December 18th - Happy 94th birthday to Berenice
December 2009: Eddie Neminoff's 80th
December 2009 - Hanukka
November 2009 - Entertaining the Kessels and Porters
and Livia
October 31, 2009 - The 300th update of this site
October 2009 - In memory of Denis and Valda Knight
October 2009 - A visit to San Francisco with the
Sukkot 2009 - In the sukka with Maayan and Lotem.
September 2009 - Rosh
Hashanah תש"ע- Jewish New Year 2009/10
August 2009 - Rafael Dvir enjoys the beach - lying on
it and eating it!
August 2009 - Doreen meets Nina Schafer on the way to
The Rons holiday in Alanya, Turkey
August 2009
- Enjoying the Turkish cuisine
reminders of the Second Temple
August 2009 - The Gate to Hell
August 2009 -Florence, Il Porcellino
August 2009 - Florence, with Enzo and Hannah
July 2009 - Rose Nickel turns 90
July 2009 - Caryn Klaff and Rhetick
Sangupta marry
Sometime in 1973 - in Rhodesia
July 2009 - Mike Glasser meets the family.
July 2009 - European Youth Bridge Team
July 2009 - Doreen in Canada
July 2009 - 22nd European Youth Teams Bridge
July 2009 - End of kindergarten year for the
July 2009 - The Rons tour Jerusalem with Doreen.
June 2009 - Dance performances by
Danielle and Lior
June 2009: some pictures of the Aviv Levys
June 2009: Vered's team wins the Mothers'
Volleyball League.
June 6 - Julius Nickel's 80th birthday
June 2009 - Doreen meets relatives
June 2009 - Bernstein's Kadish at Yad Vashem
May 2009 - Juniors Bridge in Raanana - Poland vs
May 2009 - Some family pictures taken at the
party to welcome Rafael Braverman
May 2009 - Planning a trip to Zippori
May 2009 -Yonatan learns how to bake
May 1, 2009 A picnic/barbecue on the Bet Yannai beach
April 2009 - A party for Sue Edmunds
April 24, 2009: Mazaltov to
Levy and Gal Shabtai
Vered's team wins at volleyball
The Aviv Levy family visit Mini-Israel
Pesach 2009 (special page)
Daniel, Donna and Erica Leibowitz visit South Africa
March 2009 - Tali and Cale Klaff
March 2009 - Pictures of Chloe Ruth Glogauer
March 2009 - Tamara Braverman visits
March 2009 - The festival of Purim
February 2009 - A visit to the Golan Heights
February 2009 - Entertaining guests from the Tel
Aviv Bridge Festival
January 2009 - Doreen's trip to Mali and Timbuktu
(special page)
January 2009 - Welcome to Raphael Braverman-Dvir
January 2009 - Moran's Ski trip to France
January 2009 - Aviv Levy goes diving with Big
Brother #2
the late Mac McPherson RIP
the late Nissan Rand z"l
Pictures of Dotan Shavit, aged 3 months
2009: Eddie Neminoff celebrates his 80th

On Friday 18/12/09 we attended the celebration of Edie Neminoff's 80th
birthday in Kibbutz Kfar HaNassi. Eddie was the Habonim shaliach (youth
movement emissary) to Durban when we were members of the
youth movement. Doreen and I formed close friendships with Eddie and
his wife Yael and on occasions babysat their children Amir and Dorit .
(Orna was born later). When Doreen and I encountered opposition from
her parents over our plans to get married Eddie was our go-between with
Doreen's mother. We also found that that Edie and I shared a love for
the game of bridge, and we met regularly in Israel at various bridge

After Durban, Eddie was also a shaliach in Johannesburg. At the party
we had a chance of meeting many old friends from our Habonim days we
had not seen for some time, like the ex-Durbanites (see This Week's Picture) and others
from Johannesburg, including Ron Lapid
and wife Riwa (nee Durbach), Steve Helman, Les Oshry, and Errol Sapir
(Saposhnik). In the picture are of some of us who were Habonim
members at the time Eddie was
shaliach and who were directly or indirectly influenced by Eddie to
come to Israel. (Thanks to Ron for the pictures).
18th - Happy 94th birthday to Berenice Engleberg
A special happy birthday to Berenice Engleberg who celebrates her 94th
birthday today. Berenice is a cousin of my late father. (see Matz family tree).
Granddaughter Rebecca sent us this lovely picture, taken a month ago,
of Berenice with granddaughter Rachel and great-granddaughters Tamar (2
years) and Naomi (3 1/2 months.) .
2009: The Segolis celebrate Hanuka in Davis.
It appears that there was no shortage of hanukiot to celebrate Hanuka in
Davis, both at friends' houses and at Lotem's kindergarten Gan Haverim.

2009 - Entertaining the Kessels and Porters and Livia
Carol Kessel, Doreen, Terry Kessel,
Livia Passwel, Me, Noga and Basil Porter
It's always good to see old friends again, especially friends from way
back from our South African past. We may not see them for years
but when we meet there's that chemistry that makes us feel as if we
meet every day. We see Terry and Carol Kessel regularly but only very
occasionally (unfortunately!) Basil and Noga Porter. So it was a
special pleasure to have them, the Kessels and Livia Passwell
over for
dinner this week.
October 31,
2009 - The 300th update of this site
January 18, 2004 - The first "This
Week's Picture"
From left to right:
Vered, Doreen, Aviv and Moran. The
was taken somewhere in the mountains of Eilat about 1976.
October 31, 2009 saw the 300th issue (weekly update) of this family
site. The first
issue appeared nearly 6 years ago, on January 18th 2004. I only started
archiving the "news" three years after that in 2007 so I have no
of what was written then and whether I foresaw that the site would last
so long. The first "This Week's
Picture" is shown above. All the early pictures can be seen in
the archives
of This Week's
Picture 2004-2008. For a walk down memory lane you can access
the Miscellaneous
events and pictures of 2004
October 2009
- In memory of Denis and Valda Knight
We received the sad news this week of the passing in Auckland, New
Zealand, of Denis Knight, husband of the late Valda who passed away
just over two years ago.
When we were in the Bahamas we met Lindy and Richard Davis. Richard was
working at the local hospital and we formed a close friendship with
them. We first met Lindy's parents, Denis and Valda Knight, in the
Bahamas when they came to visit. Over the years we kept up contact with
the Knights and the Davises, and are the godparents of the Davis's
younger son, Ari. On our trip to New Zealand in 2001 we
celebrated the barmitzvah of their grandson Jordan.

Denis and Valda with
"barmitzvah boy" Jordan.
On our trip, the Knights not only graciously hosted us in their home,
but went out of their way to entertain and generally "spoil" us.
On our trip we toured much of New Zealand, a lot of the time with Denis
and Valda.
Here are some pictures in memory of the wonderful times we spent
visiting wineries
hiking the 4 day Routeburn trail
sharing beach cottages and breakfast
and even visiting a volcano!

More pictures, and Doreen's account of our New Zealand visit, and
of the time spent with the Knight and Davis families, can be found on
the New Zealand
pages of our Round the World Trip.
October 2009 -
A visit to San Francisco with the Segolis.
We had a wonderful day in San Francisco visiting Fishermen's Wharf and
Pier 39. There is so much to do there, and we only had one day, so we
had to be content with visits to the Bay Aquarium, to Ripley's Believe
It or Not, to the seals next to Pier 39, and of course to the
famous Fishermen's Wharf, where we all tried the local seafood
Sukkot 2009
- In the sukka with
Maayan and Lotem.
While in Davis I went with the Segolis to the local Jewish
Center to celebrate the sukkot (Tabernacles)
holiday. We had a light meal in the sukka
and then went to the synagogue for the Shabbat/Sukkot service
(Conservative style), which, I admit, I quite enjoyed.
Rosh Hashanah תש"ע- Jewish New Year
More pictures: Amit, This Week's Picture, Lior.

Rafael Dvir
enjoys the beach - lying on it and eating it!

August 2009 -
Doreen meets Nina Schafer on the way to Davis.

Maayan, Moran and Lotem Segoli, Doreen, Mikhal Segoli, Nina Schafer,
Shirley Berman (Nina's sister-in-law.)
the way from Israel to Davis to be with the Segolis, Doreen spent a
couple of days with Nina Schafer who was
visiting her brother and sister-in-law in San Francisco. A puncture on
the way to meet the Segolis half-way to Davis delayed the
meeting, but fortunately Maayan and Lotem
were on hand to change the
flat tire.
Maayan changing a flat tire
Lotem changing a flat tire.
The Rons
holiday in Alanya, Turkey

August 2009
- Enjoying the Turkish cuisine

Left, front to back: Geronimi Duccio (computer director), Pierre
Colaros, Rahmi Iyilikci, Eitan.
Right, front to back: Dimitris Bassas, Manolo Eminenti (scoring
director), Doreen
Every night after a long day at the bridge championsips the
directors would go out for supper and lots of raki, sometimes
accompanied by other staff members. On this occasion we had
another good meal, this time at a restaurant under the Galata
Bridge. We are a multinational group - here there are two
Italians, a Greek, a Swiss, a Turk and us two Israelis.
reminders of the Second Temple

Our unusual combination of visiting Rome and then Istanbul enabled
seeing two archaeological reminders of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.
On the inside of Titus' Arch in Rome (erected by his brother
Dormitian) is a depiction of the Menorah and trumpets, spoils displayed
in a victory march celebrating the putting down of a 4-year revolt in
Judea, including the destruction of the Second Temple. For us as Jews,
it is the last depiction of the seven branched
menorah that stood in the Temple and a reminder of a series of revolts
that ended in the dispersion of the Jews from the land of Israel.

The Second Temple in Jerusalem as rebuilt by King Herod was supposed to
be one of the great wonders of the ancient world. Besides it being a
place of sacrifice and pilgrimage for the Jews, pagans came as well. It
was an anomaly in the Roman world - a huge temple without even one
statue of their Jewish God inside. At some point there was a stone
fence and
on it was a warning to non-Jews, in Latin and Greek, not to proceed
further. This stone, the only one extant, is displayed in the
archaeological museum of Istanbul.
August 2009 -
The Gate to Hell
Fernando Botero's fresco La porta
dell'Inferno and detail of card player
In Pietrasanta Italy, a delightful town, many statues of famous
sculptors, contempory and classic are displayed outdoors. In addition
in the
Misericordia church there is a fresco La
porta dell'Inferno by Fernando Botero. Having just been elected
President of the Israel Bridge Federation and on our way to a bridge
championship, we were amused to see that Botero considers card
players as deserving of hell.
(see detail of fresco above right.) More
understandable is a portrait of Hitler in the flames of hell.
2009 -Florence, Il Porcellino

Doreen: After reading in HaAretz that rabbis and kabbalists flew over
Israel to
pray for protection against swine flu, when we came across this famous
brass statue of Il Porcellino in Florence, I felt I had to do my bit
and placed
a coin in the swine's mouth against bad luck. There is a spray of water
from his mouth (slobbering?) and if the coin disappears with the water
into the grate below your wishes are granted.
August 2009 -
Florence, with Enzo and Hannah

One of the delights of travel is meeting new people.When overnighting
in Siena at the Liberty Hotel we met Hannah Hirenberg and
Enzo Boddi, who were attending a jazz festival in Siena. Hannah is from
and Enzo from Florence, where they live. By the time we visited
Florence they were back home and we were delighted when Enzo chose
restaurant with typical Florentine food. Here we enjoy
fellowship, good local food and
the local limoncello.
July 2009 -
Rose Nickel turns 90
Our Aunt Rose recently celebrated her 90th birthday in Johannesburg.
How wonderful it is that she is still well and lively. Her daughter
Eileen in Canada sent us this delightful picture of Aunt
Rose with her two daughters Marsha Krengel and Eileen Glougauer at the
birthday party.
July 2009
- Caryn and Rhetick marry
At the Hindu wedding ceremony of Caryn and Rhetick
in 1973 - in Rhodesia
In honour of Mike's visit to Israel,
Vered searched her photo albums and found this (faded) picture of a
trip our family made to a game reserve in Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia)
Mike' father, Mark and Mark's sister, Vanessa.
2009 - Mike Glasser meets the family.
The Glazer/Schank families
(see below for names)
Mike Glassser, the son of Mark and Sue
Glasser from
Melbourne Australia,
is spending a few days with us after participating in the
18th Maccabiah Games in Junior Basketball. Today we invited for lunch
all his relatives (on the Glazer and Schank sides) living in
Israel to meet him. See also
Week's Picture.
Mark and Doreen's grandfather, Mottel Glazer, married Nessie Schank and
everyone in the picture is a descendant (direct or by marriage)
of either Mottel and Nessie, or Nessie's sister, Mary.
family tree) and
Schank family tree)

Doreen Levy, Laura
Nickel, Kai Aroyo, Shai Aroyo, Andy Loew,
Mike Glasser,
Eitan Levy, Donni Dvir,
Braverman, Yoav Shavit,
and Ziva Bortenstein,
Denise Braverman holding
Zvike and Zahava Karlsblad,
Roni and Rachel Karlsblad
18-23: Julius Nickel,
Maayan Segoli,
Louise Braverman,
and Aviv Ron
Yaffa Loew,
Danielle Ron, Mikhal and
Lotem Segoli, Amit Levy, Gabi
Dvir, Avigail Dvir,
Ilai Levy,
Itamar Levy,
Vered Shavit
with Dotan,
Aviv Levy,
Ron, Nico Aroyo
Descendants of Mottel Glezer and Nessie Schank
Descendants of Mary Schank
and Moshe Drue
Mike also spent a shabbat
with us during the Games (see News
July 18) and on Friday Doreen took him and our
grand daughter Dani to the Kotel (Western
Wall) to experience the shabbat there.
2009 - European Youth Bridge Team Championship - Poiana, Brasov, Romania
I was the Chief Tournament
Director/judge at this Championship. See This
Picture archives and another
picture. Israel did extremely well, with silver
medals in both the under 21 and under 26 events. In each round a
maximum of 25 points is available.
The Under 21
team was neck and neck with the Poland team in 1st and 2nd place right
from the beginning, and with one round to go lead Poland by one
point. Unfortunately they only got 21 in the last round and Poland got
the maximum, so they finished with the silver medal 3 points behind the
winners (and 67 points ahead of third place!).
The under 26 team started badly but recovered
after a few matches and for the second half of the Championships
hovered between 3rd and 5th, before finally ending with a burst of
maximum and near maximum scores to slip into second place 9 points
behind the winners, France. Congratulations to both teams, who will now
also represent Europe in the World Championsips next year.
Some members of both teams with me.
Under 26: Dror Padon, Gilad Ofir
(captain), Alon Birman, Eliran Argelazi, Bar Tarnovski, Eran Assaraf,
Ron Schwartz
Under 21: Zohar Berg (captain), Alon
Lazar, Moshe Meyuchas, Gal Gerstner, Hila Levy, Lotan Fisher, Adi Asulin
In addition to the official tems scores, there is an official ranking
of pairs, and Adi and Hila were in first place!
July 2009 -
Doreen in Canada
While Doreen was in Canada for the wedding of Caryn Klaff and Rhetick
Sangupta she took time off for an outing with old friends Jackie and
Audrey Sobel (Caryn's aunt)
2009 - 22nd European Youth Teams Bridge Championships.
Discussing a difficult ruling with Marc van Bijsterveldt of the
Netherlands. See also This Week's
July 2009
- End of kindergarten year for the Segolis
The end of year celebrations at the kindergartens in Sde Boqer were
special for the Segolis,as next year they will be in the USA.

July 2009 -
The Rons tour Jerusalem with Doreen.

Doreen took the Rons on a tour of underground Jerusalem (See
"This Week's Picture"), which
included a walk through Minharot
Hakotel, a tunnel
excavated through arches, ancient cisterns, and a Hasmonean water
tunnel underneath the houses of the Moslem Quarter of the Old
Lior is pointing to the largest of the ancient
stones in the tunnel, 560 tons, from the time of Herod's
renovation of the Second
Temple in 18 BCE.
June 2009 -
Dance performances by
Danielle and Lior
Danielle and Lior Ron learn dance at the Michal Lasri School of Dance.
To the delight of our granddaughters, for the first time, we were able
to attend, and thoroughly enjoy, their end-of- year performances.
June 2009 -
some pictures of the Aviv Levys
Ilai and Itamar at the beach; Aviv and
Limor not at the beach!
See This Week's Picture for a
picture of Amit at the end of year ceremony at her kindergarten.
2009: Vered's team wins the Mothers' Volleyball League.
The winning team with kids, husbands and assorted
Vered with her two biggest fans - Dani and Lior

Raanana has a "Mothers' Volleyball (kadureshet)
League" of 17 teams consisting of the mothers of pupils of
the schools of Raanana. The 17 teams were split into two sections, and
the wining team was determined by a playoff of the winners of each
section. Our daughter Vered was in the Yachdav School
team and they topped their section without losing a game (the only
undefeated team in both sections). The final was closely fought and the
winning point was slammed by Vered! (see This
Week's Picture). Consideriing how ill Vered has been
and that she is not yet fully recovered we are delighted not only by
her performance, but also by the fact that she can perform at all!
previous pictures here.
June 6 -
Julius Nickel's 80th birthday
Julius Nickel, Doreen's uncle, turned 80 today. (See Nochomovicz/Nickel Family Tree).
Doreen, Louise Braverman and I joined his family for a celebration
lunch. Mazaltov and L'Chaim, Julius, עד מאה ועשרים!
The Julius and Laura Nickel clan - a lot of Nickels!
from left to right: Amit, Louis with Assaf, Gali, Etti, Laura, Julius,
Itai, Warren, Rona, Richard with Leshem, Nevo, Yael
June 2009 -
Doreen meets relatives
Doreen was in the area of Nes Ziona/Rehovot this week and took
the opportunity of contacting and visiting Dafna Poupko, a relative on
the Glazer/Gordon side. (See This Week's Picture archives). Our first
contact with Dafna was about two months ago when she contacted me by
email. Since then we have been in contact and have exchanged family
tree details. Doreen was delighted to meet her and her father, Sam
Gordon, and hear stories of the family. Sam Gordon lived in Uitenhage
before aliyah, and was well
acquainted with my uncles Joe and Abe and their families.
Dafna Poupko, Doreen, Sam Gordon
June 2009 -
Bernstein's Kadish at Yad Vashem
Maureen Fain invited us to join her for a special performance of
Leonard Bernstein's Kaddish,
performed at the Holocaust Museum Yad
VaShem. Bernstein's original text was replaced by the
text written and narrated by Holocaust survivor and US diplomat Dr
Samuel Pisar, which has been so successful in many performances.
The balance between the text and the music, and the powerful intensely
personal words made for a most moving experience that will remain for a
long time.
May 2009 -
Juniors Bridge in Raanana - Poland vs

During the last week of May, two teams of junior
(under 26) bridge players from Poland came to Israel to play against
two junior Israel
teams in Raanana. On the one level it was a friendly contest between
Polish and Israeli juniors (won by a very narrow margin by Poland), but
it formed part of the trials to pick
the Israel Junior team. Trials for the Under 22 Israel team were held
concurrently. The two teams will represent Israel in the European
Championships in Romania in July. I'll be the Chief Tournament
Director in Romania, so directing and judging the Raanana match was an
opportunity to get to know some of the players I'll meet in Romania.
2009 - Some family pictures taken at the party to welcome Rafael
Braverman. See also This week's
Yaakov and Ziva Bortenstein; Moshe and Rochelle Kirshner

Vered, Yoav and Dotan
Shavit; Andy and Yaffa Loew
Richard, Rona and Leshem Nickel; Shai Aroyo and
Denise Braverman

The Rons - Lior, Vered, Danielle and
Aviv The Segolis - Lotem, Moran, Mikhal and Maayan
Planning a
trip to Zippori
Doreen wanted to freshen up on the latest developments at the
Zippori Archeological site, and took three friends to practice on. I
hope the trip was as much fun as the planning.

Caroline Livneh, Louise Braverman, Doreen, Yael Paperna
learns how to bake
It looks like Doreen is making a habit of teaching grandchildren
how to bake - even when the grandchild is not her own! Here is
she imparting her baking wisdom to Yonatan, while grandmother Ruthie
Erez looks on.
May 1, 2009 A
picnic/barbecue on the Bet Yannai beach
Doreen and I had planned on celebrating Israel's Independence Day by
having a picnic and barbecue on the beach - something we used to do
often but haven't done for years and years. However, Doreen had to
replace another guide at the last minute for 3 days. So we had to
postpone our
picnic a few days, and asked Alec and Rachel Ron to join us. It
was fabulous! We have definitely decided not to wait years for
the next time.
April 2009 - A party for Sue Edmunds.
We were delighted to have the opportunity of seeing
our Durban friend from our days of youth, and having some of the
ex-Durban "girls" over. See This Week's
Picture. Unfortunately Eitan had to work that evening. After a
quick hello and hug he was off .
April 24,
2009: Mazaltov to Efrat Levy and Gal Shabtai on their marriage. See
also This Week's Picture. (See Levy/Hershovitz and Matz family trees.)
under the hupa
reading the ketuba

Mazaltov to grandmother Malia Levy, and Malia's sister Sheila Edelstein
who is visiting from South Africa; and to father Jonathan, Dina and

Cousin Shirley Kansky with husband Nathan, daughter Wendy, and grandson
Ben and Meital; Doreen and I with Vered, Aviv, Danielle and Lior Ron

April 2009 -
Vered's team wins at volleyball
Vered, with ball, playing volleyball may not seem to be something
noteworthy, but after two years of severe, even dangerous illness, it
is a cause for celebration. Vered's team plays in
a local league and Lior and Doreen went to cheer.

Aviv Levy and
family visit Mini-Israel
Aviv Levy
would always say that the Levy family is happiest when eating, or when
walking in the direction of food. Here Aviv, Limor and children Amit,
Itamar and Ilai are happily enjoying a break while visitng Mini Israel
during Pesach.

Donna and Erica Leibowitz visit South Africa
Daniel and Donna Leibowitz of Port Douglas, Australia, visited South
Africa with 5 month-old Erica, and Daniel sent us some pictures of
their visit. It was a rare opportunity for them to get together with
their South African family, and I'm sure all were delighted.
It must have been a very special occasion for Winnie Levy who met her
great-granddaughter Erica for the first time.
Daniel, Donna and Erica with Charles and Sheenagh Levy and cousins
Andrew and Katherine
and with Cecile and Raymond and cousins Raphael and Jenna
See Hershovitz/Levy and Matz family trees.
Tali and
Cale Klaff
Thanks to Alex Klaff ( see Goldberg
family tree) for sending some updated pictures of her children,
Tali and Cale. There is another picture of the kids in Purim fancy dress.
(There are more
pictures on Facebook).
With grandma
and parents Tamir and Alex.
Pictures of
Chloe Ruth Glogauer
Some beautiful, and unusual, pictures of 10 day old Chloe Ruth Glogauer
(see Nickel/Glogauer family tree) who was born on December 25, 208 in
Toronto, Canada. A lovely picture of Mark and Jordana, too!
See This Week's Picture.
Link to photographer Rivka
Keinan's site.
March 2009 -
Tamara Braverman visits Israel and her nephew.
Last week Tamara Braverman, Melly's daughter, visited Israel and met
her new nephew, Raphael, son of her half-sister
Last year Tamara's younger brother, Adam, visited
Israel and is
pictured here with father Melly at Petra.
2009 - The Festival of Purim
What a variety of costumes !
Gabi Nathan (in Florida USA!) as a
bumble bee, Ilai Levy
as Little Red Riding Hood (without the hood!), Amit Levy as Queen Esther
the groups:
The divers and aquarium staff at Coral World as Pirates (who capture
the GM) and Superdivers (who save the GM)
and Doreens tour
group as
Haman, Mordecai, Queen Vashti and miscellaneous
February 2009
- A visit to the Golan Heights
Doreen writes:
I needed to prepare for an upcoming tour, so Louise, Caroline Livneh,
Yael Paperna and I went on a day trip to the Golan Heights area.
Louise, Caroline and Yael shiver at Mitzpe Gadot. A mini sharav
(heatwave) was forecast. Eitan told us he was walking the dog in short
sleeves on the coastal plain, but on the Golan Heights the weather was
bitterly cold - an easterly wind not from the hot desert but presumably
straight from Siberia.
Caroline points to the compass as we try and understand the workings of
See also This Week's Picture
2009 - Entertaining guests from
the Tel Aviv Bridge Festival
Tali Koren-Leibowitz, Zvi Ben Tovim,
Kooijman, Gadi Leibowitz, Ziva Ben Tovim, Ilan Shezifi, Anda Enciu,
Jacky Dagan, Doreen, Ton Kooijman, Chana Shezifi
The Annual Israel Bridge Festival was held in February, and as
usual it was an opportunity to meet many people from the bridge world
that I haven't seen since the last Festival. It was also an opportunity
to renew our friendship with Ton and Annelie Kooijman, from the
Netherlands. Ton was here as Chief Tournament Director and it is
always a pleasure working with him and under him both in Israel and
internationally. Ton is the Chairman of the World Bridge Federation
Laws Committee and a Chief Tournament Director of the European Bridge
League. We entertained Ton and Annelie and some of our bridge friends
at our house, where Doreen prepared a delicious meal.
See also pictures from the 2006 Festival: This week's Picture February11,
2006 and at our house.
to Yahel and
Donni's baby - Raphael
Granny Louise proudly admires her
first grandchild
Mazal Tov to Yahel Braverman and Donni Dvir on the birth on 29th
January of Raphael, a healthy
baby boy, and to grandparents Louise Braverman and
Mellie Braverman on their first grandchild. Congratulations too to
sisters, Gabi and Avigail Dvir, to Aunt Denise Braverman, and to
great-aunt and uncle Doreen and me!
For another picture see This Week's
Thanks to Shai Aroyo for the pictures. For more of Shai's
pictures of
the baby, click
See Glezer and Nocimovicz and Schank
family trees.
Mommy Yahel with the baby; and the
Dvir family meets the baby - sisters
Avigail and Gabi,and daddy Donni.
A first nephew and a first grandchild:
The Bravermans meet the baby - Aunt Denise and grandfather Mellie
2009 - Moran's Ski trip to France
Moran went a week's skiing trip to France with Ran Kagan and some other
friends. See News and This Week's Picture.
The pictures are of Moran snowboarding,and with his friends, (l - r)
Oren, Moran, Ran Kagan, Haim.

2009 - Aviv Levy goes diving
with Big Brother #2
There was some news and internet coverage of Aviv Levy and "Big
Brother" runner-up Yossi Boublil, who went diving together in Eilat
Aviv and "Big Brother" runner-up Yossi Boublil
John "Mac"

sadness we report the death on December 27th of Mac, a friend
from America, whom we
known for many years. We first met Mac when his companion,
Dalia Lamdani brought him to the wedding of Vered and Aviv. We have met
many times since then in Tel Aviv, New
York and when Mac and Dalia visited us in St Thomas. Even though we
come from such disparate backgrounds we always
enjoyed each others company and shared many interests, mainly a love of
baseball and opera. Mac was a TV sports addict - particularly golf.
Near the beginning of our round the world
trip in August 2001 we stayed with the Rons in New Jersey, and went
with Mac to the US Tennis Open in New York, where this
picture of the three of us was taken.
We extend condolences to Dalia Lamdani
and Mac's family.
On January 26th, there was an article on Mac in the
York Times titled "A 91st Street Legend"
Nissan Rand
Nissan Rand passed away last week.
We have known Nissan Rand and his wife Judy for many years. Although
our connection was mainly through bridge, we often met socially at our
homes and overseas while on bridge trips. Nissan was a top
international bridge player who represented Israel many times, and had
many impressive bridge titles. His greatest achievement was winning the
World Senior Teams Championship on two occasions, in 1994 and 1998.
Nissan was one of the few top players who also played an active role in
bridge administration. We got to know each other very well when we
worked closely and harmoniously together when he was chairman of the
Israel Bridge Federation and I was the Sports Captain. He held many top
positions in the Israel bridge scene but it was in the international
arena that he achieved his greatest success. Nissan was almost
solely responsible for the revival and outstanding success
of bridge competitions for seniors on an international level. He
was on the executive committee of the European Bridge League, and
headed the Seniors Committee for many years. He was also the Chairman
of the World Bridge Federation Seniors Committee at the time of
his death.
On a personal level I owe much to Nissan, who pushed and encouraged me
and "the powers that be" at the beginning of my international
Tournament Director career.
Professionally, he was a Doctor and world expert in the field of animal
nutrition, having published more than 200 scientific papers on the
subject. He served as Chairman of the European Council on Poultry
Nutrition (1989-98) and was inducted to the International Poultry Hall
of Fame in 2000.
We extend our condolences to his wife Judy and to his family.
Dotan Shavit,
aged 3 months

with mom Vered
We received these pictures of the lovely baby Dotan, son of Vered and
Yoav Shavit, aged about 3 months. Thanks to grandma Yaffa Loew for
sending the pictures. (see Schank family
tree). There are also pictures
of Dotan aged 6 weeks.
See also This Week's Picture