August 21, 2010
Week 342
. (
Go to News August 21,
end of a wonderful trip
(The suitcases on the
right are also ours!)
Our family trip to South
Africa comes to its end. After three weeks travelling in the Kruger
Park, the Sabie area, Durban, Cape Town and Hermanus we arrived
in Johannesburg for our last night together in South Africa. It was a
wonderful trip, starting off with lions in the Kruger Park and ending
with whales of whales in Hermanus. The highlight was the dedication of
the Science laboratory at the Magqibagqiba
school in memory of Fern Levy. (see This
Week's Picture 14/8/, and pictures of the Dedication.).
August 14,
Week 341
. (
Go to News August 14,
Handing the key to Miss M.C. Tirivanhu,
headmistress of Magqibagqiba Secondary School
Mrs Joyce
Ngcobo, chairperson of the school governing body.
Before she passed away, my sister Fern asked me to use money she had in
South Africa for the furtherance of African education in
Kwazulu-Natal, the area we had grown up in. We got in contact with
Suzanne Edmunds, the CEO of Project Build, an organization
dedicated to the building of school facilities in needy areas.
Suzanne is a friend from our school days and was a classmate and friend
of Fern. Through her we sponsored the building of four science
laboratories in rural areas.
Last Tuesday, the first of these laboratories was dedicated at
the Magqibagqiba Secondary School, in the district of Inanda.
The other three laboratories will be at
Secondary School in Dundee, Usizo High School in
Tugela and Makhanda High School in Port Shepstone.
Link to
more on the
Dedication Ceremony plus pictures
Link to
Fern's Memorial Page
See also
This Week's Picture 22 May 2010
August 7,
Week 340
. (
Go to News August 7,
Denise Braverman
running the Swiss Alpine Marathon
Denise! The Swiss
Alpine Marathon in Davos, Switzerland is known for its multiple
sport events ranging from 78Km ultra marathon, 42Km European highest
altitude marathon, 42Km culture marathon, 21Km walk and 2.1Km
mini for kids. Denise successfully completed her first full marathon,
the 42K culture marathon.
Denise writes: Though the days
preceding the run were bitterly cold and mostly rainy, the marathon day
was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and great running conditions in
comparison to running in the Israeli heat and humidity.
Still recovering from a knee injury, I took the scenic 42K culture
marathon route, including photo stops and made it to the finish line with a BIG
smile after 5 hours and 26 minutes.
We're proud of you, Denise. Not only is this your first full marathon -
it's also to the best of my knowledge the first full marathon in our
You can see the actual route at
Schank family trees)
July 31,
Week 339
. (
Go to News July 31,
A real hero
Well, we have started our family South
African trip. Or, at least most of us. Poor Lotem Segoli fell off a
jungle jim 3 days before the flight to SA and broke her arm in two
places. Her arm is in a cast and she may need an operation in a few
days. If all goes well, she and Dad Moran, who has stayed behind with
her, will fly to South Africa a week late. They'll miss the Kruger
Park, but will spend nearly two days in the Hluhluwe Park in northern
Week 338
. (
Go to News July 24,
On our visit to Croatia, in Split,
we walked to the waterfront, busy with ferry traffic, to the south of
Diocletian's Palace. We had done a lot of walking and were happy to try
out the
regal chairs carved out of stone.
Click for more
pictures of our visit to Croatia.
Week 337
. (
Go to News July 17,
During our travels throughout the world I have made friends with
clerical people - Sister Theresa a St Clare's nun and I worked closely
in the Rape Crisis Center in Nassau Bahamas. I met sister Ruth Kennedy
in Mali, although she runs a home for orphans in northern
Ethiopia. My friendship with Mathew, a Roman Catholic priest in
Croatia, is a real friendship. I was his guide in Israel when he led a
pilgrimage. We got along very well and unusually, we kept up contact.
When he attended a course at Yad Vashem we were not in the country so
we were delighted that the Bridge competition was not far from his
home. From the picture you can see the richly carved chair that
was reserved for the guest of honour and the trouble Mathew's cook took
present a special table for us,and prepare local dishes.
What you can't appreciate is the delicious wine!
Week 336
. (
Go to News July 10,
Today we flew from Zagreb to Dubrovnik.
We are staying in an apartment in the walled old city. We knew that
cars were not allowed in the old city but we thought that we could
manage the short (on the map) walk from the gate to the apartment. What
we didn't realise was that we had to carry our bags down hundreds of
narrow steps, a few of which are shown here. We'll let you know later,
but it looks like we'll be here for the rest of our lives as I don't
see us shlepping those bags UP the steps when we have to leave.
The apartment is delightful and the old city and the views are
absolutely beautiful, and supper was delicious - more, with pictures,
next week.
Week 335
, (
Go to News July 3,
Engleberg 1915 - 2010
her 90th birthday in 2005
We were deeply saddened by
the news this week of the passing in Salt Lake City of Berenice
Engleberg, aged 95. Berenice occupied a special place in our
hearts. We met her for the first time in Salt Lake City 15 years
ago, when we visited Utah on a three month RV trip. The two branches of
our family had lost contact over the years and we succeeded in making
contact with Berenice. She received us with open arms and we spent a
very pleasant few days with her in her home, with our RV parked on the
street outside her house. Through her we were introduced to her family
and have maintained close contact with them ever since. Her
granddaughter Rebecca with son Benjamin are staying with us now.
My father was one of 36 first cousins on the Matz
and Levy/Hershovitz sides of the family, and with the passing of
Berenice this
generation has come to an end.
We extend our condolences to her son David,and daughter in law
Charlene; and to her grandchildren Rachel,
Rebecca, Leah and Louis.
"Bubu" was special to her grandchildren and adored by them, and will be
sorely missed.
Week 334
, (
Go to News June 26,
Levy finishes kita alef
Congratulations to grandson Itamar on
kita alef - Grade
1. Have a good vacation, Itamar, and continue to excel also in
Grade 2.
Week 333
, (
Go to News June 19,
Breakfast in Aups
We have been with Hans and Lottie
Reijzer in a house just outside the French village of Aups in the Var
area of Provence since Thursday evening. Yesterday we had breakfast in
Aups. We walked to the village, bought croissants, pastries and
baguettes at a bakery; then continued to a coffee house where we
ordered coffee and ate the food we had brought with us. For us it was
strange - I can't imagine what rumpus we would cause in Israel if we
walked into a coffee shop, ordered coffee, and then proceeded to eat
our own croissants and muffins. However, it seems to be the
acceptable thing here as there were others who also pulled out their
own croissants and baguettes.
The trip to Aups was quite an adventure - see
week's News.
Go to News June 12,
A graduate in the family
Congratulations to Maayan Segoli on
graduating from kindergarten in Davis California. Even though he
entered kindergarten a year ago with a language disadvantage he has
enjoyed his classes and integrated very well. Next year he will start
Grade 1 - good luck!
Go to News June 5,
Granddaughters Dani and Lior help pick
tomatoes and peppers
While both Vered and Aviv Ron were
overseas with an overlap of two days we had the pleasure of looking
after Dani and Lior. We decided to exploit the cheap labor and sent
them to pick tomatoes and peppers from our garden. Yesterday evening
Doreen took the girls to the beach - click for pictures of
Dani and
May 29
Go to News May 29,
ice cream over the ice of the South Pole
For this week here is another picture
from the "past". Doreen and I have travelled widely and we have had
many wonderful experiences. One of the highlights of our travels is our
flight, during our visit to Australia, over the Antarctic and the
South Pole. The uniqueness, atmosphere and unexpectedness of the flight
made for a once-in-a-lifetime happening. We saw the ice
floes, drank champagne and icecream and watched the compass spinning
when over the pole, spoke by radio to a station below, listened to
explanations and talks by scientists on board, and dressed in
Antarctic clothing.
This took place during our
round the
world trip in 2001. Even though the internet was still quite
"young" we had a site devoted to our trip and we
(actually Doreen!) recorded our experiences there. The site no longer
exists, but before it was discontinued we were able to incorporate it
into this site. So you can read about how we got to go
on the Antarctic flight, and about the flight itself with
by clicking here.
May 22
Go to News May 22,
Construction starts on the Fern Levy
Science Laboratory at
Secondary School in Inanda
Before my sister Fern passed away she
asked me to use money she had in South Africa to further African
education in Natal, the province where we lived. I contacted Suzanne
Edmunds, an old friend of mine and Fern's, who is the CEO of the Natal
Schools Project trust ("Project Build"). Together we decided to build
four science laboratories as memorials to Fern. The picture above shows
the start of the work on one of the laboratories. The other three are
Secondary School in Dundee, Usizo High School in
Tugela and Makhanda High School in Port Shepstone.
In August Doreen and I and our children and grandchildren will visit
South Africa and dedicate the laboratories to Fern's memory.
You can read about Fern's life and devotion to educating those less
fortunate, on her Memorial Pages.
May 15,
Go to News May 15,
A hearty mazal tov to parents Richard
and Rona, grandparents Julius and Laura, brother Leshem and all
the Nickel clan, on the birth of a baby boy last Sunday 9th May.
Nickel/Nochimovicz family tree.
May 8,
Go to News May 8,
Doreen, Nina Schafer, Livia Passwell,
Yael Paperna
Doreen and her three friends take
a rest in Florence, where they are enjoying their holiday. They are
also touring some of the other wonderful Tuscany attractions. We'll
hear more about the trip when they return in a few days.
May 1,
2010 (
Go to News May 1,
"Happy Birthday to Saba Eitan."
For kids, sparklers are much more fun
than candles to celebrate a birthday, as the expressions on the faces
of grandchildren Itamar, Amit and Ilai show. For me, they're also much
preferred - they burn out quickly and I didn't have to blow out 70
I celebrated my 70th birthday quietly with Doreen and family - three
times! First, on my real birthday date, Tuesday, with cake and
candles sparklers,
follwed by an enormous steak meal at our favorite Eilat restaurant.
Then on Wednesday in Eilat with a
barbecue and then on Friday
evening with the "northern" wing and part of the Californian wing of
the family
(see pictures.)
April 24,
2010 (
Go to News April 24,
from left to right: .... why don't you
Another picture from the family album of
yesteryear. Oh dear, looks like I cropped the heads by mistake. And
don't worry. It's not the first step towards turning this site into a
pornographic money-making concern.
April 17,
2010 (
Go to News April 17,
Don't get confused - this is This Week's
Picture NOT the picture taken this week!
I wrote a few weeks ago that while doing some spring/pesach cleaning I
came across some old photos, and that I would scan some of them for
this site.
So, about 10 days before my 70th, I thought this picture of me taken a
few years ago might be appropriate.
April 10,
2010 (
Go to News April 10,
Presenting the Minister's awards to
members of the Israel Youth teams
The minister of Culture and Sport has an
annual ceremony for presenting awards to Israeli sportsmen and
sportswomen who have achieved outstanding results over the past year.
As bridge is recognized by the International Olympic committee as a
non-olympic sport, the ministry of Sport now includes bridge as a
recognized sport. Both our Under 21 and Under 26 teams won
silver medals at the European Junior Teams Championships in
Rumania (where I was the Chief judge,
here ) and they were honored at the ceremony. The names and
achievements of the sportsmen were read out and projected on a screen
and the team trainer/coach presented the awards. The bridge teams'
trainer, David Birman, was ill and I was asked to replace him.
April 3,
2010 (
Go to News April 3,
This year we celebrated the passover
in Hofit with the Rons, the
Aviv Levys and some of the Nickels. (
more pictures.). One of the highlights of our yearly celebrations
is the song "Who Knows One" which is sung gustily with appropriate
or less) miming and acting. The four cups of wine help the adults get
into the swing of things and the kids don't need wine - they're
naturally full of fun.
March 28,
2010 (
Go to News March 28,
This coming week we will celebrate
passover -
pesach - the
festival of freedom. At the traditional
seder meal we will eat
matzah, drink 4 cups of wine
and read the
haggadah, the story of the exodus
from Egypt. Aviv Levy and friends at the underwater observatory
observed their own pre-
pesach seder underwater.
Limor Levy had to be content with an "amphibious" seder -
see picture.
March 21,
2010 (
Go to News March 21,
The Rons - Vered, Lior, Aviv and
Danielle (and Lopsy of course)
Congratulations to son-in-law Aviv
Ron on his 50th birthday tomorrow. We celebrated his birthday
today at the home of his sister Orit on kibbutz Maagan Michael.
Doreen: To be a mother-in-law
is not so easy and I suppose to be a son-in-law isn't so easy either.
But Eitan and I couldn't have asked for a better son-in-law: a devoted
and involved father and parent to his daughters (Dani and Lior), a
worthy companion to Vered and a thoughtful son-in-law to
us. To him 50 seems old, but we know that his best years are
still ahead and we also know that he will continue to succeed in
everything that he does.
March 14,
2010 (
Go to News March 14,
Granddaughters Danielle and Lior Ron
enjoing the snow and activities on a ski holiday in Austria last week.
March 7,
2010 (
Go to News March 7,
The Segolis celebrated Purim this year
in Davis, California, together with the Jewish community there. As
befits students at the School of Entomologyl at Davis, Moran was a
butterfly and Mikhal a moth. As befits children, Maayan was Mordecai
and Lotem a bride. There are some more pictures on the the pages of
Maayan, as he listens to the reading
of the
megilla the Purim
story as recounted in the Book of Esther, and of
Lotem at her kindergarten celebration
when she was Queen Esther.
27, 2010 (
Go to News February 27,

Their first train trip: Itamar, Amit and Ilai travel from Netanya to
Son Aviv and Limor,
with grandkids
Itamar, Amit and Ilai, spent a few days with the
children in the Golan
and the Gallillee on a trip organized by Aviv's work (Coral World.) .
After the trip they spent 5
days with us in Hofit this week. On Wednesday we took a train trip to
Rehovot to see the Science Park at the Weizmann Institute. It was the
first time the kids had been on a train and they enjoyed the
new experience.
February 20
, 2010 (
Go to News February 20,
The Tel Aviv International Bridge
Festival started this week. Apart from the bridge, the festival
is a great opportunity to meet up with friends, both Israeli and from
One of the overseas friends is Maurizio di Sacco, who holds high
positions in the European and World bridge federations. We have been
good friends for many years since first meeting in Milan in 1996. We
see each other regularly, both overseas and in Israel, where Maurizio
comes every year. (
See picture from last
November when he came with his family). Last summer, on our
trup to Italy, Doreen and I stayed with Maurizio for a few days at his
home in
Pisa and enjoyed our other common activity - opera - at the Puccini
Opera Festival.(
see picture)
The last time Doreen saw Maurizio was over breakfast in Pisa. As it
turned out, Doreen finished her tour at the same hotel that
Maurizio is staying at, and we enjoyed yet another breakfast together,
this time in Tel Aviv.
February 13
, 2010 (
Go to News February 13,
graduation in the family! Itamar Levy received his very first school
reportcard at the end of the first semester in
kita aleph Class 1. We all wish
you, Itamar, wonderful report cards for at least the next 12 years.
Another picture on Itamar's page.
February 6
, 2010 (
Go to News February 6,
I'm in San Remo,
Italy for a bridge seminar for
aspiring international bridge judges. There are about 90
and they have an intensive 5 days of lectures, discussions, tests and
simulated test situations. My main job here is to evaluate the
performances of the candidates who have to give rulings in simulated
real-life bridge situations. In the picture four
"players" (themselves candidates) have been briefed to enact a
situation (usually rather complex) at the bridge table requiring the
intervention of a judge. The guy standing on the right of the table is
being tested as I look on ready to give him a grade. Some situations
require careful examination of the hands that were dealt and decisions
are delayed while the judge analyses the possibilities. The examinee at
the back, on the right, is working on his solution to such a problem.
At the end of the seminar, probably about 4 or 5 will be certified as
international judges while a further 10 or so will will get a lower
certification enabling them to assist in judging international events,
or high level national events, held in their home countries.
The international flavor of the seminar is illustrated by the make-up
of this particular group: 12 examinees from Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Egypt, Finland, Ireland, Israel, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden
and Switzerland.
30, 2010 (
Go to News
January 30,
The Segolis are staying in an apartment
complex in Davis, California, that has restrictions on owning pets. So
what does a family who loves pets do when they are not allowed to have
pets, like barking dogs, that might disturb other residents?
Simple. You get pets that don't disturb the neighbors, like a tarantula
or a boa constrictor. Better still, get both!
This Week's Picture shows Maayan and Lotem enjoying quality time with
Licky, their boa constrictor. He is named Licky since when they first
got it, it smelled Maayan all the time and it looked like it was
licking him. Maayan gave him the name. Moran tells me that Maayan isn't
sad in the picture. This is his serious face - when he is
something or worried (here he is worried that Licky is hungry).
Click for another picture of Licky with Lotem.
Oops - I nearly forgot the tarantula.
Click here to see the kids with the
23, 2010 (
Go to News January 23,
Ilai Levy turns 3 years old this
Thursday 28th.

Happy Birthday to our youngest and littlest grandchild!
16, 2010 (
Go to News January 16,
Moran's birthday is on January 30, and
when I was thinking whether to update his picture on the
birthdays site I was reminded of the family's favourite
of Moran.
In the summer of 1974 we went on a motorhome holiday in
Scandinavia. We had a marvelous time and still talk about it. The kids
were very young (Vered 8, Aviv 6 and Moran 18 months) but we all had
our well-defined "housekeeping" chores. For example, Aviv would take
the garbage bucket to empty and clean it, and Moran would accompany him
(carrying his security blanket) so that he could carry the empty bucket
back to the caravan. On this particular occasion Moran dropped his
blanket while carrying the empty bucket (picture 1), put down the
bucket, picked up his blanket, and then flatly refused to pick up the
bucket again. (picture 2). Aviv of course insisted but Moran, obstinate
as always, refused. Aviv's solution was simple - he put the
bucket around Moran's head (picture 3). Moran pretended to ignore this
and continued walking but after a short while fell down, still of
clutching his blanket (picture 4). We were all laughing so much
that none of us remember who eventually brought the bucket back - it
certainly was not Moran.
(Apologies for the quality of the pictures: My excuse is that it was
shot on 8mm film, then transfered to video tape, then
transfered to DVD, then to JPG images, all at home without
(unfortunately!) any professional help.)
9, 2010 (
Go to News January 9,
Back: Me, Beryl and Joel Klotnick,
Leah Engleberg and friend Ziv Foreman
Front:: Danielle and Vered Ron with
Lopsy and Flopsy, Rebecca and
Benjamin Engleberg, Doreen, Lior Ron
A month ago I wrote on this page:
"Leah Engleberg has made aliyah and is staying on Kibbutz
Maabarot. Leah is a nurse and is studying at the medical ulpan in Tel
Aviv. Just a month or so ago another Matz family made aliyah - Joel and
Beryl Klotnick.(See
This Week's Picture
28/11/09 and
Matz familty tree).
Joel and Leah are second cousins but I don't think they have ever met.
Now that both are in Israel Doreen and I will have to rectify
that situation soon."
So we rectified the situation! We had a delicious meal and a lovely
evening and we all enjoyed the family gathering of old and new
immigrants and sabras.
January 2,
2010 (
Go to News January 2,
We are delighted that this coming Friday
night the St Thomas Hebrew Congregation in the US Virgin Islands will
honor its former rabbi
Steve Schafer by naming the Camp Scholarships
The Steve Schafer Scholarships. We
have known Steve and Nina since our St Thomas days. Steve is not only
"our Rabbi", but also a close personal friend whom we love very much.
Our families have stayed in close contact all these years and we
closely follow the fortunes (and misfortunes!) of our respective
Mazaltov to you Steve, and to Nina, Zach and Hanna. For an idea of what
an amazing person Steve is,
Nina's tribute to him.
26, 2009 (
Go to News December 26,
Segoli's "Happy Rainbow"
For our 45th anniversary this
month our 4 year old grandchild Lotem drew a "Happy Rainbow" for
Saba Eitan and
Granny Doreen. She asked Daddy Moran to send it to us with the wishes
"I love you saba and granny because you are the mommy and daddy of my
The sight of a rainbow is always exciting (Wordsworth:
My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow
in the sky) and stirs within us so many positive feelings -
promises of hope, happiness, beauty and good times ahead -
that I thought it appropriate with the new year coming up to share this
drawing with you, and to wish you a New Year of hope, happiness,
beauty and good times. And Lotem's message of unconditional love
for family is a wonderful message for all of us on this family website.
19, 2009 (
Go to News December 19,
"We come from
Durban, we are suburban to towns like Johannesburg..."
Back row l-r: Eitan, Naomi Forster
(nee Levine), Jackie Metzger, Mike Levine, Johnny Landau
Front row l-r: Estelle Sapir (nee Rothschild), Eddie and Yael Nemenoff,
On Friday we attended the celebration of Eddie Neminoff's 80th birthday
at Kibbutz Kfar HaNassi. Eddie was the Habonim
shaliach (youth movement
emissary) to Durban when we were members of the Habonim
youth movement. Doreen and I formed close friendships with Eddie and
his wife Yael and on occasions babysat their children Amir and Dorit .
(Orna was born later). When Doreen and I encountered opposition from
her parents over our plans to get married Eddie was our go-between with
Doreen's mother. We also found that that Eddie and I shared a love for
the game of bridge, and we met regularly in Israel at various bridge
After Durban, Eddie was also a shaliach in Johannesburg. At the party
we had a chance of meeting many old friends from our Habonim days we
had not seen for some time, like the ex-Durbanites (in the
picture above) and others from Johannesburg, including Ron Lapid
(Lipshitz) and wife Riwa (nee Durbach), Steve Helman, Les Oshry, and
Errol Sapir (Saposhnik).
Click here for
a picture (thanks Ron) of some of us who were Habonim
members at the time Eddie was shaliach and who were directly or
indirectly influenced by Eddie to come to Israel.
12, 2009 (
Go to News December 12,
Clockwise, from top left: Doreen and
Eitan, Cecille and Raymond Cotton, Wendy and David Ginsberg,
Joshua and Natasha Leibowitz, Melodie and Mark Nathan, Vanessa and
Giorgio Tarazza, Suzan and Mark Glasser.
Doreen and I celebrate our 45th anniversary this week December seems a
popular month for weddings - ten couples in our family trees celebrate
anniversaries this month. Happy
to all of us!
5, 2009 (
Go to News December 5,
Rebecca and Benjamin Garbawy
We had a lovely visit from Rebecca (nee
Engleberg) and got to know her son Benjamin, the newest member of the
Matz family tree.
We have a special relationship with Rebecca (she stayed with us for
some time some years back) and it's always nice to have her visit. She
also updated us on the Englelberg family news. (see
Week's News).
28, 2009 (
Go to News November 28,
Braverman, Eitan, Beryl
Klotnick, Doreen, Joel Klotnick
The klotnicks, new immigrants to Israel
This week's Picture 26/9/09),
have settled down nicely in a lovely apartment in Raanana. Louise and
we enjoyed a delicious lunch there today. Now that they are over the
initial frustrations and difficulties we hope to be seeing more of the
Klotnicks. (see
Matz family tree.)
21, 2009 (
Go to News November 21, 2009)
Maurizio and Marcella di Sacco with
Mathilde and Marcello
One of the pleasures of my international
bridge career is the opportunity of making new friends from all over
the world, and meeting them fairly often. (
See here, for example.)
I first met Maurizio at a seminar in Milan in 1996 and we have been
good friends since then. Among Maurizio's many positions is Chief
Tounament Director (judge) of
the European Bridge League and Technical Director of the World bridge
We meet at least once a year at various competitions, as well as in
Israel at the bridge festivals. Last August we stayed at his house
during our visit to Italy and for a change
a non-bridge festival together - the Puccini Opera Festival.
This year Maurizio brought his family to the Eilat Bridge
Festival, and we managed to find time to enjoy a visit to the Safari
and Zoo in Ramat Gan with his wife Marcella, and children Mathilde and
14, 2009 (
Go to News November 14, 2009)
While in Eilat this week I took this picture of sisters Amit and Ilai
There are more pictures on the pages of
Amit and
(And also a
picture of Amit,
who is 4 this week, on the November birthdays page.)
7, 2009 (
Go to News November 7, 2009)
Top: Ziona Glassman, Roni Dagan, Dalia
Bottom: Yael Paperna, Caroline Livneh, Doreen
Another meeting of the "Eilati Old Girls
Club" (
see picture from previous meeting),
this time at "Beni HaDayag," an excellent fish restaurant in the
Old Port of Tel Aviv.
Tel Aviv port was founded in 1936 on the background of Arab riots, and
is referred to as the first Hebrew port, serving the British Mandate
and then the new State. In 1948 the first ship to arrive carried
survivors from the Holocaust who had been prevented from entering into
Mandate Palestine.With the opening of Ashdod Port in 1965, Tel Aviv
port became terribly run down but today is a delightful area of
restaurants, boardwalks, and shops .
31, 2009 (
Go to News
October 31, 2009)
Vered, Aviv,
Lior and Dani Ron, Yisrael Yaniv, Maya Yaniv, Roni Paperna Yaniv, Yuval
Yaniv, Yael Paperna, Doreen and Eitan Levy
We enjoyed Friday night dinner at the Rons in Raanana, especially as
the Papernas were also there. The Papernas were neighbours in Eilat and
we formed a close friendship with them which continues today. We see
Yael frequently, and Vered and Roni and families also keep up regular
24, 2009 (
Go to News
October 24, 2009)
Dina and Yarden Levy, Vered and
Lior Ron, Jonathan Levy.
Middle: Aviv Ron, Danielle Ron, Aviv
Levy with Amit and Ilai.
Front: Itamar Levy
Last week the Rons were in Eilat
celebrating the barmitzvah of the son of close friends. They went
with cousin Jonty Levy and family, and sent
me this picture of them with the two Levy families.
17, 2009 (
Go to News
October 17, 2009)
for tiny wasps in the salt
marshes of San Francisco
This is one of Mikhal Segoli's field
sites and she and her professor, Jay Rosenheim, are looking for, and
tiny (less than 1 mm!) wasps among the Spartina grasses in the salt
marshes of San Francisco. I asked Mikhal to tell us why!
"We are looking for tiny wasps of the genus Anagrus because we
want to estimate their fitness (their reproductive success). We do this
by measuring their body size, and counting the number of eggs in their
body. We are looking at different factors that limit their reproductive
success. In one project we compare their success between natural fields
and agricultural fields. In the agricultural fields the wasps are used
for biological control as they parasitize a leaf hopper which is a
major pest of grape vines. Understanding what limits their success may
help improve biological control. In another project I look on the
effect of Wolbachia- a bacteria found in the body of many insects, on
the wasps' success. Many of these questions were looked at in lab
conditions but not in the field."
to Mikhal's pages on the University of California Davis Entomology
Department for more details.
10, 2009 (
Go to News
October 10, 2009)
Transportation in Davis, California
I wrote
last week, bicycles are the the prefered form of transportation for
many in Davis, California where every road has its adjacent bicycle
path. So when Moran took the kids to a picnic in the park with friends
I was not too surprised to see the above.
3, 2009 (
Go to News
October 3, 2009)
and Lotem Segoli at the Davis Farmers' Market
I'm in Davis, California, visiting and helping the Segolis. Davis is a
small, pleasant American city that is based largely on its university
(University of California, Davis), and its character is what one would
expect from a university town - clean, organized, environmentally
conscious, no high-rise buildings, no large shopping malls or centres.
Davis is known for being the the second most-educated city in the US,
and for its large amount of bicycle paths. (To me, it seems that there
are more bicycles on the road than cars).
On Wednesday we went to Davis' Farmers' Market, and enjoyed the large
variety of foods to eat and fresh organic produce to buy. There was
plenty for the children too. Maayan and Lotem enjoyed climbing and
sliding, (
see picture here),
jumping and falling in the inflatable bouncers, and having their faces
painted. For Maayan the highlight was the rock climbing (
see picture here) and I was surprised as
he showed no fear climbing up the sheer wall - three times.
26, 2009 (
to News September 26, 2009)
Klotnick, Doreen, Joel Klotnick, Tarryn Klotnick, Eitan
A big welcome to Joel and Beryl Klotnick who have come on
aliyah to live in Israel.
Somehow they found time between organising their apartment and
other arrangements to meet with us for lunch. As always, we thoroughly
enjoyed their company, but even more so this time for we had an
opportunity of meeting their delightful niece Tarryn who was on a visit
from London. Tarryn has updated me in the past on family tree matters
and I exploited the occasion to get some more information about her
side of the
Matz family tree.
Keep in touch, Tarryn!
19, 2009 (
to News September 19, 2009)
Hashanah 2009 תש"ע
I went down to Eilat to celebrate Rosh
Hashanah with Aviv and Limor and family. Vered and Aviv Ron and the
girls were also there. We all enjoyed the delicious meal prepared by
Limor, her sister Kinneret Arad and especially by her mother Margalit
Sadeh. It was a lovely evening.
There were 27 people celebrating there - too many to fit in one photo -
so there are
more pictures here.
12, 2009 (
to News September12, 2009)
Nickel family circa 1913/14: Barnett, Ray, Fay, Rosa, Sarah (in front)
We received this wonderful old picture
from Roslyn Hakim, Sarah's daughter, and it got me thinking about the
long distances, geographical and other, the families of our
"shtetl" ancestors have travelled. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year,
is here; and it's a time for reflecting on the past and on our mistakes
and on our dreams, and on the future and on our hopes and on our plans.
What did Barnett's father, Pinhas, hope for his children as he
celebrated Rosh Hashanah in Byelorussia? What do his descendants, in
South Africa, Australia, Canada, USA, Israel, South America; secular,
traditional, ultra-orthodox; less successful, more successful; hope for
their children and their future?
As I reflected on the past and on the future I also thought about the
family trees that I research and organize. What do the descendants -
most of whom have never
met or even know about each other - have in
from many shared genes and a common heritage? Do they want to know
about each other? There are about 200 living descendants of Pinhas
listed in the
Nochimovicz/Nickel tree,
and many many more I don't know
about. Is it worth the trouble to continue searching? Should I
make a new year's resolution to make more effort to trace these unknown
family members?
And should I continue with this family site and its weekly
And so now I'm back to Roslyn Hakim, Pinhas's great-granddaughter. She
and another of Pinhas's great-granddaughters, Doreen Levy, got
"reconnected" when Ros
chanced upon this
site . This incident
is not unique, there have been a few like it and we even connected with
relative in Estonia through the
site. So because of incidents like these I'll probably resolve to
continue with this site. I have until Yom Kippur to decide!
5, 2009 (
to News September 05, 2009)
Klotnick ז"ל
28.8.2009 - 11.10.1915
Last Saturday I received the sad news
that Milly Klotnick had passed away in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Doreen and I extend our deepest condolences to her sons, Joel,
Alan and Steven, her daughters in law Beryl, Lama and Charlene,
and her granchildren and great grandchildren (one of whom was born 4
days after Milly's death).
Milly was one of my father's 30 first cousins, and she was very special
to me. When I was studying at University in Johannesburg, my father
asked me to visit Milly and Barney, whom I had never met. At that stage
of my life I was not particularly interested in family, but went one
Friday night to visit the Klotnicks as a favour to my father. I found
such welcome and warmth there that that I returned many Friday nights
after that to enjoy Milly and Barney's company (and to beat Joel at
Rest in peace, dear Milly.
The sadness at Milly's passing away is tempered by the news of the
birth of two Matz 4th cousins. Milly's great-granddaughter was born to
Darren and Hayley Klotnick on September 1; and Berenice Englelberg's (a
cousin of Milly and my father) great-grandson was born to Kobi and
Rebecca Garbawy on August 27. Life goes on.
Matz family tree.
29, 2009 (
to News August 29, 2009)
and Lotem Segoli at the airport
Last week Moran, Mikhal, Masyan and
Lotem Segoli left for Davis, California, USA, where
Mikhal will do a post-doctorate.
For the kids this was a period of mixed feelings - excitement of
unknown new places and worry about unknown new places. Maayan in
particular was worried about a new school and a new language, Lotem is
too young to worry about such practical matters. More pictures on the
pages of
Maayan and
22, 2009 (
to News August 22, 2009)
Istanbul is a visually beautiful
city, with minarets that pierce
the sky and the blue of the Bosphorus a constant backdrop. It oozes
history and culture and don't forget the shopping. But when Eitan got
his first free afternoon I first dragged him to get a taste of Istanbul
- by the ferries are little stands that quickly grill filleted palamida
and stuff them in a roll with fresh vegetables. After that we were
ready to explore Istanbul.
15, 2009 (
to News August 15, 2009)
Doreen and Maurizio di Sacco at Torre del Largo Puccini
We spent 6 days in Pisa at the home of
Maurizio di Sacco. Apart from his bridge expertise, Maurizio is an
excellent cook (
he has
prepared Italian specialities at our home in Hofit) and after
sightseeing we returned to enjoy delicious typical Toscana meals
that he had prepared for us.
We also share a love of opera, and attended two performances (
Manon Lescaut and
Tosca) at the Puccini Festival at
Torre del Largo just north of Pisa.
Maurizio and I attended a course for International tournament bridge
judges many years ago, and we have been good friends ever since.
We see each other regularly at bridge events, especially as Maurizio
comes to Israel every year as Chief Tournament Director (judge) of the
Eilat Festival. He is also in charge of the Youth Championships in
Istanbul, where I am presently directing.
8, 2009
to News August 8, 2009)
bread dough in Pitigliano
The dough was placed on the slab, and
"kneaded" by the baker sitting on a hinged wooden lever and moving up
and down.
As all who have eaten at our place know,
Doreen is an excellent cook and bread baker. Less know is that she did
a number of baking courses at the New York School of Culinary
Arts. She also
worked for some time as a professional baker in a speciality bakery.
this method of kneading the dough prior to baking was new to her. On
our visit to Italy we stopped in for a few hours in Pitigliano in
Tuscany. There is a rich history of Jewish presence in Pitigliano
back to 1570 which ended in 1939. There are now only 3 Jews living
there - in the mid 19th century Jews numbered 30% of the population,
and Pitigliano was known as "Little Jerusalem". Even today the locals
have speciality delicacies that are part of the local tradition and
whose origins are Jewish.
Many of the original Jewish buildings remain or have been restored,
including the synagogue - most of which was destroyed when the cliff on
which it was built broke away.
We also visited the
(ritual bath), wine cellar, kosher slaughter house and bakery, and
bought a bottle of the local kosher wine which has been made there for
centuries. On a previous visit to Pitigliano we also bought a bottle of
their wine which we drank at the passover
seder - we will repeat this at our
August 1,
to News August 1, 2009)
On Friday,at a meeting of the Council of
the Israel Bridge Federation (IBF), I was elected President of the IBF,
following the retirement of the former President Zvi Ben Tovim (to my
right). Zvi and I have been colleagues and close friends for over 40
years, during which time Zvi has served the IBF in various capacities.
For many of those years he virtually ran the IBF single-handedly. When
I moved to Eilat in the 1970's Zvi was elected in my place to the
position of National Sports Captain - so it is fitting that now that he
has retired I am replacing him. Be well, Zvi, and enjoy your new
experience of taking it easy!
25, 2009 (
to News July 25, 2009)
Glasser meets the Israel
descendants of Mottel and Nessie Glazer
Standing: Doreen Levy, Michael Glasser,
Louise Braverman, Yahel and Rafael Braverman, Denise Braverman, Vered
Sitting: Moran, Maayan and Lotem Segoli,Danielle Ron, Amit Levy, Lior
Ron, Ilai Levy, Aviv Levy
Mike Glassser, the son of Mark and Sue
Glasser (see
family tree) from
Melbourne Australia,
is spending a few days with us after participating in the
18th Maccabiah Games in Junior Basketball. Today we invited for lunch
all his relatives (see also
Schank family
tree) living in Israel to meet him. (see
picture of all the relatives.)
18, 2009
to News July 18, 2009)
The wedding of Caryn and Rhetick
11, 2009 (
to News July 11, 2009)
At the Captains' Meeting at the
European Youth Bridge Championships in Poiana Brasov, Romania,
where I am the Chief Tournament Director (judge.). The Captains'
Meeting is held immediately prior to the start of the Tournament to
remind and update the Captains of the participating teams of important
rules and regulations.
Click for
another picture from
the competition.
4, 2009 (
to News July 4, 2009)
Vered, Aviv and Lior Ron
Doreen: "A Day in Jerusalem" has become a summer holiday tradition.
This year the theme was underground Jerusalem. In the Jewish Quarter of
the Old City we visited the Herodian mansions and walked below ground
through rooms dating to just before the destruction of the Second
Temple. In the picture above, the Rons with notes in hand, are pictured
before going to the
the Western Wall. While by the Wall, we watched Ethiopian new
immigrants received their Israeli ID cards. Not far away a group
of soldiers, from a unit of troubled youth, prepared a small ceremony
after a day in Jerusalem. As we walked into
Minharot HaKotel - the Tunnel
excavated beneath the Moslem quarter - we heard each group end its
separate ceremony with the singing of
Minharot Hakotel runs
parallel to the continuation of the Western Wall. The tunnel is
excavated through arches, ancient cisterns, and a Hasmonean water
tunnel underneath the houses of the Moslem Quarter of the Old
Here is a picture of Lior
pointing to the largest of the ancient stones, 560 tons, from the time
of Herod's renovation of the Second Temple in 18 BCE.
Click for a picture of the
Rons and Segolis on a tour of Jerusalem with Doreen 5 years ago.
27, 2009 (
to News June 27, 2009)
tomatoes in one of our tomato
We've had mixed success with our
gardening this spring/summer. Our vegetables have done well - fantastic
lettuces, ruccola, spinach and tomatoes, with plenty hot peppers on the
way. Our fruit trees seem less successful. What looked like bumper
leechee, mango and avocado crops has turned into piles of fallen
underdeveloped fruit.(You can see the mangoes on the ground). We
hope there'll be something left to salvage
from these. The yield for citrus is fair (but lemons excellent),
pomegranates poor, gooseberries weak, passiflora disappointing,
persimmons zero. Our attempts to pollinate
the annona (custard apple) seem fruitless (literally!), and our lime
graft appears not to have taken. But the tomatoes are plentiful and
20, 2009 (
to News June 20, 2009)
Amit Levy at the end-of-year
kindergarten ceremony
Once again another school year draws to
its close, and the end of year ceremonies and Aviv Levy's birthday on
the 21st (tomorrow) remind me that I'm about to start my summer
vacation. This week's picture of the week is of Aviv and Limor's
Amit, at her kindergarten ceremony holding her colourful "report card".
Happy birthday, Aviv, and wonderful vacations to all our grandchildren.
Here are
some more pictures of
Aviv and his family.
13, 2009 (
to News June 13, 2009)
Vered (#10) slams the winning point!
Raanana has a "Mothers' Volleyball
League" of
17 teams consisting of the mothers of pupils of the
schools of Raanana. The 17 teams were split into two sections, and the
wining team was determined by a playoff of the winners of each
section. Our daughter Vered was in the
Yachdav School team and they
topped their section without losing a game (the only undefeated team in
both sections). The final was closely fought and the winning point was
slammed by Vered! Consideriing how ill Vered has been and that she is
not yet fully recovered we are delighted not only by her performance,
but also by the fact that she can perform at all!
Some more pictures of the final here
previous pictures here.
6, 2009 (
to News June 6, 2009)
Moran Segoli is in his final stages of
finishing his doctorate, and on Tuesday we attended his final seminar
given before the academic staff at the Sde Boqer campus of Ben Gurion
University. We were proud of him and impressed with his talk and the
handling of the questions asked. In August he and Mikhal and the
kids will leave for USA where Mikhal will take up her grant at the
University of California (Davis), (see
9/5/09) and Moran is working hard to finish his thesis before then.
May 30,
2009 (
to News May 30, 2009)
Drui and family
from right to left: sons Gert and Tanel, stepdaughter Triin, Heini and
Tiina, Mother Asa and Jaanus (Triin's partner)
Our "new" family in Estonia! This week we received an email from Heini
Drui in Estonia. He wrote "About a month ago I started making my family
tree. As luck would have it I found your website. It was absolutely
amazing to see all my relatives." Heini is a first cousin to Yaffa,
Yaakov, Rochelle, Rachel and Zvika. (see
Schank family tree) and a second cousin to Doreen. There had
been contact between the Israeli and Estonian branches, but
contact was lost about 20 years ago. We are delighted that Heini has
renewed contact and we hope that some day we'll meet.
Schank family tree has been
Clockwise from top left: Noam Heiman (28/5), Uri Haberman (20/5/),
Shuli Haberman (16/5), Sarah Olkienitski (23/5), Yael and Michal Gilad
May is the gift-giving month for the Olkienitski clan - six of them
have birthdays this month. Mazaltov to all of them - as we say in
Hebrew - עד מאה ועשרים - "May you live to 120!"
Goldberg family tree.
16, 2009 (
to News May16, 2009)
Michael Cohen 1928 - 2009
We were saddened to hear of the death last week in London, England, of
Michael Cohen. Michael and Janet were frequent visitors to Israel and
next year's Channuka party at the Habermans won't be the same with
Michael's absence.
We extend our condolences to his wife
Janet, children Jeremy and Emily, and grandchildren.
Goldberg family tree.
9, 2009 (
to News May 9, 2009)
with parents and grandparents
l to r: Yahel Braverman, Melly
Braverman, Rafael with Louise Braverrman , Menahem and Genia
Dvir, Doni Dvir.
We all had a lovely time today at a party to meet Rafael, son of
Yahel Braverman and Doni Dvir. It was fun meeting so many family and
friends again.
More next week!
2, 2009 (
to News May 2, 2009)
Durban Girls
Back, l to r: Janice Friedberg (nee Sacks), Naomi Vinocour
Suzanne Edmunds (Price), Shelly Rosenberg (Weiss), Doreen Levy
(Glazer), Zena Berelowitz (Sacks)
Front, l to r: Judy Kessel (Stone), Shirley Frame, Riva Sandler
(ex-Cape Town), Maureen Fain (Konigsfest)
Edmunds (nee Price), long-time friend from our younger days
in Durban South Africa, visited Israel, and we were delighted to have
the opportunity of seeing
her again, and having some of the ex-Durban "girls" over. It was
a wonderful evening and everyone was delighted to catch up on news and
renew friendships after so many years. Joining us were
Sue's relatives (and close friends of ours) Colin Kessel and Riva
and Basil Sandler. Come again Sue and let's do it again!
for another picture .
25, 2009 (
to News April 25, 2009)
Efrat Levy and Gal Shabtai
"הרי את מקודשת לי בטבעת זו כדת משה וישראל"
Yesterday, 24.4.09 we celebrated the
wedding of Gal Shabtai to Efrat, the daughter of my cousin Jonathan
Levy and Naomi Weiner. Mazaltov to the couple, the parents and
the grandparents.
Click for more
pictures .
Levy/Hershovitz and
Matz family trees.)
18, 2009 (
to News April 18, 2009)
This year Pesach was a real
family celebration, with grandparents, children and grandchildren in a
noisy, joyous and meaningful re-enacting of a well-loved ancient
ritual. We had special
with our pictures inside. The back page was in memory of Rael,
Louise and Melly's son, who passed away this last summer.
night, and all seven of our grandchildren slept over with us for two
nights. During he daytime we had family outings to Caesaria, Rosh
Hanikra and a picnic lunch at Park Raanana.