New Year's Eve 2024
We hosted a 'get together' with some of our family and friends. We didn't want to celebrate New Year but rather express our common hopes that 2024 would be a better year than 2003.
If the party's success foretold what awaited us in 2024 it will be great! Unfortunately it doesn't depend on us.

Our guests, pictured below, were Vered and Aviv Ron, Terry and Carol Kessel, Colin and Louise Kessel, Jonathan and Dina Levy, Lennie and Selma Cartoon, Maureen Fain, Livia Passwell and Gadi. We were happy that son Moran and granddaughter Lotem could also join us.


December 2023 - Hans Reijzer passes away.
We are saddened by the death of our long-time friend, Hans Reijzer, and have written about him and our relationship.
Below are some of the many pictures we have, and links to some others.

Aups holiday and pictureour bicycle tour of Holland;  some pictures 2008, 2012, 2018;  barmitzvahfamily meal 2017quick A'Dam visit2017

16th December 1964 - Wedding

The middle picture is of our immediate families at the engagement announcement at a restaurant in Durban. Second from right is Dave Zolty who was my best man.
Click for a picture of all the family on our wedding day 59 years ago.

Three Generations
Three generations at Tova Ron's 80th birthday in 2002 - Orit ז"ל,  Shachar, Tova ז"ל

December 2023 - Celebrating our 59th anniversary.
We celebrated our 59th wedding anniversary in Cyprus.
Cyprus has some really excellent restaurants. We tried Columbia in Limossol for delicious steaks, Carratello Tavern in Limossol for a sumptuous meal of meze and main courses and Zephyros in Larnaca for excellent and varied sea food. All three highly recommended.

December 2023 -Vered in London
Daughter Vered was in London at an event for local business people seeking to invest money in Israel.

December 2023 - Wedding anniversaries

We celebrated our 59th and Aviv and Limor their 25th at what is probably Eilat's oldest restaurant, the Last Refuge. The food is is still excellent. Picture.

December 2023 - 29th Levy Family Reunion, part 2 in Eilat
As our planned 29th family reunion celebrating family milestones (our 59th wedding anniversary, 18th birthday of Lotem and of Amit, Aviv and Limor's Silver anniversary ) took place without the Eilatis (see here), Doreen and I together with Maayan Segoli decided to go to Eilat the following week and have the second third of the reunion, this time with the Eilatis.
It was a lovely and successful event with an umpteen course dinner prepared by Limor and great family recollections based on the Bingo game.

Reunion 29 1/3
Reunion 29 1/3bingo9

December 2023 - 29th Levy Family Reunion - Midreshet Ben Gurion (Sde Boqer)

Unfortunately the 29th Reunion became the 2/3 Family Reunion as the Eilat Levys did not come due to security concerns.

The Reunion celebrated family milestones: our 59th wedding anniversary, 18th birthday of Lotem and of Amit, Aviv and Limor's Silver anniversary (unfortunately in abstentia.)

The T- shirts showed "Together we make a family" on the front and a delightful picture of cousins Amit Levy and  Lotem Segoli as babies.
29 reunion

It was a very successful event with plenty and delicious food (highlighted by roast duck prepared by Maayan from Doreen's cookbook), lovely spirit and interaction among all, a birthday
 and a couple of family related games enjoyed by all.
29 Reunion29 Reunion29 Reunion29 Reunion29 Reunion Lotem29 Reunion
29 ReunionLotem - shirt

December 2023 - Mikhal's educational project
The challenge of keeping the evacuees from the area under Hamas attack busy and occupied led to a successful project. Daughter in law Mikhal Segoli, a professor at the Dessert Studies department at Ben Gurion University initiated an educational  programme aimed at visitors, tourists and others to observe the work of the many scientists and researchers at the campus at Midreshet Ben Gurion. These educational tours are free of charge and have attracted much interest.
At the family reunion (see above) she explained and showed the project to the Rons.

Mikhal labMikhal labMikhal lab

November 26, 2023 - Aviv and Limor Silver anniversary

Congratulation to our son Aviv and daughter-in-law Limor on their Silver Wedding Anniversary. We wish you many many years of happiness and love.

Another picture here.

November 2023 - Volunteering in the kitchen

There are still many volunteers who provide help to soldiers and displaced victims. Some of our family's contributions are described in previous posts. This last week Doreen volunteered to prepare food for soldiers

November 2023 - A visit to Sydney Lossin

We enjoyed a pleasant visit to Sydney Lossin and her husband Ari. Sydney and I are second cousins - her mother and my father were cousins. We keep in contact with Sydney, who is a fellow "papaya grower." (see Matz family tree.) See also here.

November 2023 - A visit to Yaakov's "schnitzel" factory.

Doreen and Yaakov Bortenstein are second cousins - his mother and Doreen's father were cousins. We see Yaakov often but this time we went to his factory and were most impressed with what we saw, and with the huge amount of turkey "schnitzel" he produces. (see Schank family tree.)

November 2023 - Wordle in 1 !
Like many of my friends and acquaintances I am addicted to the New York Times Wordle Puzzle, which I play every day. In addition, there are other copy-cat Wordle sites, including Wordle Unlimited, which I occasionally play.  Today the ultimate was achieved!

November 2023 - The Segolis pick fruit

The Segolis came for the weekend and helped us pick about 30 of the almost last papayas and the avocados from our trees. Our avocado yield this year was smaller than usual but we still had many more than we could eat.

November 2023 - The Segolis hike

On the way to spending the weekend with us the Segolis went on a hike in the Judean Desert at Nachal Ashelim. Last week's heavy rainfalls added to the attraction of the site. Here Maayan, Lotem and Zoe wade through water.

Papaya ideas

As we reported previously we have a glut of papayas in our garden. We eat them in the traditional way - fresh with lemon, but the family has come up with new papaya ideas.  The Segolis prepared Cheese Fondue with papaya and son-in-law Aviv Ron prepared papaya with his extra spicy sauce.
fondue papayaspicy papaya

Aviv also made a soup from papaya and yellow peppers they picked when volunteering. See his soup recipe here.

Denise helping pick crops

We're proud that niece Denise Braverman (in black shirt) has also joined those helping farmers in the war area pick their crops.

November 2023- A concert at Vera Salomon Centre

We attended a short concert at the Vera Salomon Centre where Doreen's sister Louise is living. The performers were two young army volunteers Itai Paz (violin) and Noa Noa Kapelyushnik (piano) who delighted us with their excellent playing. After the concert there was a very moving homage to Israel and the army by the devoted Phillipine caregivers at the centre.

concert Vera Salomonsconcert Vera Salomons

November 2023 - A visit to Louis Nickel's humus restaurant.
We paid a visit to Doreen's cousin Louis Nickel
who runs a 'Humusia' restaurant in the Talpiot market. We were impressed with the speed at which he prepares the orders and even more impressed by the delicious humus lunch we had. (see Nochomoviz family tree.)
Louis nickelLouis nickel restaurant

News from the Terazza family
We received a welcome email from Vanessa (Glasser) Terazza updating us with news and pictures about her family. The Glezer family tree has been updated.

Belated congratulations to her daughter Micaela  who married Marco Balboni last December.

Micaela wedding

We were also happy to get pictures of her daughter Cinzia Mulder's little girl Mia.
Mia Mulder

October 2023 - Our soldier guest
We hosted a 'lone soldier', Jordyn, for a weekend. She's doing her army service and her parents live in USA. The Rons came over on Friday night and we all enjoyed the company and the (vegetarian) food. The next day we had a sushi meal at the shop near us. We hope we'll be able to see and host her again .
Me, Doreen, Lior, Jordyn, Vered, Dani, Aviv          Jordyn and Doreen

October 2023 - "Bring Them Back"
Niece Denise Braverman and her running group organised an event on behalf of the release of hostages.

DEnise run group
The signs read "Bring them back. 071023"
(Denise is front, second from right)

October 2023 - A meal for 500!
Doreen's cousin Yaakov Bortenstein helped organise a day of relaxation (יום כיף) for 500 soldiers in a battalion that had seen heavy action. Included was a steak meal for all - a tremendous untertaking involving among other thing a mobile meat smoking apparatus.
(See also here.)


Papayas from our garden
We have had amazing success with our papaya (paw-paw) yield this year. Above are just some of (yes 'just some of') the papayas our 3 trees have given. They are enormous (see 12" /30cm ruler) and tasty. We are happily suppling family and friends and anybody who will take them.. There are still many more on the tress waiting to ripen. Paw-paws are common in South Africa but what was once a delicacy for us in Israel is now our usual breakfast and after dinner dessert.

Next in line from our garden are avocadoes but the yield this year looks disappointing, expecially compared to previous years.

The Segolis visited us this weekend and we learnt about their volunteering efforts in the south. We were happy to see grandson Maayan and to help granddaughter  Zoe prepare cookies for soldiers.

segoli visit

October 2023 - War effort
Two of our grandchildren are in the army in non-combat positions. We are proud of the actions of our family who are devoting their time and efforts for the relief of those affected by the hostilities. Here are just a few examples.

Our cousins the  Shavits who live in the south near the area of hostilities spent a week with the Ron family in Herzliya. Dani is organising collecting supplies and money. Moran is in charge of the war effort for foreign citizens (many of whom were also killed) and Mikhal is helping with the over 500 foreigners living in their area. Zoe is entertaining children from affected areas and Lotem is doing robotics activities. Limor,  together with her  colleagues in the Egged bus company,  is distributing much needed items to those in need. Ilay and Amit are hosting 3 friends,.

war effortwar efforteffort
Segolis preparing supplies - Aviv Ron and Danielle picking peppers

October 2023 - Visit to Estonia, and Doreen's column on our Riga visit.

October 2023 - Attack by Hamas.
We are in Riga and the news of the attack by Hamas is very disturbing. We hope our friends and family are safe. Mikhal Segoli's sister Naama and family were visiting son Moran when hostilities started, and when a siren sounded they all went into the special strong room. Naama's husband Moishik, who is a yoga teacher, did yoga exercises with the family in the strong room.

September 2023 - Dinner at the Klotnicks with Raphael and Tamara Cotton

Raphael Cotton, son of my late cousin Cecile, is visiting Israel with Tamara his wife. They  are a lovely couple and have been staying with us for a few days. Tamara has a cousin who also lives in our building.  We went for supper to relatives Joel and  Beryl Klotnick in their sukkah  As usual with the Klotnicks the food was excellent and the company wonderful. See Matz and Hershovitz/Levy family trees.

September 2023 - Lunch with the Cartoons
We were delighted that Selma and Lennie Cartoon could join us  for a sushi lunch from the sushi shop near us. We have known the Cartoons for many years but don't see them often enough. Lennie is a cousin of my late Aunt Malia (Weinronk) Levy.

September 2023

We had a very pleasant dinner at Yam 7 Restaurant with bridge friends Finn and Ann Wardi from Finland and Jan Kamras the President of the World Bridge Federation.
dinner L-K-W

Rosh Hashanah September 202
On the first evening of Rosh Hashanah we celebrated at the home of daughter Vered and Aviv together with the Eilat Levy family. The Segolis joined us for the second night for a mini family reunion. (see here).
As usual when the cousins get together  they play the game of  Talisman which never seems to finish.

September 2023 - Friday night dinner

On the first Friday night after our return from our Morocco visit the Segolis and Rons joined us for supper and had to listen to accounts of our Moroccan trip.

August/September 2023 - World Bridge Championships

There are 3 categories in the World Bridge Championships: Open, Women, Seniors and Mixed. I am proud that the new Women's World Champion is Israel. The team consists of 6 young women who overcame challenges from 23 other countries.

Venice Cup

September 1013 Vered with friends from school days.
Daughter Vered Ron met with two friends from her school days who are visiting Israel - Simona Gringart from Australia and Patisa Rasmussen from Denmark..
Patissa Simona

August 2023 - The Tournament Directors at theWorld Bridge Championships

Back: Laurie (AUS), Marc (NED), Gordon (ENG), Henrik (SWE), Ton (NED - Reviewer), Robert (AUS), McKenzie (USA)
Front: Bertrand (FRA), Eitan (ISR - TD Com. Chairman), Matt (USA), Antonio (ITA - Head TD), Rahmi (TUR), Jeanne (NED)
Absent: Jacek (POL - Home TD)

August 2023 - Another KFC

To add to my collection of family and KFC all over the word: In Marrakech Morocco at the train station. and next to the main central square Jamaa el-Fnn
KFC Marrakechkfc

Here are links to some previous family KFC visits
Beersheva Israel Wuhan China, Brasov Romania, Moscow Russia, Shenzhen China, Mongolia and Istanbul, Berlin Germany, Belfast N.Ireland, Prague Czech, Madeira, Wroclaw Poland, London., Nicosia Cyprus, Sinai Egypt, Netanya Israel and New Delhi India.

August 2023 - The Segolis visit Bulgaria.
Moran and family has a fantastic visit to Bulgaria. This is what Moran whatsapped us:

We went as a family with my sister-in-law’s family for a week's vacation in Bulgaria. We let our children choose what to do. I was happy that they chose to do a 4 day trek. The weather was good (a bit cool and cloudy for me - but the others loved it, the views were beauti,ful. and the cabins were basic with an amazing view.

It's great that the older children still want to spend time with us – especially on hikes.

After the hiked we spent two restful days at a luxury chalet and a day at a Water Park and a short visit to Sofia.

We visited the natural History Museum. It was exciting and we were proud of the kid’s knowledge of and interest in the animals.

Segoli bulgariaSegoli bulgariaSegoli bulgariaSegoli bulgariaSegoli bulgaria
There are more pictures on the pages of Maayan, Lotem and Zoe.

August 2023 - A visit with Hans Reijzer

Ezra and Rivka

While I was in Veldhoven for the World Youth Championships (see here)
Doreen spent part of the time in Amsterdam, where our good friends the Reijzers live.
Hans' children, their spouses and grandchildren make sure that a least one of them
visits Hans every day.

When Doreen visited Hans, Ezra Reijzer and his wife Rivka ordered Indonesian takeaway
for dinner

August 2023 - Albert Cuyp Market, Amsterdam

After the bridge event in Veldhoven  I joined Doreen for a couple of days in Amsterdam. As usual my highlight of a visit to Amsterdam is eating haring which I did a few times at the interesting Albert Cuyp market.
Cuyp marketherring

August 2023 (1962?)
When we lived in Durban (South Africa) the Durban Jewish Club was the venue for nearly all Jewish activities. Cultural shows, weddings, 2nd night passover seder and much more were celebrated there. Doreen and I had the reception for our wedding there, and my father was for a time the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Club. The Club was very popular with Jewish youth, especially the f courts. Unfortunately, due to the dwindling Jewish population in Durban the Club no longer exists.

Doreen tennis DJC1010

Our good friend Maureen Fain sent us a picture taken
 well over 60 years ago of Doreen in tennis outfit
 at the courts of the Durban Jewish Club.

August 2023 - our produce
During the time we were away, our garden didn't have a vacation and  continued growing but unfortunately we couldn't enjoy the fruits of our efforts. But the next best thing was that daughter Vered Ron and family came to our house and picked the ripe produce which they thoroughly enjoyed. All was not lost for when we  came back for the 3 day "interval" we found and enjoyed  another ripe papaya and many ripe mangoes and some avocados. Well eat a few and the Rons will enjoy the rest.
Gooseberries   -   Papayas   -   Basil and tomatoes with unusual shape
garden producegarden producegarden produce

August 2023 - WBF Youth Championships

The World Youth Bridge Championships take place every second year. There are five categories from Under 16, Under 21, Under 26, Under 26 Women, Under 31. The opening ceremony was impressive with the 36 countries dressed in their country uniforms.


August 2023 - A short visit to Utrecht

While I was busy with bridge at a bridge championship in Veldhoven, Netherlands, Doreen took time to visit the city of Utrecht and was surprised to find a place that was a pub 6 days a week, and on Sunday was a church with services
pub church

Yet more KFC's - including Netanya!
The fast-food chain KFC is opening branches in Israel. As KFC is my favourite fast food restaurant I was delighted that there is now a KFC in Netanya a 10 minute drive from our home. Of course I couldn't wait to go there, together with half the population of Israel who apparently also like KFC. The staff was a bit overwhelmed but we managed to receive our meal without too long a wait. Doreen's salad came without a fork or spoon (sorry we don't have any) so we returned it but the rest of the meal was good. As always, the family looks for KFC's in the various countries they visit and send me photos - the latest from Moran in New Delhi India.

Netanya, Israel   -   New Delhi India
KFC NetanyaKFC New Delhi
Here are links to some previous family KFC visits
Beersheva Israel Wuhan China, Brasov Romania, Moscow Russia, Shenzhen China, Mongolia and Istanbul, Berlin Germany, Belfast N.Ireland, Prague Czech, Madeira, Wroclaw Poland, London., Nicosia Cyprus, Sinai Egypt

July 2023 - Papaya trap
Our papaya trees are bountiful this year and there are tens of papayas waiting to ripen and fall down. Unfortunately we will be away and most of the papayas will fall into the street below and splatter. So we designed a papaya trap to catch the falling fruit. So far, one two been 'trapped' (see the first one below).  Some will fall while we are away- daughter Vered will be happy to come and pick those up.

We scoured the neighbourhood for discarded wood  and building the trap was a joint venture - it may not look the prettiest but it should do the job.
papaya trap10

July 2023 - The Nathans visit the Ginsbergs

We received some photos from Melodie Nathan the daughter of Doreen's cousin Lucille Melamed.
 We haven't had much contact with them for some time so we were very pleased.
Melodie and husband Mark and daughter Gabriella were in London and, especially Gabi, enjoyed
the London sights and experience. (see picture below) .

In London they visited Melodie's aunt Wendy Ginsberg and family and this was the first time that Gabi has met these relatives.

On our trip to London earlier this year we also enjoyed a visit to the Ginsbergs.

See: Nochimoviz/Nickel family tree.

Ryan and Natalie Smith, Melody Nathan, Wendy and Dave Ginsberg,
Hillary and Hillel Weintraub.

Gabriella, Mark and Melodie enjoying London

uly 2023 - March to Jerusalem

We are proud that our daughter Vered and the Ron family are taking part in the March to Jerusalem to protest the government's undemocratic attempt of "judicial overhaul".

July 2023 - Wimbledon Tennis

Daughter Vered was invited to Wimbledon to watch the final of the Ladies Championship.

July 2022 - Moran treks in India
Moran and two friends visited India where they went on a few treks.

Moran writes:
"We delayed the start of our 8 day trek by one day due to a storm.
Today we drove to the start of the trek but the road was blocked due to a rock slide. We waited about 4 hours till they moved the rocks."
Moran India

"We went on an 8 day trek, starting at a beautiful valley (Markeh Valley) that has a flowing river in it. We had to cross it many times.
We then climbed to the mountains, that were snow covered. The weather was good but it did rain a bit. "

Moran trek IndiaMoran trek IndiaMoran trek India

Next they will be going on a 3 day trek in the "hidden valley".

From my diving log book
I've been going through old papers and documents, digitizing the important ones and then throwing most of them away together with other non important papers. I found two dive log books from the days I used to dive, and it brought back many memories.
The above is from our visit to Australia in 2002 while on our round the world trip. We went on a 3 day trip on a dive boat to the Great Barrier Reef and had nine dives including the Milln Reef, well known for the abundance of fish and sea life. I wrote "A fantastic dive - especially the bonmie. Lots and lots of fish - including the biggest trigger fish I have ever seen ...... At last the Great Barrier Reef we've heard so much about. " (A bonmie is a outcrop or column higher than the reef platform.)
Looking through my log books I see that I have dived in Sinai, Eilat, Key Largo, Belize, Mexico, Bahamas, Key West, Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Aruba, Cayman Islands, Fiji, Heron Islands, Mozambique, New Zealand and probably other places I did not log.

I haven't dived during the last 15-20 years or so, but Doreen has intermittently dived over these years and recently renewed her dive license. See here in Madeira and here in Eilat.

July 2023 - Pam Bethlehem's 80th
Pam 80thPam 80th

Our friends Jeff and Pam Bethlehem celebrated Pam's 80th their daughter's house. It was a delightful evening not only sharing the occasion with them and their family but also meeting again with many friends from our Habonim days in South Africa,  many of whom we have not seen for a very long time.
Vered's birthday

We celebrated daughter Vered Ron's birthday by taking her out to a delicious meal at Nammos restaurant at the Herzliya Marina.
Vered Bday

June 2023 - A great visit to Eilat

The dive team (Lotem, Moran, Doreen, Aviv Itamar)  -  Through the windows of a sunken satil (missile boat)
dive teamwindow

On the way to ice cream after a tasty Thai dinner
in eilat

Itamar, Zoe and Lotem
ice skating
on the ice

June 2023 - Dovvy Glassman
dovvy Glassman
David (Dovvy) Glassman  ז"ל
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Dovvy Glassman. Dovvy was a friend and a colleague at Coral World where we both worked. We enjoyed many shared experiences (for example our trip to Sinai many years ago) with Dovvy and his wife Ziona, Doreen's close friend for over 50 years. We send her and Dovvy's sons our heartfelt condolences.
June 2023 - Dinner with Micky and Yael Gur
We had a delightful diner at our home with daughter Vered, longtime friends Colin and Louise Kessel and friends from a long time ago Micky and Yael Gur. Micky was the top man at Coral World International and was my "boss" when I worked in St Thomas and the Bahamas. We had an excellent personal relationship  and kept up contact for a few years. But except for a chance meeting with Micky a few months ago have not seen each other for a long time, so it was great to meet again and talk about familiar events and people.

gur-kessel dinner
Colin and Louise Kessel, Micky and Yael Gur, Vered and doreen

Micky told us that Coral World Bahamas was sold and after suffering damage in hurricane Hugo in 1989 was abandoned. It is now a well known rusted structure and a favorite object of drone photography. You tube has many aerial clips, for example here and a professional looking video here where what's left of the bridge to Coral World from Arawak Cay can be seen.

Having spent 4 significant years of my life there, it was very sad to see these 'then and now" pictures.
CW-tower-nowCW tower was

June 2023 - The Segolis rappel

Moran writes:

I went with the kids (and also Kagan and Porat Families) to The Colonel's Cave (a salt cave in Sodom)

It started with rappelling down a 70 meter shaft and then we walked/crawled for about 45 minutes

It was the first real rappelling for the kids.

The kids (and I ) really enjoyed ourselves


(I remember Mom taking me in Rappelling in Ein Netafim when I was small.)

Moran tells me that his daughter Lotem was wearing the helmet of my late sister Fern who was a keen mountaineer and rock climber.


June 2023 - Doreen's birthday cake

Daughter Vered and Aviv Ron invited us to dinner. At the end of the meal we were surprised when the Rons brought out a cake and candles for Doreen's birthday
DL Bday23

June 2023 - New sushi shop
We are delighted that a sushi shop has opened at the mall a 3 minute walk from our apartment.. Of course we had to try it out (on the opening day) and very much enjoyed our sushi lunch there.

June 2023 - "Three little maids are we"
Caroline Livne, Ruti Erez and Doreen celebrated their recent birthdays at a coffee shop in the nearby Piano Mall.
3 bdays

June 2023
Second cousin Susan Nathan is making as good recovery after her operation and is now out of her wheel-chair and walking.
Susan Nathan

June 2023 - Nadav and Asal are married

We were very happy to attend the wedding of  Asal Reyhanian  and Nadav Keyson. Nadav is the grandson of our long time friend Hans and the late Lottie Reijzer. The Reijzer family is the closest one can get to family without actually being family. Nadav's mother is Jose Reijzer Keyson whom we have known since she was a baby when the Reijzers and us met at the ulpan 58 years ago when we settled in Israel. The Reijzers later returned to the Netherlands and we have remained good friends and in contact for nearly 60 years, for example, often visiting each other, going on holiday with them, and being with them during important events. .
keyson wedding
Jose Keyson (mother of the groom), our daughter Vered Ron, Doreen, me, son in law Aviv Ron, granddaughter Lior Ron and uncle of the groom, Ezra Reijzer.

June 2023 - An evening with Morris Kahn

Friend Morris Kahn's sister Leonie is visiting from England and we had coffee, drinks and a light supper at his house.

Morris and Leonie

May 2023 -English Speaking Residents Association (ESRA) Project.
The English Speaking Residents Association  Building a Community Project in Netanya is a  project where Ethiopian students in disadvantaged communities live rent free and mentor local mainly Ethiopian school children towards their batmitzah. Last year Doreen donated a birthday cake for the batmitzvah ceremony (read details here) and this year did the same.


May 2023 - Aviv visits Petra
Son Aviv went diving in Sinai with the Kahn clan, and then joined his fellow employees on a trip to Petra in Jordan.
Aviv PetraAviv Petra

May 2023 - Vegan Shrimps
We celebrated the festival of Shavuot and were happy to welcome the Segolis and Rons to a typical multi-course DDD (Delicious Doreen Dinner). The highlight of the dinner were the vegan shrimps  prepared by Maayan with help from Doreen.

vegan shrimp

May 2023 - Myra Simon ז"ל
Our good friend Myra Simon has passed away. We have very fond memories of her and her late husband Smokey one of the founders of the Israel Air Force.
We were with them on our trip to the Galapagos Islands and also with Myra on our China visit, where amongst other activities we went riding with her and Morris Kahn in Beijing.
See also here for another picture of Myra playing bridge with Doreen.


May 2023 - Sheenagh visits Indonesia

We received some lovely pictures from cousin Charles and Sheenagh Levy (see family tree) who are enjoying a visit to Indonesia with thewir daughter Katherine.

Sheenagh Indonesiasee Doreen's recipe.see Doreen's recipe.


May 2023 - Visit to Steve Blass

After visiting Susan, see below, we went to Kibbutz Yizrael to see our friend Steve Blass, whose wife Bini passed away a few months ago.

Steve Blass

May 2023 - A visit to Susan Nathan

We visited relative Susan Nathan at the Bet Ha-Emek Retirement Home in Nof Hagalil. She is recovering nicely from her operation.

Susan Nathan

May 2023 - Dinner

After our holiday in Italy we decided to enjoy with some family and friends the bottle of Brunello di Montalcino we had bought there.
Doreen went out of her way and as usual prepared a great meal. She included Italian bread sticks (grissini - see recipe), cannelloni and lasagna.
nd also a delicious onion soup (note the flame -in blue- melting the cheese topping) and a very successful savory tarte tatin with beetroot and ricotta cheese.

onion souptarte tatin

May 2023 - On the way from Rome to Montepulciano

On the way we visited Lake Bolsena (a first for us), enjoyed lunch there and then drove on to


We last visited with granddaughter Dani a few years ago. A visit there is always moving, especially for Limor and Aviv on their first visit there.

The centuries old Jewish community in Pitigliano was well integrated in the town, and was often a haven from persecution. During WWII the Catholic residents help hide their Jewish neighbours.
We visited the underground remains of the kosher abattoir, a complex to dye material and a kitchen with a dough kneader, table and oven where they made matzot. The synagogue, built in 1598 was recently beautifully restored.

May 2023 - A short visit to Rome
On our way to Villa Poliziana we stopped off in Rome for a few days. We've all been a few times to Rome. (See here for a previous visit with our three children to celebrate Aviv's 50th birthday). But  a visit there, even to sites we've already visited, is always very enjoyable.

We enjoyed the food - pizzas, Japanese at the Luffy Restaurant, oysters at Baccano and a few other places. (see also AL34 Restaurant)

And of course the fantastic Italian gelato
some sites - St. Andreas - Trevi Fountain - Statue of Moses

  A visit to Del' Ara Pacis (Read Doreen's column)

April 2023 - Dan and Tanya in Israel
We were delighted to meet relatives on our Levy side. Dan Nathan and his sister Tanya (Nathan) Wood came on a short visit to Israel to visit their mother Susan (my second cousin) who is recuperating after a heart operation. We were glad they managed to meet some of our children and grandchildren who were staying with us. We wish Susan a speedy recovery.
See Hershovitz/Levy tree.
Meeting the Nathans
Amit, Itamar, Lotem, Zoe, me, Aviv, Doreen, Dan Nathan, Tanya Wood

April 2023 - Daughter-in-law Mikhal Segoli is in USA doing some research at the University of Minnesota.

Mikhal Minnesota

April 2023 - My 83rd birthday
This week was my 83rd birthday. The dates of Jewish festivals are in accordance with a lunar calendar. I was born during Passover but this year year my birthday corresponded to Israel's Independence Day (actually a day later). On my birthay eve Doreen prepared a fantastic delicious meal and the next day daughter Vered Ron organised a dinner for me, and granddaughter Zoe decorated a cake. The family surprised me by also showing up and we had a virtual one night family reunion.

1EL Bday 83EL Bday 83

April 2023 - Yom Ha-atzmaut  - Israel's 75th birthday
This week was Israel's 75th Independence Day and we celebrated as always at the home of Terry and Carol Kessel. Once again it was lovely to see old friends again and of course to enjoy the food and the special Kessel hospitality.
Kessel party10

April 2023 - Doreen dives with the sharks.
Doreen's diving insurance expires soon and as she is not sure whether it will be renewed she decided that her (perhaps) last dive should be a dive with the sharks (and of course with son Aviv).

Preparation with the help of Aviv
shark diveshark dive

The dive.
shark diveshark dive
See also Archives of This Week's Picture..

April 2023 - Removing sea debris
Son Aviv was one of the organisers for a sea "clean-up" in Eilat today when divers removed nearly a ton of debris from the sea floor.

Aviv explaining the details and route of the dive to the volunteer divers.
beach cleanupbeach cleanup

April 2023 - A family meal.
With the Eilat Levys for a meal at the (disappointing) Greco restaurant.
Greco Eilat

April 2023 - Off to Houston
Good luck to granddaughter Lotem Segoli and her robotic group Fata Morgana. They are off to Houston, USA to take part in the FIRST World Robotics Championship. (see also here about their win in the Israel Championships.).
off to Houston

April 2023 - Uri Buri
After reading in Haaretz about Uri Jeremias  and his unwavering belief in co-existence even though his restaurant was burnt down, Doreen and I went to Uri Buri, his rebuilt restaurant in Acre, and enjoyed a meal there.
Uri at Uri BuriUri Buri

April 2023 - The Segolis go on a hiking trip to Sinai.

From Moran's facebook page
(There are more pictures and the itinerary there)
"We went down to Sinai for a week (Mickal, Zoe and I) - a day and a half at Nuweba Beach and then a five-day trip to East Sinai, with friends.
It was amazing. I did the first day's trip four years ago - and still the colours, beauty and size surprised me all over again.
The children got along excellently.
The only problem with the trip was the weather - we had both a heat wave and rain."

Segoli hike sinaiSegoli sinaiSegoli hike sinai

Segoli sinai
Segoli sinaiSegoli sinai

Celia Lugasi preparing mofletta for the Mimouna celebration at her home. (see here).

April 2023 - Fillet Mignon
We were given a large quantity of fillet steak and we're not sure what to do with all of it. We invited friends Dani and Ruti Erez and Doreen's sister Louise to lunch. Doreen did some google research and prepared absolutely delicious and tender Fillet Mignon steaks in pepper sauce. With roast potatoes ,carrots, sweet potatoes and garlic and a  few salads (including ingredients from our garden) it was a meal fit for a king.
Fillet Mignon

Pesach blessing
A Moroccan pesach tradition - the seder plate (with matzah, zeroa shankbone, egg, bitter herbs, charoset and karpas) is held above each person while reciting a blessing.
pesach blessing
Aviel Amar encourages while Limor and Bar Amar bless Maayan and Itamar.

March 2023 - Eleanor (Gamsy) Pines in Israel.

Eleanor (Gamsy) Pines, Doreen's close friend from school days, is visiting Israel with her companion  Dennis Feinberg and we met twice for lunch. Doreen and Eleanor were close friends in South Africa and my first memories od Doreen are of her being always with Eleanor. Eleanor lives in South Africa but we have met a few times, in Israel and South Africa and once even in London.
Eleanor-DennisEleanor and doreen1010Eleanor
Dennis Feinberg and Eleanor, and Doreen and Eleanor in their younger days, and today.

March 2023 - Borough Market, London Bridge
We've visited London many times but this was the first time we went to the Borough Market, in London Bridge. We've seen many markets in various places in the world, and this one is on a par with the best of them. The variety at the market is amazing and I recommend anyone going to London to take a morning to visit.

Doreen is severely allergic to eggplant (aubergine, brinjal) so the Purple Stick, Round Graffiti and Thai Green eggplants we only of curiousity interest. The Mango, Passion Fruit, Cacao Gin was of more practical interest, as were the various curries.
Borough MarketBorough MarketBorough Market

Borough MarketBorough Market
Borough MarketBorough Market

London March 2023: Meeting with Peter Hassenson

Peter Hassenson and I periodically meet for interesting chats about the bridge world, in London, Israel and whenever we are at a bridge competition. Peter is a collector of bridge memorabilia and has an amazing collection which I saw on a previous trip.
This time Doreen joined us for lunch at the curiously named Doggett Coat and Badge Pub on the Thames. The setting was delightful, the food good, the location 5 minutes from our hotel convenient and the conversation interesting as always.

London March 2023: Business at he Bank of England
On our London trip we had reason to conduct business at the venerable Bank of England in Threadneedle Street. We were not concerned with setting interest rates or any global financial matters. We simply had the grand sum of £40 in notes from our last trip, which unfortunaltely were  no longer valid. We had to exchange them for new notes. It didn't take too long, and we then went and used some of our new  sparkling notes to buy 2 cups of coffee at a nearby cafe.

 . Bank of England
The way of dealing with queues, first come first served, was different from that we are used to. In Israel, you either wait in line in a long queue or you take a number and people are served in numerical order. At the Bank as you arrive you are seated (on a concrete ledge which I am sure was not meant for this purpose) next to those who came before you. As these earlier ones are called in everyone moves a seat up until their turn. It remided us of a game of musical chairs.

March 2023 - Van Gogh and us
Instead of finding or arranging special costumes for Purim this year, we took the easy way by utilizing the "Time Machine" app of My Heritage to show how we might have been and  might have looked in the past. And while we were about it we asked the app to show how we might have looked if van Gogh had painted us.
van Gogh

March 2023 - Demonstrating

February 2023 - Meeting Hilary
Doreen was thrilled to meet up with Hilary (Diner) Kahn, one of her best friends from school days who now lives in Australia. We were joined by Maureen (Konigsfest) Fain, also a school mate, and Doreen's sister Louise who had gone out for a while with Hilary's brother. I also knew Hilary and her sister Sandra.  Our parents, especially Doreen's mother Gertie, were friendly with Hilary's mother Fay.  There was plenty to talk about - shared experiences, what have you been doing, where is so and so - and it was a really delightful meeting.
Hilary etc

Moran is 50 - Lunch for his parents' friends

Son Moran turned 50 last month and he decided to celebrate not only on his birthday but the whole year.
He spent a weekend with friends in Amsterdam, then with wife Mikhal in Norway to see the Northern Lights. 
Next was a luncheon for all his parents' friends who during his growing up in Hofit, Eilat and St Thomas "played a part in who he is today".

Moran and family friends
Louise Braverman, Yael Paperna, Vered Ron, Caroline Livneh, Maureen Fain, Doreen, Moran, Lotem and Mikhal Segoli, Varda Rosbruch, me, Ziona Glassman and son Dudi.

Lotem's team win Israel Robotics Championship

We were in Ashdod to support granddaughter Lotem Segoli at the Israel Robotics championships and were thrilled by their victory. Lotem and her team will go to Houston, Texas in April  to compete in the FIRST International Robotics Championships.

3rs set of the finals after a long days work about to start
Red wins!!! 
                                                                                                                                                           Proud Granny and Saba
More pictures here and here.

February 2023 - Jeff Geffen
I was very sad to hear of the passing of my second cousin Jeffrey Geffen.  Jeff stayed in our home while studying as a pharmacist in Durban. He was about 13 years older than me and I looked upon him as a big brother. I have many fond memories of him and his keen sense of humnour. He was a keen sportsman until tubercolosis curtailed most of his sport activities. Jeff and his wife Doreen (Altshuler) made aliyah to Israel and lived in Ashdod. He founded and developed the sport of Badminton in Israel. Here is a picture of him  in badminton outfit.
Heartfelt condolences to his children Yehudit Akuka and Joel and to his grand- and great grand children.
See Levy family tree.
Jeff Gefen
Jeffery Gefen 1927 - 2023

February 2023

Bini Blass

We were saddened by the passing of Bini Blass, a friend from our South Africa days. Condolences to husband Steve and family. See also a visit to them on Kibbutz Yizrael earlier this year and more links.

January 2023 - Lunch with Maureen and Maxine
We had lunch with Maxine (Konigsfest) Freed, sister of good friend Maureen Faine. We have not seen Maxine for about 60 years (!) but we see Maureen regulary (for example) and she has kept us updated. By chance Maxine mentored daughter Vered and husband Aviv during their orientation period at Columbus University.

Maxine and Maureen

January 2023 - Lunch with Archie Ogden

We had lunch this week with Archie Ogden, a friend from our days in St Thomas in the Virgin Islands. Archie and his wife Ella were close friends of ours, and we shared many happy hours with them, sometimes with Archie entertaining us on his guitar. Read what Doreen wrote about the Ogdens in her recipe book.

Meeting Archie for lunch  in 2023                      Archie with guitar (about 30-40 years ago)
Archie Ogdenarchie guitar

January 2023 - Tirza Naor ז"ל

We were saddened this week by the passing of Tirza Naor whom Doreen had befriended for a number of years. See previous post.

Tirza Naor

Paintings by Tiina Drui
Tiina Drui is a very talented artist. Her painting of her husband Heini acurately depicts him. Here is some more of Tiina's artwork.
Heini Drui (see Schank family tree) was for many years a "lost" relative but we now have fairly regular contact. We have seen him and his charming wife both in Israel and in Estonia. Click here for a picture and more links and information.

Heini Drui
Tiina portraitTiina beachTiina child

Like Father like Son

About 50 years ago the Chief Rabbi of Israel Ovadia Yosef visited Coral World and I showed him around the site.
This year his son, Chief Rabbi Yitschak Yosef visited Coral World and my son showed him around the site.
Rabbi2023rabbi 1980
(Son Aviv is amazing - where does he find all these old photos??!!)

T-Shirt - Northern Lights
We were very impressed with the Segolis visit to Tromso Norway to view the Northern Lights. It looks like an amazing sight. That's something we've never experienced or even come close to. Our visits to the far north were all in summer. At least we did see the midnight sun in Tromso and had lunch and bought a tee shirt at the Northern Lights Inn in Labrador!
t shirt

January 2023 - Moran and Mikhal in Tromso, Norway
(See also This Week's Picture)

Moran and Mikhal enjoying a drink served in a glass made entirely of ice
Segoli norway

They went on a snow-shoe hike with a sledge dog puppy
and warmed up with a fire on the ice.
Segoli norway

January 2023 - The Nussbaums
We spent a happy and delicious time in Toronto at the Nussbaums, John and Ethne, old friends from our days in Durban, South Africa. (see last visit in 2016)
January 2023 - Meeting the Glogauers in Toronto
On our way home we stopped over in Toronto, Canada to visit Doreen's cousin Eileen Glogauer and Isaac. We enjoyed a Friday night dinner and brunch the next morning. Doreen and Eileen were very close when they were younger but unforunately we don't see them often enough. Our last visit was in 2016.
see Nochimovitz tree.

January 2023 - Ice Skating in Toronto.

ice skatingpolarbear
The temperature was -2C. There was no wind so it wasn't so bad. From our hotel window we saw ice skating below.

January 2023 - Lunch with Florence, Jussie and Dov Levin
florence Levin
We had a long lunch reminiscing with Florence and Jussie Levin and their son Dov. Dov is on sabbatical from his post as Assistant Professor in political science in Hong Kong. We enjoy our meetings with the Levins. Florence is very 'family orientated' and keeps me up to date on the branch of the Gordon/Glazer family tree.

January 2023 - A visit to Nina Shafer
Nina and Hanna
Doreen went to Philadelphia to meet Nina Schafer, a close friend from our days in St Thomas in the Virgin Islands. Doreen was happy that Nina's daughter, Hannah, was also there.
Click for our last visit to Nina in 2018.

January 2023 - The Rons visit Cuba

Daughter Vered Ron with Aviv, Danielle, Lior and Danielle's friend Oz are spending and enjoying a few days in Havana, Cuba.

January 2023 - Brunch with the Hocks

brunch with the Hocks
Eddie Hock, Anita Hock, Lynne Hock, Eloise Feinstein, Jonathan Hock, Doreen, me.

We were delighted to again meet Anita Hock and family. The brunch was delicious and the company terrific. See here and here for two previous celebrations with them.
See Nochimovitz tree.

January 2023 - Moran enjoys a herring sandwich in Amsterdam
moran herring
Son Moran Segoli spent a long weekend with 3 friends in Amsterdam. Following his father's (my!) tradition he enjoyed the local herring.

January 2023 - Moran takes a break

Son Moran Segoli writes:
We had two ‘free’ hours in the middle of the day – so we went to eat lunch at a water hole. Quality time together in the desert with a swim – can’t get better than that. Unfortunately - I got stuck in the mud on the way back and Mikhal had to have her Zoom meeting in the field.. Luckily I have friends with 4X4 that came and got us out.
Moran break5Moran breakMoran break