, many years and have met fairly
frequently in Israel. Aura and Doreen were in high school together.
We were also happy to see John and Ethne (Miller) Nussbaum again. Our
friendship with them also goes back to our Durban days.
In the picture: Me, Aura, Hilton, Doreen,
John, Ethne.
Doreen: The feeling of
community among the ex-South Africans with their
interconnectedness and caring for each other in the Jewish community
palpable and very different from our life in Israel.
From Toronto we flew to Minneapolis to visit and stay with Roy and
Gillian Myers in St Louis Park.
Roy was Head Prefect at Durban High School when I was in my
penultimate high school year, and we met up again at Wits University
where Roy and Gill and I became friendly. I left Wits, and Roy and Gill
married and became doctors, and we lost contact. By a happy coincidence
the Myers visited St Thomas USVI while we
were stationed there and we met up again and have been firm
friends since then. We were happy to catch up again, and also delighted
to see their daughter Niki and family again.
.The picture below was taken after numerous attempts by Roy to use the
time delay feature on his camera. There were may attempts, showing the
three of us with parts of Roy's body and head, before he finally -
accompanied by howls of laughter - succeeded in getting to the picture
in time.
The Myers took us on a drive to see the
beautiful lakes of the area and we also saw, and visited, the
impressive Bet El Synagogue in Minneapolis.

2016 - A visit to New York USA
On our visit to USA and Canada, we spent 6 interesting days in New

New York from our hotel window
We met relatives: Anita Hock (
Nochimovicz tree), who we
were delighted to meet for the first time, and Florence (
Glasser/Gordon tree) and Yossi
Levin, always good company .........

....... enjoyed Central Park and the US Tennis Open (fantastic
atmosphere, tennis not so good!) .......
The simple yet powerful Memorial consists of two pools occupying the
footprints of the original towers.The pools are structures with water
flowing down
the sides into a seemingly bottomless hole, and surrounded by the
names of the nearly 3,000 victims of the attack engraved in bronze. The
loud sound of the
falling water drowns out the sound of the surroundings enabling us to
think and reflect, and the hole symbolizes absence and loss.
Amomg the many exhibits at the museum we saw the only steps not
completely destroyed by the falling building and which provided an
escape for many survivors. An overhang which didn't collapse saved the
initial steps of the staircase - the damage done to the lower steps is
clearly seen. The column supports of the towers were buckled by the
impact and the hot fire and gave way leading to the collapse of the
buildings. Among the ruins one tree, a Callery pear tree remained
alive. It was
replanted in the surroundings and is flourishing.
Click for another picture (of
the destroyed Fire Engine Ladder 3) in the This Week's Picture Archives.
August 2016 -
"Our" corn!
"agricultural" allotment
is doing wonderfully well. We're not sure we'll be back in time to
enjoy the fruits - or the corn - of our plantings.
Just behing the corn are Chinese Cabbage and tomatoes- at least we'll
be in time for that.
August 2016 -
Another birthday celebration
for Doreen.
A little belatedly Doreen celebrated her birthday with some friends
with a breakfast.
Caroline Livneh, Louise
Braverman, Ruth Erez, Doreen Levy, Yael Paperna
Click here
for a picture of Doreen's other birthday celebration earlier this year!
August 2016 -
Enjoying the Shanghai Circus
The Shanghai Circus was performing in Netanya in the lot
opposite our apartment. Doreen took the Eilat Levys (with Yonatan and
Libby - the grandchildren of friend Ruti Erez) and a few days later I
took the Sde Boqer Segolis. The children - and adults - all thoroughly
enjoyed the circus - as Lotem put it "it was truly amazing!"
2016 - Aunt Vered takes the Eilat Levys trampolining
July 2016 - A short
visit to Riga
On our way back from the bridge championships in Liepaja, Latvia
we spent a day in Riga. It was very interesting and we regretted that
we were there for so short a time. We took a guided walking tour and
saw the main attractions in the Old Town, and also walked on our own,
and visited Riga's large fascinating market.

We also visited the synagogue which had been spared destruction
during the Nazi regime. We met one of the local members there who told
us that the Nazis were about to burn the synagogue when a local priest
approached them and said that his church and congregants lived in close
proximity to the synagoue and would be endangered by the fire.
There is a minyan every day
and there are two congregations using the
synagogue, the Chabad followers
use the main synagoue and the Litvaks
much smaller room downstairs. Before WWII the Litvaks has used the main
synagogue and the Chasidim the downstairs room.
July 2016 - Liepaja,
After an interesting visit to Moscow we flew to Liepaja, a
town on the Baltic Sea in Latvia. We're here for the European Bridge
Pairs Championships. I've been busy with the Bridge
competition which is being held in the Olympic Centre. Doreen has made
use of the gym here and also visited the city by foot and by bicycle.
July 2016 - The Levys
enjoy Aija Napa (Cyprus)

The three "monkeys" enjoy the pool.
July 2016 -The Segolis
visit the Galapagos Islands.
There are more
pictures of the Segolis in the Galapagos in the 2016 archives on the pages
of Maayan, Lotem,
and Zoe.
July 2016 - A visit to
Dalia Lamdani
We visited long-time friend Dalia Lamdani (
more about Dalia and also
Column #23). We had a very pleasant visit and also discussed the
publication of her new book "A Journey through the Pantry."
June 2016 - 50 years
Last week in honour of
Vered's 50th birthday I posted a
picture of Doreen with baby Vered.
They liked the picture so much that
they decided to re-enact it, as can be
seen here.
June 2016 - Budapest
Doreen at two sites of Jewish interest:
(Left) The
Shoe memorial on the banks of the Danube honor the Jews who were killed
by fascist Arrow
Cross militiamen in Budapest
during World
War II. They were ordered to take off their
shoes, and were shot at the edge of the water so that their bodies fell
into the river and were carried away. The shoes, made of iron,
represent the shoes left behind on the bank.
(Right) In the interior of the
beautiful Dohany Synagogue.
June 2016 - Gold Medals
for Israeli Players
Congratulations to the young Israeli pair, Adi Asulin and Hila
Levi on their wonderful achievement of winning the European National
Women Pairs Championship, held in Budapest.
and congratulations to the Israel
Senior team who took the Gold Medal in the Senior Teams Championships
June 2016 - Meeting
the Keysons in Budapest
June 2016 -
Doreen in Budapest
We are in Budapest. I am officiating at the 53rd European
Teams Championships in Budapest. Doreen has also visited some local
sites of interest with some other "bridge wives."

June 2016 - Aviv's
Son Aviv Levy underwent an
operation to remove polyps in his nose. He spent a few days in
hospital, but is now back home and feeling well.
June 11, 2016 -
Doreen's birthday
Lots of love to my
wonderful wife Doreen who has her
birthday today. We don't celebrate birthdays any more, but we took our
granddaughters Danielle and Lior out for dinner last night and wished
Granny Happy Birthday.

and for nostalgia - an
old photo of Doreen and son Moran
taken many years ago (about1980?) . Thanks Aviv for sending it to us!

June 2016,
The Shavits visit Eilat
The Shavits - Vered (nee Loew), Yoav, Dotan, Eyal and
Maayan - visited
Eilat and enjoyed some time there with son Aviv Levy. (
see Schank family tree)
June 2016 - Moran
acts in a play
Son Moran Segoli took part in a play based on some
Shakespeare works -
Doreen saw it and reports that it was really well performed and that
was very good in his part.

June 2016 - 50th Tel Aviv International
Bridge Festival
We were honored by the visit of the European Bridge
League President, Yve Aubry, and treasurer, Josef Harsanyi to the
Festival. Doreen took
the opportunity to take them to the Jerusalem Hills to visit the Castel
and Flam Wineries.
June 2016 - Vered at
the DRUPA Exhibition
Daughter Vered Levy-Ron attended the DRUPA Exhibition in
Dusseldorf, Germany at the beginning of June. DRUPA is the
largest printing related exhibition in the world, and the Landa Group
exhibited there. Vered is VP for Business Development for
Landa Labs, the Landa Group's
innovation arm, which explores nanotechnology for use in alternative
energy, industrial coatings, cosmetics, packaging, drug delivery and
other fields. Here are some pictures of Vered at the preparation for
the exhibition of the Landa Group.
and a general view showing the Landa exhibition buildings
May 2016 - A protest march
Last Saturday evening Doreen and I took
part in a protest march in Tel Aviv against the racist and extreme
rightist actions of the present Israel Government.

The signs, in Hebrew and Arabic, read "Standing together
against the conquest" [of the West Bank Territories] and "Building an
opposition, building hope"
May 2016 -
Traditional "fireworks" on Lag B'Omer
The traditional
holiday holiday of Lag B'omer has lost much of its meaning and is now
marked mainly by the
lighting on every available space of giant bonfires, where meat and
other food is barbecued. The enormous bonfires don't do much good to
environment, and are a fireman's nightmare.
When we were younger we
used to make a modest fire and use the coals for a barbecue. The kids
would wait patiently for "Dad's fireworks" - steel wool heated in the
fire and swung around attached to a long wire. This has been continued
to great effect by son Aviv.
May 2016 - A visit to
See Doreen's Column and the archives of This Week's
See also
Archives of This Week's Picture.
May2016 - Aviv
sailing in the Greek Isles
2016 - still on our short trip to Italy.
While I was at meetings, Doreen took the opportunity
to do a little
touring. One of her trips was to San Savino with Claude
Aubry and Maureen Porteous spouses of the EBL President and Secretary.
San Savino once had a thriving Jewish
Community and while there they visited the ruins of the old synagogue and its mikvah.
After the meetings we paid a short visit to ther neighbouring
village of Lucignano. We were lucky to arrive in time for the
traditional march, where three local brass bands combine for a
march around the village within the walls. A good time was had by all.
When we realised that a detour on our way back to Rome would bring us
to Pienza, and that Pienza was the "home" of Pecorino cheese,
which we had so enjoyed at the Il Buca
restaurant, we of course had to visit there and buy some cheese.
Then we saw that Montalcino, famous for its wine Brunello di
Montalcino, was also a short detour so we visited its castle, had lunch
there, and of course bought a bottle of wine which we will enjoy some
day with pasta and grated pecorino.
And then we returned to Rome, a two hour drive that lasted the
whole day.
May 2016 ..and a
short visit to Italy.
Doreen and I flew to
Rome and hired a car and made our way northwards to Lucignano for a
bridge meeting of the European Bridge League.
We are staying at the villa of fellow executive member, Fillipo Palma,
who has a winery, and who has royally hosted us. On the
way we visited some interesting sites.
On the recommendation of Denise "de niece" we visited Civita di
Bagnoregio and enjoyed the fantastic view of the village on top of the
mountain. Doreen climbed the steep walkway and visited the

Although we had visited it on a
previous visit, we were again impressed by the beautiful cathedral at
Orvieto and the fascinating frecoes adorning the interior.
May 2016 - A short visit to Athens
The classical sites: On the Acropolis stand the Parthenon, the
Erechtheion where Athena and Poseidon rivalled to become guardians of
the city. Athena was chosen after
offering the inhabitants an olive tree, and the magnificent theatre
to Dionysis Eleuthereus where cults to honor Dionysis lead to the
formation of ancient theatre
The Greek equivalent of our pita - called pocket bread in
The old and the new
Also a new reality:
A protest march and general strike.

The Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounio
- The Eilat grandchildren in Netanya
Our Eilat grandchildren Itamar, Amit and Ilai
spent the days between the two
passover Holy days (chol hamoed)
with us in Netanya. Doreen took
them to some places of interest,
and today, on their last day, daughter Vered
took them to see the "My Selfie and I" exhibition at the Tel Aviv
Museum of Art.

Mount Tabor
- Ein Hacarmel - beach at Givat Olga
2016 -
Pesach seder in Sde Boqer
This year we had a relatively small but most enjoyable, seder -
11 people - in Sde Boqer.
Singing the ever-popular Echad mi yodea - Who Knows One
Click on picture for video.
April 2016 -
Maureen Fain Exhibition
Doreen and Mina visited
Maureen's latest exhibition. Doreen and Maureen have been friends since
their school days. Maureen lives in Jerusalem and we see her and her
husband Dick often. . For example, see here and
April 2016 - Doreen
visits Moran's project

On the way back from Itamar's barmitzvah in Eilat,
Doreen got a
guided tour from son Moran at the Research and Development Station
he works.
April 2016 - The Segolis
and Levys go boating
The Segolis went down
to Eilat to spend time with their Eilat cousins, and enjoyed a boat
ride on the Red Sea.
April 2016 - Mina's birthday
Mina Orenstein, our friend from the Virgin
Islands who is spending a holiday with us, celebrated her birthday at a
luncheon at our house, where Doreen introduced her to some of our

Clockwise from left:
Varda Rosbruch, Mina, Caroline livne, Ziona
Glassman, daughter Vered Ron (behind), Doreen, Lindy Lazarow, Louise
Ruti Erez, Maureen Fain, Yael Paperna.
Doreen and Mina enjoy a profiterole at the Sarona Complex.

See also the picture below.
- Wine at Avdat
are enjoying having old friend from our St Thomas days, Mina
Orenstein (on the left below), stay with us. Doreen and Mina went to
Sde Boqer for a couple
of days to look after our Segoli grandchildren and Doreen took
her to buy wine from grapes grown in Avdat in the negev desert).

- Aviv and Limor Levy in Poland
Aviv and Limor spent 5 days in Poland on a trip organised by Aviv's
Some pictures from the trip

2016 -
Vered enjoys a skiing trip
Daughter Vered Levy-Ron (on right) enjoys a short skiing holiday with a
2016 - Louise Rothschild's wedding
Congratulations to Dave Rothschild on the marriage of his daughter
Louise to Sean Barron in South Africa. From reports on Whatsapp it was
a wonderful wedding and
family affair.
Dave is a long time friend from our youth and is married to Frankie
Klaff (see Goldberg family tree).
- In London with our grandsons - click
2016 - Winnie Levy is 94
Winnie on her 94th birthday, and with son Charles whose birthday
is two days later.
(see Matz and Hershovitz family trees.)
(For another picture of Winnie and Charles - when they were younger! - click here.
2016 -
AL34 Restaurant in Rome.