born: 26 December 2003 in Beer Sheva

          Click here to go to Doreen and Eitan's home page.
Click here to see Maayan's family tree.

See pictures at Maayan's brit milah (circumcision). For more pictures of Maayan,  see Moran's site at:

More pictures of Maayan can be seen on the pages of sisters  Lotem and   Zoe. 

July 2024 - Award for excellence
Maayan is awarded a certificate for excellence in achievement in physics studies at Ben Gurion University.
See more pictures here and in the Archives.

November 2023 - Volunteering
Many of the Thai agricultural workers were killed or captured or have returned to Thailand. Maayan helped  to pick farm produce.
Maayan picking

October 2023 - The Segolis visited for a weekend.
 We were happy to see grandson Maayan and to give him big hugs.

September 2023
Maayan Segoli is off to army basic training.  He is in a special programme which combines university education with basic army service (עתודאי). When he finishes his degree he will spend extra time in the army utilizing the skills he learned in his studies.
off to the army

Rosh Hashanah 2nd night - September 2023
In addition to Doreen's delicious pepper filet steak, Maayan prepared "flaumen tzimis" from Doreen's cookbook which he going through and making her recipes.  Her recipes are linked to family and friends' stories, and before each meal prepared from her book Maayan reads the associated story.

August 2023 - A vacation in Bulgaria

See and read more here and in the the pages of  Lotem and Zoe.

Segoli bulgaria

May 2023 - Maayan prepares tarte Tatin

After hearing of a dinner where Doreen had prepared a beetroot Tarte Tatin (a kind of upside-down tart, see Doreen's recipe) Maayan  decided to also try his hand. It was very successful.

Click on the pictures below to see the video clips
Click here to see Doreen's recipe.

April 2023 - Pesach

During pesach we celebrated cousin Itamar's birthday. Maayan baked a cake for him.
Maayan cake
But when it was time to eat the cake Maayan was diving, so Itamar cut his own cake under the direction of his friend, May.

Purim 2023

February 2023 - 28th Family Reunion
Click for pictures of the grandchildren Itamar, Zoe, Lotem, Amit, Lior, Dani at the ceramic session.
More pictures on the 28th Reunion page.

December 2022 - Maayan's 19th birthday
We knew that Maayan was keen on having a genuine Megalodon tooth and he had looked everywhere for one, so he was absolutely delighted when we gave him one in excellent condition (that we bought in Cyprus). 
megalodon tooth

November 2022 - Maayan votes in his first election.

Maayan finished high school and is seen here with his homeroom teacher and his mother Mikhal. He hopes to study physics before doing his army service. The pupils had to prepare a display of the things that represent their past four years. We were deeply moved that Doreen's cookbook, A  Potpourri of Recipes, was among them.
school endschool end

May 22 - tennis swith Granny
Recently Doreen set herself two short term goals:  (1) Take tennis lessons and play tennis with grandson Maayan Segoli, and (2) obtain diving insurance which normally is not valid after age 75. This  involves undergoing many medical tests. This week she succeeded in both. Well done, Doreen - your husband is proud of you!

Click here for another picture.

March 2022 - Adloyada

Maayan and Zoe enjoying the Adloyada
See here for other pictures of the adloyada, and here for a picture of Maayan's float.

December 2021 - Maayan's 18th birthday cake. A carrot cake baked in a bundt pan, decorated with cream cheese frosting and chocolate worms by Zoe and sugared carrots by Maayan/
dinner Segolis
See also here.

November 2021
Maayan helping us picking papayas.

October 2021 - 27th Family Reunion
The Castle, Kerem Maharal
27 reunion

More pictures: Archives, 27th Reunion page, and the pages of Lior, Itamar, Amit, Lotem, Ilai, Zoe
August 2021 - a morning at the pool.

August 2021 - Glass blowing
The Segolis spent a weekend with us and the highlight was a glass blowing workshop.
glass blowing
More pictures of the glass blowing on the pages of  Lotem and Zoe and Miscellaneous.

Zoe's 9th birthday
at Zoe birthday
Maayan preparing tomatoes, basil, mozarella and balsamic pearls as an appetizer and another plate without the mozarella balls for the vegans.  Nearest Maayan is a bowl of Doreen's delicious conch-style salad. See recipe.

March 2021 - Maayan's splinter


We looked after our Segoli grandchildren while Moran and Mikhal were away,
and daughter Vered and Aviv joined us for what was supposed to be an hour
or two on their way home from a visit to Eilat.
Unfortunately grandson Maayan had stepped on a thorn and had a splinter in his foot.
Apparently when Maayan does something he does it all the way, for his splinter
was embedded deep in his foot.
First I tried to remove it, then Vered dug some more, and even with advice from
Aviv, Doreen and Zoe we were not succesful.


The local clinic was closed so Vered took him to the clinic in Yeruham (30 minutes away) where they also tried unsuccessfullly and sent them to the Emergency Room at Soroka Hospital in Beer Sheva (40 minutes away) from where they were directed to another clinic

There two nurses and a doctor removed the large splinter. In the picture on the right the nurse is holding the splinter in a surgical pincer. You can see how long it was. An x-ray determined that there was no remaining piece. After another stop to pick up the prescribed antibiotics Maayan came home.

Now THAT'S a splinter!

March 2021 - Adloyada 2021 at Midreshet Ben Gurion (Sde Boqer)

Purim this year was "business as usual" at Midreshet Ben Gurion, where the high school students prepared and staged their traditional adloyada, a carnival-like parade. Due to Covid restrictions this year non-residents could not attend. The theme this year was "Dreams" (see the floats here) .

The adloyada is an opportunity for the students to express their creativity and also to let "their hair down" - see  for example  Maayan  enjoying himself.
Purim 2021

see last year's Purim Adloyada

January 2021 - Maayan receives Covid Vaccine 1

covid vaccine

December 2020 - Maayan's 17th Birthday

Maayan cookingMaayan 17bday
Doreen and I, and Vered and Aviv Ron,  went to Midreshet Sde Boqer to celebrate Maayan's 17th birthday. Maayan celebrated it by preparing dinner for us all! At least he didn't have to bake his birthday cake which the Ron's brought.

December 2020 - 26th Family Reunion - 56th Anniversary Granny and Saba Eitan

On 16/12 we celebrated the 56th Anniversary of Granny Doreen and Saba Eitan, together with the 26th Levy Family Reunion.  There are more pictures on the Events page, on This Weeks Picture Archives, and on the pages of Danielle, Lior, ItamarLotem, Amit, Ilai and Zoe.

We also went sand surfing on a high sand dune. Click on the picture below to see a short video.

Surfing the dunes

November 2020 - Master Cooking Class

The Segolis came for the weekend, and this was an opportunity for Doreen to impart some of her experience to Maayan, by preparing poppy seed crepes together.
Maayan loves cooking, and he has prepared many varied dishes. Just some examples:
birthday cake, sausages, dumplings, berry pie, paella and stuffed vegetables.

helping granny

Lotem's 15th birthday

We made a quick return drive to Midreshet Sde Boqer to celebrate granddaughter Lotem's 15th birthday. We ate Maayan's delicious red velvet birthday cake covered with icing sugar with Doreen's help, had a lovely meal and drove home again. Pictures here.
We took Joanie with us  and she was rather too much interested in the Segolis guinea pig (Moses), hamster (Peaches) and rabbit (Ash). Evidently it was also Ash's  birthday.
Lotem bday 15
See more pictures on the pages of Lotem and Zoe, and miscellaneous events.

October 2020 - Outings and picnics during lockdown.

In this era of lockdowns and restricted movement living in Midreshet Sde Boqer in the Negev Desert has its perks. While us city dwellers are confined to our built up areas, the Segolis and some friends can go to the nearby wide-open spaces without any fear of contracting or spreading the Corona virus. Moran sent us some pictures of their extended desert picnics and outings.
Here Maayan is starting the twirling of burning steel wool for a fireworks effect.
Segoli in open spaces

There are more pictures of the Segoli picnics on the Miscellaneous page and on the pages of  Lotem and Zoe, and another picture of Maayan's fireworks here.

March 2020 - Wall climbing at "Monkeys" in Netanya
wall climbing

March 2020 - Purim Adloyada
Maayan ejoying the adloyada at Sde Boqer.
See also This Week's Archives and more parade pictures here.
adloyada2020adloyada 2020

January 2020 - The Segolis ski and glide

The Segolis enjoyed their skiing holiday in Romania. While there Maayan enjoyed the skiing and also loved the hang gliding.
Pictures on the pages of of  Zoe, and Lotem (and also here).

Segoli ski Romaniagliding

November 2019 - Maayan prepares an English Breakfast
Grandson Maayan continues to amaze us with his culinary skills. This time he prepared a full English Breakast: Eggs Benedict with Hollandaise sauce, English muffins and sausages, which of course he made himself!


October 2019 - Maayan prepares Dumplings
Maayan continues his adventures in cooking. Moran reports that the dumplings Maayan prepared were delicious.
maayan dumpling

July-August 2019 - Segoli family trip to Mongolia and Moscow

See more pictures of the trip to Mongolia on the Miscellaneous page, and on the pages of  Lotem and Zoe.
July-August 2019 - Segoli family trip to Mongolia and Moscow

July 2019 - Moran navigating while diving
See another picture of Maayan diving and of him diving with Itamar.

Family Reunion in Italy at the Villa Prato al Sole - April 2019

Prato al SolePrato al Sole
For more pictures of the reunion see: 

February 2019 - still in Lisbon

sintraMaayan poses in a guard station in the walls of the Palacio da Pena in Sintra
For more pictures of the Lisbon visit see below, the miscellaneous pictures, the pages of Lotem, and the Archive pictures here.

February 2019 - A visit to Lisbon
  Eating traditional foods was very much a part of our visit to Lisbon and we stuffed ourselves on the different kinds of custard tarts. But enough is enough and here Maayan is enjoying noodle soup and Happy Noodles.
noodle soup

See more pictures on Lotem's page and Miscellaneous page
January 2019
Maayan's school report card.

January 2019 - Maayan bakes his birthday cake

 While Moran was trekking we went to Midreshet Ben Gurion to help with the children. Maayan, for his birthday, wanted to bake a special cake. With a little help from Doreen he baked a delicious 3 layered chocolate and orange birthday cake for himself.

CakeMaayan cake

December 2018
Ten years ago, when Maayan was five, inspired by animal books by Pini Amitai he wrote a book for Pini. When we reported this in This Week's Picture (Dec 27, 2008) , we wrote -
When Maayan was younger, he used to sleep with books under his pillow to help him fall asleep. He used to choose a page with an animal that is "strong" but not "bad", and sleep with that page open so that if he had a bad dream the animal would help him.
When Doreen sent an email on his 15th birthday reminding him of this, his father replied -
Today he sleeps with his phone and computer close by to keep him ‘safe’ from boredom before he falls asleep and when he wakes up.

Ah, progress!!

Click to see Maayan presenting his book to the author.

You can also read the book Maayan wrote. (Use pgdn <down arrow> to go from page to page.)

October 2018
Maayan doesn't only cook - he bakes as well. Here he is with his mother and the berry pie he made for sister Lotem on her 13th birthday.
pie for Lotem

September 2018 - On the way to school - first day high school
to school

August 2018: Helping at the Reniala Lemur Rescue Center.
On their trip to Madagascar, the Segolis voluntered to help at the Lemur Rescue Center. Read Moran's brief description,
See pictures of the children working at the center on the pages of  Lotem and Zoe.
cleaningMaayan cleaning the area.

August 2018 - The Segolis visit Madagascar II

The Segolis are having a great time on their visit to Madagascar. Maayan went diving, Zoe ate chocolate and Lotem went swimming. As can be seen by clicking here, life there is not easy especially for Moran.
diveMaayan and dad Moran go diving

August 2018 - The Segolis visit Madagascar

The Segolis are continuing their trip to Madagascar and seem to having a fabulous time. It looks like a perfect place for the nature-loving Segolis. See picture here and on the pages of  Lotem and Zoe.
Maayan in MadagascarMaayan befriends a local lizard.

July 2018 End of year school certificate

June 2018 - see the Segoli pyramid

May 2018 - Shavuot at the Midreshet Ben Gurion School

There is a modern tradition at the school attended by gradchildren Maayan and Lotem Segoli. Each grade prepares a typical dance of a different decade. It is good fun and the children enjoy it very much.
See pictures here.

January 2018 - 23rd Levy Family Reunion
There are pictures of  Maayan and all the family here.

January 2018 - Cooking paella with Granny Doreen
paellapaella with granny

December 2017 - Maayan helps his Dad at work
Maayan at work

November 2017 - Maayan visits the spider webs of Nachal Soreq

The Soreq Creek near Jerusalem contains nutrient rich water (from treated sewage) that attracts millions of  tiny non-biting midges that are an abundant food for long-jawed spiders that spin large tapestry-like webs.
Read more about this rare phenomenon in the Haaretz newspaper, and see more pictures of the Segolis in the Archives and on Lotem's page.
webs in Soreq

September 2017 - Rosh Hashanah in Eilat

During the Rosh Hashanah long weekendin Eilat, apart from eating most of the time we also had time for some other things, including a visit to Coral World Marine the Mitzpeh

August 2017 - The Segolis trek the Dolomites

More pictures here, and on the pages of  Lotem and Zoe, and in the Week's Picture archives.
Segolis - Dolomites

July 2017 - click for a picture of Maayan and cousin Itamar helping granny cook.

June 2017 - Maayan's end of year school report

June 2017: Maayan continues his cooking - this time stuffed items.
maayan prepared stuffed foods

May 2016 - Maayan grills chops
Grandson Maayan is continuing his efforts in preparing various dishes from different countries, and we understand that his grilled Mongolian pork chops were asbsolutely delicious.
mogolian pork chops

April 2017 - The grandchildren go horseriding
horse riding
See more pictures on the miscellaneous page, and on the pages of Ilai, Itamar, Zoe, and Lotem

April 2017 birthdays
Our immediate family has 3 April birthdays: Itamar Levy - April 4, Zoe Segoli - April 24, me - April 27. This year we celebrated at daughter Vered's house where there was a near full house of children and grandchildren. What made the event extra special was that grandson Maayan, aged 13, cooked the delicious meal. The theme was Indian cuisine and he prepared samosas, butter chicken curry and naan bread.
indian cuisineMaayan tasting the meal he prepared - it was delicious!
More pictures on the pages of Itamar and Zoe, and on the Miscellaneous page.

April 2017 : A visit to Paris with Saba Avraham and Savta Yael and

Enjoying a traditional French breakfast of croissants

Go to Lotem's page and the miscellaneous page for more pictures.

April 2017 - Maayan's school hike

Maayan went on a school hike from Nachal Har Rehev (below) to Nahal Zin

March 2017 - Maayan prepares Clam Chowder


Maayan is becoming an adventurous and acomplished chef. He prepared clam chowder together with bread bowls for the family, who report  that the resuls were delicious.

Click here and here for Maayan's previous successes.

March 2017 - The Festival of Purim
Click here for pictures of  costume/fancy dress for the Festival of Purim.

February 2017 - End of term school report cards
Maayan and sister Lotem got excellent report cards with high grades and excellent remarks about behaviour and cooperation.
Maayan also received Certificates of Excellence for Achievement in Mathematics,  click here, and Behaviour, Attitude and Helping others, click here.

January 2017 - Maayan's barmitzvah.
On the Thursday before the Shabbat Maayan also read from the torah in the synagogue of his tutor.
Maayan's barmitzvah
Click here for a picture of Maayan at the Barmitzvah ceremony.

maayan barmitzvah

For more pictures see the Events page and also the pages of Itamar, Lotem, Zoe, Ilai and Lior

December 2016 - Preparing for the barmitzvah.
preparation for bm

December 2016 -  Preparing Tiramasu

Maayan is continuing his food preparation activities. Here he has prepared a delicious tiramasu.
(See previous meal prepared by Maayan.)

August 2016 - A visit to Sky Jump and the 3D theatre with Granny
Maayan, Zoe and Lotem enjoy the 3D theatre at Sky Jump.

July 2016 - A visit to the Galapagos Islands.

The Galapagos visit wasn't only about enjoying nature and the Islands. Here Maayan is enjoying eating a lobster.

The Levys at Aya Napa Cyprus
and pretending to be a sea lion.
There are more pictures of the Segolis in the Galapogos on the pages of Zoe and Lotem, and on the 2016 Events page, and in the 2016 archives
June 2016 - The Segolis in America

Dad Moran wanted to photograph Maayan and Lotem with caribou (moose?) horns. It didn't take too long before the children showed why this deer has horns.

May 2016 - Maayan's school trip

It's that time of the year - just before the summer break - when Israeli schools organize school trips for their pupils. Grandson Itamar's trip was to the Negev desert (see pictures). Maayan's trip was  connected with his age group's barmitzva year and was mainly to the Jerusalem area.
school tripschool trip

HerzlOn the left above,  Maayan re-creates a famous picture of Theodor Herzl, the founder of the modern Zionist Movement.

May 2016 - Maayan's first underwater dive
Maayan is the latest family member to finish an  underwater diving course. The Segolis are in Eilat for the weekend and Maayan made his first dive after the course with Dad Moran, who reports that Maayan dived very well and was very calm in the water. He certainly looks very calm in the water.  Congratulations, Maayan!

Maayan's first diveMaayan's first dive

April 2016 - Maayan at the seder
maayan seder 2016

April 2016 - Maayan and his class at the Education Fair
education fairWe visited Maayan at the Education Fair in Netanya
The Education Department, together with the Netanya Municipality and other organisations, organised an open-air congress and fair where various non-conventional teaching and learning meithods were presented by the pupils themselves. Among the participants was Maauyan's class which presented their model of learning in groups by personal responsibilty.
In brief, this is a model that was developed with the full cooperation of Class 6 pupils at Zin School, Sde Boqer Campus. The pupils receive tasks concerned with core learning. They have to fulfil these tasks, working in a group, while determining and controlling time, method of work, what to emphasise, obtaining suitable learning equipment and so on.
This is a fuller description in Hebrew:

שם היוזמה: למידה באחריות אישית

בית ספר: צין, מדרשת שדה בוקר

תיאור היוזמה:

מודל שפותח בשיתוף מלא עם תלמידי כיתה ו'. הם מקבלים משימות שנוגעות ללימודי הליבה וממלאים אותן תוך שליטה מלאה על חלוקת הזמן, אופן העבודה, דגשים, השגת חומרי לימוד, ועבודת הצוותים. המורה משמשת כמנחה המייעצת בנושאים הללו ויוצרת אינטגרציה בין היוזמות השונות. לאחרונה החלו התלמידים להביא גם את המשימות עצמן ולא לחכות לקבלתן מהמורה. המודל נועד לעודד ולפתח אחריות אישית של כל תלמיד ללמידה. בכנס יציגו הילדים את מקורות המידע שמהם שאבו השראה לפיתוח המודל, ואת אופן עבודתם.

March 2016 - Picking lettuces
picking lettucesMaayan and Lotem pick lettuces

March 2016 - Adloyada in Sde Boqer

Purim, the festival of parades and fancy dress, is here again, and the traditional adloyada (parade) festivites took place at Midreshet Sde Boqer, where the Segolis live. Click for a picture Zoe at the celebration.
AdloyadaI presume this is Maayan!

March 2016 - 1st prize Mind Olympics

Congratulations to Maayan on 1st place in the local Mind Olympics! Next month he will represent his district in the  Negev Regional Mind Olympics. Good luck, Maayan!

mind games  certificate

February 2016 - Maayan and cousin Itamar visit London with Saba and Granny.

With "Elvis Presley" at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum; and enjoying mussels at Granny's favourite restaurant, Belgo.
in Londonin London

a selfie on the plane from Tel Aviv to London
in London

A talk on Stonehenge; and cooking his own steak on a hot stone.
in London
in London
There is a summary of the London trip, and more pictures,
on the London visit page, and on Itamar's page and This Week's archives here and here.

December 26, 2015 - Maayan's 12th birthday

Mazayan birthday 2015Mazayan birthday 2015
Mazayan birthday 2015Mazayan birthday 2015

November 2015 - Getting to  know Twitter

with twitter
See some more pictures here, and here, and on the pages of Itamar, IlaiLotem, Lior and Zoe, and a video here.

Rosh Hashanah 2015
arm wrestlingarm wrestling
For some pictures of the grandchildren on Rosh Hashanah see the pages of  Lior, Itamar, Amit, Lotem, Ilai and Zoe

September 2015 - Controlling the traffic
road safety

September 2015 - Maayan prepares a meal.
Moran defrosted two chicken thighs and legs and gave Maayan a project to prepare supper. Maayan looked up various cookbooks (in Hebrew and English) and chose crispy chicken, with rice, peas and two salads (one with cherry tomatoes with basil and pinenuts, and one a special cucumber salad for sister Zoe.).
He cooked ands prepared everything himself, with no advice or help (except for Moran removing the ready chicken from the hot oven.)
Moran reports that everything was absolutely wonderful and tasty.
Maayan prepares a mealMaayan prepares a meal
See Archives for a picture of the meal.

August 2015 - A visit to Technoda
Our Segoli grandchildren enjoy a visit to the Technoda Science museum and Planetarium. Click for pictures of Lotem and Zoe at the museum.

August 2015 - some activities with Granny and Saba Eitan
horse ridingSolar Garden
More pictures on the Miscellaneous pages and on the pages of Itamar, Amit, IlaiLotem, Zoe and Lior.

June 2015 - Decorating birthday cakes for Aunt Vered and Uncle Aviv

decorating birthday cakes
There are more pictures on the pages of Itamar, Amit, Lotem, Ilai and Zoe; and the activities page.

June 2015 - A visit to the Tzippori National Park
There are more pictures on the pages of the children Itamar, Amit, Lotem, Ilai and Zoe and also on the Miscellaneous Activities page.

June 2015 - Picking vegetables in Saba Eitan's garden.
Picking vegetables
There are more pictures on the pages of Itamar, Amit, Lotem, Ilai and Zoe, and also on the Miscellaneous and  Archives pages.)
May 2015 - Shavuot holiday - a long weekend in Eilat

Shavuot in Eilat ExtremeShavuot in Eilat ExtremeAt the Extreme Sports

Shavuot in Eilatwith cousin Itamar
For more pictures of the Shavuot weekend in Eilat see also the year's Activities page and the pages of Itamar, Lotem, Amit, Ilai and Zoe.

March 2015 - Good Deeds Day


The Segolis grandchildren's school organized a fair to raise money for Holocaust victims, as part of their observance of "Good Deeds Day". Lotem sold drawings she had done (click here) , amd Maayan sold coffee and bread he had baked (see above). The children were very excited about the project and started preparing days in advance.

December 26, 2014 - Maayan's 11th birthday
Maayan celebrated his 11th birthday in Netanya with all his Levy cousins, and the next day they and Maayan's Segoli cousins all visited the Superland Amusement Park.

Before dinner all are busy with their digital appliances (except for Flopsy), with a break to give everyone a chance to prepare a birthday cookie.
Maayan birthday11Maayan birthday11

One-blow Segoli has no trouble blowing out all his candles, but he does look a little nervous high up there.
Maayan birthday11Maayan_bday11_3767

December 27 - A visit with all his cousins to the Superland Amusement Park


November 2014
Maayan and ItamarMaayan and Itamar enjoying the TV

September 2014 - Picking a clementine with Lotem and Saba Eitan
picking clementine

A visit to the Billabong Animal Reserve in Townsville
See also the pages of Lotem and Zoe.

April 2014 - The Red Centre - continued

Enjoying pancakes at the campground, and holding a thorny devil by the side of the road.

Masayan and pancakeMaayan and Horny Devil
For more pictures click here, and also see the pages of Lotem and Zoe.

April 2014 The Red Centre of Australia with Saba Eitan and Granny Doreen
April 2014 The Red Centre of Australia with Saba Eitan and Granny Doreen

For more pictures click here, and also see the pages of Lotem and Zoe.

April 2014 - Maayan learns Karate.
While Moran and Mikhal are hiking the Larapinta Trail Doreen and I have been looking after our Segoli grandchildren. Taking Maayan to his karate class and watching him was one of the enjoyable experiences.

March 2014 - preparing Muffins with Granny Doreen
Maayan and muffins
See also the pages of Lotem and Zoe.

March 2014 - Purim.
Click here to see purim pictures of  Maayan and the rest of the family.

March 2014
Three in a tub
Three in a tub - the three Segoli children, Lotem, Zoe and Maayan,  enjoying a bath with lots and lots of foam.
This picture reminded me of an earlier picture compare with "Five in a Tub" from 6 years ago. Maayan and Lotem were also in that bath.

January 2014 - visit to Thailand

On the way back from Israel to Australia the Segolis stopped over in Thailand and had a wonderful time. You can read a little about it and see some fantastic pictures on the Segoli site update  in Hebrew or in English.
December 2013 - Celebrating Maayan's 10th birthday at the Family Reunion at Ein Gedi.

Maayan 10 birthday

Maayan 10 birthdayMaayan 10 birthday

December 2013 - 19th Family Reunion

We celebrated the Segoli visit to Israel with a family reunion at the desert resort of Ein Gedi, and also welcomed Zoe to the family.
We climbed Massada, went on a tour of the Dead Sea Salt Works, hiked in Nahal David, and most important of all had a great time together.
Camelsea level
On the way to Ein Gedi Maayan and sister Lotem stopped for a camel ride, and posed at the "sea level" sign.

More pictures of our Ein Gedi weekend are on the pages of Dani, Lior, Itamar, Amit, IlaiLotem, Zoe, and the Miscelleaneous Activities page.
Click to see the family group picture

June 2013 - A trip to Lamington National Park and Fraser Island
Maayan feeding parrot
More pictures here and on the pages of  Lotem. and Zoe

June 2013 - Maayan's school project on the Bush Stone Curlew (a land bird endemic to Australia)

Bush stone curlew
The Bush stone Curlew has good camouflage which makes it hard to see in its natural habitat. They are active at night to feed and wander around. They have grey bill, yellow eyes and long neck. Their knees can fold backwards while sitting and have no hind toes
The bush stone curlew lives in grasslands with grass shorter then themselves, at day they shelter themselves under the trees on timber. Their uncommon habitat is sandy creeks, coastal islands and small forests.   
Life cycle:
2 eggs are given birth to about 2 days apart and are no bigger then a chooks egg. The eggs hatch between 22 days too 4 weeks. When just about to hatch the chicks make a small sound and the parents answer back. Baby curlews can stand when there just born
Curlews eat most animals with exoskeleton and some molluscs and small amphibians.
Their threats are mostly foxes, people causing logging and loss of habitat.
Assists survival:
Predator proof fencing protects curlews from larger predators. Zoos protect them and help them breed.  
Bush stone curlews do loud calls at Night time <> 
 February 2013 - Looking after joey.
looking after joeyMaayan/kangaroo334.jpg10
Maayan looking after the kangaroo joey that his dad found at work. More details here.
More pictures on the pages of Lotem and Zoe.

December 2012 - Moran's rainforest poem.
This is the poem Maayan wrote for a school project.


I can see
Beautiful big river
Lots of animals easting plants
Rain drops splashing and animals shiver
The tiny crawling Army Ants

I can feel
The cold mud oozing through my feet
Warm wet water splashing
The big Bell birds going to tweet
The fruit falling and squashing

I can smell
All kinds of delicious ripe fruit
The sticky yellow palm sap
Moldy mud building in my boots
The big white electricity zap
November 2012
I can see beautiful river
Lots of animals eat my plants ...........
Maayan wrote a poem which was well received. Unfortunately he lost it, but he has reconstructed the first two stanzas. Click here to read his poem in his handwriting. <Later: See above for the full poem>

October 2012 - dressed in Annandale State School school uniform in Townsville. Note the hats, a compulsory part of the uniform to guard against the strong sun and the "ozone hole" inn the area. Click here for another picture (with Lotem wearing her hat!)

Maayan in uniform

August 2012 - 17th Family Reunion - Eilat
17th Levy Family ReunionOh oh, I'll have to jump to my right to get the ball

For more pictures of the Levy Family Reunion see the pages of : Daniel, Lior, Itamar, Amit, IlaiLotem, Zoe, 17th Family reunion, Picture of  Week archives

Doreen visits Davis - May 2012. (More pics on the pages of Zoe and Lotem)
Doreen in DavisDoreen in DavisDoreen in Davis

April 2012 - congratulastions to Maayan on obtaining his Proficiency in English certificate.
Cerificate of proficiency

December 2011 - Maayan celebrates his 8th birthday in Eilat.
Maayan Segoli

October 2011 - Granny Doreen and Saba Eitan visit San Francisco with Maayan and Lotem

Maayan SegoliMaayan Segoli
Maayan SegoliMaayan Segoli

September 2010 - Eitan's visit to Davis
Pictures etc are on the Events page for 2010.

August 2010 - the start of school
Maayan at the welcome door of his new class.
Maayan starts school
See Lotem's page and 2010 pictures page for more pictures.
March 2010 - Maayan discovers Scrabble
Maayan playing scrabble
Lots of dictionary looking, and more a cooperative than a competitive game, but I'm sure they're enjoying Scrabble just the same.

February 2010 - Purim
Lotem (front left) and Maayan (back right), in fancy dress, listening to the reading of the megilla - the Purim story as recounted in the Book of Esther.
Maayan - purim 2010

February 2010 - Maayan and Lotem visit the Monterey Aquarium.

at the Monterey Aquarium

January 2010; The Segolis have some new pets - a boa constrictor called Licky (see This week's Picture and Lotem with the boa) and a tarantula. Who could ask for nicer pets? Enjoy, Maayan and Lotem. We'll stick to Flopsy and Lopsy.

|Maayan with pet tarantulaMaayan and Lotem with their pet tarantula

October 2009 - Rock climbing at the Davis Farmers' Market
For Maayan, the highlight of a visit to the Davis Farmers' Market was the rock climbing. He scaled the rock with no apparent fear, and then repeated it twice!
(More pictures of the Farmers Market - Lotem and face-painting.)
at the Davis Farmers' Market

August 2009 - Changing a flat tire on a California road.
fixing a flat

August 2009 - 1st day at an American school.

Maayan's initial excitement gave way to worry about new friends and new language. It'll be hard at the beginning but he'll be speaking English like a native in a few weeks. See also This Week's Picture of 29 August 2009.
off to school

27 December 2008 - Maayan's 5th birthday party
Maayan's birthday is on December 26th, and when we phoned him to sing "Happy Birthday" he pointed out that it was only his "date" not his birthday. His birthday would be the next day - the day of his party.
We assured him that we would also sing him "Happy Birthday" the next day at the home of Saba Avraham and Savta Yael in Mevaseret .
Most of Maayan's cousins were there - Nitzan, Rotem, the twins Ido and Amit, Dani, Itamar (see Itamar's page) and Amit (see Amit's page)
Maayan 5th birthdayMaayan 5th birthday
and they all enjoyed the special dinosaur cake that Granny Doreen and Dani (see Dani's page) had baked and prepared.
Maayan 5th birthday

.Maayan 5th birthdayfriend Peri was also there with Alma and Eviatar
Cousin Rotem had her birthday a few days ago so we also sang "Happy Birthday" to her, and lifted her and Maayan 5 times .
Maayan 5th birthdayMaayan 5th birthday

December 2008 - A visit to Pini Amitai
Maayan's visit to Pini Amitai, author of numerous books on animals, was full of interesting things

December 2008 - A visit to Pini Amitailike furry spidersDecember 2008 - A visit to Pini Amitaiand even snakes
Click here to see the book that Maayan wrote for Pini.  (Press the PgDn key there to go from page to page )
December 2008: Chanukah at Maayan's kindergarten
Maayan's kindergarten celebrated Chanukah a bit early this year. Maayan had a wonderful time - in the show they presented he had two roles -
He was a Maccabi soldier ...                                                       ... and ALSO a candle!

Chanuka partyChanuka party

This year, the parents also put on a play, and Maayan was proud that his father was one of the actors.

Chanuka partyChanuka party
Maayan is in the front row, second from the right.

Maayan also wants us to know that in addition to the show he also ate sufganiot (doughnuts) and levivot (traditional potato pancakes).

October 2008 - Stretching exercises with granny Doreen.
stretching exercisesA great thing about granny Doreen sleeping over at Sde Boqer is the exercises in the morning. (see here also)

September 2008 - A family trip to Makhtesh Ramon - the Ramon Crater
A visit to Makhtesh RamonA visit to Makhtesh RamonA visit to Makhtesh Ramon

August 2008 - Welcome to the Yaniv twins
Moran congratulatescNaama
Maayan gives a congratulations kiss to Aunt Naama, who is holding one of her new-born twins.

See also: This Week's Picture (23 August 2008)Lotem's page, Welcome to the Yaniv Twins.

June 2008 - End of year party at Maayan's kindergarten.
end of year at kindergarten

April 2008 - a week in Hofit

After the seder, Moran and Mikhal went back to Sde Boqer, and we offered to look after Maayan and Lotem for the week. We had a most enjoyable (and tiring!) time with them. Considering their ages (4 and 2) and that they were away from their parents, they behaved wonderfully with a minimum of crying and moaning. They were  kept busy "helping" Doreen cook (they made special passover muffins, see Recipe of the Month), going to a children's musical, helping in the garden (picking ripe loquats), picking mulberries from some wild trees in the area, playing games, watching TV, and listening and singing to children's passover songs over and over again. They enjoyed the petting and playing with Flopsy, and kept their distance from Lopsy, who is too old to have any patience for kids (and who was being "dogsat" while the Rons were overseas.).  See also This Week's Picture and the page of Lotem..

Waiting for the musical to start, with Almog  (Avigail Collins' son)              The passover muffin baked by Maayan and Granny
April 2008 - a week in HofitApril 2008 - a week in HofitApril 2008 - a week in HofitApril 2008 - a week in Hofit

February 2008 - A hike in the Arava near Kibbutz Yahel
Arava bulbusimArava bulbusim
The Segolis - Moran, Mikhal, Maayan and Lotem - went on a two day hike in the Arava desert in the region of kibbutz Yahel. The highlight was the bulbusim (limestone nodules) that are found in the area. These round rocks, called bulbusim in Hebrew  after an Aramaic word for potato, consist of limestone containing unoxidized organic matter, and are dark in colour. When broken (which you are not allowed to do as they are protected) they give off the "rotten egg" smell associated with sulphur compounds. There are some more pictures on Lotem's pages, and in the archives of This Week's Picture.

January 2008  - Playing in the snow in the desert
snow in Mitzpeh Ramonsnow in Mitzpeh Ramon
An unusually cold winter spell in Iasrael at the end of January caused lots of damage to agriculture. The bright side was the rare snow that fell in many places. Many Israelis have never, or only very rarely, seen snow, and the white attraction drew many visitors. Jerusalem even had a Snowman competition.  The above pictures of Maayan with some friends and their snowman was taken in, of all places, the middle of the Negev Desert, in Mitzpeh Ramon.
See picture of Lotem in the snow.

January 2008  A visit to a petting zoo with granny.
at the petting zooat the petting zoo
While Mikhal was overseas at a conference in Hungary, Moran stayed over on his way up north with the kids. (see archives of  This week's Picture).Doreen took the opportunity of taking them to a petting zoo at kibbutz Givat Haim. There are also some pictures on Lotem's page.

January 2008 - Maayan's 4th birthday party
Maayan blew out his candles at the kindergarten on his birthday, but the family celebrated his 4th birthday during a weekend in Sde Boqer. Friday night was Sushi night, with everyone trying their hand at rolling sushi; on Saturday we went for a hike in Nachal Zin and then had lunch together.
Maayan's 4th birthdayMaayan's 4th birthday
Click here for more details and lots of pictures., and here for This Week's Picture of 5 cousins bathing together.
There are also pictures on the pages of Danielle, Lior, Itamar, and Lotem.

Channukah 2007

channukah 2007channukah 2007

November 2007 - Segoli Housewarming party in Sde Boqer
November 2007 - Segoli Housewarming party in Sde BoqerNovember 2007 - Segoli Housewarming party in Sde Boqer

May 2007: A hike by Nahal Kina (near Arad)
nahal kinanahal kina
After a long hike, a cool dip in the pool. And when you're tired, you can sleep ANYWHERE!

April 2007 - A visit to Hofit, and to the Golan with Granny, and waving the flag on Independence Day
HofitGolanIndependence Day

April 2007 - Passover week
The Segolis stayed over on 2nd Passover eve and Maayan poured the wine into our new "wine distributor" contraption.

Helping say the kiddush

The next day we had a lovely time in Caesaria with the Segolis and Danielle and Lior. This picture is typical of Maayan. While Dani,  Lior and of course Lotem (with her big cousins) were getting interested in an ancient column converted ibnto a water basin, Maayan (at the back of the picture) was busy looking at either some plants or most probably some ants or other insects. ( See also the pages of LotemLior and Danielle, and the picture of the week.).
Looking at ants

January 2007: 
Maayan's 3rd birthday
Although here he is playing "Noah's Ark" with his cousins, Maayan's view of animals is not restricted to the usual 3 year old view. With both parents involved in  ecological studies with emphasis on invertebrates the following story should therefore come as no surprise:
Maayan, like all children,  loves animals. The other evening when Maayan was having difficulty falling asleep, Moran told him to think
about giraffes, zebras and hippos and so enjoy sweet dreams.  "No Abba," replied Maayan, " I want to think about millipedes, isopods, spiders, ants and the tiny ones" (referring to the very small harvester spider).

December 2006 - Maayan Segoli's 3rd birthday party.
We celebrated Maayan's 3rd birthday today at Kibbutz Dvir. For an account and pictures click here.

October 2006 - A visit to Ramat Hanadiv
During the Sukkot holidays, Maayan went with Lotem, Abba, Granny and Saba Eitan to visit Ramat Hanadiv. We had a nice walk, saw birds being ringed, saw the ruins of an old bathhouse, and walked in the water of an aqueduct that has been  in use for over 2000 years, from the time of the Romans. (See Lotem's page for another picture.)
Ramat HanadivRamat HanadivRamat HanadivRamat Hanadiv

September 2006 - Yom Kippur
Here are some pictures of Maayan from the  "Yom Kippur" long weekend at the end of September. For more pictures  see the sites of  Amit, Itamar, and Lotem

On the way down to Eilat, the Segolis stopped at Yotvata and met Granny, Saba Eitan and cousin Itamar there for lunch. Maayan and Itamar had fun together.
Sometimes boys' play can be a bit rough. "O dear, Moran saw us, we'll have to stop, and listen to a lecture about why we shouldn't fight.." 
Itamar - Yom kippur 2006Itamar - Yom kippur 2006Itamar - Yom kippur 2006

Yom Kippur was spent at Coral World. There Uncle Aviv had to feed and look after the animals, while the kids had a good time running around, playing and swimming. Itamar and Maayan also helped Aviv. They cleaned the turtles, and fed lettuce to them and to the fish. It was lucky Itamar and Maayan were there - who else would have carried the lettuce from place to place.

Maayan - Yom Kippur 2006Maayan - Yom Kippur 2006Maayan - Yom Kippur 2006Maayan - Yom Kippur 2006Maayan - Yom Kippur 2006Maayan - Yom Kippur 2006Maayan - Yom Kippur 2006

June 2006: Blowing bubbles in the water
Maayan blowing bubbles

June 2006 - with baby sister Lotem.
Reading a story to her;  feeding her; and making her laugh.
Mayyan and LotemMayyan and Lotem
Mayyan and Lotem

April 2006 - Maayan visits Istanbul with dad, saba Eitan and Granny

See report and pictures here.

See Moran's page here.

April 2006
Greeting an ibex, and hiding!
Maayan SegoliMaayan Segoli

December 2005: Maayan's 2nd birthday party (at Kibbutz Dvir)
2nd birthday2nd birthday

December 2005
Maayan is becoming an expert scooter driver.

November 2005
Dani took this picture of Maayan petting a beetle, while Itamar looks on fascinatedly.

Maayan with cousins Nevo and Itai Nickel: "Smile for the camera"
maayan and the Nickels

Yom Kippur October 2005

It's now a tradition: This is third Yom Kippur we have spent at Coral World, keeping Aviv company while he fed the fish, patrolled and generally made sure everything was running smoothly. The three M's, Moran, Mikhal and Maayan joined us and we had a lovely relaxing time. Unfortunately, Limor couldn't be with us as she was in hospital under observation. During Yom Kippur, in the absence of traffic, the streets are taken over by cyclists. Coral World was taken over by tricyclists. Itamar rode his most of the day, whereas Maayan was more interested in the animals.

August 2005
Reading a postcard from Granny and Saba, and putting it on the fridge with the other postcards.

In the Raanana playground with cousin Danielle, and with Auntie Vered in the Monkey Park.


Picnic and sleeping on the beach in Eilat, June 2005

May 2005
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it Superman?

No, it's Maayan!

After all that flying, it's good to relax on the lawn at Perry's.

April 2005 - A visit to the Agamon Reserve and Rosh Pina, with the Rons and Saba and Granny.

April 2005: In Eilat, on the beach with cousin Itamar.

January 1st 2005: Maayan celebrated his first birthday (he was born on 26/1203) at the Lahav Forest with family and friends. There are some more pictures on Moran's Maayan page.

December 2004: Maayan's first steps; and an interesting conversation with cousin Lior at Saba Eitan's and Granny's house.

November 2004
In Hofit with Daddy; babysitting Lior, Itamar and me.

November 2004:
Another hike - this time to Gishron Elyon on Mount Yoash,  with Mommy, Daddy and Granny. Can't they just let me play quietly with blocks or stones or sand or something?

End of October 2004
Here in Israel the rains have started. Flooding,  and roads washed away,  in the south, up where we live just some light rain so far. For Maayan it was the first time he's seen rain, and he was fascinated by it.

Oh, well. The fun has to end. Getting ready for first day at the day-care centre.

October 2004
A busy month: a hike to Mount Karkom in the Negev (see my father's pictures), and a first visit to Jerusalem and the Western Wall (Kotel).
About that hot desert sun when hiking in the desert: it doesn't bother me!

August 2004.

Saba Eitan and Granny dropped in to say hello on their way back from Eilat. Maayan wasn't feeling too well (he had a fever) but he was quite happy to let Granny feed him and provide a soft spot for a sleep.

July 2004
Maayan went on a trip up north with mommy and daddy and Uncle Aviv, Auntie Limor and Itamar. On the way they popped in to Hofit (Granny and Saba Eitan were in USA) and sampled the fruit and vegetables that Granny and Saba grow, especially the delicious passion fruit.
Then he went for a dip at Hamat Hadar hot springs with cousin Itamar and Uncle Aviv (who was on his way to get alligators for Coral World.)

June 2004
There are some lovely pictures taken by Moran on Maayan's site.

In May 2004, Maayan, together with his parents, moved from the caravan on the Sde Boqer campus to more comfortable student accommodation. There there is much more space for playing .....

playing with Mommy

playing with daddy

playing with toes (and Alma, Perry and Michal's daughter)

and even playing with nose and eyes!!

...... and there's so much room to read those scary stories like Goldilocks and the three bears .........

I'm really happy in my new home!

We know that Maayan enjoyed his first Purim party (he loved the colors and the sights and sounds, but slept during the dancing) as did the other M amd M's.

With so much attention being paid to Maayan on his visit to Hofit (end of March 2004), and the corresponding neglect of Flopsy, it looks like Flopsy has decided: "If you can't beat 'em for affection, join 'em." Both seem very satisfied with the arrangement.

Climbing at Timna with Daddy at the family reunion.

With proud parents, Mikhal and Moran. Age: 3 hours

                    5 days old                                                 With Saba Eitan and Granny


1 week old with Saba Avraham                             and with Saba Eitan


Having a relaxing massage (4 weeks)

See Maayan's family tree

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