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December 28, 2013
aunt vered
Auntie Vered with some of her nephews and nieces
Doreen and I  spent a most enjoyable day at the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo with the family. Aviv Levy and Itamar, Amit and Ilai came up from Eilat and joined Moran and Mikhal Segoli and Maayan , Lotem and Zoe. Mikhal's mother, Yael Segoli, also joined us with three cousins from the Segoli side, Rotem, Ido and Amit (children of Mikhal's sister Naama and Moshik Yaniv). All the children got on extremely well and had a wonderful time. Vered Ron, who was working in Jerusalem, joined us for a short time.  The zoo is large, well-organized and has many interesting animals.
There are more pictures on the activities page, and on the pages of Amit, Ilai and Zoe.

  • The Segolis fly back to Australia later this week. We enjoyed seeing them and the time we spent together was most enjoyable.
  • Yesterday we celebrated the wedding of Ellen Grishman and Andres Bokser. Ellen is a school friend of Vered from the time we were in St Thomas and has been living in Jerusalem for many years. She and Vered keep contact and meet regularly. We were happy to see the father of the bride, Sandy Grishman, whom we have not seen for many years. Unfortunately Marilyn, the mother of the bride, fell and broke her hip the day before the wedding and, after flying thousands of miles, could not attend the wedding. Click here for pictures.
  • Doreen leaves tomorrow, guiding USA visitors on a two week tour.

December 21, 2013
Our Family - 19th Family Reunion
The 19th family reunion was at the Ein Gedi Resort Hotel.
We celebrated the Segoli visit to Israel with a family reunion at the desert resort of Ein Gedi. And we also welcomed Zoe to the family.
We climbed Massada, went on a tour of the Dead Sea Salt Works, hiked in Nahal David, and most important of all had a great time together. There are pictures here and also on the pages of Dani, Lior, Itamar, Amit, Ilai, Maayan, Lotem, and  Zoe.

December 14, 2013
December anniversaries
Eight Wedding Anniversaries in December

The seven couples (apart from Doreen and me) in the collage above are all Doreen's or my first cousins or the children of first cousins.
Clockwise from top left: Wendy and David Ginsberg (19th), Sue and Mark
Glasser (4th), Doreen and Eitan Levy (16), Cecille and Raymond Cotton (11th), Natasha and Joshua Leibowitz (18th), Lee and Nadav Levy (12th), Melodie and Mark Nathan (28th), Vanessa and Giorgio Tarraza (12th)

(links to  Nickel/Nochomovicz tree Glasser tree and  Schank treeLevy/Hershovitz tree and Matz tree)

  • Mazaltov to Eric and Avigail Cotton on the birth of their son on 9 December.  Mazltov also to new grandparents Cecille and Raymond Cotton and to great-grandmother Winnie Levy and all the family. (see Matz and Hershovitz/Levy family trees.)
  • The Segolis arrived yesterday after a long flight from Australia. They will be in Israel for about 3 weeks, visiting family and friends and attending the wedding of Mikhal's sister, Ofra (Ofi) Segoli. Plans for seeing them and a family get-together had to be changed due to the weather conditions. (see below.)
  • The weather in Israel in the last few days has been extreme. There have been - and still are at the time of writing - heavy rains and winds and even snow storms in the north and in Jerusalem. Jerusalem has been cut off for the last 3 days. Yael and Avram Segoli, Mikhal's parents, live near Jerusalem asnd all roads to and from them are closed. 
  • Doreen and the group she is guiding have been hard hit by the storms. The last few days of the tour were planned for Jerusalem, one of the highlights of the tour, but they have been unable to get there. Doreen has spent the last three days shuttling between hotels at the Dead Sea, Beersheva and Tel Aviv hoping for a break in the weather which will enable them to at least see Jerusalem.
  • Another victim of the weather - smaller but personally important - is my vegetable garden, which had been growing and developing very well but has now been destroyed by the rain and by the particularly heavy hail storms. (see picture here.)

December 7, 2013
Moran Wyoming
Moran, Wyoming
My planned project of sorting the hundreds and hundreds of old photos is still far away, but every now and then I take an envelope of old photos and go through them. So I was delighted to find this picture of me outside the post office of the town of Moran, especially as Moran and the Segolis will be visiting Israel at the end of this week.
The town, which Wikipedia reports has a population of 295,  is named after an English artist Thomas Moran who accompanied an expedition to the area many many years ago. Moran is situated on the border of the Grand Teton National Park and we passed there on our way to visiting the Yellowstone National Park some 20 years ago.

  • Mazaltov to Eric and Avigail Cotton on the birth of their son on 9 December.  Mazltov also to new grandparents Cecille and Raymond Cotton and to great-grandmother Winnie Levy. (see Matz and Hershovitz/Levy family trees.)
  • . We are looking forward to the visit of the Segolis. They arrive at the end of the week and will spend about 3 weeks in Israel before returning to Australia. 
  • Granddaughter Lotem Segoli is learning at school how to use the programme Power Point. Click here to see  her presentation of Marine Reptiles.
  • It appears that Lotem's real talent is skipping! Doreen received a note from her: "This Friday I did this thing at school called " Annandale's got talent" and it's where kids from school show their talent. Mine was skipping but I didn't make it to the finals so any ways, I don't care. And I got a nice certificate for my good skipping and I got a tiny winy stage fright. Only one person in my class made it to the finals: Lily who was cheer leading and she was SO excited!"
  • Doreen is guiding a group of South Africans on a a 10 day tour.

November 30, 2013

Steve Schafer 

Steve Schafer ז"ל
Last Saturday we received the sad news that Rabbi Steve Schafer had passed away, after a long illness. We have been close friends with the Schafer family for many years, since we first met them in St Thomas in the Virgin Islands, and have maintained regular contact.
Three years ago the St Thomas Hebrew Congregation named its scholarship program in honor of Steve.  He was our "This Week's Picture" (click here). To get an idea of the special person Steve was you can read his wife Nina's tribute to him that was published in the St Thomas Synagogue Bulletin. Click here to read Doreen's tribute to Steve.

November 23, 2013
the Eilat Levys
Itamar, Amit, Ilai, Limor, Doreen, Eitan, Aviv
Doreen finished a tour this morning in Eilat, I finished directing at the Red Sea International Bridge Festival in Eilat; and with the Eilat Levys we finshed quite a few hamburgers.

  • We have just received the sad news of the passing of our dear friend, Rabbi Steve Schafer. Our deepest sympathy goes out to his wife Nina and children Debby, Jonathan, Zac and Hanna. 
  • Doreen finished her guiding this morning in Eilat, just in time to join me there after my 4 days directing at the Red Sea International Bridge Festival.
  • The Segolis latest monthly update can be seen here  in Hebrew and in English..

November 16, 2013
Doreen's dolls
Doreen's dolls
Doreen fell in love with these African wooden beaded dolls and spent a month considering ways of bringing them to Israel. They finally travelled by hand and suitcase with us. They are now very happily ensconced in our lounge and looking very beautiful.

  • We're back in Israel after a 4 day visit to Istanbul (see some pictures here). This was our third visit and we hope we'll have more opportunities of visiting this delightful city. Click to view a report of a previous visit with Doreen's comments on the history and buildings.
  • If you missed our accounts and pictures of our South African visit you can read them here.
  • Doreen leaves tomorrow on a week's guiding  trip, and later this week I'll be in Eilat for the annual Red Sea Bridge Festival.
  • The Segolis latest monthly update can be seen here  in Hebrew and in English..

November 9, 2013
Greetings from Betty's Bay
Hi there! I'm very happy to be the picture of the week on Doreen and Eitan's site. We enjoyed their visit to our colony and they didn't disturb us at all. By their remarks and oohs and ahs I'm sure they enjoyed their visit as well. Doreen promised she'd write nice things about us, so link to what she's written.

  • We left South Africa yesterday and early this morning arrived in Istanbul. We'll be here for 4 days, and then back to Israel.
  • We have had a fantastic trip in Southern Africa. This past week we took an overnight trip to Gordons Bay and Betty's Bay and Hermanus, and to the wine country around Franschoek and Stellenbosch. It was fascinating.  Doreen's account of the trip is here.
  • For links to all we have written on our South African visit, click here. 
  • The next update will be from Israel.

November 2, 2013
Asher Zelig Klaff
Asher Zelig Klaff with parents Amalia and Oren

Warmest congratulations to Amalia and Oren Klaff (see Goldberg family tree) on the birth of their first child, Asher Zelig Klaff in California, this week (27/10/13). Congratulations too to granny Frankie Klaff and to Dave Rothschild.

  • We are still touring South Africa. This week we drove the Garden Route, the marvelous stretch of land from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town. There is so much to do and see there that being there for a month would not be enough, let alone the 4-5 days we spent there. You can see pictures and read Doreen's account of the trip here.
  • For links to all we have written on our South African visit, click here.
  • We are in Cape Town, and staying at the apartment of Sheenagh and Charles. Their daughter Katherine lives there, and she has generously "donated" her bed room to us for our stay while she sleeps in the lounge. Thanks, Katherine!
  • In Cape Town I am conducting a 3 day course for bridge Tournament Directors (judges).
  • We have just heard that there is military activity in the area of Gorongosa and fighting between the Frelimo and Renamo parties. All visits to Gorongosa National Parl have been suspended, so we were very lucky they waited for us to finish our visit there.
  • I'll try to keep the updates to this site on schedule but delays of a day or two are likely.

October 26, 2013
hiking in the Drakensberg
Hiking with Charles and Sheenagh Levy in the Drakensberg Mountains
This week we spent 4 wonderful days in the Drakensberg mountains with my cousins Charles and Sheenagh Levy. We rented a house high up in the mountains - about as high as a 4-wheel car could drive. The 5 km drive up the mountain took about 45 minutes. It was rainy and cold up there, but although we had no electricity there was plenty of firewood to keep us warm and to heat water for the showers. When the mist cleared on our second day, we went for a long walk (see pictures), but rain and mist the next day gave Charles and I an opportunity to relax and talk while Sheenagh and Doreen walked  the very muddy path down then back up the  mountain..  We enjoy Charles and Sheenagh's company and what could be better than to spend time with them in such beautiful surroundings.

  • After Gorongosa in Mocambique we overnighted at the home of Doreen's school friend Eleanor Pines (nee Gamsy) and drove to the Drakensberg to spend a few days there with Charles and Sheenagh Levy. (See This week's Picture)
  • We then drove to Durban and visited two of the schools where we had donated science laboratories, at Usizo and at Makhanda. (Click here for an account and pictures of the dedication at the Magqibagqiba School three years ago.) In Durban we stayed at a fabulous B&B, Brown's, run by Neville Shotland (see picture) and his partner Shelgha. Neville is the son of the late Benny Shotland, Doreen's father's best friend. We were only a very short time in Durban itself, but managed to talk to some old friends and have a lovely dinner at Sue Edmund's house.
  • We are now in the Tsistikama Reserve on the Cape Garden Route, staying at Nature Valley in a delightful B&B called Tranquility Lodge. (see pictures). We are making our way through the Garden Route to Cape Town.
  • If you missed Doreen's account of our Gorongosa visit, then click here.. 
  • Read Moran's latest Segoli family update  in Hebrew or in English..

October 19, 2013

MO2 contemplating our jeep
The highlight of our visit to the Gorongosa National Park in Mocambique (see This Week's News below, and an account and pictures) was seeing the male lion MO2. We had seen some lions the day previous but they were a 100 or so metres from us. This was our lucky day and we came upon MO2 quite by chance. Simba, our guide, drove up in our open jeep to about 10 metres from him. After a few  minutes he got up and ambled slowly in our direction until he was about 2-3 metres from us, looked at us without much interest (he was disinterested - not us!), keenly sniffed the air and then walked another metre or two to another tree and lay down again.
There are scientists at the Park studying lions and part of the study is being filmed by National Geographic. Among the lions they are filming are MO2 and his pride (family) of 2 females and 5 cubs. A few months ago they tranquilized him and gave him a collar so they could keep track of him. His position is kept secret as they don't want people finding him and worrying him, especially as there appears to be a take-over attempt by a younger male. (Read more about this and the collaring on our Gorongosa page.)

  • We left Johannesburg for Mocambique on Monday, a little later than we had hoped because we missed the plane. We were fortunate in finding a place on a later plane, and overnighted in Beira. The next morning we were driven to the Gorongosa National Park .  After 5 wonderful days (read Doreen's account with pictures here) we left this morning back to Beira and Johannesburg.
  • After overnighting at the home of Doreen's school friend Eleanor Pines (nee Gamsy) we will drive to the Drakensberg and spend a few days there with Charles and Sheenagh, then off to Kwa-zulu, the Garden Route and Cape Town. We'll visit relatives, see the science laboratories donated in my sister Fern's name (click here), and enjoy the beautiful country.
  • Click here for Doreen's column - some sites, family and friends that we saw when we were in Johannesburg last week.
  • Read Moran's latest Segoli family update  in Hebrew or in English..
  • I'll try to keep the updates to this site on schedule but delays of a day or two are likely.

October 12, 2013

Charles and Eitan
Eitan with Charles Levy
We are in Johanesburg staying with  my cousin Charles and his wife Sheenagh. We're not only family but also friends and an important part of our travel to South Africa is the opportunity to spend some time with them.
  • We are in Johannesburg South Africa. Today I finished conducting a course for bridge tournament directors. Next Monday we leave for a 6 day visit to Mozambique to visit the Gorongosa National Park .  Then on to the Drakensberg, Kwa-zulu, the Garden Route and Cape Town. We'll visit relatives, see the science laboratories donated in my sister Fern's name (click here), and enjoy the beautiful country.
  • Click here for Doreen's column - some sites, family and friends we have seen in Johannesburg.
  • Read Moran's latest Segoli family update  in Hebrew or in English..
  • I'll try to keep the updates to this site on schedule but delays of a day or two are likely.

October 5, 2013

Dani's 18th
Danielle contemplating some of her 18 presents
Our eldest grandchild, Danielle, celebrated her 18th birthday last Tuesday. I joined parents Vered and Aviv and sister Lior at a Vietnam restaurant to celebrate.  Dani chose the restaurant  because Vietnames is her "favorite food" - especially the soup. (see picture). Lior and Vered chose the 18 presents that Dani was given one by one. She  was delighted with all her presents (except perhaps the socks) but especially liked the winter hat.  (see picture). Lior  presented each present with a cryptic note and everyone had a lovely time. Click for a picture of the two sisters.
Dani finished high school this year and is volunteering for a year's Shnat Sherut (one year community service) (see Archives)..

  • Doreen is returning this evening from a week's tour guiding a group from South Africa. 
  • On Monday we'll be the tourists in South Africa. We'll spend a few weeks holidaying there and in Mocambique and in Istanbul.   In South Africa we will be in Johannesburg, the Drakensburg, Kwa-zulu, the Garden Route and Cape Town. We'll visit relatives, see the science laboratories donated in my sister Fern's name (click here), and enjoy the beautiful country. I will also give two short  courses for bridge tournament directors while I'm there. In Mozambique we'll be visiting the remote Gorongosa National Park. On the way back to Israel we'll spend three nights in Istanbul. This will be our third visit to this bustling historic and interesting city, where we'll also meet friends from bridge.
  • I'll try to keep the updates to this site on schedule but delays of a day or two are likely.

September 28, 2013

Hilda and Minette
Doreen and Eitan with Hilda and Manette Stern
Gertie Glazer and Ray Ezra were cousins, and their daughters Doreen and Hilda Stern (nee Neimann) are second cousins.  Although they both grew up in South Africa and knew about each other they had apparently never met as children. Three years ago we found out through a chance meeting between Louise (Doreen's sister) and Alec Blotnick (Hilda's cousin) that Hilda was living in Israel and contact was made. Thanks to Hilda the Nochimovicz Family Tree has been greatly expanded, and many Ezra and Neimann and other family members from this branch  appear on this site's birthday lists..
 Last Tuesday we drove to Modiin and finally met with Hilda and her daughter Minette. Hilda brought photos and we had a very pleasant meeting dicussing ourselves and the family members we knew, and adding to Minette's knowledge of the family.  We're sure that this first meeting will not be the last.

  • We attended the brit milah of Ephraim Lev Klotnich, fourth child of Ian and Talya Klotnick. (see picture). Congratulations to them, to Raphael, Aharon and Devorah and to grandparents Joel and Beryl Klotnick on their 9th grandchild.  (see Matz family tree).
  • The Segolis are touring in the Blue mountains of New South Wales, and Lotem sent us a surprising message and picture from there. Click here.
  • The Rons spent part of the sukkot  holiday in Eilat, and from the pictures Aviv sent us they had a great time.

September 21, 2013
Aviv Ron explains the signifigance of the "4 species"
This week we celebrate the festival of sukkot, Tabernacles.  The Eilat Levy children were with us for the holiday and they helped Auntie Vered and cousin Lior and relative Amit Nickel build and decorate a traditional sukkah (hut) in Raanana. Like most Israelis (see picture of building near us) we also enjoy eating in a family sukkah. No sukkah is complete without the four species: etrog (citron), lulav (palm tree frond), hadas (myrtle bough) and aravah (willow branch), and we all took turns waving and shaking these in the (more or less) traditional manner.  Read Doreen's Column "Some Musings on Sukkot" for the significance of the four species.
More pictures on the pages of Danielle and Lior.

  • Mazaltov to Ian and Talya Klotnick on the birth of a son, a brother to Raphael, Aharon and Devorah. Heartiest congratulations to grandparents Joel and Beryl Klotnick on their 9th grandchild. The newborn will get his name tomorrow (Sunday) at the brit milah ceremony. (see Matz family tree).
  • The Eilat Levy children came back with us from Eilat and spent the first few days of the sukkot holidays up north. Doreen planned activities for them and despite some initial missing of parents, the children thoroughly enjoyed their time with us. Click for pictures of our visits to Caesarea, Gan HaSolari (the Solar Garden) and the Hadera Paper factory. There were also visits to the Rali Museum in Caesarea amd the Technoda Science Museum and Givat Olga. Doreen has written on looking after grandchildren in her column "Some Musings on Sukkot".
  • Son Moran Segoli attended a conference in Sydney, Australia. He was later joined by Mikhal and their children for a few days. This was a opportunity for the Segolis to meet "new" family members, the Hakims (see Nochimovicz family tree) and Belinda Levy (see Hershovitz/Levy family tree), living in Sydney. See pictures here.  From Sydney they will be touring for a week in the "Blue Mountains".  (Click here for a description and pictures of our trip to the Blue Mountains in 2002.)

September 14, 2013
on the beach
Back l-r: Itamar Levy, Shaunlee Zalman, Alon Sadeh, Limor Levy-Sadeh, Granny Doreen
Front l-r: Shaked Sadeh, Ilai and Amit Levy

As we have done for a number of years, we spent Yom Kippur with our son Aviv and family in Eilat at Coral World. While Aviv looks after the fish and site in general the rest of us take it easy while reading, swimming or just relaxing. Those who fast, fast; and those who dont, don't.
We are sometimes joined by family or friends, and this year we happy to have our grandchildren's cousins, Alon and Shaked, and friend Shaunlee with us.
There are more pictures on the pages of Itamar, Amit and Ilai.

  • Thanks to Florence Levin for sending some updates to the Kagan branch of the Glezer/Gordon family tree.
  • The Segoli monthly update for July and August can be accessed here  in Hebrew and here in English.

  • September 7, 2013

    And the winner is ....... Itamar Levy
    The shofar (ram's horn) is blown in synagogues on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. A shofar blowing competition has become a tradition at our family Rosh Hashanah (New Year) celebrations since 2004. See some examples of previous years here. The favourite for the title of "Shofar Champion 5774" was again Lior Ron, winner of three previous competitions. As usual nearly everyone tried blowing (see pictures of  this year's attempts). It was nearly a tie, but in a close and noisy contest between Lior and Itamar a new winner emerged - Itamar Levy. 

  • We celebrated  the Jewish New Year - Rosh Hashanah at our home on the first night and at the Rons on the second night. Although we are secular Jews we enjoy celebrating the Jewish holidays, which are opportunities for family and friends to get together and enjoy each other's company.
  • The Eilat Levys and the Rons enjoyed a days outing, kayaking on the Dan River. There was a lot of water to splash in and to fall into, and a great time was had by all. See pictures.
  • The Segoli monthly update for July and August can be accessed here  in Hebrew and here in English.

  • August 31, 2013

    Rosh Hashanah 5774
    לשנה טובה תיכתבו ותחתמו

    The Jewish New Year - Rosh Hashanah -  falls this week on September 5th and 6th. May the coming year bring happiness and success to all our relatives and friends, and peace to our troubled region.

  • Our heartfelt condolences to Aura Greenberg on the passing of her mother, Luba Bilchik. Luba, "Mrs Bilchik", was my first Hebrew teacher many many years ago in Durban and, unlike most of my teachers, we enjoyed a very good  relationship years after I was no longer her pupil. When Aura visited us a month ago she told us that when Luba, 90+ years old, heard she was going to see Doreen and me, she told Aura to remind me "to tuck his shirt into his trousers because it is always hanging out." Rest in Peace, Luba Bilchik.
  • In Israel it's back to school.  Our best wishes to our grandchildren in Israel - Lior, Itamar, Amit and Ilai - for a happy and productive year. Special wishes to Ilai who this year is starting "real school" - Grade 1 kita aleph. Best wishes too to Danielle who will also be starting school, but as a teacher's help  in a primary school in a disadvantaged area as part of her year's volunteering with shnat sherut community service. See also last week's Picture.

  • August 24, 2013
    Ron family
    The Rons: Aviv, Danielle, Lior and Vered
    Last Saturday evening there was a  farewell party for granddaughter Danielle who is volunteering for a year on  Shnat Sherut (one year community service)  prior to her compulsory army duty. She will be leaving home to stay in an area near Jerusalem to help less-privileged children, helping at school in the mornings, and at a community centre in the afternoons helping with. after-school activies  We know it won't be easy but we are confident she has the character to succeed.. We are proud of our granddaughter and wish her luck and success in the coming year.   More pictures of Dani and some of her party guests here.
  • Two years ago we sold our house and left Hofit, a community near Netanya, where we had lived on and off for about 40 years. We have good friends from our Hofit days, and many of them have also left for more suitable places or to be near their children and grandchildren. This week there was a small gathering of friends to bid farewell to Hazel Wolfson who is also leaving Hofit. Hazel and her late husband, Alon, were good friends and neighbours in Hofit.  Click here for some pictures .
  • The Road to Recovery organization hosted a fun day for severely sick Palestinian children from the West Bank, who are receiving medical treatment in Israeli hospitals. Road to Recovery organizes volunteers to transport the children and their parents between the West Bank and Gaza Strip road blocks and the hospitals where they are being treated (see pictures here.) Doreen is a volunteer for the organization. For more on the organization  click here and follow links to Doreen's column, a CNN featurette and the organization's web site.

  • August 17, 2013
    Ilai's eye op
    Ilai Levy ready for her eye operation

    Granddaughter Ilai Levy underwent surgery early Wednesday morning on both her eyes  to correct a problem. She was really brave about the whole situation and didn't even complain when she had to walk around for a day with her eyes closed. (Putting drops in her eyes was another story ...). The operation appears to be successful and by Friday she was able to accompany the family on their skydiving adventure and see Daddy Aviv and Mommy Limor jumping.. (see "This Week's News" below).
    There are some more pictures of Ilai on her page.
    The highlight of the week was  us skydiving - more accurately paradiving - with friends and family to celebrate Caroline Livneh's 70th birthday.  The jumpers were Caroline and son and daughter in law Gideon and Sharon Collins, Doreen, Aviv and Limor Levy, and Vered and Aviv Ron and daughter Lior. We were surprised and happy that 13 year old granddaughter Lior plucked up the courage to dive - she did really well and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. There are a few of the pictures of the outing here, and another picture of Lior on her page.

  • Later this evening we will have a farewell party for granddaughter Danielle who is volunteering for a year on  Shnat Sherut (one year community service)  before her compulsory army duty. She will be leaving home to stay in an area to help less-privileged children, with help at school in the morning, and after-school activies at the community centre in the afternoons.  Report  and pictures next week.

  • August 10, 2013
    Black Hills, South Dakota
    I still haven't got round to organizing all our old photos, but occasionally I open an envelope to look at some of them. In 1995 we  went on a long RV trip in the southern central area  of the USA, visiting attractions in Arizona, New Mexico,Texas, Utah, Colorado etc and also making contact with our "lost" Matz relatives, the Engelbergs. We have hundreds and hundreds of unidentified photos  from these pre-digital days, but fortunately Doreen had written on the back of this photo. So I know where the photo was taken (on the road to Sylvan Lake, in the Needles Area of Black Hills, South Dakota) but I still don't know  how we got our RV through the tunnel!
  • No family news this week. While Europe swelters we are enjoyong a relatively mild summer, and taking it easy - lunch with old friends Ilana and Nevat Efraty (see a previous Doreen's Column), joined Aviv, Vered and the girls for a picnic on the beach, had some friends over for dinner, and started cleaning up the garden.

  • August 3, 2013
    on the gangway
    Boarding the Golden Iris
    Back: Limor, Aviv and Doreen Levy; Mid: Amit, Itamar and Ilai Levy; Front: Me, Danielle and Lior Ron
    This week our son Aviv and Limor and five grandchildren joined us on a 6 day cruise on the ship Golden Iris. We sailed the Mediterranean and visited the islands of Rhodes and Crete, partook of the usual cruise ship activities and ate too much. Yesterday we arrived at Haifa port late but safe and happy.But the highlight of the cruise, and what we will always remember about it, was......well, you can read about it here.

  • We're back home after an eventful 6 day cruise in the Mediterranean aboard the Golden Iris. See This Week's Picture and pictures and a short description here.
  • If you missed Doreen's moving account of her trip to Poland two weeks ago with Yad VaShem, you can read it here.

  • July 27, 2013
    Jenna and Yonatan
    Jenna and Yonatan Cotton
    Mazeltov to Jenna Cotton (see Matz and Hirshovitz family trees) and Yonatan Carno on their marriage on Monday in Johannesburg, South Africa. Mazltov to parents Cecile and Raymond Cotton, and to grandmother Winnie Levy.
    We have fond memories of Jenna's visit to us a few months ago (see picture), and wish the young couple  happiness and success in their new life together.
    Click for some more pictures.
    • I'm back in Israel after attending the Youth Bridge Championships in Poland. See last week's picture.
    • Doreen has written a moving account of her trip to Poland last week with Yad VaShem. You can read it here.
    • We are delighted that Aura and Hilton Greenberg, long-time friends who live in Canada, came to stay with us in Netanya for a few days. Despite the geograhical distance, we manage to meet from time to time, for example here.

    July 20, 2013
    TDs at wroclaw
    The Tournament Directors (judges) at the 24th European Youth Bridge Championships
    me, Andras Booc (Hungary), Kuba Kasprzak (Poland), Marc van Beijsterveldt (Netherlands)

    I have spent the last 10 days in Wroclaw, Poland, as the chief TD (judge) at the Championships. It's hard, but enjoyable, work. The Championships consists of 3 series: Under 26, Under 20 and Girls, and the gold medals in the respective series went to France, Sweden, France. Israel had teams in the Under 26 and Under 20 events, and won the bronze in the Under 26 and the silver in the Under 20, a very good result but not as good as the last Championships two years ago where they won the gold in the Under 26 and and the silver in the Under 20.
    Click here for another picture.
    If you are interested in the full results, click on this link.
    • Doreen has returned home after a week's Yad Va'Shem educational tour.
    • After 10 days in Poland (see above), I will return to Israel in two days.
    • Next week we will have the pleasure of the company of Aura and Hilton Greenberg, long-time friends who live in Canada.

    July 13, 2013
    Dani's prom
    Daniel Ron ready for her high school prom
    Our beautiful granddaughter Dani has just written her final exams. Last Monday the traditional end of high school prom took place. Apparently choosing a dress for this event is harder than the hardest exam.  In my opinion Dani would look beautiful in any dress, but I Dani and her mom Vered passed the test by choosing this stunning dress.
    Click here for a picture of Dani preparing for the prom, and thanks to Dad Aviv for the lovely pictures.

    • Doreen has been in Poland this week on a week's Yad Va'Shem educational tour. She will return home in a couple of days.
    • I am also in Poland, in Wroclaw (Breslau), at the European Junior Bridge Championships, which started yesterday, and which will last another 10 days.
    • The Rons - Vered, Aviv, Danielle and Lior - are holidaying in New York and appear to be having a grand time.

    July 6, 2013
    The entrance to Bonifacio
    The yacht Antares III about to enter the almost  hidden entrance to  Bonifacio, Southern Corsica.

    We got back from our yachting trip to Corsica at the beginning of the week. We were the guests of long-time friend Morris Kahn on his yacht Antares III . Morris is a fantastic host and the yacht is beautifulul and the holiday was simply wonderful. See some pictures and read what Doreen has written by clicking here.

    • We had to overnight in a hotel in Ajaccio on our last night in Corsica. You can imagine our surprise and delight when we discovered that part of the route of the Tour de France took place in Ajaccio, 5 minutes walk from our hotel. For years, Doreen has followed the Tour on TV and seeing it live was a dream come true for her. Click for a couple of pictures.
    • Doreen is going to Poland next week on a week's Yad Va'Shem educational tour.
    • I will also be in Poland next week, so the next site update will be from Wroclaw where I will officiating for 10 days at the European Junior Bridge Championships.
    • Yael Segoli, the mother of  daughter-in-law Mikhal Segoli, is visiting the Segoli family in Australia and they have just returned from a trip to Fraser Island and Lamington National Park. See picture here, and more pictures on the pages of Maayan, Lotem and Zoe. While Yael looks after the children this week, Moran and Mikhal will be going on a diving trip to the Great Barrier Reef, where they will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary.. You can also read about our trip to Fraser Island in 2002.
    • Doreen wrote to granddaughter Lotem and described what a lovely time she had on her visit to London. Read Lotem's reply.
    • Click here to read Maayan's school project on the bush stone curlew.

    June 29, 2013
    at Napoleons Villa
    In Elba, at Napoleon's Villa: Morris Kahn, Ariella Delaney, Eitan, Doreen, Oded Gera

    Our friend Morris Kahn and Ariella invited us to spend a week sailing around Corsica on his yacht Antares III with them and another friend Oded Gera  Because of rough seas we changed course and sailed to Elba Island in Italy for a few days until the mistral which was whipping up the swells had died down. We docked at Porte Ferrario where Napoleon was imprisoned and then returned to Corsica and sailed around the island caressed by a gentle wind and burnt by sunny skies.

    • We are currently anchored off Calvi in Corsica, where Christopher Columbus was born.  Next week I'll post pictures of our sailing trip.
    • We are delighted to have the happy news that Amaila and Oren Klaff (see Goldberg family tree) are expecting their first in November. See picture here.
    • We are proud of our grandson, Itamar Levy, who received a Certificate of Excellence for improvement in social interaction with classmates and teachers.
      Well done, Itamar. See picture here.
    • Our grandaughter Danielle Ron has just finished her matriculation exams and decided to cut her beautiful long hair and donate it to make wigs for women who need cancer treatment and can't afford wigs. See pictures here.   Congratulations also to Danielle for being an honor roll student for receiving the highest grade average in her class. We're proud of you, Dani!

    June 22, 2013

    Ilai at Kindergarten farewell
    Ilai Levy
    It's the end of the school year and everyone is enjoying end-of-year activities and farewells.
    Granddaughter Ilai Levy certainly looks happy at the farewell party yesterday from Kindergarten. She is very excited that in a few months she will start "real" school - kita aleph (Grade 1). Good luck, Ilai!
    Sister Amit enjoyed the end-of-year cooking workshop organized at school. Click for picture.

    June 15, 2013

    Caryn and Rhetick
    Caryn and Rhetick Sangupta
    Thanks to Frankie Klaff (see Goldberg family tree) for sending us this lovely picture of  daughter Caryn with husband Rhetick enjoying a holiday a couple of weeks ago in Whistler, Canada.


    June 8, 2013 from London, England
    Louise and wall art
    Louise Braverman in front of an example of street art in London.

    On our visit to London this week, Doreen and her sister Louise went on a walking tour of street art in the East End. Click here for Doreen's description of the tour.

    • We returned yesterday from our visit to England . We were in Devon (see Doreen's column posted last week), and London.  It's always great visiting London.  We hardly did any shopping, but enjoyed museums, theatre, and opera and just walking in the streets. Doreen has written about "other" things to do in London. Read her new column.
    • We were happy to see old friends in London - Marianne Pencharz, Shirley Poluck and Saul Isseroff (who took us on a lovely walk through Primrose Hill and Regent's Park.)
    • Moran has updated the Segoli site with fascinating pictures of their hike on the Thorsborne Trail. Click here for the Hebrew version and here for the English version.  See also this picture posted last week.

    June 1, 2013 from London, England
    Devon cream scones
    Doreen and I with Louise Braverman, eating Devon cream Scones at a Farm shop
    We have just spent 4 days in Devon, England, at the house of a friend. We had a wonderful time, and visited some places in Cornwall to the south and Devon to the north. We knew we had to try the famous local speciality, Devon Cream Tea, and travelled 45 minutes over one-lane farm roads to reach a farm shop in the village of Winkleigh where the scones, clotted cream and jam were reputedly the best in the area.
    You can read what Doreen has written about our visit to Devon and cornwall, with pictures, in her column - click here.

    • This site is being updated from London, to where we came after our too short visit to Devon. We'll be here for a week before returning to Israel.
    • Our son, Moran Segoli and family are back from their hike on the Thorsborne Trail on Hinchinbrook Island in Australia. See this picture posted last week. We await the Segoli internet update in due course for details.

    May 25, 2013
    Eilat BBQ
    We spent this weekend in Eilat with Aviv and Limor and the kids. Despite the heat (44 degrees and up) we enjoyed the two days. The highlight was the beach BBQ  organized by Aviv. Doreen's night swim was heaven and  the whole evening was magical, and brought back memories of our days in Eilat.
    Click here for another picture.
    • Our son, Moran Segoli and family are on a hike on the Thorsborne Trail on Hinchinbrook Island in Australia. This is one of the great hikes (see description here) in Australia. The hike is 32 kms of wild terrain and will take 4 days. They need to take supplies for 4 days with them. This picture of Moran tells it all.
    • Next week's site will be updated from London as on Tuesday we fly to England for 9 days in Devon and in London. Doreen's sister Louise Braverman is joining us.
    • We were very proud to be present and cheering for our good friend Morris Kahn at the impressive ceremony at Bar Ilan University where he received an honorary Doctorate. Amongst many other philanthropic activities Morris is a sponsor of the organization that enabled a Syrian girl to have heart surgery. CNN featured the story this week.

    May 18, 2013
    Sara Olkienitski
    Happy 90th birthday, Sara!

    This evening we celebrated Sara Olkienitski's 90th birthday (see Goldberg family tree). with her daughters and sons-in-law, grandchildren, great-granchildren, relatives and friends. It was a lovely party, catered by daughters Shuli Haberman and Racheli Gilad at Shuli and Eitan's home, and the food was varied and delicious. There were tributes to Sara, and  her family sang a song of thanks and praise they had prepared. As an encore, Shuli and Racheli sang a song they had written for her 85th birthday. (see picture)

    There have been many pictures of Sarah and the Olkienitski family on this site. You can do a search of this site to see them. 
    • We received the sad news this week that Hackie and Fanny Edelstein, brother and sister-in-law of my Aunt Winnie Levy, passed away after long illnesses.  We extend our condolences to Aunt Winnie and to the families.
    • This week we celebrated Shavuot - the Festival of Weeks. Traditionally, cheeses and other milk products are eaten on this festival. The Australian Segolis use Granny's cookbook to prepare a cheescake, which they tell us was delicious.  Click here to see the recipe and try for yourself.
    • The Eilat Levy's made use of the school holiday and the windy day in Eilat by flying kites.
    • Doreen has added some comments to her recipe in her column.
    • On shavout the Bravermans invited us to a picnic at Raanana Park, where had a lovely relaxing time with delicious food. Click for some pictures (thanks to Donny Dvir).
    • Moran has sent us the April update to the Segoli site. Click here to read it in English  or in  Hebrew.

    May 11, 2013
    Lean and Eitan forman
    Leah Forman (nee Engleberg) with son Eitan
    (granddad David Engleberg in background)

    A warm welcome to the latest addition to the family, Eitan Forman, born in March this year. Eitan is the first child of Leah (nee Engleberg) and Ziv Forman, and the sixth granchild of David and Charlene Engleberg of Denver, Colorado.(see Matz family tree).
    Click here for pictures at a party to welcome Eitan.
    • Doreen has completed her accounts of our trip in March and April.  Tasmania was posted previously, and now Myanmar has been added. Click here.
    • Moran has sent us the April update to the Segoli site. Click here to read it in English  or in  Hebrew.
    • We've had a busy week. apart from 2 doctor visits and more than usual bridge work for Eitan and a tour preparation for Doreen, we've participated in three parties.
    • On Tuesday, Doreen gave a luncheon for friend and colleague Yona Wiseman. Click for pictures.
    • Wednesday saw us at the home of Gidon and Sharon Collins  at a surprise party to celebrate family friend Caroline Livneh's 70th birthday. Click for pictures.
    • And on Friday we welcomed the latest family member, 2 month old Eitan Forman, and enjoyed an evening with our Colorado cousins. See above and click for more pictures .
    • Today Doreen starts a 3 day tour, guiding participants in the Annual Meeting of the World Federation of International Music Competitions.

    May 4, 2013

    Itamar on boat
    Grandson Itamar Levy helps his dad Aviv return a baby shark to the Red Sea. By the look on Itamar's face it's hard to tell who is happier - the shark or Itamar!

    • Doreen has written more about our recent trip. In addition to our visits to Hong Kong and Melbourne  and   Tasmania, posted previously, you can read her account and see pictures of our visit to Myanmar.
    • I celebrated my 73rd birthday this week with Doreen and our daughter Vered and family . See picture.
    • We  received the sad news that Brenda Greenberg (nee Brazil, a habonim youth movement friend from our young days in Durban South Africa), was killed by a truck while crossing a road in Toronto, Canada. May her memory be blessed. We extend our condolences to her brother Glen, and to all her family. Click here for a picture of Brenda rehearsing for a dance show  for a habonim performance over 50 years ago.

    April 27, 2013
    Rafael Braverman-Dvir
    Rafael Braverman-Dvir
    Thanks to grandma Louise Braverman for sending us this delightful picture of Rafael enjoying karate. (see Glezer and Nochimovicz family trees.)

    • Doreen has been busy writing her accounts of our trip. In addition to her accounts of our visits to Hong Kong and Melbourne  posted last week, you can read about our trip to Tasmania.
    • We're happy to report that Beryl Klotnick (see Matz family tree)  is back home, and even took part in a charity bridge competition on Thursday!
    • Granddaughter Zoe Segoli had her 1st birthday party this week, and the Segoli kids decided to make dinner in honour of her birthday. They looked through Doreen's  cookbook and chose recipes and did most of the cooking. Click here for their choices and pictures.
    • Aviv Levy took his kids to Canada Park in Eilat for a hike and a picnic with the leftovers from the Indepence Day barbecue. See picture here.
    • Eleanor Pines nee Gamsy, Doreen's friend since school days, was in Israel and stayed with us for a few days. See picture here.

    April 20, 2013
    Doreen and Eitan at the Htilominlo Temple in Bagan, Myanmar

    Recipe: Take numerous pagodas, temples and stupas, thousands of buddha statues, different curry type foods, exotic and tasty fruit, centuries old traditions, and friendly and kind people incredibly honest and overwhelmingly religious. add excellent and helpful guides, comfortable and and beautifully situated hotels, and an efficient and organized touring company (Myanmar Shalom Travel). Mix with the experience of travelling on canoe-boats for 3 days between villages on the Inlay Lake, the low cost of food and services, and the annual Water Festival and New Year Celebrations.
    Result: A fantastic, wonderful and not to be forgotten eight day trip in Myanmar.

    • We're back in Israel after our month-long visit to  Melbourne, Australia and Myanmar, with brief visits to Hong Kong and Bangkok  We had a wonderful time and we'll post pictures and accounts of the highlights in the coming weeks.
    • Doreen has been busy writing her accounts of our trip. In the meantime her account of our visits to Hong Kong and Melbourne are here, and of Hobart and Tasman Peninsula here.
    • We were in Myanmar for their New Year celebrations but unfortunately missed Israel's 65th Independence Day.  Aviv Levy sent us some pictures of him and his girls visiting an exhibition in Eilat on Independence day - click here for a picture. 
    •  Moran Segoli has updated his Segoli site with pictures from Tasmania. Click here for  Hebrew and here for  English.
    • A speedy recovery to Beryl Klotnick (see Matz family tree) recovering from pneumonia in Meir Hospital.
    • Eleanor Pines nee Gamsy, Doreen's friend since school days, is in Israel and will be spending a few days with us.
    • April birthdays and anniversaries are listed below.

    April 13, 2013

    mural fest
    Doreen and Eitan with the Segolis in front of our favourite mural at the Springfield Mural Fest 2013
    (The artist (in black) is in the back)

    On our various travels we have sometimes serendipitiosly arrived at a place in time  for a festival or cultural event. For example we arrived in Sienna the day after the palio horse race to find that it had been postponed for a day. Our visit to Dubrovnik coincided with the only performance of one of our favourite classical pieces of music, Orff's Carmina Burena, by full orchestra and choirs.
    And now we found ourselves in Tasmania 20 minutes away from the Springfield annual Mural Fest. Springfield is a town adorned with numerous murals on both public and private buildings and every year ten artists are chosen to paint murals during a week-long Festival. Prizes are awarded for the Judges' Choice and for the People's Choice. We enjoyed seeing the murals being painted, talking to some of the artists, and voting for our favourites.
    Together with the mural contest there is a sculpture contest on the same theme - this year "Born to be Free." Again there is a Judges' Choice and a People's Choice. To vote, one puts the number of his choice in an envelope. To make it more interesting, the phone number is written the envelope and there is a draw with the lucky winner receiving $100. You can imagine our surprise when two days later we got a phone call informing us that Lotem had won the $100! Lotem. so generous in spirit, immediately decided to share her winnings with Maayan her brother.

    from Bagan, Myanmar
    • We said goodbye to the Segolis 4 days ago and continued to Mynmar via one night in Bangkok. We had a wonderful time in Tasmania, and as promised Doreen is preparing her account of our trip, and when we get back to Israel (and consistent internet connection) we will sort through the hundreds of pictures and post the report and pictures.
    •  Moran has updated his Segoli site with pictures from Tasmania. Click here for  Hebrew and here for  English.
    • We are now in Myanmar and have visited Yangon and Bagan. We have good guides and so far have enjoyed the trip and found it very interesting despite the heat. Again serendipity plays its part (see This Week's Picture above) for we have arrived just in time for the Myanmar 3 day New Year celebrations and Water Festival in 2 days time. Again Doreen will write a report when we get back, and decide which of the hundreds of pictures of Pagodas and Buddhas we will choose.
    • Internet connection is sporadic here, to say the least, so no Myanmar pictures. Even as I write this I don't know if I'll be able to upload it to my site. If you're reading it, then I succeeded!

    April 6, 2013
    controlling the grandchildren
    The secret of babysitting the grandchildren
    Lotem, Zoe and Maayan Segoli
    On our tour of Tasmania with the Segolis we looked after the three grandchildren while Moran and Mikhal went on a three day hike. The kids were wonderful and well behaved and little Zoe kept her crying to an absolute minimum. So we didn't have to use the above option!

    from Latrobe, Tasmania
    • We are continuing our tour of Tasmania with the Segolis. During the week we enjoyed visiting national parks, going on hikes, seeing wild animals (including the famed Tasmanian Devil). Moran and Mikhal left us for three days to look after the kids while they went on a three-day hike in Tasmania's most beautiful park - The Walls of Jerusalem. Tasmania is a fantastic place to visit for a nature vacation. Doreen is preparing her report of our trip, and when we get back to Israel (and consistent internet connection) we will sort through the hundreds of pictures and post the report and pictures.
    • Congratulations to Jenna Cotton (see Hershovitz/Levy and Matz family trees) on her engagement to Yonatan Carno, in South Africa. Mazeltov to parents Cecille and Raymond Cotton and brothers Raphael and Eric. Jenna spent a couple of days with us a few months ago on her visit to Israel. (see This Week's Picture and News Archives.)
    • Due to mistaken timimg we didn't enjoy a seder together with the Segolis even though we were all in Australia at the same time. So we decided to celebrate a "third" seder together on our trip to Tasmania. (see more and pictures here.)
    • On Tuesday we leave Australia and fly to Bangkok and then Myanmar. We understand that apart from Yangon there will not be any phone or internet possibilities in the places we visit, so next week's update could be early, or late, or perhaps non-existent!

    March 30, 2013

    the edge - Melbourne
    On the "Edge" at the top of the Eureka Tower in Melbourne

    In Melbourne we spent a great day with cousins Mark Glasser and Sharon Leibowitz visiting the Science Works Museum and going to Melbourne's highest point, the top of the Eureka Tower with its magnificent view and its breathtaking attraction, the Edge, suspended in a glass cube hundreds of metres above the ground.

    from Hobart, Tasmania
    • We are with the Segolis in Tasmania, at the beginning of a 10 day stay here, where we hope to tour and enjoy this beautiful Island south of Australia.
    • We have just spent a few days in Melbourne. Doreen and I stayed with my cousins,Sharon and Joe Leibowitz (see Levy/Hershovitz and Matz trees), and the Segolis with Doreen's cousins Mark and Sue Glasser. (see Glezer tree). And happy 70th birthday today to Joe!
    • We celebrated two seder nights of pesach - the first with the Leibowitz family and friends (see pictures), and the second with the Glassers and Sue's family (see pictures). We enjoyed both evenings very much - the food and the company were excellent and the seders short!
    • On the way to Australia we had a 6 hour stopover in Hong Kong and took a train and walked a little through the centre. It was apparently a holiday for the Phillipine migrant workers and we were amazed to see thousands spending their day relaxing in the pedestrian tunnels - see picture.
    • Today we leave Hobart and go touring in the less-populated areas of Tasmania. I understand that some places have little internet connections so the next update may be late.

    March 23, 2013
    The Eilat grandchildren
    Ilai, Itamar and Amit Levy
    Aviv Levy went on a hike this week with his three children - our "Eilat" grandchildren - to Mount Tzefahot to enjoy the panoramic view of Eilat.
    • Doreen and I wish all our friends and family "Chag Sameah" for the pesach Passover holidays starting next week. We will be celebrating in Australia with family.
    • This evening we fly to Australia to join the Segolis on a holiday in Tasmania for about 2 weeks. In Melbourne we will be staying with my cousins, Sharon and Joe Leibowitz (see Levy/Hershovitz and Matz trees) , and with Doreen's cousins Mark and Sue Glasser. (see Glezer tree). On the way back to Israel we will visit Myanmar for about a week.
    • Beryl Klotnick (see Matz family tree) underwent an operation earlier this week and is recovering satisfactorily. We wish her a speedy recovery.
    • Doreen returned yesterday from guiding an 9 day tour. By chance in Jerusalem she met  Eilatis Andrew and Orly Morris, good friends of our daughter Vered  and her husband Aviv Ron. Andrew, the son of old Eilat friends, Fay and the late Reginald Morris, took a picture of Orly and Doreen in her "guide uniform".
    • Moran Segoli has posted his January/February update of doings and terrific pictures of the Segolis in Australia . Click here for English and here for Hebrew.

    March 16, 2013
    Sitting: Harry Schochat, Abraham Kagan, Mike glasser, Louise Glazer Braverman, Florence Schochat Levin, Henia Kagan Deul, Gertie Glazer
    Standing: Doreen Glazer Levy, Sylvia Nemet Kagan, Rywa Kagan Schochat, Mina Berry Kagan
    (Thanks to Florence for the picture and for the identifications)

    The picture above was taken about 1960 when Doreen's family visited the USA and met with the Kagan relatives in the Bronx in New York.

    A few months ago I found out that Avi Deul, who is married to Doreen's second cousin Henia (Kagan), is Tova Most's brother. We have known Tova and Oren Most for about 35 years, and although we don't see each other too often, we remain good friends, and always enjoy each others company. Many years ago, when Doreen and I went to work overseas, we persuaded Netta, their daughter, that she needed a dog, and we gave our dog Lolly for "adoption" to the Mosts. Lolly was a friendly dog - even to burglars - and  lived a very happy and contented life with the Mosts. Oren always jokingly complained about how we had palmed the dog onto him, but the dog they have now, Captain Nemo, looks just like Lolly, so maybe Oren has forgiven us.

    Although we have had hardly any contact with the Deuls both Tova and Doreen were excited to become "relatives" and hopefully we will renew our aquaintance with  them.

    • Doreen took a group of girl friends on a guided tour of Herodion, to visit the site and to learn a little about King Herod who was buried there two thousand years ago. There is a full account of the trip, and pictures in Doreen's Column (click here).
    • Mazal tov to Leah and Ziv Forman on the birth of a son this week  (see Matz family tree.), and mazal tov to all the Engleberg family.  For a picture taken of Leah and Ziv (about 3 years ago before they were married) with other relatives click here.
    • Moran has posted his January/February update of doings and terrific pictures of the Segolis in Australia . Click here for English and here for Hebrew.
    • Doreen is guiding a tour. She returns on Friday, and the next day we leave for a trip to Australia and Myanmar.

    March 9, 2013
    Maayan and Vered Shavit
    Maayan Shavit, 2 months old, with mother Vered
    Yesterday we were introduced to the latest addition to the family at the brita of Maayan. (see Schank family tree). The affair was lovely, and it was wonderful meeting again with the Loew, Bortenstein, Karlsblad and Kirshner families and offspring. Click here for other pictures from the event.

    • Thanks to grandma Sharon Leibowitz for an updated picture of Amber  who celebrated her 3rd birthday 2 days ago.
    • Surrogate grandparents? Unfortunately for us our great neighbours the Luizis are moving to a larger apartment to house their 5 children. While they are busy packing Doreen has taken baby Yonatan for walks, and yesterday we looked after him while the parents were busy. See picture here.

    March 2, 2013
    Nadav and Lee
    Nadav and Lee Levy
    Nadav Levy and Lee Eshel married on 12/12/12  in the small South Bohemian city of Cesky Krumlov in the Czech Republic. See pictures etc here. Yesterday 1/3/13 there was a reception for friends and family to celebrate the union. Welcome to the family, Lee! As always, it's great  being with family at celebrations. It was a lovely affair, the food was delicious, and we saw a short, delightful video of their wedding day - don't miss it! -  click here to see it.  For two more pictures at the celebration, click here.
     ( See the Hershovitz/Levy and Matz family trees)

    March 2, 2013
    • Last week Ilai Levy, dressed for purim, was This Week's Picture. Click here for more purim pictures of the family. There are also links to previous years.
    • Thanks to Louis Bloede-MacLeod for filling in some gaps in the Goldberg family tree.
    • Please note that dates of birth and marriage are now omitted from the family trees listed on the internet. It you want full listings please contact me at

    February 23, 2013
    Ilai - purim 2013
    Princess Ilai Levy of Eilat

    This weekend we celebrate the festive holiday of Purim. Purim commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people of the ancient Persian Empire from Haman's plot to annihilate them, as recorded in the Book of Esther. Purim, especially in Israel, is the occasion for fancy dress - during the day the streets are filled with children in costume (often reflecting the current "heroes"/celebrities), and the adults enjoy their costume parties at night. In many towns there is also an adloyada, a carnival-like procession of floats and costumed participants. Other customs in Purim include reading megilat ester with lots of noise at each mention of Haman, eating of hamantaschen, giving mutual gifts of food and drink (mishloach manot), and giving charity and gifts to the poor.

    The above picture is the only one I have so far of this year's costumes - I hope to receive more in the next few days and they will be on this site next week.

    In the meantime, you can relive memories and enjoy previous years' costumes, especially by clicking here.  For some other pictures over the years click on these links:  Purim1, purim2, purim3, purim4, purim5, purim6

    • We enjoyed entertainig Yehudit Pearl and Ami, and Ruth Ben Zvi  (travel mates on our trip to Jewish Spain) for lunch.
    • Dave Rothschild (Frankie Klaff's husband, see Goldberg family tree) and his daughter Louise are in Israel  for a family wedding.  I was happy to meet Dave's lovely daughter Louise, and of course as always to see Dave again.
    • Doreen and I attended a very interesting conference in Jerusalem on the subject "Is Apartheid in Israel probable?". (see newspaper report here)
    • Apart from all the above we've had a busy week - including opera, concert and a movie.
    • Please note, that dates of birth and marriage are now omitted from the family trees listed on the internet. It you want full listings please contact me at

    February 16, 2013
    Joey and LotemPocket animal
    Lotem Segoli with Joey; and a new meaning to the term "pocket mammal"
    Most people who keep pets keep dogs, cast, birds, fish, hamsters and so on. In California the Segolis had a boa constrictor and Madagascan cockroaches for pets, so it came as no great surprise to receive these photos from the Segolis from Australia featuring a grey kangaroo and a brush tail possum. Both these animals are marsupials, mammals that carry their young, that are born relatively undeveloped in a pouch or pocket where they feed and reside for a certain time.

    Moran found the joey (baby kangaroo) in a ditch at work. The joey had probably fallen out its mother's pouch when she fell into the ditch, and the mother could not retrieve her. Moran took the joey home and the Segolis cared for it until it was given in to the care of the local rescue and rehabilitation centre.
    The Segolis are volunteers at the rescue and rehabilitation centre and this weekend they were asked to babysit a brush tail possum while the "foster parents" were away. Possums are native to Australia. (When in New Zealand we learnt that possums were introdued there for the fur industry. Because of the lack of natural predators and abundance of suitable vegetation they rapidly became a pest there and hundreds of thousands are culled every year.)

    Next week the Segolis will babysit a wallaby.
    See the pages of Maayan, Lotem and Zoe for more pictures.
    • Our youngest granddaughter Zoe Segoli is almost ready for her first steps by herself. In the meantime see her walk with a little help - Zoe takes a walk (may take a couple of minutes or so to fully load)
    • Granddaughter Lotem Segoli composed and sang a song for her daddy's birthday. While listening to the song, pay attention to Mikhal and Zoe in the background. Click on this link  (it may take a minute or so to load) :Lotem's birthday song for her dad.

    February 09, 2013
    winnie, and Charles Levy
    Winnie Levy with her son Charles
    Happy birthday to my aunt Winnie Levy whose birthday is this Tuesday, and to my cousin Charles, her son, whose birthday is one day later. (see Matz and Levy/Hirshovitz family trees.) While opening some old family photo albumns I found this lovely picture of the two of them. (See This Week's News below.)


    • Our thoughts are with Beryl Klotnick whose nephew was murdered during a robbery in South Africa. (Matz family tree).
    • Our daughter Vered needed some pictures of when she was very young, so I opened the three boxes in our storeroom to get at the photo albumns there. One of the goals I set myself when I retired was sorting the hundreds - probably thousands - of photos we had collected through the years. I had put it off, and now I see the formidable task ahead I wonder if I'll ever get round to it. In the meantime the albumns are strewn around the spare bedroom until I make a decision one way or another. 

    February 02, 2013

    Seminar in Germany
    Eitan (far left, with pencil, listening to an candidate giving a ruling
    I am in Bad Honnef, Germany, a seminar comprising a refresher course for accredited bridge tournament directors (judges), and a certification course for aspiring ones,  organized by the European Bridge League. There are 45 participants divivded into 5 groups, and the 5 group leaders, each with an assistant, test the group participants on a variety of situations requiring the intervention of a judge. The groups rotate, so each group leader tests all the participants. It's hard work, but enjoyable, and of course it's great meeting old friends again, both participants and officials.

    • As noted above I'm in Germany at the European Bridge League Tournament Directors' Seminar. I return to Israel on Monday.

    January 26, 2013

    at polling booth £160
    Doreen, chairman of Voting Station #160

    Last Tuesday elections to the Israel Knesset took place and both Doreen and I were representatives of the Meretz party at a voting booth.  As expected the results ensured Benyamin Netanyahu would remain as prime minister. However, for us a good sign, his support was eroded. The party we supported, Meretz, a "left wing" party opposed to Netanyahu and his policies, doubled its representation from 3 to 6 seats.  In South Africa the policies we supported didn't even have parliamentary representation yet today these views are the overwhelming majority views; so we are hoping for a similar turnaround in Israel.

    • This week we celebrated the "New Year of Trees" the festival of Tu B'Shvat. The Rons and Louise Braverman came over and we duly ate our symbolic dried fruit  before tucking into a tasty meat meal. Click for picture.
    • This coming Wednesday I fly to Germany to be a group leader at the European Bridge League Tournament Directors' Course. The course is a refresher for tournament directors who have international status, and also for those aspiring to international status. I am not sure how much free time I will have, so next week's update may be a day or two late.
    • Last week's Picture of the Week showed Doreen's visit to the north after the heavy rains. (click for link) . Daughter Vered and her husband Aviv also went up north to see the waters, and Aviv took this beautiful picture of Vered. (Click here.)

    January 19, 2013
    touring the Golan
    Louise Braverman, Yael Paperna, Caroline Livneh, Doreen
    After the heavy rains last week many of the normally dry river beds  in Israel filled with water and became popular attractions. The four above drove to the Golan to see for themselves. Doreen has written a description with pictures of their trip in her column (click here).

    • Maeltov to Vered and Yoav Shavit on the birth of Maayan on 14 January, a sister for Dotan and Eyal. Mazeltov also to grandparents Yaffa and Andy Loew. (See Schank family tree.). Click here for  pictures .
    • The Segoli site has been updated with December photos. Click here for Hebrew or English.
    • Israel parliamentary elections take place in a few days time. Although it seems a foregone conclusion that we will be disappointed from the overall results, we hope that our choice, Meretz, will increase their representaion. Both Doreen and I will be manning a polling booth,on behalf of  Meretz.

    January 12, 2013
    Doreen, Naim, Yuval
    Doreen with Naim El-Baida and Yuval Roth

    Doreen is a volunteer with the "Road to Recovery" organization that transports sick Palestinians from the West Bank to Israeli hospitals for treatment that is not available within the West Bank. Yuval Roth is the head of the organization and Naim Baida, of the Palestinian village Jayus in the West Bank, helps the organization when problems arise. Naim invited volunteers to lunch at his house in the village and this afternoon about 30 of us enjoyed lunch with him and his family. In addition to the lunch, there was also much discussion on Jewish-Arab co-existence and which at times touched on sensitive issues such as the effect of the occupation on the lives of the villagers.
    Doreen has previously written about some aspects of her work for the organization (see her column).
    Yuval Roth received a "CNN Hero Award" for his work (see the CNN featurette). Go to the "Road to Recovery" site to learn about the organization.

    • The Segoli site has been updated with December photos. Click here for Hebrew or English.
    • We had a busy week. Apart from the usual activities I had a heart check-up (everthing OK), we saw an opera (Luissa Miller) and a movie (Life of Pi, recommended), had friends for dinner, and I was a judge at my old school's Jeopardy Quiz revision for the English literature examination (an excellent event).
    • The friends for dinner were Yael Paperna who presented us with cushions for our couch, and Roni Dagan who gave us a hand-crafted vegetable bowl. Click for pictures

    January 5, 2013
    family in Netanya
    Flopsy, Me, Danielle Ron, Itamar Levy, Vered Levy-Ron, Aviv Levy, Amit Levy, Limor Levy, Lior Ron, Ilai Levy, Doreen

    The Aviv Levys spent a few days up north with us in Netanya and with the Rons in Raanana. The cousins don't see each other enough and there is always excitement when they are together, and tears when they separate. This picture was taken  in Netanya just before another delicious meal prepared by Doreen: Cottage Pie for the kids, and oven- broiled denise fish (gilthead bream) for the fish lovers.
    Click here and here for more pictures of the kids "up north".
    • We saw the new year in quietly but most enjoyably, at our house with long-time ex-Hofit friends Alec and Rachel Ron, Haim and Malka Lev, and Hazel Wolfson. (see picture). The evening revolved around politics and "old times.". The years have gone by quickly, and we fondly remembered Alon Wolfson who passed away recently.
    • Congratulations to granddaughter Danielle Ron who has just been accepted to do a voluntary "year of service". She passed the entrance tests with flying colours and will work in the matnas organization with at-risk youth for a year before her military service.
    • The Aviv Levys spent a few days up north with us in Netanya and with the Rons in Raanana. While there, Itamar went to Jerusalem with us where he visited the Old City (see picture) and saw his first live musical, My Fair Lady, which he enjoyed very much. Amit and Ilai went with Granny Doreen to the Diaspora Museum where they enjoyed a visit to the special family exhibition on Communication and Language. (see picture).

    December 29, 2012
    Happy New Year

    As 2012 draws to a close and 2013 approaches, we wish all our family and friends a happy, successful, healthy and prosperous 2013. This past year has been good to us on a personal level but sadly lacking on the national and international level.  Developments in our country have been deeply disappointing. There are elections in Israel in less than a month, and prospects for the furtherance of our ideals and beliefs seem even further away than ever before. But we still hope that good sense will prevail and 2013 will see positive movement towards tolerance, peace and social justice.
    • Hans and Lottie Reijzer, our long-time good friends from the Netherlands, are visiting Israel and we enjoyed lunch with them in Tel Aviv (see picture here) and a dinner at home, together with Aviv and Vered and Lior.
    • Doreen has added a reipe for roast turkey breast with pear slices to the Family Recipe page. Click here to see how to prepare this mouth-watering dish.

    December 22, 2012
    Barmitzvah of Dan Kansky
    Dan Kansky
    Mazal tov to Dan Kansky on his barmitzvah today. We attended the lovely party in his honour and had an enjoyable time. It's most pleasurable when the family meet to celebrate something, and today was no exception. Mazl tov to mom Wendy and and grandparents Shirley and Nathan and to all the Kansky clan.
    (see Hirshovitz/Levy  and Matz family trees.)


    December 15, 2012
      In 1492 a proclamation by Queen Isabella of Spain ordered the Jews to either leave Spain or convert to Catholicism. This brought to an end the centuries long Golden Age of Sephardic Jewry. A week's trip  to Sepharad (Spain) deepened our knowledge of this tragic loss of a rich culture that spanned the Jewish world as well as Muslim and Christian kingdoms that ended with The Expulsion. Jews, who chose to leave, were allowed to sell their houses and goods 'freely' - a family exchanged their house and almost all of its contents for two donkeys to carry their pitiful possessions to Portugal - as Jews were not allowed to take out gold, silver, or jewellery; only things of no value. And still, after Queen Isabella had expelled the Jews from her country she wrote to the pope saying she had denuded her country for his sake. How powerful was the church, overiding the best interests of the kingdom! We also explored the horrors of the Inquisition against Conversos (Jews who converted to Catholicism) that contiued for decades.
     Here Doreen stands among the beautiful columns of one of the few remaining synagogues of Toledo that was converted to a church in1405. It was built in 1203 in Moslem style.
    • We finished our tour of Jewish Spain today. It was not only enjoyable but also a learning experience. Our guide, Shuki Brandwein, has extensive knowledge of the area and the periods we covered, and thanks to him it was an intense educational journey as well. We feel strongly that school children, and adults, in Israel should visit Sepharad in addition to Poland. It is an eye opener to learn of Sephardic Jewry that managed to develop Jewish philosophy, Hebrew literature and even overtook the sages in Babylon in prestige but at the same time also managed to be a viable part of first Moslem and then Christian society, without giving up anything of its Jewishness.
    • We are staying on in Madrid for a few days.
    • I have added pictures of chanuka celebrations during the last week at the Segolis and at the Habermans. Click here.
    • Thanks to Moran for sending us a beautiful picture of our youngest granddaughter, Zoe.

    December 8, 2012
    Chanukah 2012
    Chanukah 2012
    Eitan, Aviv Ron, Jenna Cotton, Vered Ron, Shirley and Nathan Kansky, Lior Ron, Doreen, Louise Braverman, Beryl and Joel Klotnick
    We celebrated the first candle of Chanuka at our house by inviting some family over to meet Jenna Cotton who is visiting from South Africa. We lit the candles, sang Chanuka songs, had a delicious meal and discussed family remembrances and history. It was a lovely evening.

    More pictures can be seen here.

    • We have given ourselves an anniversary present - a trip to "Jewish Spain". We leave  next week and will be away for 10 days visiting places of Jewish interest in Spain, especially during the "Golden Age" before the Inquisition. Next week's update will probably be a little later than usual.
    • I have been honored with the award of the Silver Medal for services to the European Bridge League (EBL). Click for picture and link to the EBL site.
    • Mazaltov to Nadav Levy, son of cousin Jonathan Levy and of Naomi, on his marriage next week  - on 12/12/12 - to Lee Eshel. Mazaltov also to Jonathan, Naomi, Dina, Efrat, Yarden and all the familes; and an extra special mazaltov to grandma Malia. (see Hirshovitz/Levy  and Matz family trees.)
    • We were very happy to host Jenna Cotton this weekend. Jenna is the delightful daughter of my cousin Cecile and Raymond Cotton (see Hirshovitz/Levy  and Matz family trees) and is in Israel for a few months studying at a Jerusalem midrasha. See This Week's Picture above, a picture picking pecans , a picture of Jenna with Dani and Lior Ron , and a picture lighting the first Chanuka candle

    December 1, 2012
      wedding_Doreen and Anthony
    Wedding photo of Anthony/Eitan and Doreen, with Hayman and Rae Levy, and Maurice and Gertie Glazer

    It's our wedding anniversary (48 years!) the week after next, and we have given ourselves a birthday present - a 7 day trip to "Jewish Spain". The week after next we are going on an organised tour and will be visiting sites closely connected with the "Golden Age" of the Jewish presence in Spain.
    • Daughter Vered Ron will be away for a week on business.
    • Granddaughter Danielle Ron is learning to drive. This reminds us how we took Vered, her mother, to St John Island in the Virgin Islands where she could get her licence at the age of 16.
    • Moran reports from Australia that Maayan is one of the Three Wise Men in the school Christmas play.  And this reminds us of  my Rotary Club days in the Bahamas when I dressed up as Santa Claus and distributed gifts.
    • The Segoli Monthly Page has been updated for October. There are very interesting pictures there, including some showing him setting up his research project. You'll enjoy looking at his update, in Hebrew or in English.
      November 24, 2012
    Amit 7th birthday
    Amit Levy celebrating her 7th birthday

    Amit Levy celebrated her 7th birthday at home in Eilat. All the children in her class at school came. together with Amit's friends and family and a happy time was had by all. There are more pictures on Amit's page, and on the pages of brother Itamar and sister Ilai.


    • We've gone through a rather difficult week or so in Israel, and I'm happy to report that our friends and family are all well, although many of them spent their time running to and from shelters. See for example, Jeff Geffen's comments as posted on this site last week.
    • The Segoli Monthly Page has been updated for October. There are very interesting pictures there, including some showing him setting up his research project. You'll enjoy looking at his update, in Hebrew or in English.
    • I can see beautiful river ...... Maayan Segoli wrote a poem which was well received. Unfortunately he lost it, but he has reconstructed the first two stanzas. Click here to read his poem in his handwriting.
    • 7 year old Lotem Segoli is writing a book for babies. In the meantime she has written a book on and for her baby sister Zoe. Click here to read her book.
    • The Red Sea Bridge Festival in Eilat, which has kept me busy for the last 4-5 days, finished today, and Doreen finished her tour today also in Eilat. She went with the kids to a beautiful ephemeral lake (click here for picture and Doreen's comments)  that had formed almost overnight in Eilat.
    • Doreen and I are now back in Netanya.

    November 17, 2012
    opening champs cup
    My welcoming speech at the Opening Ceremony of the European Bridge Champions Cup

    This week the European Bridge Champions' Cup is being held in Eilat. Europe's top 12 teams are competing. I am Chairman of the organizing committee and we have worked hard to bring this competition to Israel and to ensure its success.  The competition is being held in Israel for the first time.
    The matches, which take place until Sunday, can be followed live online with commentary at Bridge Base Online (BBO). You can access the BBO site here. (From the site select 'Play Bridge Now', then 'look around our site' and then 'vugraph- live broadcasts') 

    • Some of the members of the European Bridge League, on their way to a meeting in Eilat, went on a very successful 4 day tour of Israel, guided by Doreen.
    • Our thoughts are with Jeff  Geffen (see Hershovitz/Levy family tree) and his family in Ashdod, where there has been heavy rocket fire. We wish them well during this difficult time. In an email Jeff writes: Yesterday we had about 10 attacks-from about 7a.m. It took me an hour to have my breakfast-every second mouthful there was an alarm so that meant running to the stairwell,waiting for the booms and another few minutes before going back to attack the breakfast! We are all O.K. and bearing up.
    • Doreen starts a new tour tomorrow, with a group from South Africa.

      November 10, 2012
    Some Durbanites singing
    DURBANITE REUNION: Jackie Metzger, Mike Levine, Johnie Landau anbd Rina Ernst singing the Zulu song "Emakaya" in memory of Fern Levy whose birthday is this week, and who taught them the song in Durban

    We went today to Kibbutz Yizreel to a reunion of ex-Durbanites who now live in Israel.  We have kept contact with some, but we were all surprised at the meeting of over 50 people who hail from Durban. At least another 30 did not manage to attend.
    Many of us were afraid that we would not recognize some-one whom we should have. Of course there were cases when some-one screamed your name and you had to surreptitiously slide your glance to the name tag they were wearing. But the meeting was an overwhelming success. Everyone was excited to speak to the people they knew and meet those they didn’t. We had lunch at the kibbutz dining room and then met to look over photos and hear reminiscences by various people.  Some of the participants came here before the State was founded; others decades later.
    Throughout the day we expressed and felt the  deep appreciation that the Habonim youth movement had played in our lives and brought us together, giving us not only an ideal but friendship and strength. Memories of Sam Ernst, Lex Levine, and Feivel Metzger abounded; they had pivotal influences on our lives.
    So thank you Phil Minster, Judy Stone Kessel, Keevan Kahanovitz, and Keith/Akiva Greenberg for making it all happen.
    Click here for some more pictures.
    • Next week the European Bridge Champions' Cup will be held in Eilat. Europe's top 12 teams will compete. I am Chairman of the organizing committee and we have worked hard to bring this competition to Israel and to ensure its success.  The competition is being held in Israel for the first time.
    • The matches, which take place from Thursday through Sunday, can be followed live online with commentary at Bridge Base Online (BBO). You can access the BBO site here. (From the site select 'Play Bridge Now', then 'look around our site' and then 'vugraph- live broadcasts') 
    • The Executive Committee of the European Bridge League will also meet in Eilat and some of the members will arrive tomorrow for a 4 day tour of Israel, guided by Doreen.
    • The annual Red Sea Bridge Festival will take place in Eilat after the Champions' Cup and I will stay on in Eilat for it.
    • This week we spent some time with Frankie Klaff (see Goldberg family tree) and Dave Rothschild who were visiting Israel from the USA.
    • Bon Voyage to Denise Braverman who  will be in Australia for 2 weeks on a business trip
    • You can read the Segoli family monthly (or in this case bi-monthly) update for August/September  in Hebrew here or in English here.

    November 3, 2012
    Frankie and Dave visit
    l-r: Dave Rothschild; Sybil Firer; Frankie Klaff; Lior, Danielle, Aviv and Vered Ron; Doreen; Louise Braverman; Eitan
    Frankie Klaff (see Goldberg family tree) and Dave Rothchild are on a visit to Israel and joined us for a family meal on Friday night. We were joined by Sybil (Frankie's sister), Louise (Doreen's sister) and  daughter Vered and family. Doreen (back two days from Australia)  prepared a delicious meal as usual and a good time was had by all. In addition to the family connection, Frankie and Dave are good friends dating back from our school and youth movement days in Durban, South Africa.

    • As noted above, Doreen is back home from her month's stay in Australia with the Segolis.
    • We had dinner with Suzanne Edmunds, her daughter Amanda and our good friend Maureen Fain in a lovely Tel Aviv restaurant. Suzanne Edmunds is visiting Israel from South Africa, but this was the first time we had met her delightful daughter. In addition to being a long-time friend from our youth days in Durban, Sue is also CEO of "Project Build", the organisation that oversaw the building of 4 science laboratories in memory of my sister Fern. See report of the dedication of the facility at Magqibagqiba.  Maureen is also a school friend of Doreen's, and is a well known Israel artist. (For links to some pictures of Maureen, click here, and also see Doreen's Column,
    • You can read the Segoli family monthly (or in this case bi-monthly) update for August/September  in Hebrew here or in English here.

    October 27, 2012
    Aviv Levy on TV
    Aviv Levy on the Morning Show on TV Channel 2
    Our son Aviv, the Scientific Director of the Coral World Marine Park, is regularly interviewed  on TV, especially on the morning news shows. He speaks fluently with clear understandable language on various ecological problems of the sea. We are very proud of him.  On Friday he spoke about the rescuing of a sea turtle that had ingested a plastic bag and was dying.  After a few months of treatment the healthy turtle was re-introduced into the sea at Eilat.
    You can see the full interview, in Hebrew, by clicking here for the video . Be patient, the video takes a few minutes to load.
    • Doreen's Townsville stint helping the Segolis get organised is coming to an end, and she will be at "home, sweet home"  on Tuesday.
    • Jenna Cotton, daughter of my cousin Cecille and Raymond in South Africa, is in Israel studying at Beer Miriam, a seminary for religious girls. (see Matz and Hershovitz trees.)
    • Frankie Klaff (see Goldberg family tree) and husband Dave Rothschild  are due in Israel today. In addition to the family connection, Frankie and Dave are also friends from our school days in Durban.They will be staying with us for a few days.
    • Suzanne Edmunds is visiting Israel. In addition to being a long-time friend from our youth days in Durban, Sue is also CEO of "Project Build", the organisation that oversaw the building of 3 science laboratories in memory of my sister Fern. See report of the dedication of the facility at Magqibagqiba.

    October 20, 2012

    peck of pepers

    Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
    A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
    If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
    Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

    The answer to this Mother Goose nursery rhyme and tongue twister is that the peck (=2 gallons, about 9 litres) of peppers is in our kitchen cupboard. Actually, it's more than a peck and the picture shows only some of the peppers. This week I finally picked the last of the peppers growing in our garden, and uprooted most of the pepper plants, leaving only a few for next year's peppers. I have three large bowls of peppers  (not pickled) in the fridge (very hot, medium hot and mildly hot and sweetish) and don't know what to do with them. I don't have any jars left, and have enough pickled peppers to last a long time. If you live in Israel and want some peppers, please contact me. They're free if you use the code "Peter Piper".

    Click here for picture of my "magic pepper tree"

    • Doreen is still  in Townsville, helping the Segolis get organised. She will return at the end of the month. 
    • Granddaughter Danielle Ron has returned from the school trip to Poland. I'm waiting to hear from her about her impressions.
    • Daughter Vered Ron made a lightning, and tiring, visit this week to Europe for business.

    October 13, 2012
    Dani and Aviv at Auschwitz
    Danielle Ron with Dad Aviv at Auschwitz
    Granddaughter Danielle is in Poland on a school trip. When they visited the Auschwitz death camp Aviv, who was in Poland on business, made time to join her.


    • Doreen is in Townsville, helping the Segolis get organised. She will return at the end of the month.  The kids are now at school - click here for a picture of the kids in school uniform.
    • You can read the latest Doreen's Column, written in Townsville, here.

    October 6, 2012
    Dinner with the Hakims
    Dinner at the Hakim's: Ros, Claude, Jean-Marc, Daniel, Doreen, Eitan
    After 50 years and numerous phone calls and skypes over the past few years, Doreen finally met up again with 2nd cousin Ros Hakim (see Nochomovicz/Nickel family tree) in Sydney. (click here and here  and here for previous pictures and links on this site). We spent a wonderful 2 1/2 days (too short!) with Ros and her charming husband Claude. We talked, played "Jewish Geography", went for a long walk along the famous Bondi Beach area, and enjoyed Aida at the Sydney Opera (click here for picture). We also enjoyed interesting and tasty meals, especially on the second night when we were treated to a barbecue with Ros and Claude and their two sons Jean-Marc and Daniel. Now that the Segolis are in Townsville (a mere 25 hour drive from Sydney!) we hope our meetings will be more frequent.

    • I'm back in Israel, via Sydney, where Doreen joined me for a few days.  (see picture above). Doreen is back in Townsville and will remain there until the end of the month.
    • While in Sydney, we saw Belinda Levy, the ex-wife of my late cousin David, (see Hershovitz/Levy family tree) and received updated news about her and the children Yael and Dari. It turned out that Daniel Hakim and Dari were at school together and are good friends.
    • The Rons have returned from their far-east trip where they had a wonderful time. We got regular photos from Vered taken on her phone, and we await the "professional" photos from Aviv.
    • Aviv Ron is off to Poland for business in a few days, and granddaughter Dani is also going to Poland this week on an organised school trip.
    • Thanks to Grandma Marsha and Rachel Zagnoev for informing me that Rachel had been left out of the family tree! Sorry, Rachel - I have added you to the tree. (see Nochomovicz/Nickel family tree)
    • Belated mazal tov to Rebecca and Kobi and the Engleberg  and Garbawy families on the birth last month of Eliyahu, a brother for Benjamin. (see Matz family tree).
    • Thanks to Andy Loew for some pictures of  of Yaffa and him and the grandchildren. (see 2 pictures here). (see Schank and Glezer family trees)

    September 29, 2012
    Welome to the Segolis at the airport
    Welcome to Townsville, Segolis
    Today, after a 30 hour journey, Mikhal, Maayan, Lotem and Zoe Segoli, accompanied by Doreen, arrived in Townsville to join Moran and me in Townsville. There was great excitement at the airport, where this picture was taken. The family are happy with their new home and with the pool, which Doreen has already tried to her satisfaction.
    • As can be seen from the picture above, Doreen and I are in Townsville with all 5 Segolis. I leave Townsville on Tuesday for Israel via a few days in Sydney, and Doreen will remain in Townsville for another month or so.
    • The Rons report that they - Aviv, Vered, Dani and Lior - are still having a wonderful time in the far east.
    • Louise Braverman is on a Mediterranean cruise with her friend Sheila Goldberg. We received an email from the ship telling us how she is enjoying the trip.
    • We were delighted to receive Rosh Hashanah greetings from Heini and Tiina Drui from Estonia. (see Schank family tree) See picture here.
    • The day before leaving for Townsville Doreen and her friend Caroline Livni went down to Eilat to spend Yom Kippur with Aviv and Limor Levy and their kids, looking forward to a quiet Yom Kippur. She was rather surprised to find more children than expected. See picture here.

    September 22, 2012
    Rons in Vietnam
    The Rons enjoy sunny Vietnam
    The Ron family - Aviv, Vered, Danielle and Lior - are touring Vietnam  and judged by Vered's email updates they are having a wonderful time. The above picture of the Rons in raincoats, outside the Sunny Mountain Hotel, was taken as they were setting out on a 15Km hike. They didn't have to wear their rain gear for the whole hike as the rain was replaced by fair weather with occasional drizzles.

    • Doreen, the compleat grandmother, is babysitting 5 grandchildren in Netanya this weekend. And I thought I was working hard.
    • Mikhal Segoli, with Maayan, Lotem and Zoe, accompanied by Doreen, will arrive in Australia next Saturday, so Moran and I have a week to get the house in Townsville organized.

    September 15, 2012
    at a garage sale
    Moran inspecting the offerings at a garage sale
    I'm still in Townsville helping Moran get organized. The house (see last week's picture) came empty except for a stove and dishwasher. So we have been busy stocking up on essentials for the house.We've been to garage sales and second hand shops and where necessary also bought new items. We have most of the important things, but still need a bed, 2 mattresses and furniture for the lounge and dining room.

    • Here in Townsville the main attraction for visitors is Magnetic Island, a beautiful island with bays, beaches, reefs and wildlife, reached from Townsville by a 25 minute ferry. On our motorhome visit to Australia during our trip around the world in 2002 we visited Magnetic Island and spent a lovely, though hot, day there. Click here for Doreen's account, written in 2002, of our visit there.

    September 8, 2012
    Moran at the pool
    Moran Segoli inspecting the pool at his house in Townsville
    After a 28 hour plane trip Moran and I arrived in Townsville, Australia, where he and the Segoli family will spend the next 3 years. We immediately went to see the house he had rented, based mainly on pictures he had seen of the house and descriptions from some people. We were not at all disappointed - in my opinion the house is ideal for the Segolis, the fact that the house is considered "not modern" makes no difference to them (or to me), it's comfortable, with a larger than expected kitchen,  a very large patio, a lovely swimming pool (see above picture), and the location is very good. 

    • The last few days Moran and I have been very busy. Moran has had to do the formal things, like bank, electricity connection, driving licence etc; and we have been making purchases for the house from second-hand stores and garage sales. Fortunately we had the use of  the large SUV car of Moran's Advisor,   which enabled us to load tables, chairs, beds , pictures for Zoe etc etc etc.
    • Doreen is guiding a tour for 10 days. At the end of the month, she will accompany Mikhal and the three children to Australia and I will return to Israel. Doreen will stay with them for about a month.

    September 1, 2012
    17th reunion
    17th Levy Family Reunion August 2012 - Welcome to Zoe
    back: Moran and Zoe Segoli; Eitan; Limor and Aviv Levy; Doreen; Lior Ron; Mikhal Segoli; Vered, Danielle and Aviv Ron.
    front: Amit, Itamar and Ilai levy; Lotem and Maayan Segoli

    Our last family reunion was in South Africa two years ago, and as the Segolis were passing through Israel on the way from Davis, California to their new "home" in Townsville, Australia it was a great opportunity to organize a family reunion and introduce the family to the latest member, Zoe.
    Doreen was appointed Head Organizer and on Thursday we all met at the Riviera Hotel in Eilat, and had a wonderful three days together. The hit of course was four month old Zoe, but all the cousins got on fabulously and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company.

    For pictures see  17th Family reunion, and also see the pages of : Daniel, Lior, Itamar, Amit, Ilai, Maayan, Lotem, Zoe

    [For group pictures of the previous reunions, from 2 grandchildren onwards, click here.]

    • Highlight of the week of course was the family reunion (see above). We were happy that cousins Warren and Yael Nickel and their children Nevo and Itai could join us for the barbecue on Friday night.
    • Congratulations to Rona and  Richard Nickel on the birth of a daughter, a sister for Leshem and Matar. Mazeltov too to grandparents Julius and Laura Nickel  on their 8th grandchild. (see Nochimovicz/Nickel family tree.)
    • As reported previously, our son Moran has been granted a post-doctoral fellowship in Townsville, Australia for three years, and on Tuesday Moran and I fly to Australia. I will be helping him settle down and get organized in his new home. At the end of the month, Doreen will accompany Mikhal and the three children to Australia and I will return to Israel. Doreen will stay with them for about a month.
    • Our niece Denise Braverman (see Gleze/Glasser family tree) never fails to amaze us. Today she set out on the first stage of the Gore-Tex Transalpine Run. During the course of the next 8 days she will run up and down mountains in the Alps, over 320 Kms, with a climb of 15,000 metres. She will be running the equivalent of EIGHT marathons, one a day, for eight days. I got so out of breath just thinking about it, I had to take a rest from typing this! You can read about this amazing run here.          
    • Depending on how we get organized in Australia, next week's update on this site might be delayed.
    for more pictures see the pages of : Daniel, Lior, Itamar, Amit, Ilai, Maayan, Lotem, Zoe, 17th Family reunion

    August 25, 2012
    At the Circus
    The family at the circus
    Doreen, Moran and I accompanied all our grandchildren (except 4 month old Zoe) to "Circus Americano" where we all had a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Also there were Louise Braverman with Yahel and Doni, with children Gabi, Avigail and Rafael. I took tens of pictures, all of which were erased, together with all of last years pictures, by a faulty connection to the computer. Fortunately Dani took this picture with her iphone.
    Doreen writes: "Despite its name, Circus Americano only had 1 American – a motor-bike rider who together with 2 Israeli riders flew over ramps in an exciting display . The other performers  were either excellent Chinese acrobats, Russian artists or people in animal costumes since animals are not allowed today. No matter, circuses remain magical.  When we were young to see the animals, the ring master in sawdust ring and the clowns was a magical experience. We were afraid that after watching the Olympics on TV the children would be somewhat blasé; they were enthralled. Live peformances are a special delight. When a performer jumped and flew high and far from a high swing other performers holding a thick  mattress were running and moving so as to catch him and break his fall; impressive. The children stuffed themselves on popcorn but, harsh grandparents that we are, we wouldn’t buy them that unhealthy and teeth-eating candy floss."
    • The Segoli family, Moran, Mikhal, Maayan, Lotem and Zoe landed in Tel Aviv early Wednesday morning with their 10+ suitcases. They spent a few days with us, joined by their Eilat cousins,Itamar, Amit, and Ilai (who flew from Eilat to Tel Aviv all by themselves!). On Thursday we all went to the circus (see picture above). The kids had a great time - the parents had a hectic time. 
    • The Segolis are now with Mikhal's parents in Mevasseret Zion (near Jerusalem), and on Thursday we all go to Eilat for the 17th Levy family reunion. (For pictures of previous family reunions click here.)
    • The Segoli's last trip while in America was to Hawaii. You can read about it and see pictures on his travel pages on his site, in Hebrew or in English.
    • Shai Arroyo, Denise Braverman's companion, had a heart attack this week and is making good progress in Ichilov hospital. We all wish him a speedy recovery.

    August 18, 2012
    Louise birthday 2012
    Celebrating Louise Braverman's birthday
    l-r: Lior Ron, Aviv Ron, Denise Braverman, Rafael Dvir-Braverman, Yahel Braverman, Louise Braverman, Doreen, Eitan, Vered Levy-Ron

    Louise's birthday was this week, and she invited us to brunch in the Herzliya Park to celebrate with her. A very pleasant afternoon, with good company and food.

    • I'm back from Lille where I represented Israel at the Congress of the World Bridge Federation.
    • Our son Moran and the Segoli family are getting ready to leave Davis after having spent 3 years there. They arrive in Israel this week and two weeks after that Moran and I fly to Australia to prepare for their 3-year stay there. The Segoli's last trip while in America was to Hawaii You can read about it and see pictures on his travel pages on his site, in Hebrew or in English.
    • Long-time friend Colin Kessel has just undergone a back operation. We wish him a speedy and full recovery.
    • If you didn't see it last week you can click here for Doreen's new column, where she writes about her volunteering for the "Road to Recovery" which is an organization that transports sick Palestinians from the West Bank to Israeli hospitals for treatment.  The founder of the organization, Yuval Roth, is a "CNN  Hero". (Click here for CNN clip).

    August 11, 2012
    with friends at Lille
    With bridge friends at Lille
    Now that I have more-or-less retired from directing (judging) international bridge, I have become active in "bridge politics". I am in Lille, where the World Bridge Games are being held, for the Congress of the World Bridge Federation. The most pleasant of the "side benefits" of attending these events is the opportunity to see old friends from all over the world again. We meet for dinner in the evenings, in various combinations of countries depending on other duties etc. In the picture above I am with active directors from Turkey, Australia, Netherlands, France, Italy and Switzerland. Shortly after this picture was taken we were joined by two more from France, and later by friends from Wales and Sweden. The night before we were with two from Poland and one from Egypt but without Switzerland and Italy!
    The food is often not the best, but that doesn't affect the good fun and cameradie that always exists.
    • This is being written in Lille, France, where I am attending the Congress of the World Bridge Federation.
    • Thanks to Ros Hakim for this family picture taken on the occasion of husband Claude's 70th birthday last month. After many decades Ros and Doreen (second cousins) will meet again, this time in Sydney at the beginning of October when we visit our son Moran and family in Australia.
    • <>\Click here for Doreen's new column, where she writes about her volunteering for the "Road to Recovery" which is an organization that transports sick Palestinians from the West Bank to Israeli hospitals for treatment.  The founder of the organization, Yuval Roth, is a "CNN  Hero". (Click here for CNN clip)..

    August 4, 2012
    Vered Levy-Ron paragliding
    Doreen and I gave daughter Vered a present on her birthday in June - to go paragliding with a partner. Vered invited Doreen to be her partner, but for various reasons the event was put off until yesterday. By this time Doreen's sister Louise had decided to join us, as well as family friend Caroline with her son Gidon and his wife Sharon. We were blesssed with a beautiful day with just the right amount of wind, and a wonderful time was had by all, including yours truly the photographer. Click here for more pictures.

    • Well, we're back from a short but  most enjoyable stay in Barcelona. See last weeks This Weeks Picture here,  and read Doreen's account and see some pictures here.
    • I am off overseas again in a few days time, this time to Lille in France for 4 days to attend the Congress of the World Bridge Federation..
    • The last few weeks marked 4 years since the passing of two dear family members who died before their time. My sister Fern's memorial page can be seen here; and nephew Rael's memorial page here. 
      Doreen writes:  I usually remember the date of death of people important to me. Fern's date passes me by, as we only learnt a week later that she had died suddenly. Anthony and I were parking our car in Baltimore prior to seeing the exhibition "Bodies."  We were in total shock, didn't know what to do and so walked around the exhibition of bodies, nerves and muscles in a total daze. How macabre!  After walking around for an hour we decided to fly to Wales immediately. And tied to that was the shock and overwhelming sadness that Rael, Louise's son, passed away a few days later. They were buried on the same day. Confronted by the decision which funeral to attend I remember lying in bed covered with blankets and just crying at the untenable situation. Before we left for the States I knew that I would never see Rael again and it was with great tenderness that I spent a long time alone with him before we flew, talking to him and trying to strengthen him for the next big journey that he would have to undertake, alone.
    • Click ( in Hebrew or in English) to access Moran Segoli's update  to his pages (visit to Yellowstone Park).

    July 28, 2012
    at Guell park in Barcelona
    At the Guell Park in Barcelona
    Doreen and I take a rest on the unusual multi-colored "wavy" benches, designed by Barcelona's greatest architect Antoni Gardi, at the Guell Park in Barcelona Spain.

    • This is being written in Barcelona, Spain, where Doreen and I are spending a fabulous 4 day vacation. This trip is also a celebration trip - 6 months to the day after my heart operation celebrating that I'm feeling well and fit. Pictures and Doreen's comments will  be posted next week - too busy enjoying ourselves at the moment! See the above This Week's Picture for the time being.
    • Daughter Vered Ron is in Japan on a business trip.

    July 21, 2012
    The Ancient Levy kids
    The Ancient Egyptian Levy Kids
    During our week's babysitting our "Levy" grandchildren one of the places visited was the Eretz Yisrael Museum. The kids thoroughly enjoyed the visit. Inspired by the cartouche of Ramesis II giving presents to Hathor, the Egyptian Goddess of mining and far away places, the children wanted to pose in front of a depiction of ancient Egyptians working the copper mines at Timna.

    Doreen writes: The week with the grandchildren was both challenging and wonderful. I am in awe of friends who once or twice every week babysit their grandchildren. My life style doesn't allow this,  but I relish spending extended periods with the grandchidren, especially without their parents as the dynamics are very different.  In addition to the daily program which included a vist to the electricity corporation, Holon Children's museum and the Eretz Yisrael museum, and swimming, we talked about the origins of names and surnames; What are my different names? Granny Doreen, Dor, Mom, and auntie. When they had exhausted the list of names they could think of, I added that they must think another of my names is 'Lama" (Hebrew for "Why") as they start nearly every sentence with lama.  From there we went on to Granny's grammar lessons. They were not allowed to start a sentence with aval (But)  like in "Aval  he/she started the fight" Nor were they allowed to start a sentence with Lama  - Lama he got and not me."
    I always say that being a grandparent allows you to be the kind of parent you would have liked to be but with the pressures around there never was enough time. So the gift of time is the most precious thing I can give my grandchildren - to try and find the patience and knowledge to understand their inner worlds and where they are coming from.
    See pictures of this week's activities here.
    • We continued looking after our grandchildren Itamar, Amit and Ilai while Aviv and Limor were in Greece. Doreen's activity schedule  included a visit to the Electricity Company, the Children's Museum in Holon and the Tel Aviv Museum. (See pictures of this week's activities here.). Except for a few incidents the kids were well behaved and we enjoyed looking after them.
    • Aviv and Limor returned on Wednesday from a week's holiday to Greece and reclaimed their children from two tired grandparents.
    • Nest week we will go on a vacation - this time a holiday with no work involved. We will spend 4 days in Barcelona. This trip is also a celebration trip - 6 months to the day after my heart operation celebrating that I'm feeling well and fit.

    July 14, 2012
    The Magic Pepper plant
    Doreen and I enjoy gardening, especially growing vegetables like lettuces and other greens, tomatoes and  peppers. We make our own compost and don't use insecticides. Our salads often consist solely of vegetables from our garden. In Hofit we had a relatively large area in which to plant, and enjoyed fruit such as oranges, grapefruit, custard apples, loquats, avocado, mangoes,  litches and others. One of our concerns in leaving Hofit was gardening, which is why we chose a garden ground floor apartment. The gardening here is on a much more modest scale, but we still enjoy lemons, mangoes, avocadoes and pomegranates as well as lettuces, chicories, ruccola, beans and peppers. Especially peppers. I like hot peppers and enjoy pickling them and we have 4 different kinds of peppers growing. Doreen calls me the Mad Pickler.
    About 12 years ago, the late Ilan Paperna brought me some particularly hot peppers from the Far East and I planted the seeds. The result was disappointing but 2 plants gave good yields of peppers. Unfortunately while we were away on one of our trips these two plants died from lack of water. I threw one away  but left the other in the pot until I needed the pot. This pepper got a little spray from the watering of the lawn and I noticed some green spots so I watered the plant which recovered and produced peppers galore. Later I unsuccessfully transferred the plant from the pot to the ground but it died again. Remembering the previous rebirth I tried again and even more peppers were produced.  When we left Hofit I said goodbye to my pepper plant when I cut off the water supply. On a later visit to our old Hofit house I saw the poor dead pepper plant, and on a whim dug it up and planted it in a pot in our new apartment. The results can be seen in the picture above. - taken after 6 jars of peppers already picked and pickled. They are delicious and even hotter than before.
    For some previous pictures of our garden click here and here.
    • Two days after we returned from Denmark, Aviv and Limor went on a week's holiday to Greece and we are looking after our grandchildren, Itamar, Amit and Ilai. Doreen has prepared an activity schedule and so far it has been very successful. See pictures here.
    • Moran has updated his site - click here for  Hebrew and here for English..
    • Daughter Vered Ron has returned from a short business trip to London.
    • If you didn't read Doreen's column last week about friendship, you can read it here.

    July 7, 2012
    Staff at Vejle
    The staff at the European Bridge Junior Pairs Championships
    The Championships took place in Vejle, Denmark this last week. Young players from 26 countries took part and the big winner was Poland. Medals also went to Netherlands, France,Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Israel won the consolation event in the Under 21 category (see picture).
    A lot of effort goes into the organization and running of such an event. This calls for the coordination and cooperation of  registration officials, secretarial staff, venue and on-site organizers, computer and internet technology experts and operators, scorers, daily bulletin staff, duplication of hands, hospitality personnel, secretarial staff, appeal committee members and of course the Tournament Directors (who run and judge the actual bridge playing events). See picture. Most of the staff are pictured above (photo taken by Doreen!).  The cameradie among the staff is impressive - people from different countries all working together and helping each other when the only thing in common is a love of the game.
    During the years many of us meet again and again and become friends, regardless of nationality, belief or religion. Last Wednesday evening ten
    of us went to a restaurant for dinner. The waiter asked where we were from. The reply? France, Italy, Israel, Wales, Sweden, Netherlands, Poland, Greece and Turkey!

    • This is being written in Vejle, Denmark, where I am Head Tournament Director at the European Youth Bridge Pairs Championships.
    • Here in Denmark we had the opportunity again of meeting Patisa Rasmussen, now living in Odense Denmark, who was part of our family when we were in the US Virgin Islands and remains one of our daughter Vered's closest friends. Read  more and see pictures here.
    • While visiting Patisa and family Doreen also went to Copenhagen and this picture (click here) was taken next to the statue of Hans Christain Andersen, in preparation for making sure her modern grandchildren know about one of our favorite childhood authors.
    • Doreen's new column, some thoughts about friendship, can be read here.

    June 30, 2012
    Doreen and Eitan in Frankfurt
    Doreen and Eitan in Frankfurt
    This morning we flew from Tel Aviv to Billund in Denmark for the European Youth Pairs Competition. We had a stopover of nearly 4 hours in Frankfurt, so instead of just walking around the airport and shops, we took a train to the city centre and visited the Old City quarter. We walked around a little, sat in a cafe and drank coffee and then returned to the airport. A pleasant little break.


    June 23, 2012
    Fern aged 5 in Durban
    Fern Tanya Levy, aged about 5 in Durban
    Jeff Geffen (read about him here)  sent me this great picture of my late sister, Fern, taken about 1949 in the front yard of our house in 191 Musgrave Road, Durban SA. (Click for Fern's memorial page). The picture brought back many memories of the house that Fern and I grew up in. Our neighbour to the left was St Thomas Church with its bells to wake us in the morning for school, and to the right the Gellately Chemist with the Gellately family living at the back. There was a big Flamboyant tree in the back yard, perfect for climbing and falling off, and an amazingly bountiful (and messy!) mulberry tree, whose leaves kept my and my friends' silkworms amply fed. On a trip to Durban two years ago we visited 191 Musgrave Road. The house is now a restaurant and shop selling art bric-a-brac. The mulberry tree is no longer there.
    The recent celebration of 60 years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth reminded me that in 1947 the royal motorcade, which included King George VI and his daughter, Princess Elizabeth, passed in front of my house. Of course I waved enthusiastically and was convinced that Princess Elizabeth waved back to me. I wonder if she remembers?

    June 16, 2012
    dinner with Aura and Maureen
    Eitan, Maureen Fain, Hilton Greenberg, Doreen , Dick Fain, Aura Greenberg

    Long-time friends Aura and Hilton Greenberg are visiting Israel and stayed with us for a couple of days. Aura and Doreen have been close friends since high school days, (and Aura's mother was my first Hebrew teacher over 60 years ago!),  and I have known Hilton since our university days. Although they live in Canada we have maintained regular contact. (for examples, click here, and here). We thoroughly enjoyed seeing them again. Maureen (also a high school classmate) and Dick Fain joined us for dinner on Monday evening.  Maureen and Dick live in Jerusalem so we see them often (for example, click here and here and here. )
    After dinner, we phoned another classmate, Eleanor (Gamsy) Pines in South Africa and found out that she'll be in London at the same time as us, so we'll meet her there.

    The best picture (click here), however, is of the five of us: me, Doreen, Aura, Maureen and Eleanor; taken about 1958, with a group of Habonim youth movement members.

    Maureen is a well-known and successful artist - click here to access her site.
    • I am in Dublin attending the General Assembly of the European Bridge League. It is terrific to meet old friends here and to make new ones. Unfortunately  my camera has stopped working, so there are no pictures. I hope that next week there will be some pictures that  will get from others.
    • Doreen is in London, and on Monday I will join her there for a few days before we return to Israel.
    • I received some updates to the Levy/Hershovitz family tree from Hazel Gurland and Cindy Berman, and the internet version of the tree has been updated accordingly. Many thanks to Hazel and Cindy. Congratulations to Hazel on her marriage to Jacob Pooler this coming Friday!

    June 9, 2012
    Hasia Leshem
    Eitan, Doreen, Hasia Leshem, Louise Braverman
    This week Doreen, Louise (Doreen's sister) and I went to Rehovot to meet with Hasia Leshem, widow of Yaakov Leshem ז"ל who died last year. (see Gordon/Glasser Tree). We all thoroughly enjoyed our visit with Hasia, who is a delightful person. Yaakov, who changed his name from Julian Glasser, was Doreen and Louise's second cousin.   Lousise, Doreen and their late mother Gertie had visited Julian at Rehovot in 1954 when he was a student and there was no further contact.  Yaakov became a leading professor at Bar Ilan University and about 20 years ago he approached  Louise (a translator at Bar Ilan) to ask for some help in translating a paper. He recognized her South African accent  and on hearing that her family name was Glazer exclaimed "You must be Cookie!"
    One of  Hesia's sons, Yori, is also studying at UC Davis like Moran and Mikhal, and is their  neighbour and good friend. They were unaware of the family relationship until about 2 years ago. (click to read how they "discovered" the relationship).
    (Yaakov Leshem ז"ל published many papers, of which the one most interesting to the layman deals with the effect of viagra on plants. Click to read an article on this. )

    • At the end of this week Doreen and I fly to London for a week's break. During that time I will also be attending the General Assembly of the European Bridge League in Dublin, Ireland. The next update to this site may be a day or two late.
    • There are over 1000 postdoctoral scholars at University of California Davis so we were extremely proud that our son Moran was one of the 21 finalists nominated for the 2012 Award for Excellence in Postdoctoral Research.
    • Granddaughter Lior Ron is in the dance program at her school. This week we attended an impressive end-of-year performance of the group. (Click for pictures.).
    • Long-time friends Aura and Hilton Greenberg are visiting Israel and we will entertain them during the next week. Aura and Doreen have been close friends since high school days, (and Aura's mother was my first Hebrew teacher over 60 years ago!),  and I have known Hilton since our university days. Although they live in Canada we have maintained regular contact. (for example, click here)
    • Moran has updated his Segoli Family site. You can read the updates in Hebrew and in English.
    •  We're sure a lot has happened during the last year or so. We have certainly experienced many significant changes. Family members are invited to write a short summary of their activities and highlights, including but not limited to, celebrations, births, deaths, during the last year. We will publish these summaries as we receive them. See  Doreen's review of Eitan and Doreen's past year, Moran Segoli's summary of his family's year,Vered's summary of the Ron family, and click here  for Cindy Bermans review of the Berman family

    June 2, 2012
    Seymour and Eitan Levy
    Laura, Anthony (Eitan), Hope, Queenie, Seymour and Hayman Levy
    This is a picture, taken by Jack Levy in about 1942, of a visit by my father Hayman, my mother Queenie and me to Cape Town with my father's cousin Jack and his wife Laura and children Hope and Seymour. Both Seymour and I were about two years old, and Hope about six. When I first contacted Cindy Berman (Seymour's sister) in 1998  (see Archives) she called her mother Laura, then 90 years old, who remembered this meeting and found this photo. Cindy remembers meeting my mother some years later. Hope passed away in 1958.
    Seymour Levy lives in Massachussets with his wife Brenda and has 4 children and 4 grandchildren.  Although we have had some sporadic email contact, Seymour and I have not met since 1942! (see Levy/Hershowitz family tree.)

    • Doreen has returned from her visit to Davis, California (sans suitcase in the meantime) and enjoyed the time spent with Moran and Mikhal and the kids. If you missed it last week, you can read her latest column here.
    • While in Davis, Doreen was happy to meet with Yehoram (Yori) Leshem, (click for picture) a second cousin (see Glasser family tree), who is also a post-doc student at Davis, and a friend of Moran and Mikhal. Click here for summary of Yori's research.
    •  We're sure a lot has happened during the last year or so. We have certainly experienced many significant changes. Family members are invited to write a short summary of their activities and highlights, including but not limited to, celebrations, births, deaths, during the last year. We will publish these summaries as we receive them. See  Doreen's review of Eitan and Doreen's past year, Moran Segoli's summary of his family's year,Vered's summary of the Ron family, and click here  for Cindy Bermans review of the Berman family.

    May 26, 2012
    The Geffen Clan
    The Geffen Clan

    Back (l-r): Keren Levin, Doreen Geffen ז"ל , Rachel (Cheli) Gur, Yehudit Geffen, Daniel Gur
    Front (l-r): Amir Levin, Ruth Geffen, Yoel Geffen, Gal Geffen, Nofar Geffen

    Last week I visited my second cousin, Jeff Geffen , whom I haven't seen in too many years. It was a great visit, and we enjoyed meeting again and talking about family and common interests, and updating each other about our respective families. (see Levy/Hershovitz tree) . Jeff studied pharmacy in Durban, and stayed in our house for a time when I was about 8 or 9 years old. Jeff was - and I think still is - crazy about sport, and I caught the bug from him. When we arrived in Israel we visited him and his lovely wife Doreen in Ashdod and we met later on a few occasions.  We were saddened to hear that his wife  passed away a few months ago. 
    Jeff is missing from the picture above - I presume he took the picture - but there's a picture of him and other members of the Geffen clan not in this photo - click here. I have already had the pleasure of talking to Jeff's daughter Yehudit, who sent me some pictures of the family, and I hope I'll have the opportunity of  meeting some of Jeff's family in the not too distant future.
    • This evening we celebrated Shavuoth with the Olkienitski family (see Goldberg family tree) at the home of Avi and Racheli Gilad. The food was delicious, the company as always excellent, and Vered, Dani and I thoroughly  enjoyed the event. Click here for pictures of some of the family present.  Chag Sameach to everyone!
    • Doreen is still in Davis, California enjoying the grandchildren, and will be back in Israel towards the end of the week. In the meantime she has written another of her personal columns. Click here to read.
    • There are some new pictures of our grandchildren on their pages: Amit and Ilai; and from Doreen's visit to Davis: Maayan, Lotem and Zoe.
    •  We're sure a lot has happened during the last year or so. We have certainly experienced many significant changes. Family members are invited to write a short summary of their activities and highlights, including but not limited to, celebrations, births, deaths, during the last year. We will publish these summaries as we receive them. See  Doreen's review of Eitan and Doreen's past year, Moran Segoli's summary of his family's year,Vered's summary of the Ron family, and click here  for Cindy Bermans review of the Berman family

    May 19, 2012
    Cindy Berman
    Thelma (Cindy) Berman and Eitan Levy
    This Week's Picture honors Cindy Berman (see Levy/Hershovitz tree) whose birthday falls on May 21 (Monday).  Cindy started charting the Levy/Hershovitz family long before I did. When I got interested in genealogy I came across a handwritten chart of the Levy tree which was of great help to me. I tried to find out who had prepared this tree but although many in the family had it, no one could remember, or even knew, who had drawm it up. Then, in 1998, while I was visiting Chloe and Joyce Bernstein in Cape Town. Joyce produced the hand-drawn tree.  "Do you know who did this?" I asked. "Of course", she replied, "Cindy in California." I contacted Cindy, visited her in California the same year (that's when the picture above was taken), and we shared the information we had about our families. Cindy and I have maintained contact since then, we keep each other informed of family changes and she has been of great help in charting details of her branch of the tree. For details, and pictures, of  Cindy and Ken's family click here.
    • Hazel Gurland (see Levy/Hershovitz tree) is a co-producer of programs on the PBS Television series "Finding Your Roots". Her debut as co-producer was last week's program  featuring singer John Legend and comedian Wanda Sykes. You can watch the program here. On Sunday May 20 PBS airs the final episode of this series, also co-produced by Hazel, so those in the USA can tune in and watch the program. You can see clips of this program on the PBS website here (Adam Grenier) and here (Michelle Rodriquez.). Congratulations Hazel and good luck for your TV career.  (Thanks to Cindy Berman for bringing this to my attention.)
    • I had a great visit this week with my 2nd cousin, Jeff Geffen (see Levy/Hershovitz tree), whom I haven't seen for far too many years. I was saddened to hear that his wife Doreen (Devora) passed away 3 months ago. More on the Geffens with pictures next week..
    • Doreen is in Davis, California enjoying the grandchildren, including the new addition, Zoe.
    • Vered Ron has returned from Germany where she attended the Drupa printing trade fair.
    • Click here  for Cindy Bermans review of the Berman family in 2011. We're sure a lot has happened during the last year or so. We have certainly experienced many significant changes. Family members are invited to write a short summary of their activities and highlights, including but not limited to, celebrations, births, deaths, during the last year. We will publish these summaries as we receive them. See  Doreen's review of Eitan and Doreen's past year, Moran Segoli's summary of his family's year, and Vered's summary of the Ron family.

    May 12, 2012
    Doreen and Nina Schafer
    Doreen and Nina Schafer
    Doreen has just spent a few days in New York on her way to Davis, California, to meet Zoe, our new granddaughter. In New York Doreen was with long-time friends from our St Thomas days, Nina Schafer and Mina Orenstein, who came to New York to enjoy a few days with her. The picture above is from three years ago when Doreen was also on her way to the Segolis in Davis, this time via San Francisco where she spent a couple of days with Nina who was visiting her brother and sister-in-law in San Francisco. Davis is about a two hour drive north of San Francisco and they and the Segolis arranged to meet half way. A puncture on the way to Davis delayed the meeting, but fortunately the Segoli family was on hand to change the flat tire.  Click to see pictures and links.


    May5, 2012

    Barnett Nickel
    Barnett Nickel ז"ל

     This picture of the late Barnett Nickel (see Nochomovicz/Nickel family tree.) was sent to us by his granddaughter, Roslyn Hakim (nee Gilbert). As Ros points out, there is a strong family resemblance in the Nickel clan. Ros is a travel agent in Australia, and  found Barnett's name on my site in 2008 ( See picture of Ros and her family) and re-established contact with Doreen whom she had not seen since they were children in Johannesburg. . She and Doreen are second cousins with a common great-grandfather Pinhas Nochomovicz. Ros and Doreen maintain regular email and Skype contact. Ros previously sent us a great picture of Barnett Nickel and family (click here for picture and story) and in 2009 her son Daniel visited us on a trip to Israel (see This Week's Picture archives). Now that our son Moran will be working in Australia Doreen is looking forward to meeting Ros again.
    Ros writes: Barnett Nickel arrived in South Africa circa 1880 from Belarus and married Rosa who passed on in 1914. Johanna was his second wife who brought up his 3 daughters, the youngest of whom was Sarah my mother. Barnett was a furniture maker by trade and teamed up with Sam Steele to form one of South Africa's best-known and respected furniture companies, Steele and Barnett. They couldn't name it Steele and Nickel - two metals just didn't do it for a furniture company!
    Barnett was a stalwart of the Berea Jewish Congregation where the hall in his name still stands. In his honour I was married in the Berea Shul. We are so privileged to have this wonderful photograph that we can share with the family - the resemblance to so many family members is remarkable. 

    • Katherine Levy (see Hershowitz/Levy and Matz family trees) is on an extended trip to South America and from all accounts is having a great time. You can read her blog here.
    • Doreen has just returned from guiding a group from Namibia and on Monday she flies to USA for 3 weeks. There she will meet with good friends Mina Orenstein and Nina Schafer and spend some time with the Segolis, especially Zoe the new arrival. (see last week's This Week's Picture and some pictures of Zoe.).
    • We're sure a lot has happened during the last year or so. We have certainly experienced many significant changes. Family members are invited to write a short summary of their activities and highlights, including but not limited to, celebrations, births, deaths, during the last year. We will publish these summaries as we receive them. See  Doreen's review of Eitan and Doreen's past year, Moran Segoli's summary of his family's year, and Vered's summary of the Ron family.

    April 28, 2012

    Zoe Tanya Segoli
    Maayan, Lotem and Mikhal with Zoe Tanya Segoli (born April 24, 2012)
    With delight I (Saba Eitan) announce the birth of our 8th grandchild, Zoe Tanya Segoli, in Sacramento, California. Congratulations to parents Moran and Mikhal, brother Maayan, and sister Lotem. Mikhal and Zoe are doing well. Congratulations also to happy grandparents Avraham and Yael Segoli and great grandmother Roshel; and grandmother Granny Doreen (and to myself, of course.)  
    Click here for more pictures.
    • Oren Klaff (Goldberg family tree) wrote a book about a year ago called  Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal. The book has been very successful (5 Star rating) and at the time of writing is Number 3 (Kindle version) AND number 7 (hardcover version) on the Amazon list of best sellers in the Sales and Selling category -  it's actually the top selling Kindle download! What a fantastic achievement! You can see the current status of Oren's book (the list is updated hourly) by clicking here. Then click on the number next to the 5 stars to read some of the amazingly positive reviews of the book. Or click on the book icon to buy the book.We're very proud of you, Oren. Perhaps I should read the book to pitch this site to the family!
    • Alex Klaff has sent me a link to a delightful dancing/gymnastic performance by 10 year old daughter Tali  (Goldberg family tree) at her school variety show. Go to the Klaff site (click here), use the password "einstein" and click on the top video.
    • Doreen has written a new column, which can be read here.
    • Yesterday was my birthday and I spent the weekend in Eilat with Aviv and family. Doreen who is guiding a tour was in Eilat with her group on Friday and joined us for dinner. (see pictures)
    • Grand-daughter Lotem Segoli sent me a lovely home-made birthday card, in which she also informed me that "your son" (=Moran, her father) had broken his toe. The drawings are delightful. Click here to see the card.
    • We're sure a lot has happened during the last year or so. We have certainly experienced many significant changes. Family members are invited to write a short summary of their activities and highlights, including but not limited to, celebrations, births, deaths, during the last year. We will publish these summaries as we receive them. See  Doreen's review of Eitan and Doreen's past year, Moran Segoli's summary of his family's year, and Vered's summary of the Ron family.
    • The family recipe page now includes a new recipe for an unusual salad  from Doreen.

    April 21, 2012
    Isaac Olkienitski
    Isaac Olkienitski (1920 -  2012)  ז"ל
    With sadness I report  the death this week of Isaac Olkienitski, husband of Sarah my late mother's cousin. (see Goldberg Family Tree). Doreen and I extend our condolences to Sarah and daughters Shuli Haberman and Racheli Gilad, sons in law, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Only a month ago the family celebrated the birth of the sixth great grandchild. .
    We met Isaac very soon after our arrival in Israel in 1965 and it was always a pleasure meeting with him and Sarah. Last September we celebrated his 91st birthday (see picture) .
    Isaac, born in Voranovo, Poland (now Lithuania), was active in Zionist movements there before making aliyah to Israel on the ill-fated ship Altalena. Sarah was on the same ship, and they were two of the few who disembarked at Kfar Vitkin before the ship went on to its disasterous confrontation in Tel Aviv.  Isaac was a devout member of Betar and the Revisionist movement and worked for various newspapers associated with Herut and the Likud. He was the author of the book- מכתב לאורי- מוורקוטה לאלטלנה -  (Letter to Uri: From Vorkuta to Altalena) (see review in Hebrew)  where he recounts to his grandson his experiences in Europe, including his imprisonment for Zionist activities in the Vorkuta Gulag, a Soviet forced labor camp in Siberia. 

    • This week we continued with our grandparent baby-sitting duties - pleasant duties I may add - looking after Danielle and Lior (and Tuli, the dog) while their parents Vered and Aviv were in the USA.
    • Thanks to Sharon Leibowitz (Matz and Levy/Hershovitz trees) for sending us pictures of grandaughter Keira's 6th birthday a few days ago. (click for pictures)
    • Read the past year's summary of the Ron family here. We're sure a lot has happened during the last year or so. We have certainly experienced many significant changes. Family members are invited to write a short summary of their activities and highlights, including but not limited to, celebrations, births, deaths, during the last year. We will publish these summaries as we receive them. See  Doreen's review of Eitan and Doreen's past year, Moran Segoli's summary of his family's year, and Vered's summary of the Ron family.
    • The family recipe page now includes a new recipe for an unusual salad  from Doreen.

    April 14, 2012
    Umuzi poster
    The poster advertising the Umuzi photo exhibition

    Kudos and praise to Andrew Levy (Matz and Levy/Hershovitz trees), one of the founders and organizers of the Umuzi Photo club. The Umuzi Photo Club is a youth activism organization that works in Johannesburg's (S. Africa) under-resourced communities. It encourages students to pursue social issues as activists through photography. On March 29 Umuzi kicked off its largest event to date: a citywide campaign launch and exhibition to highlight a new era of creative youth activism in South Africa. Read about Umuzi and its activities here . (To read about Andrew, click on "Our Team" on the Umfuzi site).

    • We've had a busy Passover week! Our three Eilat grandchildren were with us and with daughter Vered Ron's family. We were entertained and fed by the Klotnicks, by Wendy Kansky,  and by family friend Caroline. And in between had doctors' appointments (fortunately with mostly good news.)
    • We thoroughly enjoyed lunch at the home of Wendy Kansky (Matz and Levy/Hershovitz trees). The company and the food were excellent but the highlight was the singing of Maytal (Adam Kansky's wife) accompanied by Ron Kansky's guitar. Click here for some pictures.
    • When our son Moran and family moved to Davis California their children spoke only Hebrew. Their 8 year old son Maayan has now been reclassified as being proficient in English. Mazal tov - er..... Congratulations, to Maayan on this impressive achievement. You can see his certificate here.  Moran and family will relocate to Australia later this year. (see Moran's family summary.)
    • Read the past year's summary of the Ron family here. We're sure a lot has happened during the last year or so. We have certainly experienced many significant changes. Family members are invited to write a short summary of their activities and highlights, including but not limited to, celebrations, births, deaths, during the last year. We will publish these summaries as we receive them. Doreen's review of Eitan and Doreen's past year is here; and Moran Segoli's summary of his family's year is here.
    • You can read and see pictures about the Segolis activities in March by accessing their family update for March (in Hebrew or in English)
    • Click here for the latest update to Doreen's Column where from time to time she shares happenings, experiences, thoughts and ideas.
    April 7, 2012
    Denise and Carmit in TA marathon
    Carmit, and Denise (on the right), at the finish line

    Last Friday our niece Denise Braverman accompanied Carmit, who is blind, in the 10Km course of the Tel Aviv marathon. For the past year she has been volunteering at the walking group of Etgarim ("Challenge"), a non-profit organisation  enabling children, adolescents and adults with special needs to realize their optimum potential and to integrate within society through outdoor training within the challenging environment of nature.
    You can read about the organisation at Etgarim (in Hebrew) or Etgarim (in English)
    • Some sad news this week. Roni Sadeh, the brother of our daughter-in-law Limor, passed away in Eilat after a heart attack. Roni  would have celebrated his 44th birthday this week. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to his mother Margalit, and siblings Kinneret, Avi, Limor, and Ophira.
    • Our plans to celebrate the passover seder in Eilat were cancelled and we brought our grandchildren  Itamar, Amit and Ilai - Aviv and Limor's children - to be with us and daughter Vered's family for a few days. Aviv Ron's sister Orit and her husband Moshe invited us to celebrate the passover seder with them at Kibbutz Maagan Michael. See pictures.
    • While the grandchildren were with us we celebrated Itamar's 9th birthday. See pictures.
    • Our son Moran Segoli has just had a research paper published in the journal of  Landscape Ecology  - Untangling the positive and negative effects of shrubs on herbaceous vegetation in drylands. Click here to read the abstract.
    • Click here for the latest update to Doreen's Column where from time to time she shares happenings, experiences, thoughts and ideas.
    • Click here to see Doreen's  new recipe in the Favorite Family Recipe section. And as this week is Passover, check one of Doreen's earlier recipes, Passover Muffins. Please send in contributions for your favorite family recipes.
    • We're sure a lot has happened during the last year or so. We have certainly experienced many significant changes. Family members are invited to write a short summary of their activities and highlights, including but not limited to, celebrations, births, deaths, during the last year. We will publish these summaries as we receive them. Doreen's review of Eitan and Doreen's past year is here; and Moran Segoli's summary of his family's year is here.

    March 31, 2012
    Itamar Levy
    Happy Birthday עד מאה עשרים to our grandson, Itamar Levy, who celebrates his 9th birthday this week.

    • MazalTov to Maayan and Ido Golomb on the birth of  daughter Ofek  this week, and to father Noam Haiman, and to great grandparents Sarah and Isaac Olkienitski on their sixth great grandchild (and first great grand-daughter!) (See Goldberg family tree)
    • Daughter Vered Levy-Ron  is on a business trip to Japan. 
    • At the end of this week we will celebrate pesach, Passover, in Eilat with family. Next week the update to this site may be a little late.
    • You have probably noticed the changed format of this home page. Some of the links may not work properly. Please let me know if there is any problem.
    • Please send in contributions for your favorite family recipes. You can read the latest recipe, Doreen's  Lemon Meringue Pie, together with previous contributions.
    • Introducing a new feature of this site: Doreen's Column. From time to time Doreen will share happenings, experiences, thoughts and ideas  through her column. Here is her first contribution.
    • We're sure a lot has happened during the last year or so. We have certainly experienced many significant changes. Family members are invited to write a short summary of their activities and highlights, including but not limited to, celebrations, births, deaths, during the last year. We will publish these summaries as we receive them. Doreen's review of Eitan and Doreen's past year is here; and Moran Segoli's summary of his family's year is here.

    March 24,2012
    Raphael Cotton
    Raphael Cotton receives his Engineering degree

    Congratulations to Raphael Cotton, of Johannesburg South Africa, son of Raymond and Cecile Cotton (see Matz and Levy family trees) on receiving his degree in Mechanical Engineering. We all wish you every success in your future career.


    March 17, 2012
    Organic Market - Tel Aviv
    The Organic Market - Tel Aviv Port

    Congratulations to our son-in-law Aviv Ron who is a keen photographer. Aviv won the December competition of the photography website MBP. This website runs a weekly podcast and is a home for a group of photographers from all over the world to present and discuss their work.
     In Aviv's words: "
    I am a fan of this podcasts and have been watching the competitions for a long time - always impressed with the quality of the works submitted.  Last December I decided it was time to submit my first entry on the topic of "Organic" (a popular term in our household since Vered is eating mainly Organic produce). It was a nice surprise to receive a message that I was voted among the winners.  The surprise grew bigger when I entered the site and saw I took first prize and by large margin from number 2."
    Click here to see the winning photos. Aviv's photograph "The Organic Market" is the last one and his back story is right below the photograph.  And congratulations to Aviv on his birthday later this week.

    ------ /// ------
    • After nearly 25 years Doreen's sister Louise Braverman will be retiring from her position as Scientific Editor at the Dept. of Chemistry at Bar-Ilan University. Despite not working any more, her time will be filled with all her other activities: bridge, bowls, volunteering, folk dancing, activities associated with her membership of the International Women's Club, and her recent appointment as Co-Captain of the Ra'anana Bowls Club.  Enjoy, and make ther most of your retirement, Louise!
    • Congratulation to niece Denise Braverman on completing the gruelling but interesting Jerusalem marathon. See map of the route.   42 Kms up and down those hills - wow!  Pictures next week.
    • The Segolis sent some Purim fancy dress pictures from California. Click to see them together with the Nathan's pictures from Florida.
    • Our son Moran is going for a week to Washington D.C. to the Joint Global Change Research Institute , where among other things, he will give a talk on an aspect of his research.  For an abstract of his talk, as well as an informative biography which includes the fields of his research, click here. 
    • Please send in contributions for your favorite family recipes. You can read the latest recipe, Doreen's  Lemon Meringue Pie, together with previous contributions.
    • Introducing a new feature of this site: Doreen's Column. From time to time Doreen will share happenings, experiences, thoughts and ideas  through her column. Here is her first contribution.
    • We're sure a lot has happened during the last year or so. We have certainly experienced many significant changes. Family members are invited to write a short summary of their activities and highlights, including but not limited to, celebrations, births, deaths, during the last year. We will publish these summaries as we receive them. Doreen's review of Eitan and Doreen's past year is here; and Moran Segoli's summary of his family's year is here.

    March 10, 2012

    Joel Klotnick's family
    Joel and Beryl Klotnick's Clan
    The brit mila of Mark and Serena's third child provided an opportunity for Joel and Beryl's children and grandchildren to get together. Mark, Ian and Melanie pose with their children: Alma, Yalli holding Yoav, Devorah, Aharon and Raphael; and Zacharia and Jemma. (see Matz family tree)
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  • I've received emails of encouragement from many of you (more than I expected!) welcoming the return of this site. Thank you all for your encouragement. I hope the continuation will also be positive.
  • The festival of Purim was last week. The streets in Israel were filled with children - and some adults - in fancy dress and costumes. Melodie Nathan (see Nochomovitz family tree), all the way from Florida in the USA, sent me some pictures of their daughter Gabi dressed as Spiderman, inspired by meeting the "real" Spiderman at Universal Studios recently.
  • We're sure a lot has happened during the last year or so. We have certainly experienced many significant changes. Family members are invited to write a short summary of their activities and highlights, including but not limited to, celebrations, births, deaths, during the last year. We will publish these summaries as we receive them. Doreen's review of Eitan and Doreen's past year is here; and Moran Segoli's summary of his family's year is here.

  • March 3, 2012 
    Winnie 90

    Winnie Levy's 90th birthday
    Winnie Levy celebrated her 90th birthday in Cape Town and Hermanus on the 10th February. (Not quite "this week" but after not updating this site for over a year, I thought a little flexibilty was in order!).  Family from South Africa and Australia celebrated with Winnie. Unfortunately, although we had planned on being there, we had to cancel our trip. It's rare for Winnie to be together with her three children, so  this is a worthy "This Week's Picture".  (Thanks to Sheenagh Levy for the picture.)
    from left to right: Cecile Cotton, Sharon Leibowitz, Charles Levy, Winnie Levy.
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  • We're sure a lot has happened during the last year or so. We have certainly experienced many significant changes. Family members are invited to write a short summary of their activities and highlights, including but not limited to, celebrations, births, deaths, during the last year. We will publish these summaries as we receive them. For a start,  Doreen's review of our past year will appear next week..
  • MAZELTOV! Two births in the last few weeks:  To Mark and Serena Or , a boy Yoav, their third child and another grandchild for  Beryl and Joel Klotnick. (see Matz family tree.). To Efrat and Gal Shabtai, their first child, a girl, Tamar, Jonathan Levy's first grandchild, and Malia Levy's  great-grandchild.(See Levy/Hershovitz family tree.)
  • Sharon and Joe Leibowitz paid a short visit to Israel on their way back from South Africa after celebrating Winnie Levy's 90th birthday in South Africa. (See This Week's Picture.). We spent a very pleasant evening with them and other Levy family members at our house.  (see Matz and Levy/Hershovitz family trees.)
  • Doreen is away guiding a 4 day trip and will no doubt be surprised to see this resurrected site.
  • Please check your family tree/s, and send in corrections and updates.