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2019 November
December 2019
year -2018)
that on December 20th 2019 there were server problems which prevented
site from being updated. Service was restored on January 10th 2020 and
the later December events are reported in the January 11th 2020 update.
December 2019
Doreen and I celebrate our 55th
Wedding Anniversary
We had a previous early celebration
for our immediate family (see our family
trip to Tuscany) and will celebrate my 80th with our
relatives early next year, so we decided to invite our closest friends,
to celebrate our 55th this evening. What started out as a light
supper turned into a full many course meal as Doreen added and added to
the menu. (Click here to see the
menu). The food was delicious, the
company wonderful and a good time was had by all. Some of our friends
are "new", many of us have known each other since before we were
married so there were plenty of reminiscences of the "good old times".
Some of the stories were new and eye-openers to our children Vered and
Moran. (Aviv unfortunately was ill and couldn't attend.)
There are some more pictures here.
Click here for the menu for
the delicious Carrot Soup.
- Grandson Itamar Levy has pneumonia, but to keep his spirits
up he sent us a picture of a wreck dive
and his dad, Aviv, made a few weeks ago.
- Happy
Birthday this week to: Adam Emanuel (15th), Dan
Kansky (16th), Guy Lossin (16), Daniel
(17th), Joel Beckman (17th), Gidon Lazarus (17th), Talya Levy (17th), Gabriel Glogauer
(18th), Carin Matz
(19th), Ben Tal
(20th), Guy Gordon (20th)
- Happy Anniversary this week to: Pat and Stewart Shub (15th), Wendy and Neill Glasser
(15th), Doreen
and Eitan Levy (16th), Natasha
and Joshua Leibowitz (18th), Wendy
and David Ginsberg (19th), Lisa and Simon Shapiro (20th), Natalie
and Ryan Smith (20th)
7 December 2019
the Reijzers
Doreen, Ezra, Hans, Jose Keyson, me
We returned at the beginning of the week from our short trip to
Amsterdam for the unveiling of Lottie Reijzer's tombstone. (See last
week's picture). The visit was very meaningful for us and we were
we could share the occasion with Hans, Jose and Ezra and their spouses
and children.
Click here for a picture of the
Reijzer clan.
- My cousin Cecile Cotton (Hershovitz
and Matz family trees) is
undergoing medical treatment and we
wish her a speedy and complete recovery. Our thoughts are with her and
with husband Raymond and children Eric, Raphael and Jenna. And a special mazeltov to Cecile and
Raymond's Anniversary this week.
- Last week I ran a bridge event organized by Bet Protea, a
retirement home, to raise money for needy residents. We were happy to
meet one of the volunteer organizers, a fellow ex-Durbanite (and
Doreen's ex neighbour) Elaine (Geshen)
Finkelstein. Elaine is younger than us, but we knew her well as we
were very friendly with the Geshen family.
- Our poor dog Joannie somehow managed to slice part of her paw
probably while out chasing cats. She needed stiches - and that means
anaesthesia and hospital for a dog. See
two pictures here.
November 2019
dinner with the Keysons
We are in Amsterdam, Netherlands, to attend the unveiling tomorrwo of
the matzeva, tombstone, of
dear departed friend from our first days in Israel
Reijzer. Last night, after arriving from Israel, we were treated to
shabbat dinner by Lottie's
daughter Jose and David Keyson. We enjoyed
the meal, but even more enjoyed meeting once again Hans and the Keyson
We and our children have maintained contact with the
Reijzer clan both in Israel and in the Netherlands, and it is always a
pleasure to renew contact.
- Congratulations to Mark Nathan (see
Nickel family tree) on
achieving the certification of Sifu (Master) of Wing Chun Kung Fu, the
martial arts method within the Moy Yat lineage. See pictures.
- The Segolis
have finally finished paying off their mortgage and daughter Vered and
Aviv joined us and them for a celebratory dinner. It was also son Aviv
and Limor's wedding anniversary so we made it a double celebration even
tnough Aviv and Limor couldn't join us. (see picture)
- No visit to Amsterdam is complete without enjoying the delicious
"new herring" and this time Doreen joined me. See picture.
November 2019
Ceremony in Bucharest
Doreen and I spent a week in Romania.
For 4 days I attended meetings of the European Bridge League Executive
Committee and officiated at the European Champions' Cup Competition.
The winning team was Club Onstein from the Netherlands. We were honored
by the presence of the Prime Minister of Romania (centre of the
picture, next to the cup).
After the competition, we went on a three day tour.
Read Doreen's account with pictures.
- Grandson Maayan continues to amaze us with his culinary skills.
This time he prepared a full English Breakast, complete with sausages,
which of course he made himself! Picture
- Daughter Vered Ron, in China on a business trip, couldn't resist
taking a picture of a KFC in
Shenzhen that she saw to add to family KFC pictures.
- We were happy to celebrate with many of her friends the
80th birthday of Yona Weisman. See
picture here.
November 2019
Ioan Bolbarea Sculpture in Bucharest
The Romanian artist Ioab Bolborea
depicted 16 of the characters from the stories of the Romanian
playwright Ion Luca Caragiale. This impressive work stands in the
centre of Bucharest outside the National Theatre.
- We are in Bucharest for the European Bridge Champions' Cup where
I am officiating. We have been here 4 days and Doreen has seen
Bucharest's main attractions - see pictures
of Ceausescu's house. Tomorrow we have a guide who will take us
to the north on a three day visit to the sites around the areas of
Sighisoara and Brasov.
- With
many people trying to reduce the amount of wheat they eat, spelt is a
alternative. See Doreen's recipe for spelt
- We were happy to see Einat our former neighbour who came to visit
us - or more accurately visit Joanie - with two of her sons -
Shilo and Yonatan. The boys had had no contact with dogs and Einat was
keen that they learn not to be afraid of them. The children and Joanie had a very
successful visit.
- A quiet week ended with a rushed weekend - dropping Joanie off at
the Segolis on the way to Eilat, where we paid our respects to the Red
Sea Bridge Festival and enjoyed being
with son Aviv, Limor, Itamar, Amit and Ilai and then on the way
back from Eilat picking Joanie up at the Segolis.
- The Segolis, son Moran, Mikhal, Lotem and Zoe visited the migrating cranes at the Hulah reserve and then met up with
Mikhal's sister Diki, Pini, Mili and Tal on a visit to the Park Yarden.
- With
many people trying to reduce the amount of wheat they eat, spelt is a
alternative. See Doreen's recipe for spelt
2 November 2019
photocredit: Benny Sharoni
Deganit Paikowsky Haberman
to Deganit on her
appointment as a Vice-President of the Internatioal Astronautical
(IAF) - the first Israeli in this position. The
an international non-governmental space advocacy organisation founded
in 1951 to establish a dialogue
between scientists around the world and to lay the information for
international space cooperation. It has over 340 members from 68
across the world. This is a tremendous achievement that brings great
honor to
Deganit, Israel and the Haberman family. We are all so proud of
Between her time being married to Uri and mother to Alon, Nitzan and
Geffen, Deganit is a
visiting researcher at the Space Policy Institute at The George
University and teaches at Tel Aviv University’s master’s program in
and Security Studies.
Good luck and best wishes to granddaughter Danielle Ron who this
week started her studies at the School of Sustainability at the
Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya.
October 2019

Lotem after the haircut
Granddaughter Lotem Segoli had her long
tresses cut and donated her hair for a wig for women needing cancer
treatment and who can't afford expensive wigs. We're very proud
of Lotem who joins her cousins and our granddaughters Danielle (twice)
and Lior ron who also donated their hair in the past.
It gives much pleasure to Doreen and I to see that our grandchildren
don't only think about themselves but also have a social conscience.
- We took it easy this week during the sukkot holidays. Apart from
a couple of concerts at the Abu Ghosh Music Festival and a home dinner
for a few guests, we took it easy.
October 2019

Good bye, Tuli
It's always so sad when a dog who has
been years with the family and is really considered part of the family
dies. Tuli has been with the Rons since
Lopsy died.
Tuli had been suffering these last few weeks and her time had come.
Lior came up from Army duty to join Danielle (who had just returned
from India) and Vered and Aviv to give Tuli a last hug.
- We are making good use of the sukkot holiday week. We spent a few
days in Eilat with the Eilatis and the Segolis, enjoyed a great
at the Abu Ghosh festival, and are looking forward to another one next
- In Eilat we were delighted to meet friend and former colleague Aaron Miroz.
- Sons Moran and Aviv went diving with
children Itamar, Maayan and Lotem. Unfortinately as we had to return
home early, Doreen missed the dive she had been looking forward to.
- The Eilati Levys have a new dog Oreo - actually it is Amit's dog
- the biggest "Levy" dog so far. It's still a puppy and growing! See a picture here.
October 2019

Granddaughters Lotem and Zoe Segoli take a jump
During Yom Kippur this week we went down
to Eilat and relaxed with the Segolis and the Eilati Levys.
Granddaughter Lior Ron had a couple of days off from the army and
joined us. We drove to Eilat on Tuesday afternoon and returned on
Wednesday evening and during that time managed to do a lot: resting,
sleeping and swimming. Those that fasted, fasted, those that didn't,
See some more pictures here.
- Granddaughter Danielle Ron is due back this evening from
her trip to India and we are looking forward to hearing her stories and
seeing her pictures.
- Long time friend Maureen Fain was one of the winners of the
1st Israel National Watercolor Exhibition and Doreen, with friends
Caroline Livneh and Yael Paperna
visited the exhibition. See
picture. Doreen and Maureen have been friends since
their school days. Click for Doreen at one of Maureen's previous exhibitions.
5th October

The Segolis hike the Ramon Crater Loop
During the Rosh Hashanah
holidays Mikhal,
Maayan, Zoe and Moran went on a four day trek on a new hiking path
around the
Ramon crater (Sovev Machtesh Ramon).
Moran writes: "We
had someone leave us water and supplies along the path. There
were amazing views of the Machtesh crater
and it was a lovely hike. We had a
wonderful time.
was a bit hot, so every day we rested a few hours in the shade –
something that wasn’t the easiest thing to find.
the way we saw gazelles and wild ass. I told the kids that I took care
of the wild ass parents or grandparents when I was a volunteer at
the Hai Bar Rederve about 30+ years
Click for some pictures.
- The Braverman family (Melly, Denise, Yahel and family) went to
Aqaba during the Rosh Hashanah break and by all accounts had a
fantastic time. They also visited the famous Wadi Rahm and Denise sent
us a picture from there.
- Grandson Maayan Segoli continues his adventures in cooking. Moran
reports that the dumplings Maayan prepared were delicious. See the picture on his page.
- Vanessa Tarazza sent us some pictures of the family taken at the
wedding of her daughter Cinzia to Francois Mulder. Belated
congratulations to Cinzia and family. The Australia Glassers came to
South Africa for the wedding. See
some pictures here. (See
Gordon/Glasser family tree).
- If you haven't read it yet you can read Doreen's New Year letter to
family and friends.
September 2019
Hashanah 5780
לשנה טובה תיכתבו ותחתמו
The Jewish New Year - Rosh
Hashanah - falls this
week on September 29th and 30th. May the coming year bring happiness
success to all our relatives and friends, and peace to our troubled
Click to read Doreen's New Year letter to
family and friends.
- We are saddened by the death in Johannesburg of Solly Krengel,
husnand of Doreen's cousin Marsha, and extend our condolences to Marsha
and daughters Shimonah, Leah and Yonit and granddaughters. (see Nochimovitz/Nickel tree)
- Granddaughter Lior Ron took a break from Army duty to celebrate
her 20th birthday. Mazeltov Lior, see
picture here.
- It's hard to keep track of the overseas business trips of
daughter Vered Ron, but fortunately the pictures
she sends give us a
- We will have a small Rosh Hashana dinner at home this year with
the Rons and Doreen's sister Louise. The other children will be
celebrating with their respective families. We'll dip an apple in honey
symbolizing a sweet year in the traditional way ignoring the modern hi-tech method.
September 2019
Polling Station Chairman
I am proud of
Doreen who spent hours as chairman of a polling station during the
Israel elections ensuring that the voting was honest. Although "our
side" won, things are still very unclear and we will need to wait to
see how things work out and whether there will be any significant
- I am in China (Wuhan in
Hubei province) and have just finished attending meetings of the
Executive and
Laws committees of the World Bridge Federation. I fly back home
- Last weekend Doreen drove
to Midreshet Ben Gurion (Sde Boqer) to the Segolis. The Eilati Levys
also came and there was a "mini family
reunion" and a good time was had by all.
- Happy
Birthday this week to: Joel
Ezra (21), Ashley Gordon (21), Jaryd Kay (21), Micaela Tarazza
(22), Beryl Klotnick
(22), Dean Bacher (23), Jennifer MacMillan
(24), Megan Emanuel (24), Uri Boasson (24), Benjamin Pauwen (25), Gert
Drui (25), Hagar
Yehezkel (26),
Leah Forman
(26), Belinda Levy
(27), Michal O'Dwyer (27), Yoav Pashas (27)
- Happy Anniversary this week
to: Keren
and Ofer Levin (21), Nancy
and Witney Burrows (23)
13-14th September 2019
Haircuts - I'm front right.
From my Old Pictures
collection: This picture was taken 60 years ago at the
Students' Residence at Witwatersrand University. We were a group of
students from the most part different backgrounds but who got on well
together and often did stupid things, like giving each other "mohawk"
haircuts. I remember their faces and for the most part their ethnic
origins but to be honest the only name I remember is mine! I wonder
where they are today?
- This weeks update is a day early as later today I am flying to
China (Wuhan in Hubei province) and will
be there for 10 days. I will be attending meetings of the Executive and
Laws committees of the World Bridge Federation. I understand that
internet and other communication may not be easy so this week's update
is a day earlier than usual and the next update may be somewhat delayed.
- Doreen and friend Caroline Livne visited good friend Maureen Fain
in Jerusalem. On the way back they stopped in Protea Hills at Shoresh
to say hello to Yona Weisman and there they also met an old aquaintance
from our Eilat days. Read Doreen's account
in her Column page.
- While I'm away the family will play. Later today Doreen is
driving to Sde Boqer and spend the weekend with the Segolis and the
Eilat Levys. It will also be the first meeting between our dog Joannie
and Amit's Oreo. Hope it goes well.
- Happy
Birthday this week to: Lior Ron
(13), Moshe Kirshner
(13), Samuel Cleaver (13),
Yahel Braverman
(14), Ephraim Klotnick (15), Mica Matz (16), Stacy Levy (17),
Douglas Hock (19), Michael Nathan (19), Stewart Shub
- Happy Anniversary this week
to: Claire
and Samuel Neiman (16)
September 2019
1991, Nassau Bahamas: : A wave surge
"tsunami" destroys Coral Villas
We are deeply saddened by the
devastation caused to parts of the
Bahamas by hurrican Dorian, and hope that all our friends and
aquaintances there are safe. During our stay in the Bahamas we
experienced a hurricane, fortunately nowhere near as dangerous as
Dorian, and also a tsunami or wave surge which ravaged the island and
destroyed much of Coral World and Coral Villas (the attraction I was in
charge of.). The damage depicted above was inflicted only by flooding -
there was not a breath of wind, so one can imagine the damage caused by
severe flooding and winds in excess of 250 Kph. The pictures on
various news sites give an idea of the devastation.
- Earlier
this week Doreen attended Memento, an unusual ballet performed by the
Ballet. It tells the story of Francesca Mann, a Polish ballerina who
with her family was finally sent to Auschwitz where she on her way to
the gas
chambers she grabs the rifle of one of the guards killing him and
others before
the whole group was shot to death. The
Jews danced classical
ballet including a man in a wheelchair while the Nazis danced
equistively modern, spider-like. It was a fascinating evening.
- When master chef Doreen is at home I am allowed to prepare three
dishes: boiled eggs, poached eggs and omelettes. I am not willing to
divulge the secrets of my cooking, but can share with you how to flip an omelette.
- Next week I am flying to China (Wuhan in Hubei province) and will
be there for 10 days. I will be attending meetings of the Executive and
Laws committees of the World Bridge Federation. I understand that
internet and other communication may not be easy so the next two
updates of this site may be somewhat delayed.
31st August
receives his 1st Draft Order
Living in Israel, you know that
your grandchild receives the
first army call-up draft notice. he/she is not really a child any more.
Itamar Levy received his this
week. He is our third grandchild to be called up, following
Danielle and
Lior Ron.
The first call-up is for basic check-ups so Itamar still has a couple
of years to enjoy school (!) and pre-army life.
- Daughter Vered and the Ron family Aviv, Danielle and Lior have
returned from their
week-long visit to the US. Although only there for a week, they report
having a great time, especially enjoying Flatiron Building and a walk
along the High Line. See pictures.
- Granddaughter Danielle only had 2 days to enjoy home before she
was off again - this time on a 6 week trip to India. Dani loves
travelling and visiting new places as can be seen by viewing her page
on this site.
- Granddaughter Lotem Segoli was not too happy with the colour of
her room so she decided to repaint it, with the help of younger sister
Zoe. It looks like they did a good
- The Eilat Levys seem to agree with the English proverb, "More
Hands Less Work" as they all
pitch in helping in the kitchen.
- Doreen has added a recipe for
roast turkey breast to the Family
Menus page.
- Happy
Birthday this week to:
Max Melamed
(31 Aug),
Hannah Klotnick (1), Sha'ar Kasorla (1), Nici Ezra (1),
Jesse Gordon (1), Wendy Ginsberg (2),
Jennifer Matz (2), Amitai Stern (2); Ashley Kahn (3), Carly
Glasser (3), Lisa Neiman (4), Jason Levy (5), Gillian Zimmerman (5),
Asaf Amit (6),
- Happy Anniversary this week
to: Lee
and Ben Tal (31 Aug), Joel and Beryl Klotnick (1); Mark and Sarina Or (Klotnick) (1) ,
Maayan and Ido Golomb (2), Rachel and Yuval Moskowitz,
24th August
family go on a seaside hike
This morning, Doreen with the Eilatis
and Segolis and some friends from Australia went for an easy hike and
swim along
the coast a few kilometres north of where we stay.
Click for some pictures and details.
- We had an excellent family week - we saw all our offspring and
their spouses. It was not quite a family reunion
as we didn't see all of them at the same time. The Rons, daughter Vered
with husband Aviv and Danielle and Lior had supper with us on Wednesday
evening on their way to the airport for a short visit to the USA.
- Then the Eilat Levys, son Aviv, wife Limor and Itamar, Amit and
came for dinner on Thursday evening and slept over. On Friday the
Segolis, son Moran wife Mikhal and Maayan, Lotem and Zoe joined us for
a specially festive Friday night dinner deliciously prepared by Doreen
with help from the grandchildren. Somehow we found room for 12 persons
to sleep. Some pictures here.
- We have updated the account (with
pictures) of out sailing trip to Italy and France last week.
- If you have not yet seen the pictures of the Segoli Mongolia trip
you are missing something! See Moran's report here
in Hebrew or in English.-
we were in awe of the Segolis when we read it and saw the pictures.
- Happy
Birthday this week to:
Lesley Gordon (24), Jeffrey
Geffen (25), Richard
Klotnick (25), Mark
(Klotnick) (25), Henia Deul
(25), Mildred
Hock (25), Bruce Brod (26), Buna Friedman (26), Aviva Melamed
(27), Benjamin
(27), Yaakov Hodes (28), Noah
Glogauer (28), Raz
Kirschner (29), Michael
(Melly) Braverman (29), Holly Nickel (29), Idit
Mizrahi (30), Basil Royle (30), Dani Haberman (30),
- Happy Anniversary this week
to: Yael and
Justin Baum (24),
Louis and Susan Glogauer (27), Shari and Joel Beckman (28), Jordana
and Mark Glogauer (29)
August 2019
Four Napoleans pose in front of a
statue of THE Napolean on the Island
of Elba where Napoleon was exiled.
(Alon Chananya, me, Morris Kahan, Barney Weiner)
We returned a few hours ago from a sailing trip from Sorrento in Italy
to Villefranche on the French Riviera, so there's no time to prepare a
full report with pictures. Doreen will prepare a report of the
trip - and more pictures - for next week. In the meantime
here are some pictures.
- Happy
Birthday this week to:
Gurland (17),
Joel Ezekiel (17), Sarah
(17), Mike Lewis (17), Terri Lewis (17), Shmuel Sam Gordon (18), Feigie
Santhaus (18), Yael
(20), Mila Aronson (22), Minette Skoczylas (22), David
Gordon (23),
- Happy Anniversary this week
to: Avi
Henia Deul (20), Yael
and Warren Nickel (21), Tanya and Stephen Wood (21), Sorrel and
Selwyn Bolel (22)
August 2019
The Segolis on their hike in Mongolia
Son Moran Segoli and famly have just
finished their trip to Mongolia which included an 11 day trek in
Western Mongolia where they also climbed Malchin Peak (4050m). Moran
reports that the hike was difficult - it was cold, there was hail and
snow and a lot of rain - but the views were amazing and they all
enjoyed it.
Tomorrow they fly to Moscow for a few days and then back home by the
end of the week.
When he gets back Moran will organise the many pictures they took but
in the meantime he sent me a few pictures (not only of views) which can
be seen on the
Miscellaneous page,
and on the pages of
Lotem and
- Thank you Melodie Nathan for updating some information on the Nochimovitz/Nickel family tree, and
for the pictures of your daughter Gabi and the Scouting awards she has
received. Gabi is one of the first girls in what what was traditionally
"Boy Scouts". We can all be proud of her. Click here for a picture.
- This week we have been invited to join good friend Morris Kahn on
a sail on his yacht in Italy. We thought we had nothing special to do
in August and we're delighted to change our non-plans.
- The family know how much I like Kentucky Fried chilcken and
Doreen, Aviv, Vered and Moran regularly send me pictures of KFC in the
various places they visit. This week I received KFC pictures from daughter Vered in China
and son Moran in Mongolia.
3rd August
Yaffa Loew (
Schank family tree) is a
docent once a month at the local Museum of Mishar where she
This morning Doreen, and friend Caroline Livneh. went to hear Yaffa's
explanations and talks, and found it most interesting.
Also there was another relative, Yaffa's sister Rochelle.
Click for a
- We arrived back from Paris at the beginning of the week, after
an enjoyable but tiring trip with granddaughters Amit and Ilai. Doreen
has written a short account of the highlights,
with pictures.
- The Segolis are still in Mongolia. They are trekking in the Tavan
Bogd Massive area - lakes, valleys and peaks. We haven't heard from
them or received any pictures yet as they won't have means of
communication (except for satellite emergency phone) till next week
when they return to a city. After that they will leave Mongolia and
spend a few days in Moscow.
- Happy
Birthday this week to:
Engleberg Garbawy (4), Warren
(5), Audrey Bloede (5), Liam Macmillan (5), Seth Macmillan (5),
Lynn Weisz (6), Jordan
Klotnick (7), Lori Hock (7), Danielle
Glasser (7), Mason Tel (8), Paul Taylor (8), Carmen
Kay (8), David
Bacher (9), Devora Klotnick (9
- Happy Anniversary this week
to: Jennifer
and Paul MacMillan (4), Adele and Bruce Cleaver (5), Amalia
and Oren Klaff, (9), Anat
and William Kirsh (9)
27th July
in Paris
in Paris with granddaughters Ilai and Amit Levy; this is Ilai's
batmitvah present. We are spending the week showing them around
Paris. Details next week.
There are pictures
here, and on the
pages of
Amit and
- The Segolis, Moran, Mikhal, Maayan, Lotem and Zoe continue their
visits to far-off places. During the next few weeks they will be
visiting Mongolia. So far we have heard that it's very interesting and
they have sent a few pictures which can
be seen here.
- I took a break from Paris and the granddaughters and flew to
Belfast in Northern Ireland for a successful meeting to confirm that
the next Bridge Tournament Directors Workshop will be held there in
February 2020.
20th July
girls (plus Moran) go bowling
Moran, Doreen, Ilay, Lotem, Amit, Zoe,
While we were in Norway (
see here) the Segolis looked
after our dog
Joanie. On our return Doreen went to Sde Boqer to pick up Joanie and
spent a couple days there. Both granddaughters Amit and Ilay Levy were
also there and all the girls enjoyed an outing bowling with Moran,
Mikhal and
- While Doreen was in Sde Boqer (see above) she asked Moran to show
her the scorpion site (see picture)
where the children had been
two weeks before.
- During the school holidays the Segoli and Levy cousins have been
alternating between Eilat (mainly diving) and Sde Boqer. Most of
the time the girls were in Sde Boqer and Itamar and Maayan in Eilat. See some pictures here.
- Heini and Tiina Drui, from Estonia, visited Israel for a long
weekend and we were happy to meet up with them again. We last saw them
in Tallinn about 2 years ago when we visited Estonia (see pictures). Yaacov and
Ziva Bortenstein entertained us at a delicious dinner at which nearly
the Drui descendants in Israel of the
Schank family were present. Click here for a group photo of the Drui family.
- This week Doreen and I are taking granddaughters Amit and Ilay
Levy on a weeks trip to Paris. While there, I'll take a couple of days
off from Paris and visit Belfast to explore arrangements for a Bridge
course there next year.
13th July
Participants at the European
Junior Bridge Championships
Doreen and I are now in Oslo after spending 8 days in Stokke at
the Oslofjord Convention Centre at the Championships. The Championships
were very successful. We were particuarly happy that the U16 Gold Medal
was won by Israel.
I was in charge of the event and was fortunate that the bridge staff
are not only experienced but also excellent. At the prize giving,
Doreen was roped in to sort the medals and hand them to the
person presenting them.
See two more pictures.
- We spent a day in Oslo and visited the famous Opera House, the
Munch Museum and Vigeland Park. We
fondly remembered our visit to the Vigeland Park about 50 years ago
with daughter Vered.
- Later today, we fly back to Israel and get ready ready for our
trip 10 days later to Paris with granddaughters Amit and Ilai Levy.
- Grandchildren Itamar Levy and Lotem Segoli did a
diving course (see picture).
Doreen is planning a family dive sometime soon with them and with,
Aviv, Maayan,Mikhal, Moran, Danielle,
Lior and
- Beryl and Joel Klotnick (Matz family
tree) took friends from South Africa to Mitzpe Ramon, and included
a visit to the Negev where they were shown around
by son Moran Segoli at his R&D installation. See picture here.
- Happy
Birthday this week to: Candice
Pauwen (13), Jennifer Levy (13), Eileen Glogauer (14), Petronille
Bloede (14), Tamara Klein (15), Glenda
Cleaver (15), Isaac (Issy) Kirsh (16), Rhona Neiman (16), Shira Forman
(17), Dion Levin
(19), Keren Stern (19)
- Happy Anniversary this week
to: Mushe
and Issie Kirsh (14),
Moriah and Gil Pashas (14), Viki
and Jack Gilbert (16), Joanne and Shaun Zagnoev (18)
6th July
at Sde Boqer
This weekend grandson Itamar Levy spent
a few days with his cousins Maayan, Lotem and Zoe Segoli at Sde Boqer.
They were joined by the children of two friends the Segolis met in
Australia and who were visiting Israel. One night Moran took them to
Ein Akev spring near Sde Boqer where they live, to show them the
desert night life. They were
happy to see a scorpion which of course they took care not to touch.
Click here for another picture
of the children, this time in the pool.
- Doreen and I are in Norway, at Stokke, south of Oslo. I am in
charge of the European Junior Bridge Championships being held here.
Over 400 participants, accompanied by various team officials, are
competing to be European Champions in 4 categories, Under 26, Under 21,
Under 16 and Under 26 Women. (see
- Last Saturday, as part of the June birthday celebrations Doreen
took the family to the new exhibit at Caesarea which was
of interest to all. However, the highlight of the visit was something
else (see picture)
- Later last week the Segoli girls, Mom Mikhal and Lotem and Zoe,
treated themselves to a spa beauty treatment at a spa. Despite the heat
they look as cool as cucumbers.
- We were pleased to see that daughter Vered Ron, on a recent
business trip to South America, had time for some fun. (see picture)
- We have received the sad news that Doreen's cousin, Yudel Bacher,
passed away in South Africa recently.
29th June
Vered's Birthday
Nearly the whole Ron, Levy and Segoli
families celebrated daughter Vered Ron's birthday at her favourite
restaurant. Happy Birthday!! June is also the month of the birthdays of
Doreen and son Aviv so this is also a joint family celebration.
Two more pictures
- I am still in Istanbul. I return to Israel tomorrow and then fly
Norway two days later for the European Junior Championships.
Doreen returned a few days ago and will join me on the trip to Norway.
- As I noted last week - June is our family birthday month. Doreen
on the 11th, Aviv on
the 21st and daughter Vered on the 28th - yesterday. See This Week's
Picture above, and two more pictures.
- Daughter-in-law Mikhal is attending a conference in France north
of Nice, and had the opportunity to relax a little. See picture.
22nd June
Executive Committee of the
European Bridge League
Back row: EC members from Iceland,
France,Germany, Slovakia, Ireland, Israel (me).
Front row: Belgium, Poland, Israel, Sweden (Jan Kamras president),
Turkey, Netherlands, Norway
We are in Istanbul for the European Open Bridge Championships. Apart
from the Championships which last just over two weeks, and at which I
am an official, there were also meetings of the EBL Executive Committee
over three days.
- Son Aviv Levy celebrated his birthday this week and his family
took him to an escape room featuring King Arthur. (see picture)
- As noted above, Doreen and I are in Istanbul. While I have been
during the days, Doreen has been renewing her acquaintance with the
delights of the interesting city of Istanbul. In the evenings we ate
excellent and cheap food at a few of the many excellent restaurants. See pictures.
- June is our family birthday month. Doreen on the 11th, Aviv on
the 21st and daughter Vered on the 28th - picture next week?.
- Happy
Birthday this week to: Shoshana
Bortz (22), Nicole Blotnick (22), Efrat
Shabtai (23),
Neill Glasser (24), Joel Thiele (25), Melissa Marcus
(25), Sheila Ezra (26), Donna
(26), Ethan Schochat (26), Jacob Gordon (26), Alon Spector (27),
David Neiman (27), Levi Tzukernik (28), Eyal Shavit (28), Stephan
Schwartz (28), Vered
Levy-Ron (28),
- Happy Anniversary this week
to: Talya
and Ian Klotnick
(24), Marsha and Solly Krengel (25)
15th June
75th Birthday
week Doreen celebrated her 75th birthay. Before going to an Opera we
dinner at a restaurant in the area. Our son Aviv Levy had arranged to
join us without Doreen's knowing, and she was delighted and overwhelmed
when he walked in at the beginning of the meal.
The next evening we went to an "Only Meat' restaurant in Jaffa to enjoy
our steak and tartar. (
see picture)
- Doreen had a busy birthday week. Apart from the opera and meals
(see above) we (that is mainly Doreen) had 13 long-time friends
for dinner at home, and then after a day of last minute arrangements we
flew to Istanbul.
- We are now in Istanbul where I am officiating at the European
Open Bridge Championships and Doreen is making plans for touring. We
have been to Istanbul a number of times, and we always enjoy this most
interesting city..
- Happy
Birthday this week to: Matthew
Levy (15), Samuel Lampert (16), Rosilyn Hock (18),
Marielle Gordon (19), Philip Levy (19), Katherine
Levy (19),
Levy (21),
Brandon Glasser (21), Carl Thiele (21), Rivka Glasser (2)
- Happy Anniversary this week
to: Melanie
and Jonathan Sklar
8th June
at the Tel Aviv Vegafest
Granddaughter Danielle Ron is - and
has been for many years - a vegan.* She works part-time for an
organisation called Vegan Active. This week there was a special
event at the Sarona Fair devoted to veganism. We aren't vegans but went
to visit Dani who was running one of the organisation's stalls. We
didn't think there would be many visitors and were very surprised by
the large crowd (estimated at 40,000!) and the numerous and varied
and stands. We were also impressed by Dani's enthusiasm and abilities. (Click here for another picture.)
*Vegan: Persons who don't eat meat, eggs, dairy products and
all other animal-derived ingredients. Most
vegans extend the definition of veganism to go beyond just food and
will also avoid the use of all personal and household products tested
on animals, and avoid purchasing and using all animal-derived, non-food
products, such as leather, fur, and wool.
The Vegan Society defines it as "the doctrine that man should live
without exploiting animals".
from and Wikipedia
- There was an "invasion" of jelly fish in the Eilat bay this
week,and son Aviv Levy was quoted on a television article. They
also showed a short filming of the phenomenon that Aviv had
photographed. A still shot from the
movie can be seen here.
- Doreen and I took part - unsuccessfully - in the Tel Aiv Bridge
Festival held this week. See
- Tomorrow is Shavuot -
the Jewish holiday that celebrates the
harvestiong of wheat, and the bringing of the "first fruit" to the
Temple. It is also traditionally the anniversary of the giving of the Torah to the Children of
Israel. Most Israelis celebrate the festival
by eating dairy products and it is also traditional to read the Book of
Ruth (who picked gleanings from the harvesting) and perform folk dances
associated with harvesting. At the school of our Segoli grandchildren
Shavuot is celebrated by folk
dancing to Israeli songs. The
Segolis also celebrated the "nature"aspect of the holiday by picking
cherries.(see the pages of Zoe and Lotem)
- Shavuot is also the time of the Abu Ghosh Music Festival. We went
to two performances and enjoyed them very much. Noam Heiman (see
Goldberg Family Tree) is a singer in one of the performing choirs
we met him before the start of one of the performances. See picture.
- Many schools also have school outings during the period before
Shavuot. Granddaughter Ilai Levy went on a school trip to Jerusalem.
- Son Moran Segoli appears briefly, but impressively!, in a
promotional film "Think Agriculture Think Israel" . You can see him
(looking through a microscope) at 0.28 to 0.31 in the clip.
- In a few days Doreen and I will be travelling to Istanbul . I
will be officiating at the European Open Bridge Championships.
- Happy
Birthday this week to: Joseph
Marcus (8),
Lynn Hock (8), Yosef Tal (8), Chana Tzukernik (9), Gal
Geffen (9),
Catherine Rackoff (10), Nathalie Kirsh (10), Doreen
Levy (11),
(12), Ruth
Kansky (12),
Ryan Bacher (12), Eric Brod (13), Tanel Drui (13), Alan Smith
(13), Robin Marks
And an extra special happy birthday on
Tuesday to my wonderful wife Doreen!!
Happy Anniversary this week to: Bernice and Isidore Spector
1st June

- Itamar Levy contemplates his new-born cousin Maayan Segoli
NOW - The cousins communicate
Two pictures this week - one from the
"Old Photos" collection and the other from now. The cousins are
also very good friends (and even sometimes actually speak to each other.)
- Son Aviv went on a week's sailing trip with some friends to the
Greek Isles. Picture here.
- Happy
Birthday this week to: to Suzan
Sophie Silverman (2), Roy Partok (2), Sharon Glasser (2), Warren Galgut
(2), Meira
Carno (4),
Barbara Shochat (3), Isobel Siegel (3), Roger Cleaver (3), Malka
Hodes (4),Abraham Neiman (4), Samuel Neiman (4), Jimmy Bloede (5),
Talya Melamed (6),
Martin Glick (7), Yonatan Kasorla (7), Avi
Gilad (7),
Happy Anniversary this week to: Sheila and Joel Ezra (3)
25th May
the Demonstration
Tonight we took part in a mass
demonstration in Tel Aviv of tens of thousands of Israelis protesting
the anti-democratic intentions of the Netanyahu government which is
likely to be sworn in this week. In particular we demonstrated against
the plans to over-ride and weaken the Supreme Court, and to pass
legislation to
prevent the courts from dealing with the corruption accusations
against Netanyahu.
- We invited old friends from our days in Hofit, Alick and
Rachel Ron, and Haim and Malka Lev, for dinner. We all left Hofit years
ago but we still remember the good times we had there and the wonderful
friendships we developed.
- Granddaughter Amit Ron has a very cute new puppy, named Oreo. See picture here.
- Happy
Birthday this week to: Alon
Museri, Uzi Museri (25), Yonatan Zagnoev, Shira Zagnoev, Susan Glogauer
(27); Noam
Haiman (28), Daphne Lewis
(28); Hylton Ezra (29);
Selwyn Kahn, Gillian Ezra, Joanne Zagnoev (30); Andrea Neiman, Wilhelm
Thiele, Alma Pashas, Lauren Meyerov
No Anniversaries this week
18th May
Olkienitski, Shuli and Eitan
Happy 96th
birthday on Thursday this week to Sara Olkienitski (nee Goldberg), my
mother's cousin. And happy birthday also this week to her grandson Uri
Haberman. Pictures above are Uri's parents, Shuli (Sara's daughter) and
Eitan. Mazal Tov to both of you. עד 120 - not far to go,
Happy Anniversary this week
to: Shimona and Avraham
Tzukernik (21)
11th May
Israel's Flag on
Independence Day
This week we celebrated the 71st Israel
Independance Day. The actual day is celebrated throught Israel by
barbecues, in parks, on the beaches and even on traffic islands. This
year our son Aviv, curator of the Coral World Eilat, celebrated
a little differently, hoisting our national flag
underwater. He and the dive
staff at Coral World
have often re-enacted some current events under water. for example:
Seder Pesach/Passover;
playing cards;
sitting in a sukka (booth) during the
Shavuot holiday; and celebrating
the stage of the
Giro d'Italia
Cycle Race which took
place in Eilat.
We are
proud of the achievements of our country but at the same time worried
by the anti-democratic tendencies that are becomimg more and more
evident. An extra perk for us this year was the lighting of one of the
12 commemorative torches at Har Herzl in Jerusalem by Morris Kahn, our
good friend and my former
- We've had quite a week in Israel - rockets into Israel, firing
into Gaza, Holocaust Day, Remembrance Day, Independence Day; and next
week we'll have Eurovision.
- Fitting in with the week's events we saw a moving and very
interesting opera, The Passenger by Miecyslaw Weinberg, based on an SS
Guard and a concentration camp prisoner and their memories of Auschwitz
during and
after World War 2.
- We joined the traditional barbecue at the house of Carol
and Terry Kessel, gracious hosts and great barbecuers. It is an
uplifting experience to reconnect with old friends some whom we do not
see regularly but still share a vision of a different Israel that we
had hoped to be part of.
Anniversaries this week :
4th May
Lital Bortenstein?, Yaffa Bortenstein
Loew, Yaakov and Lior?
Bortenstein, Vered Levy Ron, Avram Bortenstein
Picnicking somewhere, perhaps at the farm in Meishar
HaShoah (Holocaust Memorial Day) was this week and as every
year we
remembered family members and mourned all the innocent Jews murdered by
and their collaborators during the Shoah.
This year Doreen would like to
share with you the story of our dear relative Avram Bortenstein ז"ל who was in
the Russian
army and his efforts after the Shoah
to help find and identify Jewish children who had been hidden in
Poland during this period.
See Doreen's Column
I was delighted to receive an
email from Peter Royle this week. I
have had very little contact with this branch of the family and was
happy to be able to renew contact. Peter's family details have been
updated in the Goldberg Family Tree
and there is a picture of his immediate family here.
- The Segoli site has been updated to include pictures of the
Family Reunion and their hike in the Apennines. Click for site in English
or in Hebrew
- Son Aviv Levy is back from diving in the Cayman Islands. It was
short, but he had a great time and some good dives. We went down
to Eilat - via the Segolis in Sdeh Boqer - and heard details of his
dives. Click for a picture of us
with the Eilat Levys.
- Daughter Vered Ron is very busy in her new job and is overseas
for a few days. Click
here for her picture on the Taboola site. Click on her picture
there for a short decription..
Birthday this week to:
Debora Lazarus (4),
Yael Segoli
Tallulah Wood (4);
Jackie Marks, Marion Bloede, Noga Poupko, Oren Gordon (5), Daniella
Jacqueline Lampert (6);
Klotnick (8);
Joshua Meyerov,
Anniversaries this week :
27th April
Only one candle for my 79th birthday?
(No, it's not Who Knows One -
Echad Mi Yodea)
Doreen insists it is the most important
candle - the one symbolizing a year that will be of good health
and life. We celebrated my 79th birthday at home
last night, and were joined by Vered, Aviv and Danielle. Doreen went
out of her way and prepared a delicious gourmet 4 course dinner.
See some pictures here. Two main
Roast Sirloin and Vegan
Shepherds's Pie.
I received a delightful birthday card from Doreen -
see here.
- After their vacation extensions following our family reunion in
Italy (see here) all our family are
back in Israel.
- The Segolis enjoyed their hike in the Apennines - see pictures here. For Moran's
account and pictures you can access the Segoli site
in English or in Hebrew
updated today.
- Son Aviv is in the Cayman Islands, in the Caribbean
Islands (see picture). There
will be the diving companion of family friend Morris Kahn. Morris has
been in the news
recently, first as the driving force behind the launching of the Bereshit space vehicle to the
moon, and then as one of the 12 persons honored to light a torch during
the coming Israel Independence Day celebrations.
Birthday this week to:
Levy (27),
Rene Hock (28), Elizabeth Mynarski (28), Jacob Glogauer (29), Noam Amit
(30), Wendy Kansky (30): MAY -
Brian Galgut, Ariel Stennard
Sarah Garbawy,
Russel Glasser (2);
Miriam Santhaus (3);
Anniversary this week to :Lauren
and Hilton Meyerov (29) MAY
- Beth and Robert Jeffrey (2), Maytal
Adam Tal (3)
20th April
Knows One? אחד מי יודע
girls, with help from Rafael, perform their spirited version of "Echad Mi Yodea"
We had a most pleasant Passover
the home of niece Yahel Braverman and Donnie Dvir.
Good company, good food, good atmosphere, not too much
haggadah - a perfect seder!
Rafael sang
Ma Nishtenah and
Chad Gadya for us -
see picture.
- We had a wonderful time at our 24th Family Reunion in Italy
(see last week's post in the Archives)
, and returned yesterday. You can read about it and see pictures here.
- The Eilat Levys stayed on in Rome for a few days after the
reunion - see a picture here.
- The Segolis also remained in Italy. They will be hiking for
about a week in the Apennine Mountains. Click for a picture.
Birthday this week to:
Harry Schochat (21), Kari Mynarski
(21), Remy Levin
(24), Joyce
Bernstein (24), Zoe Segoli (24),
Arie Schochat (25), Ben Zion Poupko (25), Racheli
Gilad (26),
Yonat Partok (26)
Anniversary this week to : Efrat
and Gal Shabtay (24), Bracha and
Avraham Bolel (26)
13th April
Family Reunion in Italy, at Pisa
Doreen and I are celebrating our 55
years of marriage (a little early) at the 24th Family Reunion in Italy.
We have rented a refurbished farmhouse in Tuscany, Villa Prato al
Sole, in the village of San Pancrazio near Monte San Savino. So
far the 15 family members (Lior is in the army and couldn't join us)
are having a great time. More next week.
- Our Reunion is primarily for
the family to have fun together and bond (and eat!), but we also have,
so far, visited Orvieto, Perugia, Pisa and San Gimignano. Next week -
pictures and report.
Birthday this week to:
Leon Matz (14), Charlene
Engleberg (14),
Yaron Glasser (14), Noa Schwartz (15), Jodie-Beth Matz
(15), Na'ama
Gilad (16),
Yael Schochat (16), Saul Ginsberg (17), Keira
Leibowitz (17),
Hanna Gordon (17), Rachel Zagnoev (18), Robert Cleaver
Anniversary this week to : Vered
and Aviv Ron (14),
Katherine and Dorran Galp (18)
6th April
My father, me, Aunt Rose
from my old photo collection:
That's me on the beach somewhere (Port Elizabeth?) in the early 1940's
with my
father Hayman and Aunt Rose (my mother's sister and Viv Klaff's mother)
- Daughter
Vered Ron, after 9 years of
working with Benny Landa, started a new job this week. She joined
Taboola, an internet marketing company, as VP & GM Taboola News. We
all her wish her good luck and success in her new job.
- Ilai enjoyed
taking part in the national Junior Cyber contest in Holon..
Unfortunately spectators were not
allowed, so we have to make do with this impressive
picture of the participants.
- After their success in the
regional Robotics Championships, Itamar's school took part in the
National Contest, held this time in Tel Aviv. They all thoroughly
enjoyed the experience. We
attended a few hours of the competition and were amazed not only at the
technological achievements we saw but also at the unbridled enthusiasm
of the contestants and the good
natured rivalry. See pictures here.
- In a few days time we (the
whole family except Lior who is in the army) will go Italy for a week's
Family Reunion in a refurbished farmhouse in Tuscany near Florence.
- The day before we leave, we will
put our votes in the ballot box hoping to help replace the
Netanyahu government with a democratic and peace-seeking alternative.
Anniversary this week to : Roslyn and Claude Hakim (11)
30th March
parents Hayman and Queenie with my sister Fern
from my old photo collection:
To the best of my recollection this picture of my parents and
Fern as a flower girl was taken at the wedding of my father's cousin
Louis Hurwitz to Avie Woolfson in Durban in 1948.
(see Matz family tree).
Click here for a picture
of the wedding celebrants and families).
- Granddaughter Ilai Levy and 3 others from her school will be
attending the 2019 Israel Cyber Competition. (see
picture) in a few days time. We hope to be present at part of the
- With winter finishing and warmer days coming, it's time to
start barbecuing. See Doreen's recipe for
delicious barbecued wings.
Birthday this week to:
30/3 - Alan Klotnick ,
Gabriel Bloede, Morris Gordon 31/3 - Deryn Klein,
1/4 - Oren Klaff,
Rachel Kirschner,
Barney Gordon, 2/4 - Roni Gurland,
Issy Bacher,
3/4 - Richard
4/4 - Itamar Levy, Louis
Glogauer, 5/4- Jessica Gordon, Ariel Moskovich,
Eloise Feinstein, Sorrel
Bolel, 6/4 - Dov Levin, Darren Klotnick
Anniversary this week to : 31/3 - Alana and Saville
Stern 1/4 - Ruth and Joel Geffen
4/4 - Shira and
Ali Bacher, Haley and Adam Bacher,
23th March
short break in the EBL Executive meeting
Peter (Slovakia), Philippe
(France), Sevinc (Turkey), Gilad
(Israel), Japhet (Iceland), Marc (Belgium), Eric (Netherlands),
Catherine (Secretary), me (Israel),
Jan (Sweden), Paul (Ireland), Igor (Poland), Kari-Ann (Norway). Missing
- Josef (Germany)
This last week we were in Lausanne,
Switzerland for six days. I attended a two-day meeting of the
European Bridge League Executive Committee. We stayed with our
wonderful friends Pierre and Francois Collaros who entertained and fed
us royally, and also lent us their car.
- We have visited Lausanne and district a number of times, but
always enjoy seeing new places and some of the old places again. Click for some pictures here.
- While we were in Lausanne, our grandchildren were enjoying
dressing up for the festval of Purm. We're sorry we couldn't see them,
but from the photos we received
it seems like they had a great time.
Anniversary this week to : 24 -
Tamar and Ari Taback 27 - Buna and Mula Friedman 28 - Racheli and Avi Gilad
29 - Shirley
and Nathan Kansky
16th March
2019 2019
Lior and Granny Doreen sewing on
Lior's stripes
Lior Ron
has finished her basic and special training in the army
(see last week) and she has two stripes to show for it. Corporal
Lior enlisted Granny
Doreen to help sew her insignia on her uniform.
- Every week there are new signs that the grandchildren are fast
grandadults. This week Itamar Levy received his official Identification
Card (תעודת זהות) . See picture
- Congratulations to granddaughter Ilai Levy who has been chosen to
be one of four pupils to represent her school in a national Computer
Cyber Contest, to be held in 10 days time, in a competition testing
- Tomorrow we fly to Lausanne, where I will be attending some
bridge meetings. Doreen is accompanying me and we will stay and spend a
few extra days with good friends Pierre and Francoise Collaros. Every
March the European Bridge Executive holds meetings in Lausanne at the
International Sports Center. Spending a few extra days with
the Collaros's has become a lovely tradition. See here for example..
9th March
with the Robot built at his school
Grandson Itamar took
part in the FRC Robotic Championship held this past week in Haifa. Participating schools are given a task to be
performed by a robot, and the students have 70 days to plan and
build a suitable robot. This year the task was to build a robot that
could pick up a ball, move
to the "goal" area and shoot the ball into a tunnel whose rear end had
been previously blocked by the robot to prevent the ball coming out of
the tunnel. In addition, there were 3 robots on the field, and a robot
could block another robot from scoring. After scoring the robot had to
climb on a dias or platform (different heights of the dias earned
different points).
92 schools took part, and Itamar's robotic class were placed 10th and
reached the quarter finals.
Itamar reports that this was a fantastic experience. The combination of
planning and building the robot, then taking part, and meeting other
people who all had a common interest and a passion for robots and
success was amazing- as he puts it "we were all on an extended high the
whole time."
We're very proud of you, Itamar. This was a terrific achievement and we
congratulate you on the result and on the experience.
(Another picture on Itamar's page)
- Not only Itamar was in the news this
week. Our grandchildren were busy:
- As reported last week, granddaughter Lior Ron finished her unit
training in the Army. But then there was a surprise. She was chosen as
the Outstanding Trainee of the course. Click
for a photo of Lior with
her certificate. Well done, Corporal Lior!
- Our grandchildren seem to be growing older very quickly! Suddenly
so it seems) our second youngest granddaughter, Ilai Levy, is accepted
into the high school she wanted and we realise that she is not so young
any more. Picture here.
- We received a video of grandchildren Lotem and Zoe Segoli
performing the Ross and Monica dance from Friends. Click to see.
2nd March
2019 2019
after the Swearing-in Ceremony
Granddaughter Lior Ron has finished her
Basic Training and is now a regular soldier in the Israel army,
assigned to a unit. Her parents Aviv and Vered and sister Danielle
attended the Swearing-In Ceremony and were very moved. We congratulate
Lior on getting through the hard basic and specialised courses .
- Happy
Birthday this week to: 2- Annette Levy,
Tina Gordon 3 -
Giles De Millon, Dawn Zain 4 - Jane Glasser, Nathan Kansky 5 - Cecile Cotton , Avichai
Skoczylas 6 - Toni Hock , Mila Lazarus 7- Amber Leibowitz 8
- Ezra Bortz
- Happy
Anniversary this week to: 2 - Russell and Sharon
Glasser 8 - Michal and Thomas
February 2019
Lotem, Maayan and Doreen at Boca do
We're in Lisbon - see
This Week's News below. Doreen took the grandchildren to Boca do Roca,
the westernmost
point of Europe. It was fun
thinking there was nothing between them and the Americas except the
Atlantic Ocean.
- As can be seen
from the picture above, we're in Lisbon, Portugal. Doreen and the
grandchildren have accompanied me here where I am officiating at the
European Mixed Teams Bridge Championships. They unwisely went to
the opening of the bullfighting season. They left before they could
any pictures. Click here for pictures
of the first two days in Lisbon.
February 2019
Devra Hock celebrates her birthday
We were delighted to hear some months
ago from Devra Hock, a relative on the
Nochomovitz side, who would be
in Israel to attend a meeting of a Museum Research Group as part
of her studies
for a Ph.D in paleontology. We have never met her or her parents
have met quite a few other Hock relatives (
for example, see here.) .
Over the weekend we got to know her as friendly and articulate. Her
visit culminated in a Friday night family dinner, before her flight
back home to the States. As it
turned out, the timimg was excellent, as we could also celebrate her
birthday! Doreen baked a delicious chocolate cake (vegan of course for
our granddaughters) seen in the picture above.
You can see the recipe
Click for some pictures of the
family dinner.
- We're back in
Israel after visit to Antalya, Turkey for the bridge course, and
preparing for next week when we visit Lisbon, Portugal where I
shall officiate in
the Mixed Teams European Championships.
- We have a busy period between our trips - doctors's
appointments, tax arrangements, garden upkeep, a couple of bridge
commitments and lots of odds and ends around the house.
- We will be taking two grandchildren, Maayan and Lotem Segoli,
with us to Lisbon, and Doreen will show them around while I am busy. We
thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Portugal
just over two years ago. Doreen is looking forward to the visit. and is
busy preparing an itinerary for them.
- Happy
Birthday this week to:
17 - Naama Yaniv 18
- Joshua
Leibowitz , Philip Levin 19 - Bessie
Freundlich , Jonathan Sklar, Michele Berman 20 - Joel Klotnick ,
Yoav Or , Daniel Gordon, Naama Gordon 21 - Harel Gordon, Dikla
Crutchi 22 - David Hock, Yali Or, Yehoram Leshem, Daniel
- Happy
Anniversary this week to: 16
- Nici and Hilliard Ezra 17 - Sheenagh and Charles Levy
18 - Ann and Darryl Weisz 19 - Alice and Joseph Gullotta Click
February 2019
at the Course
We are on the way back from Antalya
Turkey where I organized the 11th European Bridge League Tournament
Directors' Course. In bridge, the Tournament Director's job, in
addition to activities concerened with organizing competitions, is also
the judge during the course of the competition. There were 64
participants from 27 different countries, and 17 participants
received accreditation as International Bridge Directors (=judges)
- I was busy
during the time in Antalya
and only managed to see a little of the city during the last afternoon,
but Doreen had time to get around and see some more of the area. Click
for some pictures.
- We received a lovely picture
of our eldest granddaughter Dani in
- After last week's
family supper the Eilat Levys went on a short
visit up North to the Golan and granddaughter Ilai took some
pictures. See one of them here.
- Happy
Anniversary this week to: 9 - Sharlene and Steven Klotnick
11 - Rhona and Abraham Neimann 14 - Lori and David Hock, Neta and
Lior Bortenstein
2nd February 2019
mini family reunion
Two days separate granddaughter Ilai's
birthday (28 Jan) from son Moran's (30 Jan) and Doreen decided to
invite the whole clan for Friday night dinner last night. 14 of the 16
(both AvivR and Dani are overseas) came from Herzliya, Sde Boqer and
Eilat and enjoyed being togethert and a really exceptional 5 course
dinner cooked over 3 days by Doreen.
Click for more pictures
here and
Ilai's page.
- For the family dinner Doreen prepared varied appetizers: braised fennel, polenta cups
with mushroom or avocado or shrimp filling, gravlax and roasted beetroot, and of course
delicious home-baked baguette. The gravlax was excellent and she has
added the recipe to the Recipe page. See
the recipe here.
- On Monday we fly to Antalya in Turkey for 6 days. I am organising
an International Tournament Directors' Course there, with participants
from 25 countries.
January 2019
and I with Vered on her enlistment many years ago
Now that granddaughter Lior Ron is doing
her compulsory army service, (
see for
example her enlistment), I thought she might like to see her
mother when she was in the army.
- We've had some medical ups and downs these last weeks and now
we're more-or-less
back to normal. Despite this, we had friends over for dinner a couple
of times, and as usual, Doreen prepared delicious and innovative
dishes. One of the dishes she prepared was braised fennel - you can read her recipe here.
- Moran has posted part B of the Segoli visit to Madagascar with
fabulous pictures, read
in Hebrew and in English.
- It's school end of term, time for report cards,and so far they
have been excellent. We are proud of all of you.
- Happy
Birthday this week to:Ilai
Levy (28th), Rafael
Dvir, Mandy Gordon,
Hock (29th), Moran
Segoli , Aharon
Klotnick (30th), Eitan
, Shai Geffen (31st); Anna Korbel,
Jonathan Stern, Stella
Kahn, Kyle Kahn (1st February)
January 2019
Levy and Edelstein families gather for the barmitzvah of Charles Levy
February 1963
I recently received this picture from
cousin Sharon Leibowitz. It was taken in Upington at the bar mitzvah of
Charles, son of Eric Levy and Winnie (nee Edelstein). Members of
both families are present, but surprisingly Charles is apparenty not in
the picture!
Back 2 rows: David L, Benny E, Joe L, Hayman L,
Winnie L, Sasha E, Abe L, Malia L, Sheila
E, Ilana E, Irma E, Fanny E, Eric L
Front rows: Sophelia E, Lynette E, Cecile L, Sharon L, Jonathan L, Tony
E, David E, Maurice E with Dunne E, Sheryl E, Hacky E
From my collection of "Old Photos"
thanks to cousin Sharon
- We continued to enjoy London, its food and shopping. We had a
most interesting visit to Bletchley
Park near Milton Keynes where Alan Turing worked during the 2nd
World War to decipher
the German Enigma codes. We were amazed not only what he and his
colleagues achieved but that over 10,000 men and women were involved at
Bletchley. It remained a secret until the mid 1970's; today with mobile
phones that would be impossible. We had lunch with long-time friend Shirley Poluck, whom
we met when we first came to ulpan
in 1965.
- We
returned to Israel on Tuesday. Last night we had dinner at the home of
daughter Vered and Aviv,
and were happy to again meet newly weds Jonathan
and Alexandra, and Nadav Keyson, sons of Jose and David Keyson and
grandchildren of our dear friends Hans and the late Lottie Reijzer.
- Moran has posted part B of the Segoli visit to Madagascar,
in Hebrew and in English.
January 2019
fish meal in London
Dave Rothschild and Frankie Klaff with Doreen and me
We are in London for a week's visit, and
return to Israel on Tuesday.
We shopped, visited, saw "Macbeth" and enjoyed spending some time with
Frankie (see
Goldberg Family tree) and Dave who were visiting from USA.
Click for a
picture of Frankie and
Doreen in ChinaTown just before a delicious roast duck lunch.
- While in London we had dinner and chatted with good friends Bill
and Marianna Pencharz. See
- Happy
Birthday this week to: Candis Herr,
Natalie Smith, Yaniv Arad, Raphael
Cotton (5th), Julie Stern (7th), Kimberly Silverman (8th), Dyna
Mynarski , Michael
Haberman (9th), Mushe
- Happy
Anniversary this week to: Melissa
and Shaun Glogauer (9th)
January 2019
takes a selfie of himself with a gelada monkey.
(Moran is the one on the right with the sunglasses)
Son Maayan Segoli returned this morning from a six day trek with 2
friends in the Simien Mountains of Ethiopia. He reports a wonderful
experience, including seeing the unique Gelada monkey ("bleeding heart
monkey") found only in Ethiopia.
Click here for some more pictures.
In 2004 Doreen went on a 4 day trek in the Simien Mountains - you can
read her report and pictures here.
We'll wait to see more pictures on his site in due time. In the
meantime you can enjoy the amazing pictures of his familt trip to
Madagascar (
in Hebrew or in English.)
- While Moran was trekking we went to Midreshet Ben Gurion to help
with the children. Maayan, for his birthday, wanted to bake a special
cake. With a little help from Doreen he
baked a delicious 3 layered chocolate and orange birthday cake for
himself. See pictures.
- We were very proud to see a front page picture and a lengthy and
positive article
in the Yediot Achronot newspaper about our good friend Morris Kahn and
his encouragement and financing of Israel's forthcoming launch (next
month) of a spaceship that will land on the moon. The article is in
Hebrew and can be accessed here.
- In a few days we are flying to London for a week. We'll meet some
old friends, including Frankie Klaff (see Goldberg family tree) and Dave
Rothschid who will be visiting at the same time, and see a few plays,
and just generally enjoy London.
- Happy
Birthday this week to: Candis Herr,
Natalie Smith, Yaniv Arad, Raphael
Cotton (5th), Julie Stern (7th), Kimberly Silverman (8th), Dyna
Mynarski , Michael
Haberman (9th), Mushe
- Happy
Anniversary this week to: Melissa
and Shaun Glogauer (9th)