October 2010 -
Israel Under 26
wins the Gold at Philadelphia
I was a judge at the World Open Bridge
Championships held in Philadelphia last month. It was hard work, but
very enjoyable. The highlight was the Israel Under 26 bridge team
winning the Gold Medal,
defeating France in the final in an exciting closely fought match. It
was a proud moment when the team was presented with the cup and gold
medals as the Israel anthem, Hatikvah, was being played.
(Thanks to Panos Gerontopolous, former
long-time chairman of the World and European youth committees, for the
Spread on
Levy in Yedioth Aharonoth
Part of the cover photograph of Yedioth's weekend Eilat Magazine edition
The three-page article, in Hebrew, is
titled HaMeshakem, the
Rehabilitator. It deals mainly with
Aviv's efforts to treat and rehabiltate sea animals, especially sharks
and turtles, and return them to the sea. The article is extremely
positive and a fantastic compliment and appreciation of Aviv. The
internet version (in Hebrew) can be accessed here.
September 2010 -
Eitan's visit to Davis
On the way to the bridge competitions in Philadelphia I visired the
Segolis in Davis, California. Unfortunately it was only for 5 days, but
they were most enjoyable.
It was terrific being with Maayan and Lotem again (and also of course
with Moran and Mikhal.)
In addition to seeing a lot of Maayan and Lotem and playing
"pick-up-sticks" with them, we visited the Automobile Museum in

On the last night we enjoyed the pool at the local country club and
finished with a delicious barbecue.
At the Academy I bought the kids a Science set amd I uderstand from
Moran, who sent me this picture, that the kids are fascinated by it.
September 2010 -
Sukkot at Wendy's
Thank you Wendy Kansky for reviving the family "tradition" of erev
Sukkot with the
Levy family at her apartment.See,
for example,
sukkot 2007). We
don't see enough of
this side of our family, so we appreciate Wendy's effort. This year in
particular we were happy that Nadav Levy came, and it was also our
first social meeting with Efrat's husband, Gal, whom we had only seen
their wedding last year.

Efrat, Gal, Aunt Malia, Nadav
and friend
Aviv Ron led off with an explanation of the
lulav, hadas, arava

and then I has just enough time to have some of the delicious food
before rushing off to the airport to catch my flight to USA.
September 2010
- Yom
As has become our custom, Doreen and I spent Yom Kippur in Eilat
keeping Aviv Levy and family company while Aviv looked after the
animals. It was thoroughly enjoyable. Aviv took the three children to
help him feed the sharks

and also gave Itamar his first
diving lesson
(see picture).
September 2010
- Rosh
We celebrated Rosh Hashanah at home with the Rons and the Aviv Levys.
As usual the food was delicious, the
company great and, despite overseas competition and efforts from
Ilai, Lior won the shofar
competition again.
See Lior winning the
in 2006
Jonathan (grandson of Hans and Lottie Reijzer and son of
Jose and David Keyson)
is studying in Israel and joined us together with Steven his roomate
and Kailee his cousin from USA.
MacMillan meets (and falls in love with!) Winston the therapy dog
Reading to a dog, a creature that is
never judgmental, introduces a fun element to reading books. Dogs don’t
if a child stumbles over a word and they have all the time in the world
if a
child cannot piece a word together quickly. The public library in
Harvard, Massachusets, brings in dogs for children to read to.
You can read more on this program in the article
in the Harvard Post, from where this picture was taken.
Jen MacMillan (see
Levy/Hershovitz family tree) is
a librarian at the Harvard Public Library. She
took her daughter Chloe to meet the "therapy dog" Winston when he
visited the library. Just look at the wonderful expression on Chloe's
Chloe's grandmother is Cindy Berman, my long-time collaborator in
keeping the Hershovitz/Levy family tree updated. Thanks, Cindy, for the
reference to this article.
2010 -
Start of school year in Davis
The school year has started in Davis, California, and Maayan and Lotem
Segoli go off to school on their bikes.
Lotem's page and
This Week's Picture for more pictures.
August 2010
Eileen and Doreen
While we were in Johannesburg the matriarch of the family, 91 year-old
Aunt Rose
Nickel, fell and broke her pelvic bone. (
picture of Aunt Rose's 90th birthday.)
Her daughter Marsha Krengel is recovering from a back injury and
Aunt Rose's second daughter, Eileen Glogauer, flew in from
Canada to be with her mother. Although they met in the hospital in sad
circumstances Eileen and Doreen, cousins and also
friends, were happy to see each other again after so many years.
Pumpkin and
the cat
Being used to our dogs Lopsy and Flopsy and their constant feuding with
the neighbood cats, it was a change to meet Pumpkin, Charles and
Sheenagh's dog. During the day they lie in the sun
together, and at
night they lie snuggling together in a corner on the steps to keep
warm. (Please excuse blurred picture)
30/9/1995 - 26/7/2010
A short time before we left, the family dog, Lopsy, died. He'd had a
good and long life, 15 years, first in the Ramat Gan SPCA, then with
Doreen and I, then with the Rons. Our grandchildren, especially Dani
and Lior, had lived all their lives with Lopsy.
A few years ago Doreen added a page to this site about Lopsy.
Click here to read it.
Lopsy has featured quite prominently on my site over the years - a few
Lopsy recovering from operation
Lopsy greeting Vered at
Ben Gurion Airport
Dani and Lopsy join us in a RV at the
start of our round-the-world trip
July 2010
Pickling peppers from my garden
Five days at home between trips was enough time to pick some hot
peppers from my garden and and spend a couple of hours pickling them.
There was a bumper crop and we'll have enough hot peppers for a long
July 2010 -
trip to Croatia
For pictures and descriptions after Zagreb, go to
July 2010 -
Travelling by tram in Zagreb