2021 - Aviv Ron's Glühwein
Son in law Aviv Ron made this hot spiced wine for us to enjoy.
Below are the ingredients he used in making the drink. I presume he got
all the ingredients right because the
was very very good (and the Hennesey gave it a real kick!).
December 2021 - The Segolis and Levys in Eilat
Segolis enjoyed a few days in Eilat with the Eilat Levys

2021 - Celebrating grandson
18th birthday
On Thursday a gourmet tasting menu
meal at the Timna Restaurant and on Friday at our home with Grandfather
Avraham and Shlomit

More pictures on Maayan's
page and Zoe's page.
2021 - the Leibowitz girls

In school uniform: Hayley, Amber and Keira Leibowitz, daughters
Joshua and Natasha and granddaughters of Sharon and Joe.
plays tennis again
Doreen, who used to be an excellent player (see press cutting from The
Jerusalem Post in 1979) is considering playing
tennis again after a brealk of about 15 years. She wants to challenge
grandson Maayan to a game. In
the meantime, she's taking lessons.
2021 - Dinner with the Rons while the children are away.
Granddaughter Danielle Ron has completed her study term in the
Galapogos and the Amazon and met up with sister Lior who is touring in
central America in Mexico. With the grandkids away the Rons and we
enjoyed a quiet Friday
night dinner. .
December 2021 - Dinner with old friends
We had a delightful lunch with longtime friends dating back to
South Africa days - Steve and Binny Blass and Pam and Jeff

l-r - Pam and Jeff Bethlehen, Binny and Steve Blass, Doreen
2021 - Channukah with Vered and Aviv
This year we joined daughter Vered and Aviv at their home together with
Anat and Eli Tzur and Edna Yechieli (two of Aviv's sisters)
and family. We celebrated Channukah with
sufganiot, candle lighting and
many Channukah songs. In keeping with a theme of Channukah - oil for
lighting didn't run out even when it was used - we had delicious food
which no matter how much one ate there still was more.

2021 - The Segolis hike in Mt Karkom area.
The Segolis have had to cancel their Tanzania trip due to Covid Omicron
restrictions, but as a small compensation spent 4 wondeful days hiking
in the
Mt. Karkom area. The weather was good and the views amazing.
They hiked during the day and played games or read at night.
Mt. Karkom is believed by many to be the real site of Mt. Sinai.
Click here for
the Segolis previous hike in the area in 2004
As it was during Channukah they fashioned a
channukiah (with 9 arms) from wood
and placed a 'real'
channukiah behind
an engraving on a rock depicting a menora of 6 arms.
The menora is the oldest symbol of Jerusalem and this engraving is
probably about 2000 years old. (The original Menora was in the Temple
of Solomon and taken as war loot when Titus and Vespasian were
victorious in 70CE in the Jewish War in Judea. (see the
Menora depicted
on Titus' Gate in Rome.) The original was displayed for many years
in Rome but was then lost. There are rumours that the Menora is
still in a Vatican vault.)

The tree in the picture below is an ancient wild Pistachio in foliage.
It is a remnant of a very much wetter climate and is probably aged
about 2,000 years.

2021- Tamir Klaff and Dave Rothschild

Thank you Frankie for sending us this picture of your husband Dave and
son Tamir.
In Eilat we celebrated granddaughter Amit's 16th birthday and the 23rd
wedding anniversary of Aviv and Limor.
Dinner at the Ginger Rerstaurant,
followed by ice-cream at Golda.
2021 - lunch in Mitspeh Ramon
On the way down to Eilat , looking for a place to eat, we found a
delightful little restaurant in Mitzpeh Ramon called
Soul Vegan and Vibes. Although I
am not vegan or vegetarian I enjoyed my vegan hamburger with 'bacon'.

2021 - Itramar's swearing in ceremony
Grandson Itamar has just completed his basic training and was inducted
into the Israel Army at a swearing in ceremony.
Click on the picture for a short
November 2021
- EBL Meeting
European Bridge League - Executive
Meeting in Pezinok Slovakia November 2021
Back l-r : Peter Belchak (Slovakia), Paul Porteus (Ireland), Igor
Chalupec (Poland), Catherine Vitry (Secretary), Eric Laurant
(Netherlands), Eitan levy (Israel), Gilad Ofir (Israel), Philippe
Cronier (France)
Front l-r: Josef Harsanyi (Germany), Sevinc Atay (Turkey), Jan Kamras
(Sweden, President), Karu-Anne Opsal, (Norway), Marc De Pauw (Belgium),
Jafet Olafsson (Iceland)
November 2021
- "EBL Wives"

While I was at meetings Doreen saw some of Bratislava, including a walk
in the Old City with Maureen Porteus and Hildur Olafsson
2021 - Lior in
Granddaughter Lior seems to be having a wonderful time in Mexico.
2021 - More garden crops!
As we described
a few weeks ago we have had
bumper crops in our small garden this year, but didn't realise "how
bumper". A problem with avocados is that their colour is identical to
the colour of the leaves. We cropped our tree this week, and found well
over a 100 beautiful avocados. We've given to neighbours, family and
friends; filled the fruit drawer in our refrigerator, had avocado for
breakfast and snacks, and still don't know what to do with the
Most of our papayas became ready within a few days of each other and we
also distributed some of them and froze some. One of the papayas in the
picture below weighed just over 2 kilos! A few days after picking the
ripe papayas more have ripened and grandson Maayan
picked them for us.
We also had 3 buckets of lemons. Lemons last longer than papaya and
avocado but we also distributed, juiced many of them and we still have
a bucketful.
another post on
Archives from 3 weeks ago).
first leave
In grandson Itamar Levy's second weekend in the Army he was free to go
home for a day or two and to talk about his army induction experiences.
Both Itamar and dad Aviv look very happy.
October 2021
- Itamar enlists in the IDF
Our eldest grandson, Itamar Levy, reported at an army
base ready to be conscriped into the Israel Defence force. Military
duty is compulsory and Itamar will serve three years.
Doreen and I travelled over two hours to wish Itamar good luck only to
find out that we were a few minutes late and that he was about to board
the bus which would take him to the enlistment centre. We could see
Itamar about to board the bus, but son Aviv phoned him to tell him we
had arrived and Itamar ran back to give us all a hug, and then ran back.
On the way to the bus to the
enlistment centre --- and then quickly back to
say goodbye to Saba Eitan and Granny Doreen
October 2021 - Israel museum exhibition
Doreen and friend Caroline Livneh went to Jerusalem to the Israel
to see long-time friend Maureen Fain who was exhibiting at a special
exhibition of art works by Israel Museum art teachers.

Caroline, Maureen, Doreen
October 2021
- a chance meeting with Varda Rosbruch
During the 1980's when we were living in the US Virgin Islands we
became very friendly with Varda and her late husband Hanan Rosbruch who
was representing an Israeli company involved with the desalination of
water on the Island. Both .Doreen and Varda were active in the
Sisterhood associated with the St Thomas Synagogue. (see picture on the
right below). We saw each other for a time when we returned to
Israel but we haven't had 't have much contact with them for a number
of years. Hanan passed away a few years ago.
Doreen joined a tour of Naveh Sha-anan and by chance Varda was
also there. They were very happy to see each other again. (see picture
on the left.)

Varda and Doreen and some of the women active in the St Thomas
Hebrew Sisterhood
Back: Ella Ogden, Carol Weinberger
Front: Jeanette Bastion, Nina Shafer, Varda Rosbruch, Doreen
2021 - some of our garden crops.
We've had mixed success in our garden this year - no mangoes and no
clementines but the
lychees more than made up for it. Add to that reasonable quanities
Afghanistan (Pakistan) mulberriess,
avocados, lemons. okra, arugala and chili peppers (3 kinds) so we're
not complaining.
See update!
Here are some of our current crop
Papaya (two of a few trees)

Lemon and Avocado
The papayas in the
picture below, grown by
Sydney Lossin, are the "children" of the papayas from the large tree
pictured above.
See the Papaya Man.
October 2021
- Sydney's
I received a picture from 2nd cousin Sydney (Brunow) Lossin (see
Matz family tree) and I am happy to
see that the
papaya seeds I sent
have now grown into trees.
2021 - Tirza gets a calender,
Doreen is a volunteer
Befriender with ESRA (English Speakers' Residents Association)
and, Tirza, a holocaust
is one of her "befriendees"
(see previous picture
here).ESRA publishes
a yearly calender and there is a picture of Doreen and Tirza on one of
the pages. On our way back from a visit to the Segolis we visted Tirza
and gave her a copy of the calender.
Doreen's Column for more about
befrienders and Tirza.

October 2021 - A
day with Zoe.
We spent a day with Zoe.
She showed us some parkour jumping she has been learning. Parkour is a
training discipline where practioners aim to get from one point to
another without assisting euipment and in the fastest and most
efficient way possible. (Wikipedia). Watching Zoe jump and twist we
remarked that it is only a matter of time before she jumps between
buildings. Well, she already did that about a year ago.
on the picture for a short video clip.
September 2021 - Fish restaurant in Jisr al
We enjoyed a delicious fish meal with Dani and Ruti Erez at a
restaurant in Jisr al Zarqa. It is the ultimate "off the beaten path"
reastaurant, and is reached by walking through an old area of the
Arab town. It's called
Dag al
Hayam - Fish by the Sea - which is almost a generic term
for a fish restaurant in Israel. But it's outside and right on the
beach with a
view of the fishing and recreational boats. Heartily recommended (if
you can find it!).
On the left, we're standing next to
our table in the restaurant, and on the right standing on the beach
lust below the restaurant.,

September 2021 - A
visit to Ziona
Doreen and friend Caroline went to vist and have lunch with good
friends Dovvy and Ziona Glassman at
their retirement home.
2021 -
Being in hot hot Eilat with
having a
cooling swim in the Red Sea is the thing to do, even if you do jump
from a
into the water. Lovely for both the elderly seniors like Doreen
and the
young like granddaughter Zoe.
This Week's Picture from
September 2021
Hashanah 2021
We celebrated the Jewish New Year at the home of Daughter Vered and
Aviv Ron with most of our family. The food was prepared both by Doreen
and the Rons and was as expected delicious - not only traditional
gefilte fish and kneidlach but also roast lamb, poached salmon and many
salads and vegetables and of course vegan dishes. And of course there
was enough left over for a full meal for the family the next day.
While waiting for the meal we watched the Levy Chess Championshop
between Aviv and Maayan (advice from Lotem)
and of course we didn't neglect our traditional shofar blowing
competition won again by granddaughter Lior.
Lior has won for the last
15 years - ever since she was 7 years old
! (
See picture.) For some previous shofar
blowing pictures click
here and
Me, Champion Lior Ron, Ilai and Amit

Lotem and Maayan
On the way back to Sde Boqer Doreen took her grandchildren to visit the
fascinating Maresha-Bet Guvrin National Park. Here Zoe, Maayan and
Lotem try out the burial niches in the Sidonian Cave
2021 - The Rons sail in Corfu
Daughter Vered and Aviv 'got away from it all' with a sailing trip
with friends off the coast of Greece in the Corfu region. Vered, the
skipper, reports
having a fantastic time.

On August
1st school in Israel started and together with other families new
were started.
Here are the Segolis on September 1st:
Top row: Zoe getting ready to bike to school; Maayan sleeping until the
last minute; Lotem happy to get back to her school (a 30 minute bus
Bottom row: Moran starting a new part-time job teaching Biology at a
girl's high school in Yeruham about 20 minutes away; not quite school
but Mikhal on her way to the univertsity where she is a lecturer.
Dani in
the Galapagus.
Granddaughter Dani is enjoying her study/stay in the Galapagus.
(See here). She sent us some beautiful
picures she had taken, both underwater and on land. One of the best is
of blue-footed boobies mating. Click
here or on the picture to see
a short video clip.
2021 - The Eilatis prepare a meal
Itamar and Amit in Eilat used Doreen's
recipes for preparing
curry and vegetarian chopped liver, which I understand was very
Our grandchildren take great interest in
cooking and preparing food. This is not surprising in view of the
delicious meals Doreen prepares for them, and also because she always
enlists their help in cooking when they are with us. In addition Limor
(son Aviv's wife) in Eilat is an excellent cook as is Aviv (daughter
Vered's husband). The grandchildren sometimes refer
to Doreen's cookbook "A Potpouri of Memories" written in 1995 and they
either improvise on recipes in it, or refer to other cookbooks.
another picture below. There is a link to the page page in the
cookbook (in nomal text size) by clicking on
the page below. Doreen's cookbook included comments on some of
the circumstances of hearing about or using the recipe. Read her
comments following the recipe.

For some of the many cooking efforts of our grandchildren, see:
August 2021 -
Enjoying the pool.
We had a mini family gathering
Aviv and his children, joined by Moran and Mikhal with their
children,as well as Lior the representative of the Rons. Our
grandchildren had not been together for a long time and it was really
heartwarming for Doreen and I to see how
well the cousins got on together. They enjoyed each others company at
house in HaBashan Netanya and had a marvelous time at the pool of our
good friends Ruti and Dani.
Here are
some pictures of the morning at
the pool.
Click for a picture of
breakfast at Habashan.
August 2021 -
The Segolis come for the weekend
We went to the Segolis at Midreshet Ben Gurion to
help look after the children while mom Mikhal was having medical
treatment. We returned the next day with the children who spent the
weekend with us.
We enjoyed a meal at a local cafe, and the three children helped Doreen
prepare roast duck and apple pie - both delicious.
The highlight was a visit to a glass
blowing workshop at Caesarea National Park, where they made a glass
More pictures of the glass blowing on the pages of
Lotem and
August 13,
2021 -
Nataliew Leibowitz turns 50
Natalie Leibowitz, daughter of my cousin Sharon and Joe Leibowitz in
Melbourne Australia, turns 50
Click for a picture taken earlier this year of
Sharon and some of her family.
2021 - Bridge party for Louise's
2021 - RIP, Colin
We are saddened by the news of the passing after a long illness
of long-time friend Colin Gorfil. We have known Colin for over 60
years, me from University and Doreen from holidays he spent in
Durban South Africa where we lived. When we lived in Hofit we were
neighbours of Colin and his wife Ella, who passed away many years ago.
After leaving Hofit we kept up a close relationship and often met
him and his delightful wife Hadas and mutual friends for dinner.
( see pictures
here and

Colin and Doreen on the beach in Durban South Africa
(about 1961)
August 2021
Doreen and I had our third Covid vaccination. By the
number of shoppers at the mall where we had our injection it was
to believe that the infection rate is so high and going up. We wanted
coffee after our vaccinations and all the tables were taken and we had
to put our coffees and pastries on a chair.
August 2021 - Denise
Braverman 'ironmanning' in Estonia
Click on the picture for a short video.
Our niece Denise travelled to Estonia last week to take part in an
IronMan event, a real test of endurance:
3.8 kms swimming
180 kms cycling
42 kms marathon
She finished in 14 hrs 9 minutes!
continues to amaze us with her feats.
See pictures of
of her achievements in the
triathlon ,
full 42 km marathon.,
climbing Mt Kilimanjaro and
running with a blind runner.
While in Estonia Denise visited with our relatives (Doreen's 2nd
cousin) Heini and Tiina Drui (
Schank tree)
and sent us this picture which
brought back pleasant memories of
visit to Tallinn a few years ago.
2021 -
Have a great time Dani!
We all drank champagne and ate an Indian meal when we wished
granddaughter Danielle Ron an enjoyable and productive stay on the
Galapagos Islands. As part of her University course Dani will be
spending a few months in Quito, Ecuador and the Galapagos
Islands. We hope your project is productive and enjoyable - bon
voyage Dani.
Zoe enjoys a
Zoe came and stayed with us and Joanie on Friday
night and with Vered's family and Alma on Saturday night.
Friday night Zoe and we enjoyed a sushi meal
at the Japanika Restaurant near us.
July 2021 - A
visit to Jerusalem
Doreen, daughter Vered and granddaughters Danielle and her friend
Oz, and Lior and her friend Gal went
to Jerusalem for a fun day.
They went to the market, had lunch at
a vegetarian restaurant " צmach"
and saw an exhibition and enjoyed a
tasting in the grounds of the museum
July 2021
Since our
crop of lychees is almost gone we are
fortunate that we can now enjoy now the fruit from our Pakistan
mulberry tree.
When I was young and lived in Durban, South Africa, we had a mulberry
tree which not only gave delicious (and messy!) mulberries but also
supplied the leaves for raising silk worms - a popular activity for me
and my friends.
The Pakistan, or Afghanistan, mulberry is very similar to the ordinary
mulberry but very much elongated and sweeter. They resemble, with some
imagination, what hairy dark silkworms might look like.

Picking the elongatec mulberries (see insert)
A new KFC
A new addition to
my old friends KFC
and a warning to Col. Sanders: You have stiff competition.
Daughter-in-law Limor Levy
prepared some chicken KFC style and it looks
July 2021 -
with the Rons and Alexandra and Jonathan Keyson.
Daughter Vered Ron, Alexandra and Jonathan Keyson, Oz, granddaughter
Danielle, Doreen, granddaughter Lior Ron, son-in-law Aviv Ron.
Jonathan and Alexander Keyson joined Vered and Aviv Ron and girls and
us at dinner at the
Rons on Friday
night. Jonathan Keyson is the grandson of our close and
friends Hans Reijzer Reijzer and his late wife Lottie. Jonathan and
two of
brothers have a start-up,
which last week featured in this aritcle in
Haaretz newspaer on the 20 most promising Israeli startups to follow in
a time when the entire world is transitioning to video chats, and
podcast listeners are at an all-time high, Riverside has launched the
right product at the right time. It has created a sort of online
recording studio that enables you to easily edit interviews conducted
by video chat, using your browser, with no need for editing software or
professional knowledge. But Riverside's product is not just for
amateurs: CNN uses it to record, edit, and broadcast televised
interviews. Disney uses it for intra-organizational communications,
recording managers' messages and sending them to workers in video
format. Spotify, as well as independent podcast producers, use
Riverside to record voice interviews, and other companies use it to
record and edit webinars, lectures or panels for virtual conferences,
and to produce video content for social media.
service resembles a video chat software such as Zoom in its appearance.
Riverside's technology records the conversation locally on the device
(computer or smartphone), and then uploads it to the cloud - this
allows it to retain the original sound and image quality, regardless of
the participants' internet connection problems.
our secret sauce," say the founders. The user receives simple editing
options, including adding a logo and various effects. "Before, this
would have been an exhausting process, taking hours. We make it shorter
and simpler. That's why we're growing so fast."
founders are the three young Keyson brothers, who grew up in the
Netherlands: Nadav (27), Gideon (23) and Jonathan (29). There's a
fourth brother, 17, who is not part of the company, "yet," as they put
it. Gideon and Jonathan (formerly an executive in the Israeli firm
Riskified) reside in Israel, and Nadav plans to join them soon. In
August the company will open its first offices, in Tel Aviv.
July 2021
Doreen spent a lovely day sailing with skipper daughter Vered.
July 2021
2nd cousin Susan Nathan sent us this delightful picture of her gorgeous
granddaughter Tallula, daughter of Tanya (Nathan) and Stephen
July 2001 -
To summarize:
A neighbour knocked on the door - burst water pipe ouside - straight
out of bed (barefoot) to see - whoops slipped on the wet slippery floor
- cracked head, bashed my eye (how I don't know) - ambulance with
Doreen in car close (very!) behind - CT Scan - hole in head treated
after cutting hair - stitches in eye-lid and scratched eye treated -
moral support from Doreen and daughter Vered - back home.with wonderful
and caring Doreen and under the watchful eyes of son Aviv..
July 2021
lychee tree
This year we've had a bountiful crop of absolutely delicious lychees.
When we lived in Hofit we had a lychee tree that usually gave lots of
fruit. One year there were very few lychees and they were quickly all
eaten. Imagine our surprise on morning on seeing our tree suddenly
filled with lychees. On closer examination we realised that son Moran
had bought lychees and strung them up on our tree! No need for that
this year.
June 2021 - Yehoram
Gaon and Aviv
Yehoram Gaon (
Wikipedia) , one of Israel's greatest stars (if not the
greatest) visited Coral World Eilat. Son Aviv, who is the curator
of Coral World, recognized him and amazingly
remembered that there was a picture of a previous visit with his son
and daughter
about 30 years ago and Yehoram was happy to receive the picture.
Pictures from now and from 30 years ago
June 2021 -
The Rons visit the USA
The Rons, Vered, Aviv, Danielle and Lior, made a short visit to USA

Enjoying New York.
Click for
pictures of Lior enjoying a
NY Bagel.
Athough they have spent many years in the USA they have never
before visited
Island, one
of the barrier reef islands off Long Island, New York. (I hadn't even
heard of it). They were the guests of the parents of one of Vered's
business associates. One of the highlights was going to the beach and
seeing deer frolicking in the sea.
Click on the picture below
for a short
video cut.

Click picture for video
The Segolis returned this week from a short vacation in Switzerland.
Mikhal, Zoe and especially Lotem love to draw and show much talent.
So apart from relaxation, hiking, enjoyment and "getting away from it
all" the
purpose of the trip was to give them the opportunity to experience and
depict new sights.

More pictures of their vacation are in the
Week's Picture Archives, and
Lotem's and
Zoe's page
-Lunch with the Kessels and
June 2021 - A
hike and picnic in Ein Aviel
Doreen, Aviv, Amit and Ilai went to Ein Aviel, about 1/2 hour from us,
where springs in the area flow into the Nahal Taninim making a lovely
spot for a short hike and a picnic. .
June 2021
Celebrating Aviv's 53rd birthday
Son Aviv Levy came up from Eilat with his daughters Amit and Ilai and
we celebrated his birthday (21st June) at the home of daughter Vered
and Aviv Ron.
The main courses were prepared both in Netanya
by Doreen (poached salmon) with the granddaughters' help, and in
Herzliya by Aviv Ron (roast chilcken). Both were delicious!
KFC in
After a break of many many years it seems that KFC has returned to
Israel. There is a branch in Nazereth and evidently in Beersheva as
seen in this picture of the Segolis enjoying a meal there.

KFC is my favourite fast food restaurant, and the family looks for
KFC's in the various countries they visit and send me photos. See some
previous family KFC visits in
Brasov Romania,
Moscow Russia,
Shenzhen China,
Mongolia and Istanbul,
Berlin Germany,
Belfast N.Ireland,
Prague Czechia.
June 2021 -
Welcome to Ayla
This is lovely baby Ayla, daughter of Sean and Louise Barron. Louise is
the daughter of long-time friend David Rothschild, now married to
who was the wife of my cousin, the late
Congratulations also to aunt Estelle Sapir, also a friend from our
Durban days so long ago. .
June 11 -
Doreen's 77th birthday
We celebrated Doreen's birthday at the Yamas Greek Taverna, and were
happy that the Rons and Segolis could join us. Unfortunately the Levys,
living in distant Eilat, couldn't make it but we received this
delightful birthday greeting from them.

June 2021
- dinner with Jan Kamras
We enjoyed a dinner with Jan, President of the European Bridge League
at the Porter and Sons Restaurant in Tel Aviv. Doreen showed
commendable patience as Jan and I inevitably began discussing bridge
matters. (Better than health and political discussions!)
Tel Aviv skyline
On the way to the restaurant we passed the Sarona area and this skyline
caught our attention. We were amazed by the amount of building going on
here in the centre of Tel Aviv.
2021 - A visit to Tirza Naor.
A couple of weeks ago, after a visit to the Segolis, we visited
Naor in nearby Omer on her 97th birthday. Doreen is a volunteer
Befriender with the ESRA organisation and Tirza, a holocaust
is one of her "befriendees".

May 2021
- Zvike
and Zahava Karlsblad in Eilat with son Aviv Levy
Schank Family tree.
May 2021 -
the Segolis
at Kornmehl farm
During a visit to the Segolis in Midreshet Ben Gurion we enjoyed a
light lunch at the Kornmehl Farm, a nearby farm and restaurant in the
Negev Desset.
May 2021 -
Doreen and
Hazel Wolfson
Doreen was happy to meet up with Hazel
Wolfson and her friend Dorothy. Hazel and her late husband Alon were
our neighbours in Hofit and we remained friendly even after we left
Doreen, Hazel Wolfson, Dorothy Belkind
May 2021 -
visits Susan Nathan
Susan lives in Nof Hagalil, a town just outside Nazareth with a mixed
Jewish-Arab population. After all the unrest in the mixed towns in
Israel things have quietened somewhat and Doreen decided to visit Susan
see Levy family tree) and see how
she was coping.
Doreen reports a lovely visit and a lovely lunch at a local restaurant.
Click for a previous visit last month.
A safer place
During the hostilities between Hamas and
Israel there was
especially heavy firing on Ashkelon and Ashdod, where relatives
(Bortenstein) Loew and the Shavit family live. Fortunately
they did not have a
direct hit but spent a lot of time in shelters, so we invited them to
come and stay with us for a few days as our area was only a mildly
threatened area. Yaffa spent a few days with us, and her daughter Vered
Shavit with her four children stayed with our daughter Vered Ron and
Aviv Ron.
(see Schank family tree)
While Yaffa was staying with us Doreen took the
of taking her to visit the pedestrian street in nearby town Zichron
At Vered and Aviv Ron's house Aviv took the
opportunity to show little Yaara how to feed little dog Alma. (click on
the picture for a short video)
May 2021
- baby Carno
Congratulations to cousin Cecile (Levy) Cotton on the birth of another
grandchild - a baby girl named Naomi Tova. Mazaltov to mommy and
Jenna and Yonatan Carno and to sisters Meira and Kaela. Cecile sent us
this picture of the day-old baby. (see
Matz family trees).
May 2021
- Aviv dives in St Lucia
Morris Kahn and son Aviv Levy dived off Saint Lucia Island in the
May 2021
- The Leibowitzes
Thanks to cousin Sharon (Levy) Leibowitz for this recent picture of
some of her family.(see
Levy and
Matz family trees).

Sharon, Joe, Natalie, Dona, Erica, Daniel, with Michaela in front
May 2021 - A family
keeping the streets clean
her amazement while walking the dog Doreen met this exceptional
family picking up trash in the streets near us. Doreen: "I thought my
dogs' poo was my solitary madness and I am thrilled to meet other
people who want to keep our streets clean."
May 2021 -
Lewinski Market
The Rons answer to the rocket attacks was to go to the Levinski Market
in Tel Aviv to enjoy a delicious meal and to buy some tasty items to
take home.
May 2021 - Alma
Pashas celebrates her batmitzvah
We celebrated the
batmitzvah of
Alma Pashas,
daughter of Moriah (Kirshner) and Gil, and grandaughter of Rochele
(Bortenstein) and Moshe Kirshner. The party had been postponed due to
the Corona virus and was well catered and with plenty of activites for
the younger
ones to enjoy. We enjoyed the party and seeing so many family again.
Schank family tree.

Alma and Doreen
1st Ocean
Community event
At the launching of the Ocean
Tech Community, which deals with
water and sea issues, both of our sons Aviv and Moran were
invited to give short summaries of the work they do.
There is a picture of Moran
and below of Aviv, giving their talks.
Vered takes care
of Lotem and Zoe
While daughter in law Mikhal Segoli was in hospital, daughter
Vered went to Midreshet Ben
Gurion to take care of Mikhal's daughters Lotem and Zoe, and to bake
and eat muffins for Saba's birthday and Mikhal's return.
visit Superland
As part of Zoe's birthday celebrations the Segolis visited Superland.
It looks like they had a great time.
Vered and
celebrate 30 years of marriage
Instead of going to a restaurant Vered and Aviv pooled their talents
for a gourmet 30th annibersary meal at home.
BBQ #3 - at
our home
With Caroline, Louise, Sybil, Yael , Doreen, Eitan (photographer) at
our home.
BBQ #2 at
the Rons
With Vered and Aviv and our granddaughters Dani and
Lior and some of their friends. Lots of food choices including many
At the
BBQ of
Terry and Carol Kessel
Noga and Basil Porter (with Geoff Bethlehem in the background) and
Doreen with Carol and Terry Kessel. (The bearded guy is the one
who prepared the Shwarma and the many salads).
Watching the flyover from the beach in Herzliya. Aviv and Vered Ron
(with Alma) , and Doreen

Aviv in The Marker Magazine
The financial newspaper
Marker publishes a magazine
supplement. The
supplement appearing on Israel's Independance Day included an article
people who have unusual jobs "Tasting 200 Cups of Coffee
a day and Feeding a Shark." Five people were featured, including son
For the English version, titled "So, what's it like to have one of the
coolest jobs in Israel?" see
below or
to Haaretz,
Here is the whole two page article in Hebrew
and this is the part on Aviv.
Restaurant -
visiting Susan Doreen and I went for lunch
at the Diana Restaurant in Nazereth. After a few delicious salads we
ordered their famous lamb kebabs and were not disappointed. The kebabs
are not minced by machine but manually freshly chopped and mixed with
herbs. Recommended!

April 2021 -
Visiting cousin Susan Nathan
We visited Susan Nathan who is at the Nof HaGalil Retirement Home in
Nazareth and
spent a few pleasant hours with her.
We had a fabulous
seder tonight
at the home of Vered and Aviv.
All 16 of our immediate family took part - so it was like a family
We had a reasonably traditional
with only a few passages
left out .
Zoe sang the Four Questions
Then followed a feast fit for kings including vegan options: chopped
liver both real and
vegan, gefilte fish with
chicken soup with
lamb, baked salmon, gnocci in tomato sauce,all accompanied by salada
and matza of
course, and plenty of
wine. Some delicious deserts, including Pear Helene and ice-cream,
finished off the
meal - and us.
We had eaten so much that we needed a break before concluding the
seder, and some relaxed by playing chess

After a short search Zoe found the afikoman
(confirmed by comparing the two halves)
and the evening was concluded by a highly successful singing
of Chad Gadya and Echad-mi-yodea
and a medley of favourite
Hebrew songs.
Doreen at the
polling station, preparing to receive voters
It's spring and son
Moran and Mikhal Segoli went up north to the Golan to see the beautiful
flowers that the onset of spring brings to the country. On the left are
irises and on the right the much rarer White Iris.
March 2021 - The
Eilat Levys demonstrate
There are plans by a joint Israel-United Arab Emirates company to
transfer crude oil through a pipe line from Eilat to the Mediterrean.
Many experts fear that an oil leak could severely damage Red Sea Coral
reefs, or cripple other marine life in the Medirerranean and halt
desalination off the Mediterranean coast that supplies much of Israel's
drinking water.
(See, for example, a detailed article in the
of Israel).
Son Aviv and his children joined a demonstration against
this plan. See another picture in the
Archives. We are happy
that our grandchildren are active in the causes
they believe in - especially, but not only, when we identify with
their actions.
March 2021 Covid restrictions relaxed
In mid-March the relaxation of the restrictions allowed doing things
apart from visiting family and shopping:
We went to Kibbutz Yizrael about an
hour's drive away to enjoy a
'braai' (barbecue) with long-time friends from our South African days
Binny and Steve Blass. We were happy to meet some others there
whom we
have not seen for many many years.
Clockwise from l-r: Me, Binny Blass, Lulu Kahn, ?, Selwyn Meyers,
Hilary, Steve Blass Bernice Meyers (out of the picture Keith Akiva
At the kibbutz we sat on a bench dedicated to the memory of my cousin
Vivian Klaff, who was a close friend of the Blasses.
invited our neighbour's two children,
Maayan aged 8 and Hila aged 6, for breakfast
while their parents were at work. They devoured the pancakes Doreen had
made, lavished with Maple syrup. It seems grandparents are essential -
even if they are not your own! (Last year, during a lockdown break,
we invited them for supper.)
Daughter Vered
Ron and family got together with cousin Jonty Levy and
l-r: Danielle R, Dina L, Yardena L,
Jonty L, Vered R, Aviv R, Lior R
March 2021 -
visit to Eilat
We and the Segolis joined the Eilati Levys in Eilat. The
highlight was meeting at Coral World for a barbecue with countless
delicious salads prepared by Limor. While the adults rested and
talked the younger children enjoyed the freedom of finally enjoying
open spaces. It's always a pleasure to see how our grandchildren get
along so well with each other. (see for example
picture on granddaughter Zoe's page).
Lior and Aviv made sure the food - including vegan options - was cooked
just right, and the adults sat and stood around the fire and chatted
and listened to music.

See a
picture of all of us enjoying
the meal.
The next morning most of the family visited
Timna, always an interesting location for a walk.
March 2021 - Adloyada at Midreshet Ben Gurion (Sde Boqer)
Purim this year was "business as usual" at Midreshet Ben
Gurion, where the high school students prepared and staged their
adloyada, a
carnival-like parade. Due to Covid restrictions this year non-residents
could not attend. The theme this year was "Dreams" and below we can see
the floats that grandson Maayan was involved in - the BFG (Big
Friendly Giant, from Roald Dahl's book) who could trap dreams and a
float representing "nightmares".
adloyada is an
opportunity for the students to express their creativity and also to
let "their hair down" -
see for
example Maayan enjoying himself.
February 2021 -
Finally, famiy outings
With most Covid restrictions lessened many are enjoying
getting out and visiting friends, relatives and places. Taking
advantage of the sunny (though cold) weather the Rons visited the
Naharayim Park just south of the Kinereth (Sea of Galilee) and the
Segolis went right
up to Israel's northernmost beach, Betzet, and are spending
a few days at the camping site there

A visit to
Lesotho about 1997
On a visit to Southern Africa with Aviv and Limor we also visited

Snow in the
It's rare but this year the higher areas of the Negev desert
had snow and the Segolis were happy to take advantage of the snow
in their "backyard" and enjoy the desert snow on the Amasa Hill
(הר עמשא) part of the Hebron Hills in the northern Negev. The camel is
in the area bordering on the man-made Yatir forest. What's a desert
without camels?
See also
Archives 2021.
February 2021
- Solar Receptors for the Segolis
The Segolis are continuing going "green". They have installed a battery
of solar receptors on the roof of their house, together with about
another 30 households in the area. The electricity produced is fed into
electricity grid.
2021 - Family meetings resume.
No more lockdown and we have green 'passports' so a family weekend was
for. On Friday the Rons, Aviv and Moran and their daughters came for
dinner. The Segolis and Levys slept over and
then on Saturday we all went for brunch to Vered and the Rons, followed
by a family walk..

February 2021 -
visit to Midreshet Ben
We took advantage of theend of the lockdown and getting our
new car and spent
today in Midreshet Ben Gurion in Sde Boqer with our son Moran Segoli
and family and
with daughter Vered, Aviv and Danielle. On the way there we stopped at
Moran's place of work - the Agriculture Research and Development Unit
in the Negev - and heard from him about his various projects there.

It was also an opportunity
to celebrate (a little late) Moran's
It was a warm sunny day and we enjoyed sitting outside
and chatting, while granddaughters Lotem and Danielle went head to head
February 6,
2021 -
Tamar Moskovitz's batmitzvah