born: 17 November 2005 in Eilat

daughter of Limor and Aviv Levy

granddaughter of Margalit and Raphael Sadeh ז"ל, and Doreen and Eitan Levy

Click here to go to Doreen and Eitan's home page.
  Click here to see Amit's family tree

February 2025
Amit and Itamar enjoying skiing in Bulgaria.
See Itamar's page and here for 2 more pictures.

March 2024 - Amit  has her driver's licence
licenceamit drive

July 2023 Greece
Ilay, Amit and Itamar, fllew to Greece for a short stay, mainly to see a performance of the group Artic Monkeys. Picture.

April 2023 - With Ilay in Tel Aviv

Amit and Ilay came up north to us for a couple of days and enjoyed Tel Aviv. They didn't enjoy the trip home - a  51/2   trip home to Eilat took over 9 hours due to the roads being flooded.
Amit Ilay Tel aviv

February 2023 - 28th Family Reunion
Click for pictures of the grandchildren Itamar, Maayan, Zoe, Lotem, Lior, Dani at the ceramic session.
More pictures on the 28th Reunion page.

September 2022 - Rosh Hashana preparation
Amit  getting ready to prepare vegan chopped liver with the help of Granny's recipe book. See anotherr recipe on the recipe page here.
Amit preparing

September 2022
The Eilatis go on a  trip in a motorhome

October 2021 - 27th Family Reunion
The Castle, Kerem Maharal
27 reunion

More pictures: Archives, 27th Reunion page, and the pages of Lior, Itamar, Maayan, Lotem, Ilai, Zoe
August 2021 - a morning at the pool.

August 2021 - Amit receives her first pay check for working at Coral World
A mit salary

July 2021
"Summertime and the fishes are jumpin'" also in the sea around Coral World in Eilat, where Amit is working during the vacation. Here she is with Dad Aviv in the souvenir Shop.
at the mitzpeh

June 2021 Aviv's 53rd birthday

Both Amit and Ilai helped granny decorate the poached salmon for AvivL's birthday on Friday evening.  See picture.
The next day Doreen, AvivL, Amit and Ilai went to Ein Aviel, about 1/2 hour from us, where springs in the area flow into the Nahal Taninim making a lovely spot for a short hike and a picnic. Pictures here.

December 2020 - 26th Family Reunion - 56th Anniversary Granny and Saba Eitan
On 16/12 we celebrated the 56th Anniversary of Granny Doreen and Saba Eitan, together with the 26th Levy Family Reunion.  There are more pictures on the Events page, on This Weeks Picture Archives, and on the pages of Danielle, Lior, Itamar, Maayan, Lotem, Amit, Ilai and Zoe.

Amit lighting the candles with sister Ilai and cousin Zoe.
26 reunion

December 2020

Eilat has been declared a Covid-safe "island" and entry to the city is only permitted to people who have tested negative for the virus. So we queued up and did our tests within the required 72 hours and after receiving "negative" results drove to Eilat, and were of course delighted to be able to spend a weekend with the Eilat Levys. We were very impressed with Amit's painting with acrylic colours, a new talent she is exploring..

July 2019 - A visit to Paris

Visits to DisneyLand and the Wax Musuem (Albert Einstein is wax, sister Ilai is real!); and enjoying a frappoccino at Starbucks

More pictures in This Week's Picture, Miscellaneous Pictures  and sister Ilai's page.

Welcome to Amit's cute new puppy, Oreo.


Family Reunion in Italy at the Villa Prato al Sole - April 2019

Prato al SolePrato al SolePrato al Sole

For more pictures of the reunion see: 

June 2016 - baking Banana bread.
banana breadbanana bread

April 2018 - Amit goes diving
After a break of about 6 months Amit went on a dive again.
see pictures of previous dives here and here.
Amit dive

April 2018 - A visit to Amsterdam with Saba Eitan and Granny Doreen

Netherlands 2018Netherlands 2018

More pictures here and on Lotem's page

March 2018 - Purim
Click here for a picture in fancy dress costume.

January 2018 - 23rd Levy Family Reunion
There are pictures of  Amit and all the family here.

November 2017 - Amit is 12!
Although granddaughter Amit Levy did not want a batmitzvah celebration she was delighted when our family organized an impromptu surprise 12th birthday party at a Tel Aviv restaurant. See pictures here.
Afterwards Dad Aviv, Mom Limor and siblings Itamar and Ilai took her for a weekend to Tiberias where they had a great time.

September 2017 - Rosh Hashanah in Eilat
During the Rosh Hashanah long weekend in Eilat, apart from eating most of the time we also had time for some other things, including a dive by some of the family.
Amit learnt to dive a few months ago (see pictures) and has since dived a few times. When some of the family who came down to Eilat for Rosh Hashanah decided to go diving, Amit was happy to join them.

Click on the picture

April 2017 - Amit and siblings and cousins visit a turtle rescue programme in Michmoret

March 2017 - Amit learns to dive
Amit divingAmit divingAmit diving
Amit has joined the "Levy Diving Club" and enjoyed her first dive with super diver and guide, her father Aviv. Aviv reports that the only problem is that Amit is rather afraid of jellyfish although sharks don't bother her!

March 2017 - The Festival of Purim
Click here for pictures of  costume/fancy dress for the Festival of Purim.

February 2017 - End of term school report cards
Amit and sister Ilai got excellent report cards with high grades and excellent remarks about behaviour and cooperation.
Amit also got a Certificate of Excellence for her achievements and attitude towards learning and school.
report card
Mom  Limor, who two weeks before the prize giving ceremony knew that both her daughters were to get Certificates of Achievement, told each one in strictest confidence and secrecy that her sister was to get a certificate. Imagine their surprise and delight to find out they too received one.

December 2016 - Chanuka
Click here for some Chanuka pictures.
Click here for some pictures in the snow at Mt Hermon.

December 2016 - Pyjamas!

It seems like the latest craze is costume pyjamas. Here Ilai, Limor and Amit show off their pyjamas.

November 2016: Amit celebrates her 11th birthday with a surpise birthday party at home given by her girl friends at school.

Amit birthday - cakeAmit bday room

October 2016 - Rosh Hashanah tashlich ceremony
Amit  took part in a traditional tashlich ceremony in Eilat on the shores of the Red Sea, where all sins are symbolically cast into running water.

September 2016 - School Crossing Monitor

Congratulations to granddaughter Amit Levy who started the school year on the right foot by doing safety patrol by the road crossing to her school.
Amit crossing

  August 2016 - Back with Abba

By aeroplane for a few days "up north" with Granny and Saba Eitan, then a train ride to Beer Sheva where Abba is waiting to take Amit, Itamar and Ilai back to Eilat.
back with Abba

August 2016- A visit to the National Musuem of Science in Haifa, with Granny

National Museum of Science

October 2015 - Amit and Ilai meet Buzz Aldrin

Our good friend Morris Kahn visited Coral World in Eilat with Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon
(see article in Wikipedia). Buzz talked to the children about his experience, and then Aviv took him on a dive to see the sharks. (see This Week's Picture), and a picture of Aviv preparing for a dive with Buzz.
Neil Armstyrong was the first man to walk on the moon, and immediately after him Buzz also stepped onto the moon.

with Buzz Aldrin

Rosh Hashanah 2015
archerypainting Zoe's nails
For some pictures of the grandchildren on Rosh Hashanah see the pages of  Lior, Itamar, Maayan, Lotem, Ilai and Zoe

September 2015 - Amit starts learning to play the guitar.

August 2015 - A vacation in Crete.
Click for pictures

August 2015 - some activities with Granny and Saba Eitan

horse riding

More pictures on the Miscellaneous pages and on the pages of ItamarIlai, Maayan, Lotem, Zoe and Lior.

June 2015 - Decorating birthday cakes for Aunt Vered and Uncle Aviv

decorating birthday cakes
There are more pictures on the pages of Itamar, Maayan, Lotem, Ilai and Zoe; and the activities page.

June 2015 - A visit to the Tzippori National Park
There are more pictures on the pages of the children Itamar, Maayan, Lotem, Ilai and Zoe and also on the Miscellaneous Activities page.

June 2015 - Picking vegetables in Saba Eitan's garden.
Picking vegetables
There are more pictures on the pages of Itamar, Maayan, Lotem, Ilai and Zoe, and also on the Miscellaneous and  Archives pages.)

May 2015 - Shavuot holiday - a long weekend in Eilat

Shavuot in Eilat ExtremeAt the Extreme Sports

Shavuot in EilatZoe is delighted to be looked after by big cousin Amit
For more pictures of the Shavuot weekend in Eilat see also the year's Activities page and the pages of Itamar, Maayan, Lotem, Ilai and Zoe.

April 2015 - Amit goes horseriding


November 2014 - Amit's 9th birthday
Amit 9th birthdayAmit 9th birthday
Granddaughter celebrated her 9th birthday with a yacht cruise in the Eilat Bay. She and her friends had a lovely day sailing, steering, eating and playing on a yacht in the Eilat Bay.
More pictures on the pages of brother Itamar, sister Ilai and on the Archives page.

September 2014 - Amit joins the Scouts movement.
Following in cousin Lior's footsteps, Amit has joined the Scouts.

September 2014 - Babysitting little cousin Zoe.
Amit looking after Zoe
While the other kids play electronic games (in the background) Amit is looking after cousin Zoe and making sure she brushes her teeth.

August 2014 - Climbing the Wall

While in Eilat, granddaughter Lior  took her cousins Itamar, and Amit (top right) and Ilai (bottom left) wall climbing.
climbing the wall

July 2014 At the Eretz Yisrael Museum
flying a kite
Our grandchildren Itamar, Amit and Ilai enjoyed making their own kites at the Eretz Yisrael Museum, and then flying them. See a picture here and also on IIai's page.

April 2014 - Passover in Eilat

pesach in Eilat

Click for more pictures on the pages of  miscellaneous pictures, and of Danielle, and Ilai.

April 2014 - Amit is Class Outstanding Pupil
certificateThe certificate for Outstanding Pupil to Amit Levy

March 2014 - Purim.
Click here to see purim pictures of  Amit and the rest of the family.

December 2013 - A visit to the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo

Doreen and I  spent a most enjoyable day at the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo with the family. Aviv Levy and Itamar, Amit and Ilai came up from Eilat and joined Moran and Mikhal Segoli and Maayan , Lotem and Zoe. Mikhal's mother, Yael Segoli, also joined us with three cousins from the Segoli side, Rotem, Ido and Amit (children of Mikhal's sister Naama and Moshik Yaniv). All the children got on extremely well and had a wonderful time. The zoo is large, well-organized and has many interesting animals.

Biblical ZooEnjoying feeding nectar to the parrots.

There are more pictures on the activities page, and on the pages of Ilai and Zoe, and on the Archives page.

December 2013 - 19th Family Reunion

We celebrated the Segoli visit to Israel with a family reunion at the desert resort of Ein Gedi, and also welcomed Zoe to the family.
We climbed Massada, went on a tour of the Dead Sea Salt Works, hiked in Nahal David, and most important of all had a great time together.
on MassadaAmit (left) enjoying a snack after climbing Massada.
More pictures of our Ein Gedi weekend are on the pages of Dani, Lior, Itamar, Ilai, Maayan, Lotem, Zoe, and the Miscelleaneous Activities page.
Click to see the family group picture

September 2013 - The Eilat grandchildren visit Netanya
Eilat kids in Netanya

September 2013: Relaxing on Yom Kippur
yom kippur
We spent a relaxing Yom Kippur with our son Aviv and family in Eilat at Coral World. Amit (centre) had cousin Shaked Sadeh (on the left) and sister Ilai (on the right) to keep her company.
There are more pictures on the pages of Itamar, Ilai and archives of This Week's Picture.

July/August 2013 - On a family cruise in the Mediterranean

Mediterranean CruiseMediterranean Cruise

For a short description of the cruise, with pictures, click here.

See also, This Week's Picture Archives

January 2013 - A visit to the Diaspora Museum.
Ilai and Amit at the Diaspora Museum
Granny Doreen took Amit and Ilai to the diaspora Museum (Bet Ha-Tfutsot) to see a special family exhibition on communication and language. They both enjoyed it very much.

November 2012 - 7th birthday
7th birthday
Celebrating Amit's 7th birthday.
There are more pictures of Amit's birthday party on Itamar's page, Ilai's page  and on This Week's Picture archives.

November 2012 - Visit to Jerusalem
It is traditional for a class of school children in 2nd grade to visit Jerusalem, and receive their first copy of the bible at the Western Wall.  Dad Aviv and Mom Lior accompanied her to Jerusalem, where unfortunately it rained most of the time.

Amit in Jerusalem in the rainAmit in Jerusalem

August 2012 - 17th Family Reunion - Eilat

17th Levy Family ReunionAmit deciding what to order at the Thursday night family dinner.
For more pictures of the Levy Family reunion see the pages of : Daniel, Lior, ItamarIlai, Maayan, Lotem, Zoe, 17th Family reunion, Picture of  Week archives

May 2012

November 2011: Amit's 6th birthday

October 2011: Swimming in the sea with Granny Doreen

September 2011 - Off to school - KITA ALEF !!

June 2011

March 2011

December 2010 - A Visit to the Biblical Zoo

June 2010 - end of year kindergarten graduation and party
Amit end of year 2010Amit end of year 2010

February 2010 - A visit to Gan Garoo Park.
A trip with Coral World to the north included a visit to the Australian flora and fauna farm, Gan Garoo.
at Gan Garoo park
See also some more pictures,  and also on  the pages of  Itamar,and Ilai

February 2010: In Hofit - enjoying the visit of cousin Danielle
Levys - Hofit Feb 2010

January 2010 - Ilai's 3rd birthday party

Ilai's 3rd BD
Amit, second from left, enjoying Aunt Kinneret and brother Itamar on the occasion of sister Ilai's 3rd birthday party.

November 2009
Amit Levy

Jewish New Year September 2009 Rosh Hashanah  תש"ע
Rosh Hashanah 2009 תש"ע
Amit (on the right) with sister  Ilai and cousin Shaked Sadeh (center) dressed  up for Rosh Hashanah.
More pictures: Lior, This Week's Picture, Miscellaneous.

Pesach 2009

When there's nowhere to hang the DVD player there's always a willing cousin!

/Amit holding DVD

27 December 2008 - Maayan's 5th birthday party
Maayan 5th birthday
Amit celebrates Maayan's 5th birthday.
For more pictures see the pages of Itamar, Maayan, Dani, and Lotem.

Sukkot - October 2008
Amit and familyAmit (in front in her new green pajamas) enjoying the company of her siblings and cousins

August 2008
After returning from a short 5 day break in Amsterdam we were just in time to look after Itamar and Amit while parents Aviv and Limor took a break too. 
Helping to mow the lawn

May 2008
Eilat May 2008May 2008 in Eilat

April 2008

Amit on the roundaboutwith cousins at the Dolphin Reef
                                                             With brother Itamar on the roundabout at Coral World.                  With Itamar and cousin Lior  at the Dolphin Reef

February 2008
We took Danielle with us and spent a short but enjoyable weekend in Eilat with the Eilat Levys. 
See more pictures on the pages of Dani, Itamar, and  Ilai; and also at This Week's Picture.
AmitAmit on the exercise machine with Dani

December 2007 -Sliding and playing on the sand near Timna.
While in Eilat over Channuka, we took part in a protest against the building of a 4-hotel complex  in an untouched  area in the dessert near Timna. Afterwards, we all went to a sand hill and enjoyed sliding and playing and generally being wild. See also pictures of Itamar.
sliding in Eilatsliding in Eilat

November 2007 - Segoli Housewarming party in Sde Boqer

November 2007 - Segoli Housewarming party in Sde BoqerNovember 2007 - Segoli Housewarming party in Sde Boqer

November 2007 - Amit's second birthday at the kindergarten in Eilat

Amit 2 birthdayAmit 2 birthday
Amit second birthday
Amit 2 birthdayAmit 2 birthday

July 2007 - in Palma de Mallorca
Palma de MallorcaPalma de Mallorca

May 2007 - Shavuot in Eilat
Eilat - Shavuot 2007Eilat - Shavuot 2007Eilat - Shavuot 2007

April 2007
The pesach meal of a  big, delicious leg of lamb, cooked to perfection by Doreen, proved very popular, especially for Amit, who thoroughly enjoyed eating what remained of the leg bone.
the lamb bone at PesachClick here for the Picture of the Week (what's left of the bone!!)

February 2007 - Granny Doreen and Saba Eitan went to Eilat to see Itamar and Amit and for Granny to help with the new baby.
The pictures show Amit with cousin Yaniv; and enjoying the slide at the playground.
cousin YanivAmit in the park

December 2006 - Chanukah party

Amit LevyAmit Levy

November 2006 - Amit one year old - click for picture

March 2006 - Click for an amazing picture of the babies Amit and Lotem.

October 2006 - Eilat
Amit enjoying some chocolate

amit enjoying chocolate

September 2006 - Yom Kippur
Here are some pictures of Amit from the "Yom Kippur"  long weekend at the end of September. For more pictures  see the sites of  Itamar, Maayan, and Lotem

Amit - Yom Kippur 2006Amit - Yom Kippur 2006Amit - Yom Kippur 2006Amit - Yom Kippur 2006Amit - Yom Kippur 2006

July 2006
Amit LevyAmit Levy

For more pictures, goto the Levy Summer Camp page.

May 2006
Amit LevyAmit Levy

With cousin Yonatan (borrowing cousin Michael's pram)
Amit Levy

March 2006
A delightful picture of cousins Amit (left) and Lotem (right)

Amit and Lotem about 6 months

Amit at 7 weeks old, dozing of in her crib, and with her family.
7 weeksAmit and family

The proud parents - Amit aged less than 1 hour
Amit 1 hourproud father

Amit aged one day - and a proud grandmother too.
amit one day1 day with granny
Another picture here.

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