Announcing the birth on April 4th, 2003 in Eilat, Israel, of


son of Limor and Aviv Levy

grandson of Margalit and Raphael Sadeh, and Doreen and Eitan Levy

Click here to go to Doreen and Eitan's home page.
Click here to see Itamar's family tree.

More pictures of Itamar can be seen on the pages of Ilai and Amit

February 2025
Itamar and Amit enjoy skiing in Bulgaria
See Amit's page and here for 2 more pictures.

June 2024 - Itamar is released from the army

Itamar releaseItamar release

April 2024 - Itamar celebrates his 21st birthday
Itamar bday

Traditionally the keys of the house were given to a son on reaching his 21 st birthday.The 21st birthday is a significant milestone for any young person.  It marks the transition into adulthood symbolizing new opportunities and exciting adventures ahead. (In some countries the legal age for alcohol is still 21)
So congratulations Itamar. You already have the key to the house but go easy on the alcohol.

September 2023 - Scrabble Challenge
We spent Yom Kippur as usual in Eilat with the Levys. Fasting didn't prevent a scrabble challenge between grandson Itamar with two of his friends and Doreen with granddaughter Amit. Who won? doesn't matter, but the boys took the challenge very seriously

July 2023 Greece
Ilay, Amit and Itamar, fllew to Greece for a short stay, mainly to see a performance of the group Artic Monkeys. Picture.

April 2023 - Pesach
During pesach we celebrated Itamar's birthday. Maayan had baked a cake for him but when it was time to eat the cake Maayan was diving, so Itamar cut his own cake under the direction of his friend, May.
Click to see Maayan preparing the cake.

February 2023 - 28th Family Reunion
Click for pictures of the grandchildren  Maayan, Zoe, Lotem, Amit, Lior, Dani at the ceramic session.
More pictures on the 28th Reunion page.

September 2022
The Eilatis go on a  trip in a motorhome

May 2022 - Independance Day
Doreen and I went down to Eilat to see grandson Itamar Levy dressed in white navy uniform. Click here for a picture of the family with Itamar at the base. Unfortunately we missed the base but were happy to see Itamar in his uniform later.

March 2022
Itamar fell and fractured his arm. With a broken arm we not sure how much he'll enjoy his sick leave from the army.

Itamat and frfactures arm

November 2021
See short video of Itamar's induction into the Israel army.

October 2021 - 27th Family Reunion - marking Itamar's enlisting into the army
The Castle, Kerem Maharal
Family reunion27enlisting

More pictures: Archives, 27th Reunion page, and the pages of  Lior, Maayan, Amit, Lotem, Ilai, Zoe

August 2021 - a morning at the pool.

April 2021 - Itamar celebrates his 18th birthday by drinking his first beer.

December 2020 - 26th Family Reunion - 56th Anniversary Granny and Saba Eitan

On 16/12 we celebrated the 56th Anniversary of Granny Doreen and Saba Eitan, together with the 26th Levy Family Reunion.  There are more pictures on the Events page, on This Weeks Picture Archives, and on the pages of Danielle, Lior,  Maayan, Lotem, Amit, Ilai and Zoe.

We also went sand surfing on a high sand dune. Click on the picture below to see a short video.
Surfing the dunes

December 2020

Aviv and Itamar take part in the activities of the Gulf Rangers - an organization with the motto "Acting Today for Tomorrow's Environment". As part of their activities the Rangers organize divers to pick up trash from the ocean floor at a popular swimming spot in Eilat.

ecodiveecodive before
See a picture of Itamar diving.

October 2020 - The Aviv Levy family spends a weekend in the Galil.

January 2020  Itamar receives a Certificate of Excellence at school.

Diving in a wreck

Itamar sent us a picture of a wreck dive by him and his father Aviv.

wreck dive

July 2019 - Diving course
itamar diveItamar at a diving course. See also here  and  here for a picture of Lotem.
See another picture of Itamar and Maayan diving.

Family Reunion in Italy at the Villa Prato al Sole - April 2019

Prato al SolePrato al Sole

For more pictures of the reunion see: 

April 2019 - The National Robotics Championships
After their success in the regional Robotics Championships, Itamar's school took part in the National Contest. They all thoroughly enjoyed the experience. 

We attended a few hours of the competition

and were amazed not only at the technological achievements we saw


 but also at the unbridled enthusiasm of the contestants and the
good natured rivalry. 
roboticsItamar(That's Itamar, at the bottom right corner of the banner)

March 2019 - Itamar receives his Identity Card. He has moved from grandchild to grandadult!
Itamar ID

March 2019 - The FRC Robotic Championship
Itamar's robotic class took 10th place out of 92 . Doreen visited and was most impressed, watching the robots chasing balls in the arena.
See details

June 2018 - Itamar graduates from Middle school.

Good luck for High School, Itamar!
finishing middle school

April 2018 - birthday!

The family took the opportunuity of celebrating Itamar's birthday during lunch on Peasach. What was left of his cake after Joanie the dog had eaten some of it was delicious.

January 2018 - 23rd Levy Family Reunion
There are pictures of  Itamar and all the family here.

July 2017 - click for a picture of Itamar and cousin Maayan helping granny cook.

April 2017 - The grandchildren go horseriding
horse riding
See more pictures on the miscellaneous page, and on the pages of IlaiZoe, Lotem and Maayan

April 2017 birthdays
Our immediate family has 3 April birthdays: Itamar Levy - April 4, Zoe Segoli - April 24, me - April 27. This year we celebrated at daughter Vered's house where there was a near full house of children and grandchildren. What made the event extra special was that grandson Maayan, aged 13, cooked the delicious meal. The theme was Indian cuisine and he prepared samosas, butter chicken curry and naan bread.
zoe bday 2017Saba and Itamar blow out their candles on the cake decorated by Amit.
More pictures on the pages of Maayan and Zoe, and on the Miscellaneous page.

April 2017 -  Itamar's school hike to Neot Kedumim


March 2017 - Re-enactment of Operation Uvda
Itamar and Aviv participated in a  re-enactment of the taking of Umm Rashrash in March 1949.
The southern Negev has been designated to be the part of Israel in the UN partition plan but this was not accepted by Jordan. The last campaign of Israel's War of Indepence was the taking of the the Southern Negev area of Umm Rashrash (the site of today's Eilat) by the Negev Brigade and the the raising of the improvised "ink flag" at the abandoned police station.
Every year Eilat Day is celebrated by groups of school children reenacting the dirt road jeep access to Umm Rashrash and the raising of the flag.
This year Itamar and Aviv took part.

operation uvdaoperation uvdaoperation uvda

January 2017 - Maayan's barmitzvah

For more pictures see the Events page and also the pages of  Maayan, Lotem, Zoe, Ilai and Lior

Maayan barmitzvah sand dunes

December 2016 - Chanuka
Click here for some Chanuka pictures.
Click here for some pictures in the snow at Mt Hermon.

November 2016
Grandson Itamar needed an operation. The procedure went smoothly and everything was successful. After a week's rest he was back to normal.
Itamar after operation

October 2016 - Rosh Hashanah at Midreshet Sde Boqer
The Shofar blowing contest has by tradition become part of our festivities. Here Itamar is doing his best with a liitle bit of success to get the traditional tekiya sound, as Ilai, and Maayan (who blew quite well) look on. As usual cousin Lior was the clear winner.
(See picture of  Lotem trying to compete)


August 2016 - A visit to the National Museum of Science in Haifa, with Granny

National Museum of ScienceNational Museum of Science

August 2016 - Arriving at Sde Dov Airport from Eilat to spend some days with Saba Eitan and Granny Doreen

airportwith sisters Amit and Ilai

June 2016 - Itamar presents his Family Tree

As part of his class's presentation of "Roots" Itamar presented the work he had done on his family tree. Apart from the tree presentations the pupils also celebrated their different cultures, including artifacts and  typical foods from the countries of origin.
Itamar preesent his treeItamar preesent his treeItamar preesent his tree

June 2016 - Itamar's class on a school trip

school tripschool tripItamar's trip

Itamar's school trip this year included a visit to Ben Gurion's Grave at Sde Boqer. Doreen and I were by chance in Sde Boqer baby-sitting and we drove out with granddaughter Zoe to say a brief "hello". (see picture).  Grandson Maayan was having lessons, but also arrived (on his bicycle) to see his uncle Aviv and cousin Itamar.
The highlight of Itamar's trip was walking up Massada to see the sunrise.

April 11, 2016 - Itamar's barmitzvah
Itamar barmitzvah
Itamar reading from the torah
Click on the picture to see and hear part of the reading of the portion

Itamar BM10Itamar barmitzvahItamar barmitzvah
Itamar barmitzvahItamar barmitzvah

After the ceremony - at home celebrating with dancing, and the chinna ceremony
Itamar barmitzvahItamar barmitzvah

Lunch for family and friends
Itamar barmitzvah

February 2016 - Itamar and cousin Maayan visit London with Saba and Granny.

With "Stephen Hawkings" at Madame Tussauds; and "running away" from a dangerous hippo at the Natural History Museum
in Londonin London

On the train to Stonehenge; entering platform 9 3/4 on the way to Hogwarts; using chopsticks to enjoy Japanese noodles.
on the trainin LondonLondon Japanese Restaurant
There is a summary of the London trip, and more pictures, on the London visit page, and on Maayan's page and This Week's archives here and here.

November 2015 - Getting to  know Twitter

with twitter

See some more pictures here, and here, and on the pages of Ilai, Maayan, Lotem, Lior and Zoe, and a video here.

Rosh Hashanah 2015
So, who is taller?
who's taller?

and who is stronger?
arm wrestlingarm wrestling

For some pictures of the grandchildren on Rosh Hashanah see the pages of  Lior, Maayan, Amit, Lotem, Ilai and Zoe

September 2015 - Itamar starts learning the violin, which he declares is his favorite instrument.


August 2015 - A vacation in Crete.
Click for pictures

August 2015 - some activities with Granny and Saba Eitan
horse riding
More pictures on the Miscellaneous pages and on the pages of Amit, Ilai, Maayan, Lotem, Zoe and Lior.

June 2015 - Decorating birthday cakes for Aunt Vered and Uncle Aviv

decorating birthday cakes
There are more pictures on the pages of  Maayan, Amit, Lotem, Ilai and Zoe; and the activities page.

June 2015 - A visit to the Tzippori National Park
There are more pictures on the pages of the children Maayan, Amit, Lotem, Ilai and Zoe and also on the Miscellaneous Activities page.

June 2015 - Picking vegetables in Saba Eitan's garden.
Picking vegetables
There are more pictures on the pages of Maayan, Amit, Lotem, Ilai and Zoe, and also on the Miscellaneous and  Archives pages.)

May 2015 - Shavuot holiday - a long weekend in Eilat

Shavuot in Eilat ExtremeShavuot in Eilat ExtremeAt the Extreme Sports

Shavuot in EilatWith cousins Lotem and Maayan
For more pictures of the Shavuot weekend in Eilat see also the year's Activities page and the pages of  Maayan, Lotem, Amit, Ilai and Zoe.

April 2015 - 12th birthday
ItamarItamar celebrated his 12th birthday in Netanya
See Archives for another picture.

February 2015
woth Zoe ready for a ride
Itamar and cousin Zoe prepare to go horse riding. (see also This Week's Picture Archives).
November 2014 - Amit's 9th birthday
Amit 9th birthday
Granddaughter celebrated her 9th birthday with a yacht cruise in the Eilat Bay. She and her friends had a lovely day sailing, steering, eating and playing on a yacht in the Eilat Bay.
More pictures on her page, and on the page of sister Ilai and on the Archives page.

October 2014 - Itamar on duty next to school at the crossing for the pupils.
directing traffic

August 2014 - Climbing the Wall

While in Eilat, granddaughter Lior  took her cousins Itamar, and Amit and Ilai wall climbing.
climbing the wallclimbing the wall

July 2014 - A visit to Sarah Olkienitski

Sara Olkienitsi and Itamar
Doreen and I visited Sarah Olkienitski, my late mother's cousin, who lives in Tel Aviv. (Click here for the Goldberg Family Tree).  Our grandson Itamar was with us and he was thrilled to meet a bit of history - someone who is a Holocaust survivor, and came to Israel on the ship "Altelena". Even more amazing to him was that someone so old (at 91,she is the oldest person he has ever met), could quote the formula for solving a quadratic equation!
See also This Week's Picture Archives.

July 2014: A visit to the Titanic Exhibition
Itamar and Aunt Vered enjoy a walk through a reconstruction of the 1st class quarters of the Titanic.

July 2014: Itamar and a good friend.
with friend10

July 2014 - At Summer Camp

Itamar is in Netanya staying at our house under the watchful eye of Grannie Doreen. Itamar is very keen to improve his English and is spending 3 weeks attending an English Summer School programme in our area.
Itamar at summer campItamar at summer camp

March 2014 - Purim.
Click here to see purim pictures of  Itamar and the rest of the family.

March 2014 - A visit to the Cameri Theatre
At the Cameri Theatre10
Itamar and Saba Eitan went to see the musical Fiddler on the Roof at the Tel Aviv Cameri Theatre. both enjoyed it very much.

February 2014 - Filling bottles with coloured sand at Timna Park.
Itamar at Timna
More pictures here, and on the pages of Amit and Ilai.

December 2013 - 19th Family Reunion
We celebrated the Segoli visit to Israel with a family reunion at the desert resort of Ein Gedi, and also welcomed Zoe to the family.
We climbed Massada, went on a tour of the Dead Sea Salt Works, hiked in Nahal David, and most important of all had a great time together.
on MassadaItamar at the top of Massada to see the sunrise.

bubblesand enjoying himself with sister Ilai

More pictures of our Ein Gedi weekend are on the pages of Dani, Lior, Amit, Ilai, Maayan, Lotem, Zoe, and the Miscelleaneous Activities page.
Click to see the family group picture

November 2013 - Ice skating
ice skatingItamar enjoying the ice during the Chanuka vacation

September 2013 - The Eilat grandchildren visit Netanya

Eilat kids in NetanyaEilat kids in Netanya

September 2013 - at Coral World on Yom Kippur
yom kippur
We spent a relaxing Yom Kippur with our son Aviv and family in Eilat at Coral World. Itamar (and we) enjoyed having his best friend Shaunlee Zalman join us. All over Israel the roads are full with cyclists; here it was no exception and the children spent much of the day cycling about.
There are more pictures on the pages of  Amit and Ilai and archives of This Week's Picture.

September 2013 - Itamar wins the Shofar blowing Competition. See picture in the archives here.

July/August 2013 - On a family cruise in the Mediterranean

Mediterranean CruiseMediterranean cruiseMediterranean Cruise

For a short description of the cruise, with pictures, click here.

See also, This Week's Picture Archives

June 2013
Itamar receives a Certificate of Excellence for improvement in social interaction with classmates and teachers.
Well done, Itamar. We are all proud of you!
Itamar and Certificate

January 2013 - A visit to Jerusalem's Old City with Saba and Granny
at Jaffa GateAt Jaffa Gate
Itamar went with Saba Eitan and Granny Doreen to Jerusalem to see his first live musical - My Fair Lady. On the way they visited the Old City in Jerusalem. Itamar enjoyed the musical very much even though it was in English. He understood a lot and also read the Hebrew surtitles.

November 2012 - Amit's 7th birthday
Itamar and Ilai, with cousin Alon Sadeh, at Amit's 7th birthday party.
There are more pictures of Amit's party on her page and Ilai's page.

September 2012 - Itamar's haircut

Itamar's haircutItamar's haircut
After a very unsuccessful haircut by a good-meaning neighbour, Itamar's haircut needed some basic repair work.

August 2012 - 17th Family Reunion - Eilat

17th Levy Family ReunionNo, I'm not dancing ballet - I'm practising for the World Cup!

For more pictures of the Levy Family Reunion see the pages of : Daniel, LiorAmit, Ilai, Maayan, Lotem, Zoe, 17th Family reunion, Picture of  Week archives

April 2012 - Itamar's 9th birthday

Itamar 9th birthdayuLifting Itamar on 9th birthday

We celebrated Itamar's 9th birthday with a party at the Rons.

December 2011 - Cousin Maayan visits Israel and Eilat

September 2011 - with Danielle Glasser, a relative from Australia, and her friend Kez

September 2011 - Off to first day of the new school year.

June 2011 - receiving a Karate Certificate

March 2011

November 2010 - with his class at the Western Wall receiving his tanach

September 2010 - Itamar's first diving lesson.
As has become our custom, Doreen and I spent Yom Kippur in Eilat  keeping Aviv  Levy and family company while Aviv looked after the animals. It was thoroughly enjoyable. Aviv took the three children to help him feed the sharks (see picture), and also gave Itamar his first diving lesson .
Itamar;s first diving lesson

September 2010 - Rosh Hashanah
We celebrated Rosh Hashanah at home with the Rons and the Aviv Levys. As usual the food was delicious, the company great and  (despite overseas competition and efforts from Itamar, Danielle and IlaiLior won the shofar blowing competition again.)
shofar Rosh Hashanah 2010

February 2010 - A visit to Gan Garoo Park.
A trip with Coral World to the north included a visit to the Australian flora and fauna farm, Gan Garoo.
at Gan Garoo park
See also some more pictures , and also on  the pages of  Amit and Ilai

February 2010 - A visit to Hofit.
For Itamar, a visit to Hofit is an opportunity to play with the tracks and train. And after the real train trip the day before, the stations are now given names: Netanya, Herzliya, University ....
Levys - Hofit Feb 2010

Itamar's first report card - January 2010

Itamar's report card
Itamar ready to receive his very first school report card, at the end of the 1st semester of kita aleph - grade 1
See also This week's Picture.

November 2009
Itamar Levy

September 2009 - off to school
First day of school
Itamar and Amit ready for school again. Itamar is off to his first "real" school - grade A

27 December 2008 - Maayan's 5th birthday party
Maayan 5th birthday
Itamar celebrates Maayan's 5th birthday.
For more pictures see the pages of Maayan, Dani, Amit and Lotem.

Sukkot - October 2008. Resting on the hike with the family in the Red Canyon during sukkot.
Itamar (on the left) with Dani, Vered, Lior, Aviv R, Aviv dad and Amithiking in the Red Canyon

August 2008
After returning from a short 5 day break in Amsterdam we were just inn time to look after Itamar and Amit while parents Aviv and Limor took a break too.
bubble bath
Click to see Lior enjoying her bubble bath.

June 2008
End of school year - Itamar takes part in a chassidic dance

May 2008
May 2008 in Eilat10May 2008 in Eilat

April 2008 - Itamar's 5th birthday
All dressed up at kindergarten, waiting for the kids to arrive      A little help with the candles from Aunt Vered and cousin Lior
Itamar's 5th birthdayItamar's 5th birthday

                                                                            Dani giving Itamar his present                                                                        The birthday cake                                                                                    
Itamar's 5th birthdayItamar's 5th birthday - the cake

March 2008
Cousins Maayan and Lotem visit Eilat
Lotem, Maayan and Itamar

February 2008
We took Danielle with us and spent a short but enjoyable weekend in Eilat with the Eilat Levys. 
See more pictures on the pages of DaniAmit, and  Ilai; and also at This Week's Picture.
ItamarItamar, Amit and Ilai

January 2008 - Maayan's 4th birthday party
We celebrated Maayan's 4th birthday during a weekend in Sde Boqer. Friday night was Sushi night, with everyone trying their hand at rolling sushi; on Saturday we went for a hike in Nachal Zin and then had lunch together.
Maayan's 4th birthdayMaayan's 4th birthday
Click here for more details and lots of pictures., and here for This Week's Pictureof 5 cousins bathing together.
There are also pictures on the pages of Danielle, LiorMaayan and Lotem.

December 2007 -Sliding and playing on the sand near Timna.
While in Eilat over Channuka, we took part in a protest against the building of a 4-hotel complex  in an untouched  area in the dessert near Timna. Afterwards, we all went to a sand hill and enjoyed sliding and playing and generally being wild. See also pictures of Amit.
sliding in Eilatsliding in Eilat

November 2007 - Segoli Housewarming party in Sde Boqer
November 2007 - Segoli Housewarming party in Sde BoqerNovember 2007 - Segoli Housewarming party in Sde Boqer10

July 2007 - in Palma de Mallorca
Palma de Mallorca

May 2007 - Shavuot. When nearly all the family comes down to Eilat, it's a bit crowded. But there's always TV to watch to get away from the crowds
Eilat - Shavuot 2007Eilat - Shavuot 2007

April 2007
Enjoying the pesach seder in Eilat - singing ma nishtanah and showing the zroa netuya ("outstretched arm.")
Pesach 2007Pesach 2007

March 2007 - Going my way?

So if you're a little girl and you need to get somewhere and don't want to walk, what do you do? Ask you big brother for a ride, of course.
Driving his sister

February 2007 - Granny Doreen and Saba Eitan went to Eilat to see Itamar and Amit and for Granny to help with the new baby.
The pictures show Itamar sharing a funny story with Saba Eitan; climbing an obstacle at the playground;and with Amit, planting a flower in honour of Tu B'Shvat (The New Year of Trees).

with Saba Eitanplaygroundtu bshvat

December 2006 - Chanukah party at kindeergarten
Itamar - Chanukah 2006Itamar - Chanukah 2006Itamar - Chanukah 2006<> 

October 2006 - Itamar at the computer
itamar at the computer

 September 2006 - Yom Kippur
Here are some pictures of Itamar from the long "Yom Kippur" weekend at the end of September. For more pictures  see the sites of  Amit, Maayan, and Lotem

Itamar - Yom kippur 2006

On Saturday there was a hike to the Timna Mountains. Itamar enjoyed climbing the mountains and didn't fall or slip even once. After walking and climbing on the rocks and in the sand, it was time to fill a little bottle with different colored sands. Itamar really enjoyed this and filled Granny's and Saba Eitan's bottles too.
Then it was time for lunch, and we met Moran, Mikhal, Maayan and Lotem at Yotvata. After lunch, we went to see the horse farm behind Yotvata.

Itamar - Yom kippur 2006Itamar - Yom kippur 2006Itamar - Yom kippur 2006

Sometimes boys' play can be a bit rough. "O dear, Moran saw us, we'll have to stop, and listen to a lecture about why we shouldn't fight.." 
Itamar - Yom kippur 2006Itamar - Yom kippur 2006Itamar - Yom kippur 2006Itamar - Yom kippur 2006

We spent Yom Kippur at Coral World. There Daddy Aviv had to feed and look after the animals, while the kids had a good time running around, playing and swimming. Itamar and Maayan also helped Daddy Aviv. They cleaned the turtles, and fed lettuce to them and to the fish. It was lucky Itamar and Maayan were there - who else would have carried the lettuce from place to place.

Itamar - Yom kippur 2006Itamar - Yom kippur 2006Itamar - Yom kippur 2006Itamar - Yom kippur 2006

July 2006 - Itamar's graduation from pre-kindergarten, with cousin Shaked.

Itamar LevyItamar and AvivItamar and Shaked

For more pictures, goto the Levy Summer Camp page.

February- May 2006
Itamar LevyItamar Levy

With Aunt Kinneret, and cousin Michael
Itamar LevyItamar Levy

January 2006. With baby sister Amit;  enjoying a sausage at Coral World.; with Dad

with Amitwith sausagewithDad

Yom Kippur October 2005

It's now a tradition: This is third Yom Kippur we have spent at Coral World, keeping Aviv company while he fed the fish, patrolled and generally made sure everything was running smoothly. The three M's, Moran, Mikhal and Maayan joined us and we had a lovely relaxing time. Unfortunately, Limor couldn't be with us as she was in hospital under observation. During Yom Kippur, in the absence of traffic, the streets are taken over by cyclists. Coral World was taken over by tricyclists. Itamar rode his most of the day, whereas Maayan was more interested in the animals.
Picnic and sleeping on the beach in Eilat - June 2005

April 2005 - on the beach with cousin Maayan

April 2005 - Itamar's second bithday (see archives of  This Week's Picture)  was celebrated in style - one birthday party at Coral World  and the following day another at his kindergarten.

At kindergarten: With aunt Yifat, granny Doreen, daddy, cousin Shaked, mommy, savta Margalit

November 2004:

Friday 26 November was Aviv and Limor's anniversary, and the family gave them a present of a weekend in a hotel in the Galilee and took turns looking after Itamar: Friday Vered and Aviv R and family came to help us, and on Saturday M&Ms joined us. So between the adults and the two girls, Itamar was well taken care of and pampered. Itamar was on his best behaviour and Doreen found novel ways of keeping him occuoied and happy. His favourite activity was taking all the food out of the pantry and stacking it in the lounge. His next best activity was playing with the Comfy keyboard at the computer. He loved banging the various keys and getting different colours, shapes and sounds. Maayan was fascinated with all this, and sat and gazed open-mourthed at the changing screen. Dani was looking after Maayan and Lior wouldn't miss out, so we got this picture of all four of the grandchildren.

16 November 2004 - at Aunt Ophira's wedding to James

November 2004 - A short visit to Hofit.
Enjoying Saba Eitan's special coffee milk without coffee, and pressing on all those wonderful buttons on the "comfy" computer.

July 2004

Look! I can walk!!

I went on a trip up north for the weekend with my Mommy and Daddy, and with Uncle Moran and Auntie Mikhal and cousin Maayan.  On the way we dropped in to Granny and Saba Eitan's house in Hofit to taste the delicious fruit that they grow, especially the passion fruit and tomatoes.

Then we went to get alligators near Hamat Gader,
   but first a dip in the Hamat Gader hot springs with daddy.

Two of Itamar's favourites are eating avocado salad and hummus, and telling jokes with Savta Margalit.

A visit to Hofit, just before my 1st birthday, with my friend, Flopsy.

At the 12th Family Reunion (by us, in Eilat!)


My best - bath-time!

smile        Five months old - how's that for a smile and winning personality!
9 months old - what's he so worried about?

Aged 3 months - his first wedding! Uncle Moran marries Mikhal. What fun!

Itamar's first visit to Hofit, aged nearly 2 months


April 4, 2003 - hello to Itamar!

Limor and Aviv preparing.

In the incubator, all 2.450 kilos of him.


Nearly one day old already (actually 9 hours old.)

                                                                              Many hands make milk work ..................................................... and, boy, is it delicious!

The proud father with Itamar just before the brit.

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