December 2012 -
The Reijzers visit.
Doreen: Hans and
Lottie Reijzer, our friends from ulpan days nearly 50 years ago, are on
a visit to
Israel. They joined Vered and family and Louise at our house for Friday
dinner. I had prepared onion soup, roast
turkey breast with pears and lemon meringue pie.
Hans stumbled into our lounge
and went to sleep. It seems the night before he had been in hospital
having lost consciousness at a restaurant where he had eaten something
to which he is
allergic (red paprika it turns out). Hans did get up when our guests
and sat through the dinner barely eating anything – luckily I learnt
about the
red paprika and left it out.
When it came to desserts, he chose to have a slice
of Lemon Meringue Pie. He perked up a little and asked for a second
His eyes opened, he sat up straight and he was fine. I don’t know what
healing properties of Lemon Meringue Pie are, but try it. The recipe appears
under family recipes.
The others enjoyed
the pie but also the turkey breast!
The recipe for turkey breast also
appears under family recipes.
December 2012 -
Dan Kansky's barmitzvah
Mazal tov to Dan Kansky
on his barmitzvah today. We attended the lovely party in his honour and
had an enjoyable time. It's most pleasurable when the family meet to
celebrate something, and today was no exception. Mazl tov to mom Wendy
and and grandparents Shirley and Nathan and to all the Kansky clan.
Hirshovitz/Levy and
Matz family trees.). Here are some
pictures of the family at the barmitzvah party.
Adam, Maytal and Cheryl Kansky; Nathan
and Shirley Kansky; Braham Kansky and Ziva
Guy and Efrat Shabtay

Tamar Shabtay was too busy sending SMS's to pay much
attention to the party
Newly-weds Lee and Nadav Levy;
Jonathan Levy; Malia Levy
2012 - Our
visit to Madrid

At the hotel in Madrid with tour participants Ruth Ben Zvi
and Yehudit Pearl and tour guide Shuki Brandwein
At the ancient Egyptian Temple of Debod. The temple was dismantled in
Egypt to prevent destruction by flooding due to the Aswan Dam, and
reconsructed in Madid as a gift from Egypt to Spain.

Doreen was fascinated by this "sign" (genuine loaves of
bread) at the bread shop.
Eating and enjoying the local food is important on all our trips:
Doreen contemplates her
paella before
tucking in; a little
snack at the market.
At the market in Madrid I was pickpocketed. I felt something
immediately and noted a man in front of me putting something in his
back pocket. I pushed my way through the crowd and pulled him by the
arm. He shouted something to me in Spanish and continued walking fast.
I caught up with him on these steps, put my hand in his back pocket and
"stole" my wallet back from him. For good measure I gave him a parting
kick in the butt to help him down the stairs.
- Some pictures of the Tamir Klaffs
Frankie Klaff and Dave Rothschild with
Tamir, Alex, Tali and Cale. (see
Goldberg family tree.)
12 2012 - Wedding of Nadav Levy and Lee Eshel
Mazaltov to
Nadav Levy,
son of cousin Jonathan Levy and of Naomi;
and Lee Eshel on their marriage on 12/12/12, in the South Bohemian town
of Cesky Krumlov in the Czech Republic.
Click here
for a short and delightful video taken in Chesky Krumlov on their
wedding day.
also to Jonathan, Naomi, Dina, Efrat, Yarden and all the familes; and
extra special mazaltov to grandma Malia.
Hirshovitz/Levy and
Matz family trees.)
2012 -
Chanuka at the
Levys, the
Segolis and

is a real Festival of Lights at the Habermans. As we were
overseas we could not attend the
lighting of the 7th candle at the house of Shuly and Eitan
Haberman. (see
Goldberg family tree
). The Rons - Vered, Aviv, Dani and Lior - were there and
reported a
lovely evening.
The Segolis celebrated Chanuka at their house in
Townsville, Australia. About 30 people came and they had a wonderful
time. Even the Habad Rabbi came from Melbourne and brought Sofganiot (jam filled doughnuts).
The kids built chanukiot and
lit candles and took part in other chanuka

Lighting the first night candle and singing
Chanuka songs, in Netanya..
There are more pictures on the
Week's picture archives, and on the pages of
Lior Ron and
Dani Ron (with relative Jenna Cotton.)
December 2012 -
Eitan and Jenna Cotton
pick pecans.
We were very happy to host Jenna Cotton
during the first weekend in December. Jenna is the delightful
daughter of my cousin Cecile and Raymond Cotton (see
Hirshovitz/Levy and
Matz family trees) and is in Israel for a
few months studying at a Jerusalem
We took her to Ruthie and Dani Erez's moshav to pick some of their
delicious pecans to take back to her fellow students in
For other pictures of Jenna see the picture above, and
This Week's picture archives,
and the page of
Dani Ron
November 2012 - Award of EBL Silver Medal

Levy Decorated
On the occasion of
the 2012 European Champions' Cup,
Eitan Levy, President of the Israel
Bridge Federation,
was honored with the EBL silver medal for his services
to bridge over many decades.
November 2012
- Eilat's ephemeral lake
writes: Eilat, being in the desert, does not experience rain
every year. This year is exceptional:; they have already had
three flash floods with unexpected results. An old quarry that
appears to have a clay floor became filled with water and an ephermeral
lake was formed, to the delight of the Eilat inhabitants.. When we
walked around the lake this morning there were people windsurfing,
others swimming and a few having mud baths! A large group from a nearby
kibbutz came to have a picnic lunch by the lake while many people came
for an outing with their dogs That tower with an accacia tree in
the background is one of couple of such 'towers'. The Nature
Preservation Society insisted that even though the sand could be
quarried they were not to remove the trees. There is no way they could
get water but it is an arresting site, even though the trees are now
2012 - Reunion in Kibbutz Yizreel of ex-Durbanites
It was wonderful seeing some of our friends from our Durban days at the
ex-Durbanite reunion organized at Kibbutz Yizreel. Some we see fairly
regularly and some we haven't seen for too many tears.
Read more, and see another picture here.

Jackie Metzger, Sharon Ernst
and Theo Stone

me, Naomi Hertz Winokur, Maureen Konigsfest Fine, Jackie
Issy Levitan, me, Hylton Lotkin
October 2012
- At the Sydney Opera with the Hakims
Doreen and I spent a few days in Sydney with Ros and Claude Hakim (see
This Week's Picture archives).
We went to the justly famous and
beautiful Sydney Opera House, had a delicious meal at the restaurant
there, and saw a fantastic and fascinating production of Aida.
September 2012
- Andy and Yaffa Loew enjoy their grandchildren

Andy and Yaffa Loew with their grandchildren Dotan and Eyal Shavit.
Schank and
Glezer family trees)
Fish don't fast on Yom Kippur. Aviv Levy in his duties as Aquarium
director acts both as guard and fish feeder on this day. We usually
join him for company and a nice quiet and reflective day, but this year
it appears that he was like the Pied Piper of Hamelin attracting
children who were eager to help feed lettuce to the turtles.
September 2012
Heini and Tiina Drui (
see Schank family
tree) take a break from work in Estonia on vacation in Palma
August 2012 -
17th Family Reunion
- Eilat
Our last family reunion was in
South Africa two years ago,
and as the Segolis were passing through Israel on the way from Davis,
California to their new "home" in Townsville, Australia it was a great
opportunity to organize a family reunion and introduce the family to
the latest member, Zoe.
Doreen was appointed Head Organizer and on Thursday we all met at the
Riviera Hotel in Eilat, and had a wonderful three days together. The
hit of course was four month year old Zoe, but all the cousins got on
fabulously and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company.

The nicest part of our family reunion was the joy that everyone took in
the company of everyone else. Here Dani and Lior enjoy a short respite
from the excellent babysitting they did for all their cousins.
Itamar and Mayan as usual are intensely involved in a fascinating
electronic game, with Lotem looking on.
Ilai, in the Levy tradition, is happy
Moran, Mikhal and Aviv Ron enjoy some piece of family news.
The highlight of our reunion was a
family barbecue by the beach.
Everyone pitched in, but Aviv was the chief barbecuer of Doreen's
famous tandoori chicken.
Many of our best pictures were taken by the ardent photographer, Aviv
Ron, here showing a more relaxed side of his photography as we all
enjoy dinner.
Amit enjoying the
Yael and Nevo Nickel enjoying a joke with the rest of the Levy clan

Here Vered, Doreen and Mikhal enjoy a quiet moment in the crisp Red Sea
at sunset. There goes that ball again! Itamar and Lotem race to
catch it.
Everyone fussed around Zoe who was
quiet happy to be passed from hand
to hand - and she smiled throughout. Here Limor holds Zoe as the kids
cluster around to get a chance to hold her.

Oh Mikhal! Beware, Moran has quite a burden on his shoulders these days

This 17th Family Reunion had a lot of poignancy to it. With the Segolis
off to Australia we don't know where or when, or even if there
will be another complete one. (Even if they all gather at one of our
funerals, one of us will be in a box, and not quite there :)
On the back of the T-shirts is printed our family tree. The tree has
leaves and labels where the names of all 16 of us appear. The
children had great fun finding their name among the leaves. Bye bye,
till the next Levy Family Reunion!
for more pictures see the pages of :
Picture of Week archives
2012 - Vered's birthday paragliding celebration (See This Week's
Picture for another picture).
Doreen and I gave daughter Vered a present on her birthday last June -
to go paragliding with a partner. Vered invited Doreen to be her
partner, but for various reasons the event was put of until the
beginning of August.
By this time other excitement seekers had joined the party and decided
to paraglide too..
(left to right)
Gidon Collins, Doreen, Caroline Livne, Sharon Collins, Vered
Levy-Ron, Louise Braverman.
We were blesssed with a beautiful day with
just the right amount of wind, and a wonderful time was had by all,
including yours truly, the photographer.
Hakim's 70th birthday
The Hakim family, l-r: Ros, Daniel, Claude, Jean-Marc, on the occasion
of Claude's 70th birthday.
Four years ago
(see picture and story)
we reported on how this site helped Ros and Doreen renew contact,
only by email and skype. A few months back we posted a picture of Ros's
grandfather (
see picture and
story) and expressed the hope that we would soon meet in
In October when we fly to Australia with Moran, Mikhal
and their children, Doreen and I will to fly to Sydney to be with Ros
and Claude for a few days and we are looking forward to getting to know
each other again.
babysitting the Levy children
At the Eretz Yisrael museum, after two shows at the planetarium we saw
an ancient
wine press (left) and then went on to the Nechustan pavillion (right).
This is
where finds from Timna, one of the most ancient copper mines in the
world, are on display. Since the Levy grandchildren live in Eilat, not
far from Timna, this seemed an ideal choice and from the picture
you can see they enjoyed it.
Click here for more pictures from the
previous week's activities.
July 2012:
Babysitting the Levy children
Aviv and Limor are spending a week in Greece and we are looking after
our grandchildren Itamar, Amit and Ilai. Doreen has prepared an
activity schedule which the kids have found most enjoyable. As Itamar
said after day 2: "What interesting thing are we doing tomorrow?"
At Ramat Hanadiv - the park where Baron Edmund de Rothschild and his
wife are buried - the kids enjoyed a jazz concert (Itamar was
fascinated with the saxophone) and listened to a story and took part in
a search for signs of a unicorn (part of the Rothschild's coat of
arms). At the dairy giant Tnuva at Alon Tavor the children pose
in front of a picture of the plant. There we learnt about the processes
involved in turning cow's milk into dairy products on the supermarket
shelf. At At Maayan Zvi we fished unsuccessfully for supper but
enjoyed the water slide. The fish fillets we had for supper were from
the supermarket.
Click here for pictures from the next week.
2012 At the European Junior Bridge Championships in Vejle Denmark
Yves Aubry President of the European Bridge League awarding the cups to
the Israel pair, Itamar Ginosar and Adam Reiter, who won first prize
for the
top under 21 pair in the consolation event.
The tournament directors at the Championships, responsible for judging,
applying the laws, and smooth running of the games.
Slawek Latala (Poland)
Jens Ulrik Fought (Denmark)
Marc van Beijsterveld (Netherlands)
Eitan Levy (Israel)
July 2012 -
With Patisa, Jens and Sofia in Denmark
Doreen took the opportunity while in Denmark to visit the Rasmussens,
Patisa, Jens and Sofia. Patisa is one of our daughter Vered's closest
friends. They went to school together when we were in St Thomas in the
Virgin Islands and we consider her one of our family. Vered and
Patisa remain in close and constant contact. Patisa now lives
in Odense in Denmark.
Unfortunately I had no time off when I was at the European Junior
Bridge Championships in Vejle, but Patisa
came to say hello and then take Doreen off to spend an evening with her
in Odense an hour away.
Doreen in Copenhagen, at the statue of
Hans Christian Andersen.
2012 -
Meeting with Eleanor Pines in London
By chance Doreen's classmate and close friend Eleanor (Gamsy) Pines was
in London at the same time as we were, and we met a couple of times to
chat about the "good old days" and today's problems.
May 2012 - While in Davis, Doreen was happy to meet
with Yehoram (Yori) Leshem, a second cousin (see
Gordon/Glasser family tree), who is also
post-doc student at Davis, and a friend of our son Moran and
here for summary of Yori's research.
Doreen and Yori with baby Zoe Segoli.
Moran and Mikhal were colleagues, friends and neighbours of Yori well
before the family connection was discovered.
On a visit to Davis a few years ago the Segolis and I (Eitan)
were invited to Yori's apartment to celebrate
Sukkot in the
sukka (booth) he had built on the
During the conversation Yori mentioned that his father was originally
from South Africa, and I, who did not know Yori's surname, asked him
what his father's name was.
Yori replied that the family name had been changed and that it was now
I exclaimed "The original name was Glasser!", and when Yori was
surprised I replied: "You and Moran are cousins!"
May 2012 -
Celebrating Shavuoth with the Olkienitski family
We celebrated
Shavuoth with
the Olkienitski family (see
family tree) at the home of
and Racheli Gilad. The food was delicious, the company as always
excellent, and
Vered, Dani and
I thoroughly enjoyed the event.
Chag Sameach to
everyone! Here are some of the family.
A visit with
Jeff Geffen
In May I had a great visit with my 2nd cousin Jeff Geffen in Ashdod and
we caught up with tle latest family news. There is a picture of some of
his family in "Picture of the Week" , and here are some more pictures.

Doreen Geffen ז"ל, Cheli Gur
daughter Talya, Jeff Geffen
Dana, Amir and Erez Levin
Cheli Gur with Dana, Doreen Geffen ז"ל,
Keren Levin ,
Yehudit Geffen with Talya Gur
Braverman in training with the Israel Transalpine Run 2012 group
Denise Braverman (
Nickel/Nochimovicz &etc
family trees) continues to amaze and impress us. Two years ago
she ran
in the Transalpine Marathon in Davos, Switzerland (
see This Week's Picture archives), and
this year she
completed the Jerusalem marathon (
here) and ran with a handicapped person in the Tel Aviv marathon.
(see This Week's Picture
archives). Last week she was back in training with the Israel
Transalpine run for 2012 (
to site), running 56 kilometers in non-consecutive sectors spread
over 24 hours with no sleep! Here is her account of her experience:

training with the Israel Transalpine Run 2012 group.We
were a total of 3 groups, 4 runners in each group. The
race course included 24 sections which means that each one of us did 6
non-consecutive sections.
was runner number 2 and had the great fortune of running with 2 other
counterparts from the other Transalpine groups. We
started in Tel Haiי
Thursday at 10am and finished in Timraton
Friday morning – yes, the running continued throughout the night…
section had its magic: running from kibbutz Dafna to kibbuz Shamri with
Golan Heights in view, a very difficult run from the Sapir plant (by
Kinneret) up, up to Zalmon jail, a 3am run from Alexander Zeid statue
to Kfar
Yehushua and the last part,
at 6am
with morning mist all over emek Yizrael, from Yogev to Kfat Baruch.
difficulty was not in the 56Ks (been there – done that), but rather in
physical and mental challenge of doing it over a 24 hour stretch, with
sleep, poor food, cramped into a car smelling like a boys locker room…!
in all it was great fun and special experience! "
72nd birthday

Celebrating Saba Eitan's 72nd birthday in Eilat - Amit, Eli and
Itamar on the iphone.